And So It Begins

So a convert to Islam - a Muslim terrorist beheads a woman at Vaughn Foods and within 24 hours there is little or no mention of it on AOL news or Huffpost - it is cleanly swept out of sight as if that would put it out of our minds. What exactly will it take to wake Americans up to the reality of what our nation is facing right now? Any ideas?

so OP. I take it you like John Hagee and Jack Van Impe- they tell it like it is.
In this sermon he posted today entitled, "And so It Begins".... we see once again the fulfillment of truth - such as why the god of Islam is not the God of the bible and why preachers who told you Muslims served the same God the Christians served were telling you a bold - faced lie.

I'm going to disagree on this one, Jeri...

The God of Abraham as described in The Torah is the inspiration for both The New Testament and later The Koran. That's a historic fact.

Both books were created for the sole purpose of giving non-Jews access to The God of The Jews.

Few in either religion will deny that Abraham, and the history of his family recorded in The Torah, is first and oldest communication from the one and only God.

One God, three ways to access Him - one for those connected physically to the blood-line of Abraham, and two for the rest of us to choose from, ass-u-me-ing that a relationship with Abraham's God is the goal of an average gentile.

You can call The Koran bullshit, but the God it promotes is the same one described in The New Testament.

Abraham was justified by faith, not by works according to the Word of God, Joe. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are in heaven. Jesus spoke about them - that they would be seated in heaven while others who rejected Christ would be shut out of heaven. Salvation is of the Jew, Joe. Jesus said so. see the Gospel of John thread Chapter 4. The god of Islam is most definitely not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is never mentioned in the bible other than that he is one of the demon baal gods - you could see an example of that when Elijah challenged the false prophets of baal.

Indeed Hagar didn't even serve the God of Islam as she was an Egyptian who lived long, long before Mohammad who was born in 570 A.D. and began the teachings of Islam approximately 622 A.D. If you will read the book The Life of Mohammad and also the hadiths you will learn that Mohammad was not received by the Jews as a true prophet but rather identified as a false prophet which led to his demanding the beheading of approximately 900 Jews according to the historical account - it was as at this time he said that Allah changed the direction of prayer from towards Jerusalem to towards the east which is the direction idolators prayed - according to the written word of God - with that - I have never acknowledged allah as the God of the bible nor does Scripture.

The baal god - baal allah is one of 360 pre-islamic gods - a pre islamic moon god -that was worshipped prior to Mohammads birth. The rituals which were pre-islamic for allah - continued after Mohammad began teaching Islam -

There may be many called Joe but your wife knows when she is speaking to Joe when she is not speaking to Joe. Understand? There is only one Joe recognises as her husband. There is only one God the Jews recognize as their God - Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is one. that is my God. His name is Jesus. The Holy Spirit drew me to Him for my salvation and reconciling to God - I was graffed into the family of Abraham - by faith - Romans 10: 9, 10. The Jewish God is my God. The Islamic baal god allah is not my god - I do not bow down to baal nor will I ever bow down to baal. Issa is not Jesus. Issa is a false Jesus taught by Mohammad that will murder Christians and Jews when he returns. My God is not coming back to murder me or the Jews. That is not the God of the bible. That is Lucifer.

Jesus said many would come in his name claiming to be him and that we should not be decieved. 5 times in Matt 24 we are warned not to be deceived. Allah is not the God of the bible. He is the antithesis of the God of the bible and is an enemy of God, of Christians, of Jews, of Israel, and even of all people because allah is none other than Lucifer. ( Satan) There is no fellowship between Satan and Gods children.

I do not care what others choose to believe - they are a go along to get along crowd who do not know scripture and are perishing for lack of knowledge. That is the truth. NOTE - do not forget - Issa of Islam is not Jesus. It is a false Jesus and a false religion.

