Let us talk Ukraine and the Left for a moment, so you can find out who/whom did this to the USA!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
Litwin and others, want you to believe we should be at the beckoning side of Ukraine...........and maybe we should be............but do you know WHY we are put in this position? Let me explain it to you, then YOU make your own call on it, and there really is no right, or wrong answer-------->

After the former USSR collapsed, Ukraine after it became independent, became the NUMBER 3 NUCLEAR power in the world for a short time. It had nuclear missiles everywhere. In 1994, The Commander and Chief......Bill Clinstone.....cut a deal.........kinda like what he did with North Korea, but that deal with North Korea is a topic for a different thread!

Anyway, Clinstone, the UK, and Russia all guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty, IF they would divest themselves of all those nuclear missiles they had on their land. I never did read if those missiles were dismantled, or they gave them back to Russia, but needless to say the nukes went away........and Ukraine went along its merry way as a free nation. Russia was doing Glasnost and all that other wonderful stuff, so on the surface it appeared, Europe was all good. The US gave the Ukraine a little taxpayer cash to help them along.

And then, along came Putin!

From the time Putin took control of Russia, he knew his country had ZERO/NADA/FORGET ABOUT IT chance to win any sort of conventional war with the West. But he didn't have to IF he convinced the West if they stood against his wishes, he would NUKE them. Americans NEED to understand something---------->Russia is a PAPER TIGER militarily without NUKES, (which is why they have asked China and North Korea for help) which is why EVERY threat they throw at us is NUCLEAR. If they proclaimed they were going to attack us or Europe with conventional weapons, their tanks and troops would get blown off the road and destroyed before they got 10 mls out of Russian territory!

Point for us all is----------> I do NOT know what Trump told Putin......there are many instances on what was/and was not said. But Putin said, nope, not now, bad idea.

And then along came Joe and Kammy! Now that YOU as Americans know, that WE........in other words the USA........guaranteed the INDEPENDENCE of Ukraine, what do YOU think the level of fear Joe and Kammy threw into the Kremlin? Even the UKs commitment has looked relatively weak, has it not.......considering they also signed on as protectors of Ukraine's independence. Do you think if Ukraine was told that if attacked, we would just give them weapons, and not great ones, they would have agreed? They gave up NUKES, and less than 20 years later, they are invaded by the same people that they had won their independence from in the 1st place!

And so, is Ukraine a member of NATO? Not really. They are loosely tied with them, but full membership has eluded them as they did not push hard for it until Russia decided to invade. Therefore, the only tie we have to them is our word to protect their sovereignty; but truth be told, the rest of Europe has a much larger interest in how that war goes than we do. They need to be the ones most concerned as Russia will expand anywhere they can that is NOT in NATO, because under the NATO treaty, an attacked NATO member can claim that "an attack 1 is an attack on all," bringing all NATO nations military to bear.

As an aside for your information, the ONLY country EVER to invoke that clause was the USA after the 9-11 attacks; which is EXACTLY why you had such a large coalition in the Middle East. Had the powers that be unleashed the military to do what it does best at that time, we would NOT be having the problems we are having today! Iran, etc would be no more. This is why most adversaries do NOT like Trump at all, they FEAR him!

And so, the ending point is------------>we had better hope that whatever Trump said to Putin, Xi, and Kim work again in ADMINISTRATION number 2, because the Biden/Harris administration has put this country in a real pickle by what they let happen, while doing nothing to push back but give weapons; and not great ones to boot.

Our leaders really have a choice; a choice you will be debating going forward, which Russians and Middle Eastern adversaries will monitor------------> we either GIVE Ukraine weapons short of nukes that the Kremlin has no answer for believing nobody is dumb enough to use NUKES unless their country is invaded, or let Russia have the Ukraine unless all of Europe massively steps in to protect them. Again, there is no correct or incorrect answer, only moral answers.....which in politics, mean NOTHING!
For now, just two points on which you don't have a correct understanding:

1. America started the war, and America was guilty of being involved even before 2014. America's foreign policy has never been anything other than eliminating competing superpowers.

2. Russia is now the most powerful and capable military force in the world.
For now, just two points on which you don't have a correct understanding:

1. America started the war, and America was guilty of being involved even before 2014. America's foreign policy has never been anything other than eliminating competing superpowers.

2. Russia is now the most powerful and capable military force in the world.

America didn't start the war.

