Let us talk Ukraine and the Left for a moment, so you can find out who/whom did this to the USA!

I know many people will never believe it, but what Joe said is 100% accurate. You take away NUKES from Russia and tell them to fight today, they would get smoked. Unlike WWII, their wonderful RUSSIAN WINTER today means squat. They would get rolled like nobody's business, and I know it, JoeB1 knows it; but more importantly, Russia and Puty, Puut, Putin knows it too!
Hitler Called. He Wants His "Rollover Russia" Blitzkrieg Back.

The Ewe Crayon has never been an independent country. After flunking out of the Soviet Union, it immediately became a colony of the Globalist Empire. Its Chucky-puppet military has been funded and trained by the PNACkos in the Deep Glowbully State since 1991.
While I would love to agree with you, I can't. For the last 4 years, our President has been a group of LEFTIST unelected officials who control the country. This is why they wanted Kammy; they figured they could control her too.

Now they got a tiger by the tail known as Trump.........or as a matter of fact, Trump has them by the tail, and will not let go!

Leftist orthodoxy is going to collapse quickly, watch and see. What they have done to themselves out of arrogance believing they convinced everyone of their bullsh**, will go down in history as a political joke. 15 years from now pundits will proclaim-------->so and so is trying the Kammy, lol. Didn't work back in 24, and it won't work now.

Congrats LEFTISTS, you are now a joke across the ages. I just wish we could add names to the joke for posterity, like IMwho, MACAFLOOZY, PUTTINGGATOR, DRAGONCHICKLETTE, and let us NOT forget the political genius in his own mind, the BERG, lol.

You people are SCREWED. Keeping talking, posting, while we laugh. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of LEFTISTS......especially MACAFLOOZY............not because he is the worst of them, but because like it or not, he appears to be the most INTELLIGENT of them. (then of course, we are measuring his intelligence against people like IMwho, lol)

FLOOZY, go away, your done, and are a joke-) You did it to yourself, so a self inflicted wound is sort of appropriate, don't you think! Go find that 3rd party, and call us when you find it-)
Rightists Are Agents Saboteurs for Leftists

The Progressive Poltergeists lost in 49-1 landslides in 1972 and 1984. Yet all we could say later was "They're back!"

Government isn't the only power they should be shut out of. They control the news media, Hollywood, TV, and the Eweniversities. Americans can't even identify who these people really are. Nothing has ever been done to eliminate the Liberals' creeping threats, because the people we expect to do that for us do us in.
I know many people will never believe it, but what Joe said is 100% accurate. You take away NUKES from Russia and tell them to fight today, they would get smoked. Unlike WWII, their wonderful RUSSIAN WINTER today means squat. They would get rolled like nobody's business, and I know it, JoeB1 knows it; but more importantly, Russia and Puty, Puut, Putin knows it too!
"Дебилы, блядь"!
Just another moron talking out of his ass!

Ukrainian intelligence,
Whereas the RS-26 was a derivative of the SS-27M ICBM, making use of its first and second stages, the Orezhnik, according to the Ukrainians, made use of the first and second stages of the new “Kedr” (Cedar) ICBM, which is in the early stages of development. Moreover, the weapons delivery system appears to be taken from the newly developed Yars-M, which uses independent post-boost vehicles, or IPBVs, known in Russian as blok individualnogo razvedeniya (BIR), instead of traditional multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicles, or MIRVs.

In the classic weapons configuration for a modern Russian missile, the final stage of the missile, also known as the post-boost vehicle (PBV or bus), contains all the MIRVs. Once the missile exits the earth’s atmosphere, the PBV detaches from the missile body, and then independently maneuvers, releasing each warhead at the required point for it to reach its intended target. Since the MIRVs are all attached to the same PBV, the warheads are released over targets that are on a relatively linear path, limiting the area that can be targeted.