As I said, you're welcome to call The Koran bullshit and The New Testament Inspired, and you're welcome to point out the different ways that each claims is the 'correct' way to relate to The God of Abraham, but it's a historic fact that both were written as alternative ways for gentiles to access to The God of Abraham as described in The Torah. One God, introduced to humanity by an ancient camel-jockey named Abraham, with one book for his bloodline to know Him by and two books to help the gentiles to understand Him.

Religion can be a tough discussion when naming and defining 'God' becomes a part of the conversation.​

Actually what you are claiming is quite impossible because the teachings of Islam began with Mohammad in 622 A.D. or thereabouts, Joe, and denies Jesus Christ died on a cross whereas many Jews ( Messianic Jews ) know Jesus is Yeshua HaMachiah - our two books are forged together into one. Which is known as the Holy Bible.

The bible had been written for many, many centuries by the time of Mohammads birth. 570 A.D! The two have nothing to do with one another - which is not the case with Judaism and Christianity - the first church was a Jewish one! The first disciples were Jewish! You see when you get down to the facts of history what you are claiming is an impossibility, Joe.

I have not called the Koran bull**** - you have said twice I am free to call it bull**** but the fact remains I have not done so. I have said it is a false teaching, a false book and has nothing to do with the God of the bible who is the God of Israel!

I have said that their god is the enemy of my God - the God of the bible and that any worship of a baal god - even baal allah - has it's origination with Lucifer - whichever one you choose - call him the devil - same thing - it all goes back to him.

Religion can be a tough discussion but the subject of God and His Word is quite simple. We believe by faith Gods word over mans Word because He instructs us in His Word to do so, Joe.

Abraham was never a camel jockey - Abraham was called out of his own country ( Ur) to leave his family behind and to follow God and go to a place he knew not of. That is Abraham's story. He obeyed God. He was a man of faith. His faith pleased God and Abraham was justified by his faith in God. Not by his works.

Muslims are hoping but not guaranteed to be justified by their works - their jihad, their praying 5 times a day to a pre-islamic moon god named Allah - there is no salvation offered to them in their book that they could be assured of unless they die doing jihad - it is a most terrible deception of the enemy and whereas many people would say turn the middle east into a parking lot and kill them all - that is not my heart.

I would like to see every Muslim in the world receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. There is a woman intercessor from Nigeria who saw Qaddafi in hell and he was crying out warn my people tell them to follow Jesus - tell them not to believe the teachings of Muhammad - it is all a lie!

Then there is another woman who Ministers in South Korea and she was given a vision of Mohammad in hell crying out in torment and begging people to go warn his people do not go to hell over him - call on Jesus and be saved. I have not put the Qaddafi in hell video up yet but I have posted the Mohammad one several times and why would I do this if I didn't care for these peoples lives more than my own life, Joe?

You see, if I didn't know for certain that the Holy Spirit was leading me to warn them to tell them of what that woman saw or the other woman from Nigeria what she saw - to warn people of that place - that it is real - that they must come to Jesus and be saved from going there - well - If I didn't love the lost I would spend my time doing something selfish - instead of spending my days praying for these people and preaching to them - I would not spend 5 minutes about it if I didn't know that the LORD was telling me I must warn people of the truth and tell them to come to Him and be saved!

So while others will equate truth with hate it is necessary to speak the truth to them because all paths do not lead to God or to heaven. All paths do not lead to God. So some people are listening, some people are getting right with God and although I do not know who they are - nor do I care to know ( it is not my business - I am merely obeying God ) I am thankful to Jesus for every single soul and he has let me know that many are coming to him.

They may not even be members of your board. They may be passing through as guest readers but they are reading and they are getting saved and that is all that matters in the scope of eternity. Souls are being saved and some of them are Muslims. To God be the Glory.
Jesus said, A man must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is not by works that we are saved. It is by the shed blood of Jesus Christ who paid for our sins and we must come to Him and be saved.

Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. God will forgive anything. God will forgive Satanists, Witches, Jihadists, Murderers, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Greeks, Gentiles, Catholics, backsliders, homosexuals, murderers, liars, sorcerers, New Agers.......Whosoever means Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved!

Jesus will forgive them and receive them and their names will be written in the Lambs book of Life. You cannot earn your salvation. It is a free gift lest any man should boast. It is a free gift. The gift of eternal life. Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and be saved.
Abraham was justified by Faith. Have faith in Jesus Christ and call on Him today. Today is the day of Salvation. Ye must be born again.
In this sermon he posted today entitled, "And so It Begins".... we see once again the fulfillment of truth - such as why the god of Islam is not the God of the bible and why preachers who told you Muslims served the same God the Christians served were telling you a bold - faced lie.

I'm going to disagree on this one, Jeri...

The God of Abraham as described in The Torah is the inspiration for both The New Testament and later The Koran. That's a historic fact.

Both books were created for the sole purpose of giving non-Jews access to The God of The Jews.

Few in either religion will deny that Abraham, and the history of his family recorded in The Torah, is first and oldest communication from the one and only God.

One God, three ways to access Him - one for those connected physically to the blood-line of Abraham, and two for the rest of us to choose from, ass-u-me-ing that a relationship with Abraham's God is the goal of an average gentile.

You can call The Koran bullshit, but the God it promotes is the same one described in The New Testament.

Not even close Joe and extremely dangerous to the soul. There is one way to the Father, and that is through Christ or by never breaking a Jewish law, which has only been accomplished by one man. God's Son. It is through Christ that we go boldly to God's throne.

Allah has no son.

If the Son is the way to the God of Abraham, how does no son equate to the same thing?
Both books were not created to give non Jews access to God. One was created to usurp the Jews access to God by inventing one that blesses Ishmael's instead of Isaac's decedents.

The religious leader of the Muslims said that the most wonderful thing they could do is to kill and be killed for Allah.

The High Priest of Abraham's God, Christ, said to honor our Father by loving one another.
Polar opposites. And the difference between love and hate. And God prophesied it from it's inception:

and he is a wild-ass man, his hand against everyone.

Ishmael and Isaac are not the same and God and Allah are not the same. One has a very important Son.

As I've said, the differences between The Koran and The New Testament may be severe, but both are pathways to the same God: The God of Abraham as described in The Torah. You can call one bullshit and the other inspired, you can call one perverted and the other The Sacred Word of God, but you can't say that The Koran and The New Testament point to different Deities.

Ask any Muslim to name their God and they will admit that He is none other than The God of Abraham as described in The Torah. If one believes either The New Testament or The Koran, one believes that Abraham is the man who God first chose to communicate with, and The Torah is the story of that relationship.

It's easier to see when one believes the history of all of it, but believes in non of it.
True Story! :thup:
So a convert to Islam - a Muslim terrorist beheads a woman at Vaughn Foods and within 24 hours there is little or no mention of it on AOL news or Huffpost - it is cleanly swept out of sight as if that would put it out of our minds. What exactly will it take to wake Americans up to the reality of what our nation is facing right now? Any ideas?

How did you hear about it? I first heard the story break on NPR, then I saw it on The PBS NewsHour, and again on ABC World News Tonight on the day it happened. A google search today of "beheading in America" produced 10+ pages of stories hawking information on the Vaughn Foods tragedy.

Define "swept out of sight", please.

I checked all the top stories of AOL on front page and they didn't include the story. 24 hours and no more top story? I do not watch NPR or PBS -I'm not a democrat or a liberal. Mainly I read the news on USMB - the one news show I saw it reported on gave a 2 minute report with no mention it was a Muslim convert who had beheaded the woman and no mention of his face book page which had a beheading photo on it and many red flags in his writings about Islam that HLS should have investigated and didn't. Something is not right about that , Joe. You know it and I know it.

Can I assume that you found out about the murder in Oklahoma on USMB then? If AOL isn't properly serving your information needs, I would suggest firing them in favor of an information provider that does a better job.