Russia's conventional army is a joke.
Litwin and others, want you to believe we should be at the beckoning side of Ukraine...........and maybe we should be............but do you know WHY we are put in this position? Let me explain it to you, then YOU make your own call on it, and there really is no right, or wrong answer-------->

After the former USSR collapsed, Ukraine after it became independent, became the NUMBER 3 NUCLEAR power in the world for a short time. It had nuclear missiles everywhere. In 1994, The Commander and Chief......Bill Clinstone.....cut a deal.........kinda like what he did with North Korea, but that deal with North Korea is a topic for a different thread!

Anyway, Clinstone, the UK, and Russia all guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty, IF they would divest themselves of all those nuclear missiles they had on their land. I never did read if those missiles were dismantled, or they gave them back to Russia, but needless to say the nukes went away........and Ukraine went along its merry way as a free nation. Russia was doing Glasnost and all that other wonderful stuff, so on the surface it appeared, Europe was all good. The US gave the Ukraine a little taxpayer cash to help them along.

And then, along came Putin!

From the time Putin took control of Russia, he knew his country had ZERO/NADA/FORGET ABOUT IT chance to win any sort of conventional war with the West. But he didn't have to IF he convinced the West if they stood against his wishes, he would NUKE them. Americans NEED to understand something---------->Russia is a PAPER TIGER militarily without NUKES, (which is why they have asked China and North Korea for help) which is why EVERY threat they throw at us is NUCLEAR. If they proclaimed they were going to attack us or Europe with conventional weapons, their tanks and troops would get blown off the road and destroyed before they got 10 mls out of Russian territory!

Point for us all is----------> I do NOT know what Trump told Putin......there are many instances on what was/and was not said. But Putin said, nope, not now, bad idea.

And then along came Joe and Kammy! Now that YOU as Americans know, that WE........in other words the USA........guaranteed the INDEPENDENCE of Ukraine, what do YOU think the level of fear Joe and Kammy threw into the Kremlin? Even the UKs commitment has looked relatively weak, has it not.......considering they also signed on as protectors of Ukraine's independence. Do you think if Ukraine was told that if attacked, we would just give them weapons, and not great ones, they would have agreed? They gave up NUKES, and less than 20 years later, they are invaded by the same people that they had won their independence from in the 1st place!

And so, is Ukraine a member of NATO? Not really. They are loosely tied with them, but full membership has eluded them as they did not push hard for it until Russia decided to invade. Therefore, the only tie we have to them is our word to protect their sovereignty; but truth be told, the rest of Europe has a much larger interest in how that war goes than we do. They need to be the ones most concerned as Russia will expand anywhere they can that is NOT in NATO, because under the NATO treaty, an attacked NATO member can claim that "an attack 1 is an attack on all," bringing all NATO nations military to bear.

As an aside for your information, the ONLY country EVER to invoke that clause was the USA after the 9-11 attacks; which is EXACTLY why you had such a large coalition in the Middle East. Had the powers that be unleashed the military to do what it does best at that time, we would NOT be having the problems we are having today! Iran, etc would be no more. This is why most adversaries do NOT like Trump at all, they FEAR him!

And so, the ending point is------------>we had better hope that whatever Trump said to Putin, Xi, and Kim work again in ADMINISTRATION number 2, because the Biden/Harris administration has put this country in a real pickle by what they let happen, while doing nothing to push back but give weapons; and not great ones to boot.

Our leaders really have a choice; a choice you will be debating going forward, which Russians and Middle Eastern adversaries will monitor------------> we either GIVE Ukraine weapons short of nukes that the Kremlin has no answer for believing nobody is dumb enough to use NUKES unless their country is invaded, or let Russia have the Ukraine unless all of Europe massively steps in to protect them. Again, there is no correct or incorrect answer, only moral answers.....which in politics, mean NOTHING!

I'm not sure what to make of this word salad, other than a Branch Trumpidian trying to rationalize Trump's inevitable betrayal of the Ukrainian people.

Try to blame it on Clinton is silly. The guy who is at fault here is Putin, Trump's hero.

Now, I will admit that Russia does have a valid issue. the people of Donbas and Crimea are ethnically Russian. These border issues should have been resolved at the negotiating table, not the battlefield.

Once Russia decided to do that, though, the world (not just the US) took the appropriate response.
America didn't start the war.

Russia's conventional army is a joke.

