And So It Begins

What's begun? I think I missed it!

Thank you for bringing this discussion back to the OP! One question was all it too! What has begun is the awakening of the people to the reality that Islam does not teach the God of the bible but another god that is the antithesis of the bible, HP. So we have veered off course here somewhat in discussion the nature of the Islamic god vs the nature of the God of the bible - the discussion also has covered why using the name of God does not qualify it to be the truth - one must examine the Word of God - the nature of God - the fruit that is coming forth from a group that is stating they are acting in the name of God - and so forth.

What are your thoughts about the Muslim convert who was shouting Allah Akbar while beheading his former co - worker and then stabbing another worker several times before being stopped by gun fire from CEO? He was shouting Allah Akbar while the attack was going on - other co - workers heard him screaming Islamic phrases and we know this is what Muslims shout during jihad so to claim this was a matter of workplace violence or insanity is simply not the case - this is clearly part of their religion while it has no part in the religion of Judaism or Christianity - which is why it should be "beginning to dawn on people" that our leaders - religious leaders included have not been honest about who the god of Islam is. ( not the God of Christianity or Judaism)
My God - Jesus Christ - is big enough to handle any problem that comes my way, Joe. I've seen him handle far more than you could imagine. Truly. You'd be amazed. - Jeri

As it should be. Personal.

Just you and God relating in the best way for your relationship.

The God of Jeremiah, as described in The USMB. And no, I wouldn't be amazed... just impressed. As I should be.
Moses wrote of Jesus - so did Isaiah - Malachi - David - the prophets - they were speaking of Jesus Christ.
That is one of the biggest nonsense lies that Christian's like you tell people. .... :cool:

They even described Christ's method of execution. We know He was cursed because the Old Testament tells us that cursed is the one hung on a tree. David told us that His hands and feet would be pierced, in a time when stoning was the norm.
Christ is all through the OT.
And He never kills a soul. In the OT or the New!
My God - Jesus Christ - is big enough to handle any problem that comes my way, Joe. I've seen him handle far more than you could imagine. Truly. You'd be amazed. - Jeri

As it should be. Personal.

Just you and God relating in the best way for your relationship.

The God of Jeremiah, as described in The USMB. And no, I wouldn't be amazed... just impressed. As I should be.

If I do not live what I am preaching you have no reason to listen to a word I say, Joe. But if I am living what I am preaching and you see answers to prayer - see something happening then we would have to agree that has to be the LORD because there is no power in me to heal any person, no power in me to deliver, no power in me to convert, but if others receive a healing, a deliverance, their conversion to Christ then that is the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is the evidence that the Gospel is true and that His Word is alive. That is all I'm saying. The Bible as I see it is the Living Word and in that is the power of God to hear the Gospel, receive the Gospel and receive a miracle.
p.s. and to be clear - I am not perfect - when I fail - I repent - I am by no means any finished work - I will be first to admit I felt deep anger at the news of that beheading - and especially in God's name - it certainly did cause me to feel anger but I also prayed for the guy today that he would see the damage he has done to that woman's family and to all the workers of Vaughn and the country as a whole - that he will see the truth and repent of his involvement with Islam and turn to the LORD. I forgive him but I'm not happy about what he did.
Tis true Jesus never killed a soul..unless pigs have souls?
Many have been killed in his name since though!
They even described Christ's method of execution. We know He was cursed because the Old Testament tells us that cursed is the one hung on a tree. David told us that His hands and feet would be pierced, in a time when stoning was the norm.
Christ is all through the OT.
And He never kills a soul. In the OT or the New!
No jewish Rabbi believes that nonsense about the Torah and the Tanach pointing to Jesus.

It is a made up Christian fantasy........ :cool:
They even described Christ's method of execution. We know He was cursed because the Old Testament tells us that cursed is the one hung on a tree. David told us that His hands and feet would be pierced, in a time when stoning was the norm.
Christ is all through the OT.
And He never kills a soul. In the OT or the New!
No jewish Rabbi believes that nonsense about the Torah and the Tanach pointing to Jesus.

It is a made up Christian fantasy........ :cool:

This one does:
They even described Christ's method of execution. We know He was cursed because the Old Testament tells us that cursed is the one hung on a tree. David told us that His hands and feet would be pierced, in a time when stoning was the norm.
Christ is all through the OT.
And He never kills a soul. In the OT or the New!
No jewish Rabbi believes that nonsense about the Torah and the Tanach pointing to Jesus.

It is a made up Christian fantasy........ :cool:

This one does:
A so called Rabbi that believe's that Jesus is God is a fake and not a real Jewish Rabbi.

True story......... :cool:
Moses wrote of Jesus - so did Isaiah - Malachi - David - the prophets - they were speaking of Jesus Christ.
That is one of the biggest nonsense lies that Christian's like you tell people. .... :cool:

They even described Christ's method of execution. We know He was cursed because the Old Testament tells us that cursed is the one hung on a tree. David told us that His hands and feet would be pierced, in a time when stoning was the norm.
Christ is all through the OT.
And He never kills a soul. In the OT or the New!