Can I suggest NPR, PBS NewsHour, and/or ABC World News Tonight? They serve me well, and I particularly like NPR on the afternoon drive home. Rarely do I see something on national t.v. news that I haven't first heard at least something about on NPR.

I know nothing of AOL and I certainly wouldn't trust USMB as my main source of information, so, no, I don't know that something's not right.

I knew that there was a violent workplace incident in OK within 10 minutes of my leaving work on the day that it happened and I knew within an hour that it was a beheading of a female employee at a food processing plant, that there had been an Islamic twist, and that it ended with an executive of the company, who was a reserve police officer, shooting the assailant dead.

As I said, if you're unhappy with your information provider, replace it. And keep shopping until you find one that works for you. It's not like you don't have choices.

I canceled AOL and am waiting for them to cancel my acct. They are not so informative - the USMB news stories were the best articles found on the internet - they were gathered from various news sources and I found the USMB had a far greater discussion - provision of those news stories / variety than AOL offered. ( which was one I believe ) Interesting, eh? I also noted they got a lot of information off google also - I heard the assailant was injured - not dead. So he is dead? I didn't know that, first I am hearing of it, Joe.
Name your God. It's as simple as that. Islam is an alternate pathway to The God of Abraham as described in The Torah because some camel-jockey named Mohammad decided that, although he felt he needed a relationship with The God of The Jews, he was uninspired by The New Testament and his non-Jewish bloodline precluded a relationship via The Torah, so he wrote his own "inspired" pathway.

You can call him wrong, you can call him a fool, you can call him perverted, you can say that the book he wrote is crap and about as 'inspired' as the skid-marks in a teenagers tighty-whities, but you can't say that he was writing about a Deity other than The God of Abraham as described in The Torah. That's a historic fact.
I canceled AOL and am waiting for them to cancel my acct. They are not so informative - the USMB news stories were the best articles found on the internet - they were gathered from various news sources and I found the USMB had a far greater discussion - provision of those news stories / variety than AOL offered. ( which was one I believe ) Interesting, eh? I also noted they got a lot of information off google also - I heard the assailant was injured - not dead. So he is dead? I didn't know that, first I am hearing of it, Joe.

Three shots fired by a reserve sheriff who also happened to be a company executive (with the last name of Vaughn no less) is what I heard.

It appears that he survived... Sorry to be a rumor monger.

A man who was shot after authorities say he beheaded one woman and attacked another at an Oklahoma food processing plant from which he had just been fired has regained consciousness and was interviewed by detectives Saturday.
There's a story and a video rundown at the link: Police Man Accused in Oklahoma Beheading Is Awake - ABC News
Islam is not an alternate path to God any more than driving towards California is an alternate path for getting to NYC, Joe. There is one way to God and that way is Jesus Christ - who is the Way, the Truth and the Life - no man comes to the Father except through the son. Allah the moon god is no different from hindus praying to cows or trees - it will get them no where and with no answers - because only the God of the Bible hears from heaven.

Allah is not in heaven. His residence is in hell and all he can dupe into following him he will take there as well.

Call upon the name of the LORD to be saved. That is the only answer. There is one answer not many. God isn't grading on a curve. He isn't sharing His throne with Muhammad, allah, Hari Krishna or Buddah. Mohammad didn't die on a cross for your sins - neither did Allah or Hari Krishna, or Buddha or any other god. Only Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed his blood on the cross for your sins because Jesus is God. Jesus is God.

The man Mohammad never taught Jesus was God. Neither did Ghandi or the followers of Buddha. It is is what it is and what it is a false religion that can do nothing for those who follow it - other than take their souls to the pit.
I canceled AOL and am waiting for them to cancel my acct. They are not so informative - the USMB news stories were the best articles found on the internet - they were gathered from various news sources and I found the USMB had a far greater discussion - provision of those news stories / variety than AOL offered. ( which was one I believe ) Interesting, eh? I also noted they got a lot of information off google also - I heard the assailant was injured - not dead. So he is dead? I didn't know that, first I am hearing of it, Joe.