I know many people will never believe it, but what Joe said is 100% accurate. You take away NUKES from Russia and tell them to fight today, they would get smoked. Unlike WWII, their wonderful RUSSIAN WINTER today means squat. They would get rolled like nobody's business, and I know it, JoeB1 knows it; but more importantly, Russia and Puty, Puut, Putin knows it too!
I'm not sure what to make of this word salad, other than a Branch Trumpidian trying to rationalize Trump's inevitable betrayal of the Ukrainian people.

Try to blame it on Clinton is silly. The guy who is at fault here is Putin, Trump's hero.

Now, I will admit that Russia does have a valid issue. the people of Donbas and Crimea are ethnically Russian. These border issues should have been resolved at the negotiating table, not the battlefield.

Once Russia decided to do that, though, the world (not just the US) took the appropriate response.

Ah Joe, and you and I were just starting to get along because we have a sense of what is actually going on!

You stating Russia has a valid issue, is like insisting Hitler had a point for invading Austria, lol.

Were it NOT for the USSR controlling Ukraine since the end of WWII, those areas you mention would be 100% Ukranian.

As far as Clinstone goes. He was a very good politician; of this there is no doubt. But with other nations, he cut HORSESH** deals, 1 is with North Korea, 1 with Russia over Ukraine. North Korea would be EL GONE-O, were it not for his belief in his own infallibility......or at the very least, much weaker than it is!

So where did everything go wrong?

That is easy. WE as a country, want peace; think we can all agree on that. What always happens to our Presidents is--------->they CUT DEALS that end up screwing us. It isn't a Democrat phenomena, it is a Republican problem too.

All of you people tell me------------> In 1946, who could we NOT smoke? In 1955, who could we not Smoke? Today, when dealing with the Middle East, who can we not smoke? In fact, right or wrong, if we wish, tomorrow we could turn the whole country of Iran to glass; period, end of story.

During the mid early/mid 40s, we turned Dresden/Berlin/Cologne to fire pits that few people could survive in. Some Americans insist we have become MORE CIVIIZED. And yet, not our attackers, oh no, no. They ran our own planes into our towers, killed civilians, and laughed. They come here and kill our women, our kids, our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers; of all colors and religions.

Donald Trump....I feel.....is an arrogant pecker. But an arrogant pecker is far better at this moment in time, than a TAMPON TIM, or a KAMMY. They may both be nice people, but what we need, they ain't got.......personality wise.
For now, just two points on which you don't have a correct understanding:

1. America started the war, and America was guilty of being involved even before 2014. America's foreign policy has never been anything other than eliminating competing superpowers.

2. Russia is now the most powerful and capable military force in the world.

Russia is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial unless it uses it's nuclear weapons. In fact, they are so weak, I am confident that Poland and Ukraine together could dismantle them militarily.

You know what Russia has if you take away their nukes? A weak economy, an incompetent dictator, a bullshit military that can't beat Ukraine in how long?

You should be ASHAMED! If this is the best Russia has as far as conventional forces, then Hawaii with Tulsi known as the VELVET GLOVE leading, would beat them handily-)
I'm not sure what to make of this word salad, other than a Branch Trumpidian trying to rationalize Trump's inevitable betrayal of the Ukrainian people.

Try to blame it on Clinton is silly. The guy who is at fault here is Putin, Trump's hero.

Now, I will admit that Russia does have a valid issue. the people of Donbas and Crimea are ethnically Russian. These border issues should have been resolved at the negotiating table, not the battlefield.

Once Russia decided to do that, though, the world (not just the US) took the appropriate response.

Let me tell you something DUDE--------> I am in no way suggesting that CLINSTONE should NOT have cut that deal. We have the luck of hindsight though to measure, do we not?

In both North Koreas, AND the Ukraine deal, he SCREWED the proverbial pooch. If you see it different, tell us your opinion, otherwise, accept the fact that Clinstone may have been a wonderful politician on the American stage, but incompetent in all things foreign policy! WHICH was always put forth as his biggest weakness......besides women!
For now, just two points on which you don't have a correct understanding:

1. America started the war, and America was guilty of being involved even before 2014. America's foreign policy has never been anything other than eliminating competing superpowers.

2. Russia is now the most powerful and capable military force in the world.
THAT was one of the dumbest posts I've ever read. Even for a dimocrap scumbag, that was stupid.

THAT was one of the dumbest posts I've ever read. Even for a dimocrap scumbag, that was stupid.


Stupid? Since when have we seen them.....especially after the election...........be competent at all-)
Ah Joe, and you and I were just starting to get along because we have a sense of what is actually going on!