A missile using an IPBV configuration, however, can release each reentry vehicle at the same time, allowing each warhead to follow an independent trajectory to its target. This allows for greater flexibility and accuracy.

The Oreshnik was designed to carry between four and six IPBVs. The one used against Dnipropetrovsk was a six IPBV-capable system. Each war head in turn contained six separate submunitions, consisting of metal slugs forged from exotic alloys that enabled them to maintain their form during the extreme heat generated by hypersonic re-entry speeds. These slugs are not explosive; rather they use the combined effects of the kinetic impact at high speed and the extreme heat absorbed by the exotic alloy to destroy their intended target on impact.

Oreshnik missile impact on the Dnipropetrovsk military industrial complex
The military industrial target struck by the Oreshnik was hit by six independent warheads, each containing six submunitions. In all, the Dnipropetrovsk facility was struck by 36 separate munitions, inflicting devastating damage, including to underground production facilities used by Ukraine and its NATO allies to produce short- and intermediate-range missiles.

These facilities were destroyed.

If history is the judge, the Oreshnik will likely mirror in terms of operational concept a Soviet-era missile, the Skorost, which was developed beginning in 1982 to counter the planned deployment by the United States of the Pershing II intermediate-range ballistic missile to West Germany. The Skorost was, like the Oreshnik, an amalgam of technologies from missiles under development at the time, including an advanced version of the SS-20 IRBM, the yet-to-be deployed SS-25 ICBM, and the still under development SS-27. The result was a road-mobile two-stage missile which could carry either a conventional or nuclear payload that used a six-axle transporter-erector-launcher, or TEL (both the RS-26 and the Oreshnik likewise use a six-axle TEL).
In 1984, as the Skorost neared completion, the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces conducted exercises where SS-20 units practiced the tactics that would be used by the Skorost equipped forces. A total of three regiments of Skorost missiles were planned to be formed, comprising a total of 36 launchers and over 100 missiles. Bases for these units were constructed in 1985.

The Skorost missile and launcher
The Skorost was never deployed; production stopped in March 1987 as the Soviet Union prepared for the realities of the INF Treaty, which would have banned the Skorost system.
The history of the Skorost is important because the operational requirements for the system—to mirror the Pershing II missiles and quickly strike them in time of war—is the same mission given to the Oreshnik missile, with the Dark Eagle replacing the Pershing II.
But the Oreshnik can also strike other targets, including logistic facilities, command and control facilities, air defense facilities (indeed, the Russians just put the new Mk. 41 Aegis Ashore anti-ballistic missile defense facility that was activated on Polish soil on the Oreshnik’s target list).
In short, the Oreshnik is a game-changer in every way. In his November 21 remarks, Putin chided the United States, noting that the decision by President Trump in 2019 to withdraw from the INF Treaty was foolish, made even more so by the looming deployment of the Oreshnik missile, which would have been banned under the treaty.
On November 22, Putin announced that the Oreshnik was to enter serial production. He also noted that the Russians already had a significant stockpile of Oreshnik missiles that would enable Russia to respond to any new provocations by Ukraine and its western allies, thereby dismissing the assessments of western intelligence which held that, as an experimental system, the Russians did not have the ability to repeat attacks such as the one that took place on November 21.
As a conventionally armed weapon, the Oreshnik provides Russia with the means to strike strategic targets without resorting to the use of nuclear weapons. This means that if Russia were to decide to strike NATO targets because of any future Ukrainian provocation (or a direct provocation by NATO), it can do so without resorting to nuclear weapons.
This reads just like the local news on TV every morning: "Shit hit the fan at 4 am this morning, multiple suspects and police are searching for a motive, and investigation pending." Will there be announcement of war, or are we already in one and just haven't been told? Why are we perpetually on def con 5 here if we want peace so bad? Something stinks here.
Something stinks here.