Three shots fired by a reserve sheriff who also happened to be an executive (with the last name of Vaughn no less) at the plant is what I heard.

It appears that he survived... Sorry to be a rumor monger.

A man who was shot after authorities say he beheaded one woman and attacked another at an Oklahoma food processing plant from which he had just been fired has regained consciousness and was interviewed by detectives Saturday.
There's a story and a video rundown at the link: Police Man Accused in Oklahoma Beheading Is Awake - ABC News

That is what the news bloggers here said, he was still alive - he survived. That is why you should read your news off of USMB news bloggers - they get it right the first time, Joe. They find the best articles. Besides, you are a moderator - the news bloggers are great - try them out - beats AOL.
Islam is not an alternate path to God any more than driving towards California is an alternate path for getting to NYC, Joe.
That's not for us to decide, now is it. That was for Mohammad to decide, just like it was for Joseph Smith to decide when he found his own inspiration and wrote The Book of Mormon as another alternative pathway to The God of Abraham as described in The Torah.

Just like you judge The Koran as lacking for your personal walk with The God of Abraham as described in The Torah, I can judge them all as wrong for me and my ride on the Timeline. But that doesn't mean that the authors of those popular works didn't have The God of Abraham in mind when they put pen to paper. The intent in the hearts of Mohammad and Mr. Smith belong to them alone. Only God truly has the authority to judge them, for only God truly knew their hearts. If they say that they had The God of Abraham as described in The Torah in mind when they wrote their famous works, then that settles the matter. You and I are still quite free to judge their work as worthless from our perspective. What we are not free to do is judge the people who do see those books as inspired by whatever Deity that the authors claim to represent. We can judge their behavior, should it fall outside our agreed upon Civil Laws, as in the Oklahoma beheading case, but we cannot judge their beliefs and it's pointless to try.

If I say that my posts in the Religion Forum are the true pathway to The God of Abraham as described in The Torah, you can call me wrong, but there is NOTHING you can do to change my intent. My intent is mine, and mine alone.
Joe, by your own admission Abraham's God existed before any other. What came later, were distortions of that God. They are not all the same. If you think they are, then explain Abraham's God revealing that there is no other God. If they are all the same then the one that said that is a liar, and makes one of those 3 religions you picked out, not a way to God, but a deceit.
Joe, by your own admission Abraham's God existed before any other. What came later, were distortions of that God. They are not all the same. If you think they are, then explain Abraham's God revealing that there is no other God. If they are all the same then the one that said that is a liar, and makes one of those 3 religions you picked out, not a way to God, but a deceit.

Good! Now you're getting it! Each and every one of us has the (insert your preferred Deity here) given right to name our own Gods.

Nobody has the right or capability to select another persons attitude, and nobody has the right or capability to name another persons God. If the Muslims say that they worship The God of Abraham as described in The Torah, that's their call. You can say that they're doing it all wrong, but that's another subject. Abraham invented The God of Abraham and, according to the Jews of his bloodline, both the Christians and and Muslims are wrong in their worship of the God that Abraham named. Once again, their opinion and their call to make.

They are not the same in YOUR mind and heart because that's YOUR personal faith. As Americans, you and I are obligated by The Constitution to let our neighbors worship whatever God they want to in any method that suites their fancy, and if they say that they worship The God of Abraham as described in The Torah, that's their call, not yours or mine. Step one in any religious conversation is for participants to name their God(s).

Now, understand that the ONLY reason that you see The Koran and The Book of Mormon as distortions, and The Torah as incomplete, is your faith in The New Testament. And it's a darn good thing for all of us that "popular" does not equate to "truth". Naming ones God(s) is a personal decision that we should each be free to do in the privacy of our own minds.