You stating Russia has a valid issue, is like insisting Hitler had a point for invading Austria, lol.

Were it NOT for the USSR controlling Ukraine since the end of WWII, those areas you mention would be 100% Ukranian.

As far as Clinstone goes. He was a very good politician; of this there is no doubt. But with other nations, he cut HORSESH** deals, 1 is with North Korea, 1 with Russia over Ukraine. North Korea would be EL GONE-O, were it not for his belief in his own infallibility......or at the very least, much weaker than it is!

So where did everything go wrong?

That is easy. WE as a country, want peace; think we can all agree on that. What always happens to our Presidents is--------->they CUT DEALS that end up screwing us. It isn't a Democrat phenomena, it is a Republican problem too.

All of you people tell me------------> In 1946, who could we NOT smoke? In 1955, who could we not Smoke? Today, when dealing with the Middle East, who can we not smoke? In fact, right or wrong, if we wish, tomorrow we could turn the whole country of Iran to glass; period, end of story.

During the mid early/mid 40s, we turned Dresden/Berlin/Cologne to fire pits that few people could survive in. Some Americans insist we have become MORE CIVIIZED. And yet, not our attackers, oh no, no. They ran our own planes into our towers, killed civilians, and laughed. They come here and kill our women, our kids, our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers; of all colors and religions.

Donald Trump....I feel.....is an arrogant pecker. But an arrogant pecker is far better at this moment in time, than a TAMPON TIM, or a KAMMY. They may both be nice people, but what we need, they ain't got.......personality wise.

You mention that Russia controlled Ukraine since WW2.

True. And Ukrainians would rather die than go back to that.

What's that tell you??

Plus, they're some pretty bad-ass people. Gotta love that
Stupid? Since when have we seen them.....especially after the election...........be competent at all-)

Never. Not ever.

I don't know OMB personally. I couldn't care less what political party he belongs to. Not impressed by his money.

The only thing I care about is -- He is COMPETENT.

dimocrap scum are not. dimocrap scum, like the little girls they are, vote based on "Feelings' not on actual competence.

You ask a dimocrap what they think and they'll tell you how they feel. Ask a Conservative how they feel and they will tell you what they think.

dimocrap scum are incapable of independent thought. How many times do we have to see it before people finally realize it. It's okay in children. It's even okay in young Women. We WANT them to be sensitive. We also don't want them to be harmed.

I don't want a sensitive POTUS, thank you. I want a mean sumbitch that is going to make the right calls in order to take care of The People of The United States of America. FUCK a bunch of sensitivity

And for people to vote based on feelings is simply stoopid.

I bet most of them would pick a Brain Surgeon based on how they feel as opposed to how good he is.
America didn't start the war.

Russia's conventional army is a joke.

Joe Biden invited his friend Putin to invade Ukraine. Then Joe panicked because he had to protect his money-laundering operation there.

Joe Biden invited his friend Putin to invade Ukraine. Then Joe panicked because he had to protect his money-laundering operation there.

While I would love to agree with you, I can't. For the last 4 years, our President has been a group of LEFTIST unelected officials who control the country. This is why they wanted Kammy; they figured they could control her too.

Now they got a tiger by the tail known as Trump.........or as a matter of fact, Trump has them by the tail, and will not let go!

Leftist orthodoxy is going to collapse quickly, watch and see. What they have done to themselves out of arrogance believing they convinced everyone of their bullsh**, will go down in history as a political joke. 15 years from now pundits will proclaim-------->so and so is trying the Kammy, lol. Didn't work back in 24, and it won't work now.

Congrats LEFTISTS, you are now a joke across the ages. I just wish we could add names to the joke for posterity, like IMwho, MACAFLOOZY, PUTTINGGATOR, DRAGONCHICKLETTE, and let us NOT forget the political genius in his own mind, the BERG, lol.

You people are SCREWED. Keeping talking, posting, while we laugh. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of LEFTISTS......especially MACAFLOOZY............not because he is the worst of them, but because like it or not, he appears to be the most INTELLIGENT of them. (then of course, we are measuring his intelligence against people like IMwho, lol)

FLOOZY, go away, your done, and are a joke-) You did it to yourself, so a self inflicted wound is sort of appropriate, don't you think! Go find that 3rd party, and call us when you find it-)
Litwin and others, want you to believe we should be at the beckoning side of Ukraine...........and maybe we should be............but do you know WHY we are put in this position? Let me explain it to you, then YOU make your own call on it, and there really is no right, or wrong answer-------->

After the former USSR collapsed, Ukraine after it became independent, became the NUMBER 3 NUCLEAR power in the world for a short time. It had nuclear missiles everywhere. In 1994, The Commander and Chief......Bill Clinstone.....cut a deal.........kinda like what he did with North Korea, but that deal with North Korea is a topic for a different thread!