Miles Mathis has always contended that the whole war is contrived Theatre .
That is, the star roles are being played by Deep State actors -- certainly possible with Pooty, and most definitely with the Mad Midget and Ledoneld (Hebrew) Trump .
His grandfather was a German Jew ----- Friedrich Drumfe.

And who knows who gives orders to the Piss Pot President ----- the Jewish International Settlement Bankers presumably .
For now, just two points on which you don't have a correct understanding:

1. America started the war, and America was guilty of being involved even before 2014. America's foreign policy has never been anything other than eliminating competing superpowers.

2. Russia is now the most powerful and capable military force in the world.
Number two is a number two.
And who knows who gives orders to the Piss Pot President ----- the Jewish International Settlement Bankers presumably .
It certainly seems like the deep state ( in this case their mouth Biden) is making a bid to kick off chaos before he is no longer spokesman, and you can almost feel the desperation. Whether or not Trump will be the justice tiger he is portrayed as remains to be seen, that may be just his "brand" that we are seeing One thing is certain, the MIC and our security/shot callers are heavily invested in global war and will be impossible to influence at this point. It may even come to who declares martial law first, Biden or Trump.
Joe Biden invited his friend Putin to invade Ukraine. Then Joe panicked because he had to protect his money-laundering operation there.

The Ukraine embarrassment is an action by Biden's handlers to harm the USA as much as possible, as fast as possible. Otherwise, there is no way to explain this https://www.reuters.com/world/biden...-forgive-47-billion-loans-ukraine-2024-11-20/

The Ukrainian economy depends on US welfare. Receiving that welfare depends on kickbacks to Biden. Peace would devastate Ukraine economically.

Democrats have done to Ukraine what they did to black families.
Here's the guy. its literally all his fault.
Trump tried to get Russia back into the G-7
Held up weapons shipments to Ukraine
Said at a press conference (standing next to Putin) that he trusted Putin's word over his own intelligence agencies.

Fuck, he did everything short of fellating Putin on national TV.
Putin invades Crimea under Obama.. crickets
Putin invades Ukraine under Biden.. crickets
Trump keeps Ukraine safe.. (Trump is a Putin puppet)
You know what Trump did against Russia but that doesn't matter to you because it contradicts your narrative.
Watch the vids I posted to remind yourself which President stood up to Putin to keep Ukraine safe.
Putin invades Crimea under Obama.. crickets
Putin invades Ukraine under Biden.. crickets
Trump keeps Ukraine safe.. (Trump is a Putin puppet)
You know what Trump did against Russia but that doesn't matter to you because it contradicts your narrative.
Watch the vids I posted to remind yourself which President stood up to Putin to keep Ukraine safe.

Except Trump didn't keep Ukraine "Safe". Putin acted pretty much with impunity in the Donbas.

Putin got everything he wanted out of Trump. He expects to get a lot more.
Litwin and others, want you to believe we should be at the beckoning side of Ukraine...........and maybe we should be............but do you know WHY we are put in this position? Let me explain it to you, then YOU make your own call on it, and there really is no right, or wrong answer-------->

After the former USSR collapsed, Ukraine after it became independent, became the NUMBER 3 NUCLEAR power in the world for a short time. It had nuclear missiles everywhere. In 1994, The Commander and Chief......Bill Clinstone.....cut a deal.........kinda like what he did with North Korea, but that deal with North Korea is a topic for a different thread!

Anyway, Clinstone, the UK, and Russia all guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty, IF they would divest themselves of all those nuclear missiles they had on their land. I never did read if those missiles were dismantled, or they gave them back to Russia, but needless to say the nukes went away........and Ukraine went along its merry way as a free nation. Russia was doing Glasnost and all that other wonderful stuff, so on the surface it appeared, Europe was all good. The US gave the Ukraine a little taxpayer cash to help them along.

And then, along came Putin!