The only other choice is to legislate morality based on religious rules or laws, and I for one will fight any attempts I see to return to that practice.

If Civil Laws are broken, civil penalties must be imposed, but let's agree to keep Sharia Laws and Christian Morality where they belong - in Christian homes and Churches and Muslim homes and Mosques.

If religious freedom is a desired tenet of a society, the political tongue must be held when it comes to moral judgements, including attempts to define the other guys Gods.
So a convert to Islam - a Muslim terrorist beheads a woman at Vaughn Foods and within 24 hours there is little or no mention of it on AOL news or Huffpost - it is cleanly swept out of sight as if that would put it out of our minds. What exactly will it take to wake Americans up to the reality of what our nation is facing right now? Any ideas?

How did you hear about it? I first heard the story break on NPR, then I saw it on The PBS NewsHour, and again on ABC World News Tonight on the day it happened. A google search today of "beheading in America" produced 10+ pages of stories hawking information on the Vaughn Foods tragedy.

Define "swept out of sight", please.

Swept out of sight:
Opposite of how news media reacted right after 9/11 Muslim terror attack. The polar opposite. Understand now?

This should be on 24 / 7 - Main Story on every single channel yet it is not being treated seriously and it is deadly serious. Instead? They have decided to sweep it out of sight. Americans had better do their own homework and find out the truth about Islam before it's too late.

It's probably getting a bit more air time the closer you get to Oklahoma City... remember also that there is a difference of approximately 3,000 in the death tolls between the two events, so I for one completely understand the Oklahoma attack falling out of the news cycle a little sooner than the 9/11 attacks did.
In this sermon he posted today entitled, "And so It Begins".... we see once again the fulfillment of truth - such as why the god of Islam is not the God of the bible and why preachers who told you Muslims served the same God the Christians served were telling you a bold - faced lie.

I'm going to disagree on this one, Jeri...

The God of Abraham as described in The Torah is the inspiration for both The New Testament and later The Koran. That's a historic fact.

Both books were created for the sole purpose of giving non-Jews access to The God of The Jews.

Few in either religion will deny that Abraham, and the history of his family recorded in The Torah, is first and oldest communication from the one and only God.

One God, three ways to access Him - one for those connected physically to the blood-line of Abraham, and two for the rest of us to choose from, ass-u-me-ing that a relationship with Abraham's God is the goal of an average gentile.

You can call The Koran bullshit, but the God it promotes is the same one described in The New Testament.
They may have the same God, but not the Holy Spirit. Beheading innocent women is not an indication of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The God of Abraham as described in The Torah is the inspiration for both The New Testament and later The Koran. That's a historic fact.
You are correct AVE-JOE.

Many people do not realize that the Quran is mainly a book about the Jews and their Prophets.

The Quran testifies that the God of the Jews is the "One True God". ...... :cool:

Then why do Muslims teach their children that Jews are apes and monkeys? That it is the duty of Muslims to kill the Jews and the Christians. You really believe the God of Israel has called you people to make war against his own children - the Jews and the Gentile Christians? Are you serious? Listen, the god of Islam is a pre-islamic god that was a chief god - a moon god named allah which means the god - little g not a big G - Dr. Robert Morey won a debate on the discussion many years ago and established the truth and for that they threw acid on a vehichle he was traveling in. Your god is not the God of the Jews and Christians. Had you ever been a Christian you would know that in your own heart, Sunni Man. The god of Islam is not the God of the bible. He is the antithesis of God in every way, shape and form! True story! NOTE - Issa is not Jesus either - that is a false Jesus in your Koran and Jesus warned of this type of thing happening 5 times in the book of Matthew - He warned 5 times Do not be deceived, Do not be deceived................FIVE TIMES. In one chapter. Sounds as if he was trying to emphasize something. What was that? Do not be deceived! You can believe it when I tell you - I'm not the one who is deceived here!

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