Anyway, Clinstone, the UK, and Russia all guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty, IF they would divest themselves of all those nuclear missiles they had on their land. I never did read if those missiles were dismantled, or they gave them back to Russia, but needless to say the nukes went away........and Ukraine went along its merry way as a free nation. Russia was doing Glasnost and all that other wonderful stuff, so on the surface it appeared, Europe was all good. The US gave the Ukraine a little taxpayer cash to help them along.

And then, along came Putin!

From the time Putin took control of Russia, he knew his country had ZERO/NADA/FORGET ABOUT IT chance to win any sort of conventional war with the West. But he didn't have to IF he convinced the West if they stood against his wishes, he would NUKE them. Americans NEED to understand something---------->Russia is a PAPER TIGER militarily without NUKES, (which is why they have asked China and North Korea for help) which is why EVERY threat they throw at us is NUCLEAR. If they proclaimed they were going to attack us or Europe with conventional weapons, their tanks and troops would get blown off the road and destroyed before they got 10 mls out of Russian territory!

Point for us all is----------> I do NOT know what Trump told Putin......there are many instances on what was/and was not said. But Putin said, nope, not now, bad idea.

And then along came Joe and Kammy! Now that YOU as Americans know, that WE........in other words the USA........guaranteed the INDEPENDENCE of Ukraine, what do YOU think the level of fear Joe and Kammy threw into the Kremlin? Even the UKs commitment has looked relatively weak, has it not.......considering they also signed on as protectors of Ukraine's independence. Do you think if Ukraine was told that if attacked, we would just give them weapons, and not great ones, they would have agreed? They gave up NUKES, and less than 20 years later, they are invaded by the same people that they had won their independence from in the 1st place!

And so, is Ukraine a member of NATO? Not really. They are loosely tied with them, but full membership has eluded them as they did not push hard for it until Russia decided to invade. Therefore, the only tie we have to them is our word to protect their sovereignty; but truth be told, the rest of Europe has a much larger interest in how that war goes than we do. They need to be the ones most concerned as Russia will expand anywhere they can that is NOT in NATO, because under the NATO treaty, an attacked NATO member can claim that "an attack 1 is an attack on all," bringing all NATO nations military to bear.

As an aside for your information, the ONLY country EVER to invoke that clause was the USA after the 9-11 attacks; which is EXACTLY why you had such a large coalition in the Middle East. Had the powers that be unleashed the military to do what it does best at that time, we would NOT be having the problems we are having today! Iran, etc would be no more. This is why most adversaries do NOT like Trump at all, they FEAR him!

And so, the ending point is------------>we had better hope that whatever Trump said to Putin, Xi, and Kim work again in ADMINISTRATION number 2, because the Biden/Harris administration has put this country in a real pickle by what they let happen, while doing nothing to push back but give weapons; and not great ones to boot.

Our leaders really have a choice; a choice you will be debating going forward, which Russians and Middle Eastern adversaries will monitor------------> we either GIVE Ukraine weapons short of nukes that the Kremlin has no answer for believing nobody is dumb enough to use NUKES unless their country is invaded, or let Russia have the Ukraine unless all of Europe massively steps in to protect them. Again, there is no correct or incorrect answer, only moral answers.....which in politics, mean NOTHING!
Donald Trump's love of his life, Vladimir Putin, grossly underestimated Joe Biden's response to his invasion of Ukraine.

Now that Trump is back in power, there is a good chance Putin will be in Kyiv by next summer, maybe sooner.

With Trump backing his moves, Putin is already massing 50,000 troops on the border for a whole new invasion.
Donald Trump's love of his life, Vladimir Putin, grossly underestimated Joe Biden's response to his invasion of Ukraine.

Now that Trump is back in power, there is a good chance Putin will be in Kyiv by next summer, maybe sooner.

With Trump backing his moves, Putin is already massing 50,000 troops on the border for a whole new invasion.

What are you smoking or taking? We know you are delusional, but hanging your rearend out there is kinda dumb.........unless of course you have sock puppet accts to fall back on.