Yes but in Zechariah 12: 10 - 13 we see this, Irish Ram. It is the moment the realize Jesus is the Messiah - by his nail pierced hands - glory to God! ( and of course this is that moment that is depicted when Joseph removed his disguise to let his brothers know it was him! Glory! Such weeping, forgiveness, mercy and reconciliation! What a story! I love it! )

Zechariah 12 10 And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me the one they have pierced and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.

John 19:37
and, as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced.
"Revelation 1:7
"Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen.
Proverbs 4:3
For I too was a son to my father, still tender, and cherished by my mother.
Isaiah 44:3
For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.
Isaiah 45:22
"Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.
Jeremiah 6:26
Put on sackcloth, my people, and roll in ashes; mourn with bitter wailing as for an only son, for suddenly the destroyer will come upon us.
My book says Mary's son is going to return as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
One book is not like the other.........

Your book is full of lies and falsehoods. ..... :cool:

Provide an example. Otherwise retract your claim.

Revelation 5:5
And one of the elders said to me, “Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.”

That's right before He comes back to secure Israel for eternity and set up His Kingdom from the throne of David.
They even described Christ's method of execution. We know He was cursed because the Old Testament tells us that cursed is the one hung on a tree. David told us that His hands and feet would be pierced, in a time when stoning was the norm.
Christ is all through the OT.
And He never kills a soul. In the OT or the New!
No jewish Rabbi believes that nonsense about the Torah and the Tanach pointing to Jesus.

It is a made up Christian fantasy........ :cool:

This one does:
A so called Rabbi that believe's that Jesus is God is a fake and not a real Jewish Rabbi.

True story......... :cool:

all the way up to the end of the Gentile era. When He returns, they realize that He is the Messiah they have been waiting for all along and have the reaction that Jere posted. Then Christ wipes their tears and never leaves them/us again.
If god is going to come back and secure Israel for eternity why does the west have to prop it up until he does?
If he is really up there floating in the clouds maybe he should come down and sort things out now!
I believe in God the Father Maker of Heaven and Earth.
I believe that Jesus is the son of God and died for our sins.

I don't believe in Islam. That is not my problem. It is my problem when they chop American's heads off in the name of their God.

I respect their right to believe in what they believe. I don't agree with it, but as long as they do their thing and I do mine it's not a problem
But around the globe they have become ANIMALS........Torture, Rape, Murder, Beheading people, crucifying them on the cross, and a scum bag in Oklahoma cutting the head off a 54 year old women was only crime was going to work.

This guy did it in the name of Allah.........That doesn't mean he represents a Muslim in Egypt. That doesn't mean he represents a Muslim in Chicago.........It means that this RADICAL GUY.........killed in the name of Islam........Whether another 900 million wouldn't do that isn't the question. The question is how many more are out there like him.........Even a small percentage of Muslims who believe like this could equal 10's of millions who believe like this fruit cake does............

We see the 10's of thousands in the middle east acting this out in utter barbarism........and now we see a possibility of more here. Whether it be Fort Hood, or Oklahoma.

So it is NOW OUR PROBLEM whether we like it or not. How to deal with it is another thread.
They even described Christ's method of execution. We know He was cursed because the Old Testament tells us that cursed is the one hung on a tree. David told us that His hands and feet would be pierced, in a time when stoning was the norm.
Christ is all through the OT.
And He never kills a soul. In the OT or the New!
No jewish Rabbi believes that nonsense about the Torah and the Tanach pointing to Jesus.

It is a made up Christian fantasy........ :cool:

This one does:
A so called Rabbi that believe's that Jesus is God is a fake and not a real Jewish Rabbi.

True story......... :cool:

all the way up to the end of the Gentile era. When He returns, they realize that He is the Messiah they have been waiting for all along and have the reaction that Jere posted. Then Christ wipes their tears and never leaves them/us again.

Amen! Oh! I get all weepy eyed even thinking about that moment when Jesus reveals himself to his brethren and they say LORD! What are those piercings in your hands? Those wounds in your hands, Lord? .......and he replies.......those are the wounds I received in the house of my friends.......Oh! Their hearts are going to be torn far greater then that of Joseph Brothers when they recognized him as their Fathers favored Son but truly the love of Christ is so great for his brethren that this is the climax of that moment when God tells them their sins are forgiven and remembered no more - their hearts are circumcized - the receive Yeshua HaMachiah and the wedding celebration is about to happen!

Glory to God! Here is the scripture for that one! The climax event!
Zechariah 13:6 Glory to God!

Zechariah 13 6 If someone asks What are these wounds on your body they will answer The wounds I was given at the house of my friends.

5but he will say, 'I am not a prophet; I am a tiller of the ground, for a man sold me as a slave in my youth.' 6"And one will say to him, 'What are these wounds between your arms?' Then he will say, 'Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.'
Oh my,my,my! Does anyone else see the correlation between when Jesus Christ the LORD answers about the nail scar wounds and the story of Joseph who was sold as a slave by his brethren? What a reunion this is going to be. The half of it cannot even be imagined! I just think the Jews are going to have the most wonderful reconciliation / embracing moment - with Jesus their Messiah - when that time finally comes.
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