OMG How Many Threads????


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Does this cover?
That better?

When Nuance Isn't Enough
"Kerry Behind the Scenes: Restless, Multisyllabic," reads the headline on a story by Jodi Wilgoren in yesterday's New York Times.

"Like a caged hamster, Senator John Kerry is restless on the road," the piece begins. The haughty, French-looking caged hamster, who by the way served in Vietnam, "pokes at the perimeter of the campaign bubble that envelops him, constantly trying to break out for a walk around the block, a restaurant dinner, the latest movie." If he were a kid, they'd put him on Ritalin.

Wilgoren writes that Kerry's "formal statements are filled with multisyllabic upper-crust phrasing." Should this impress us? After all, "monosyllabic" has just as many syllables as "multisyllabic." Besides, some of the most eloquent presidential statements are monosyllabic: "Tear down this wall!" What would John Kerry have said, "Mr. Gorbachev, kindly disassemble aforementioned barricade"?
This restlessness is one of many facets of Mr. Kerry's style and personality that is all but invisible to most voters in this era of stage-managed politics, where authentic insights into the people who would be president are precious few.

The entire article sounds "staged".
Originally posted by freeandfun1
The entire article sounds "staged".

May be because I screwed up.

I'll try to fix with edit.
Originally posted by freeandfun1
The entire article sounds "staged".

No... not the New Yorks Times!!! All the news that the DNC sees fit to print does a staged piece on Kerry?!?

sorry... enough sarcasm for one day...
I mean, the author is writing an article about what it is like to be with Kerry "unstaged" all the while knowing his staff knows that is the theme of the article and therefore, staging him for every event.

American journalism at it's best!
Originally posted by freeandfun1
I mean, the author is writing an article about what it is like to be with Kerry "unstaged" all the while knowing his staff knows that is the theme of the article and therefore, staging him for every event.

American journalism at it's best!

Hey it's the NYT! Who are you to question? or perhaps? Who are you not to?

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