From the time Putin took control of Russia, he knew his country had ZERO/NADA/FORGET ABOUT IT chance to win any sort of conventional war with the West. But he didn't have to IF he convinced the West if they stood against his wishes, he would NUKE them. Americans NEED to understand something---------->Russia is a PAPER TIGER militarily without NUKES, (which is why they have asked China and North Korea for help) which is why EVERY threat they throw at us is NUCLEAR. If they proclaimed they were going to attack us or Europe with conventional weapons, their tanks and troops would get blown off the road and destroyed before they got 10 mls out of Russian territory!

Point for us all is----------> I do NOT know what Trump told Putin......there are many instances on what was/and was not said. But Putin said, nope, not now, bad idea.

And then along came Joe and Kammy! Now that YOU as Americans know, that WE........in other words the USA........guaranteed the INDEPENDENCE of Ukraine, what do YOU think the level of fear Joe and Kammy threw into the Kremlin? Even the UKs commitment has looked relatively weak, has it not.......considering they also signed on as protectors of Ukraine's independence. Do you think if Ukraine was told that if attacked, we would just give them weapons, and not great ones, they would have agreed? They gave up NUKES, and less than 20 years later, they are invaded by the same people that they had won their independence from in the 1st place!

And so, is Ukraine a member of NATO? Not really. They are loosely tied with them, but full membership has eluded them as they did not push hard for it until Russia decided to invade. Therefore, the only tie we have to them is our word to protect their sovereignty; but truth be told, the rest of Europe has a much larger interest in how that war goes than we do. They need to be the ones most concerned as Russia will expand anywhere they can that is NOT in NATO, because under the NATO treaty, an attacked NATO member can claim that "an attack 1 is an attack on all," bringing all NATO nations military to bear.

As an aside for your information, the ONLY country EVER to invoke that clause was the USA after the 9-11 attacks; which is EXACTLY why you had such a large coalition in the Middle East. Had the powers that be unleashed the military to do what it does best at that time, we would NOT be having the problems we are having today! Iran, etc would be no more. This is why most adversaries do NOT like Trump at all, they FEAR him!

And so, the ending point is------------>we had better hope that whatever Trump said to Putin, Xi, and Kim work again in ADMINISTRATION number 2, because the Biden/Harris administration has put this country in a real pickle by what they let happen, while doing nothing to push back but give weapons; and not great ones to boot.

Our leaders really have a choice; a choice you will be debating going forward, which Russians and Middle Eastern adversaries will monitor------------> we either GIVE Ukraine weapons short of nukes that the Kremlin has no answer for believing nobody is dumb enough to use NUKES unless their country is invaded, or let Russia have the Ukraine unless all of Europe massively steps in to protect them. Again, there is no correct or incorrect answer, only moral answers.....which in politics, mean NOTHING!

Well, that’s not what happened and Putin has been using incredible restraint in prosecuting the Biden approved military action

Moreover there was a peace deal in April 22 that could have ended the hostilities to everyone’s satisfaction— except BlackRock and the MIC
Moreover there was a peace deal in April 22 that could have ended the hostilities to everyone’s satisfaction— except BlackRock and the MIC
Sort of a replay of the US-Soviet peace talks that were to take place in 1960. Alan Dulles was aware that peace may break out and sent Gary Powers over Russia in a U2 which was of course shot down, and no more peace discussions. There was no need for an overflight at that time, and the whole incident is very strange. No one who is in power wants peace, no money in it. Some things don't change. After this speech Eisenhower gave his MIC speech.
At the height of the cold war, as critics of the Eisenhower administration complained about the growing "missile gap," the United States secretly gathered data on Soviet missile capabilities through photographs obtained from U-2 reconnaissance plane overflights of the Soviet Union. In May 1960, plans were finalized for a crucial Paris summit conference between western nations and leaders of the Soviet Union with disarmament to be the main focus. Hopes for a successful summit were dashed when on May 1, May Day, an American U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers was shot down over Soviet air space. On the first day of the Paris summit, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev stormed out after delivering a condemnation of U.S. spy activities.

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