Would the mighty G have those? Say it isn't so G, hehehehehehehehe, you damn phony!
What are you smoking or taking? We know you are delusional, but hanging your rearend out there is kinda dumb.........unless of course you have sock puppet accts to fall back on.

Would the mighty G have those? Say it isn't so G, hehehehehehehehe, you damn phony!

You still with us oh mighty G? Or rather, have you gone the way of the charming and delightful MACAFLOOZY, the DUH known as Berg, she who knows everything called DRAGONCHICK, of course the GOLFINGCHUMP, and the rest of your crew.

Wait till Elon and Trump start sniffing around. This is gonna be fun, don't you think-)
Ah Joe, and you and I were just starting to get along because we have a sense of what is actually going on!

You stating Russia has a valid issue, is like insisting Hitler had a point for invading Austria, lol.

Um, okay, let's look at that. Hitler didn't invade Austria, Austria voluntarily joined the Reich, because Pan-Germanism was a thing. Austria was in an odd position in that once they lost all the Hapsburg lands, it became quite a poor country.

A better analog might have been Czechoslovakia. You had the Sudetenland, which was German and enjoyed privileges under the Hapbburgs they lost under the Prague regime. So, yes, they had a fairly legitimate complaint, as do the Russians in the Donbas and Crimea.

Were it NOT for the USSR controlling Ukraine since the end of WWII, those areas you mention would be 100% Ukranian.

Would they, though? The USSR occupied Ukraine before WWII. The Tsarist Empire occupied it before that. It was only independent from 1917 to 1921. It certainly didn't control Crimea or the Donbass at that time. Crimea wasn't added to the Ukrainian SSR until 1954, thanks to Krushev being Ukrainian. Much of the Donbass was ceded at that time as well.

As far as Clinstone goes. He was a very good politician; of this there is no doubt. But with other nations, he cut HORSESH** deals, 1 is with North Korea, 1 with Russia over Ukraine. North Korea would be EL GONE-O, were it not for his belief in his own infallibility......or at the very least, much weaker than it is!

Actually, um, if he hadn't helped N. Korea, the regime may have collapsed, but the humanitarian disaster would have been unimaginable. The ugly secret of North Korea is that no one wants it to fall. That would result in millions of people pouring into China and South Korea. So the world keeps propping up the corrupt little Kim Dynasty.

All of you people tell me------------> In 1946, who could we NOT smoke? In 1955, who could we not Smoke? Today, when dealing with the Middle East, who can we not smoke? In fact, right or wrong, if we wish, tomorrow we could turn the whole country of Iran to glass; period, end of story.

Well, in 1946, if a war broke out in Europe, my money would have been on the USSR. Sure we had bombs, but not H-bombs, only A-bombs, which just weren't that powerful. The Soviets, on the other hand, had a battle-hardened army and some pretty good generals.

As far as smoking people in the middle east, we tried that. We lost a lot of men and we accomplished very little. Arguable, the winner of the Iraq was was Iran, as they've spread their influence in the region.

If all we have is the threat of nuclear weaponry, that's not much of a threat. No one wants to be that guy who drops the first one.

During the mid early/mid 40s, we turned Dresden/Berlin/Cologne to fire pits that few people could survive in. Some Americans insist we have become MORE CIVIIZED. And yet, not our attackers, oh no, no. They ran our own planes into our towers, killed civilians, and laughed. They come here and kill our women, our kids, our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers; of all colors and religions.

Well, to start with, we couldn't do that today without using nuclear weapons. During WWII, we had 12,000 B-17s, 18,000 B-24s, and 4000 B-29s. So, yeah, we could rain down bombs on an enemy city in an action that would be considered a war crime today.

Today, we have only 74 B-52s remaining in service.
We have 104 B-1 bombers
and a whopping 24 B-2 bombers.

Donald Trump....I feel.....is an arrogant pecker. But an arrogant pecker is far better at this moment in time, than a TAMPON TIM, or a KAMMY. They may both be nice people, but what we need, they ain't got.......personality wise.

No, actually it isn't.

First, Donald Trump doesn't have the intelligence to show good judgement. Take his assassination of Sulimani. Made him feel good, but it made our position in the region much worse. Right now, the last US troops are scheduled to leave Iraq by 2025. Trump's Doha accords led to the disastrous retreat from Kabul.

We simply don't have the ability to wave around our dicks today that we had 20 years ago.

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