Amanpour Presents Biased TV Show


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
A recent showing of Christiane Amanpour's PBS TV show showed glaring bias against President Trump. There wasn't even the slightest attempt to conceal it.

Amanpour started off the show with a list of people who are critically opposed to Trump's tariff policy. But there are lots of people who agree that we need tariffs and are happy about them. Pat Buchanan, Ralph Gomory (IBM VP), Lou Dobbs, et al. But not a word about them. And if we want to source history for tariff supporters, how about ex-presidents Madison, Lincoln, McKinley, and other such American historical figures as Alexander Hamilton and Henry Clay ?

Then a guest was brought on the show >> Larry Summers, globalist extroadinaire, and fierce opponent of the tariffs, who descended into a litany of name-calling and insult exaggeration. Topping it all off, was Summers declaring that Trump's tariff policy would flunk in a basic college economics class.

Being a former economics college teacher myself, I can say that much of what Summers said WOULD flunk in that college economics class (ex. the scare talk of price hikes, and advantageous position of US import countries - truth is exactly the opposite).

Hoping for a bit of fair/balanced TV, I was waiting to see if another guest was coming on who would speak favorably about the tariffs. Nope. Nobody else appeared. It was just a 20 minute Amanpour/Summers Trump bash, tariff bash. This is horrible, social, propaganda media at its worst.
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Amanpour took over Meet the Press for a month before being laughed into obscurity. Nearly destroyed the show.
A recent showing of Christiane Amanpour's PBS TV show showed glaring bias against President Trump. There wasn't even the slightest attempt to conceal it.

Amanpour started off the show with a list of people who are critically opposed to Trump's tariff policy. But there are lots of people who agree that we need tariffs and are happy about them. Pat Buchanan, Ralph Gomory (IBM VP), Lou Dobbs, et al. But not a word about them. And if we want to source history for tariff supporters, how about ex-presidents Madison, Lincoln, McKinley, and other such American historical figures as Alexander Hamilton and Henry Clay ?

Then a guest was brought on the show >> Larry Summers, globalist extroadinaire, and fierce opponent of the tariffs, who descended into a litany of name-calling and insult exaggeration. Topping it all off, was Summers declaring that Trump's tariff policy would flunk in a basic college economics class.

Being a former economics college teacher myself, I can say that much of what Summers said WOULD flunk in that college economics class (ex. the scare talk of price hikes, and advantageous position of US import countries - truth is exactly the opposite).

Hoping for a bit of fair/balanced TV, I was waiting to see if another guest was coming on who would speak favorably about the tariffs. Nope. Nobody else appeared. It was just a 20 minute Amanpour/Summers Trump bash, tariff bash This is horrible, social, propaganda media at its worst.

nice to meet you PROF------I nevah did economics-----
Money confuses me no matter how many times people
explain interest to me it still seems INTUITIVELY weird----
and I do not understand the INEVITABILITY of economic
depressions------math is not the issue-----I used to manipulate
calculus well------but its been many years.. Could you give
us stuff on the TARIFF ISSUE?----specifically-----PUHLEEEEEEEZE?
A recent showing of Christiane Amanpour's PBS TV show showed glaring bias against President Trump. There wasn't even the slightest attempt to conceal it.

Amanpour started off the show with a list of people who are critically opposed to Trump's tariff policy. But there are lots of people who agree that we need tariffs and are happy about them. Pat Buchanan, Ralph Gomory (IBM VP), Lou Dobbs, et al. But not a word about them. And if we want to source history for tariff supporters, how about ex-presidents Madison, Lincoln, McKinley, and other such American historical figures as Alexander Hamilton and Henry Clay ?

Then a guest was brought on the show >> Larry Summers, globalist extroadinaire, and fierce opponent of the tariffs, who descended into a litany of name-calling and insult exaggeration. Topping it all off, was Summers declaring that Trump's tariff policy would flunk in a basic college economics class.

Being a former economics college teacher myself, I can say that much of what Summers said WOULD flunk in that college economics class (ex. the scare talk of price hikes, and advantageous position of US import countries - truth is exactly the opposite).

Hoping for a bit of fair/balanced TV, I was waiting to see if another guest was coming on who would speak favorably about the tariffs. Nope. Nobody else appeared. It was just a 20 minute Amanpour/Summers Trump bash, tariff bash This is horrible, social, propaganda media at its worst.

3 isn't lots

happy to help
nice to meet you PROF------I nevah did economics-----
Money confuses me no matter how many times people
explain interest to me it still seems INTUITIVELY weird----
and I do not understand the INEVITABILITY of economic
depressions------math is not the issue-----I used to manipulate
calculus well------but its been many years.. Could you give
us stuff on the TARIFF ISSUE?----specifically-----PUHLEEEEEEEZE?
Tariffs are taxes that foreign countries must pay to us, to get their exports into the US. For 30 years, 4 idiot US presidents have allowed those countries to do this to our goods going to them, while they got unrestricted access (little or no tariffs) on their stuff coming here. Trump is now equalizing the situation.
nice to meet you PROF------I nevah did economics-----
Money confuses me no matter how many times people
explain interest to me it still seems INTUITIVELY weird----
and I do not understand the INEVITABILITY of economic
depressions------math is not the issue-----I used to manipulate
calculus well------but its been many years.. Could you give
us stuff on the TARIFF ISSUE?----specifically-----PUHLEEEEEEEZE?
Tariffs are taxes that foreign countries must pay to us, to get their exports into the US. For 30 years, 4 idiot US presidents have allowed those countries to do this to our goods going to them, while they got unrestricted access (little or no tariffs) on their stuff coming here. Trump is now equalizing the situation.

yeah----that part I know------my befuddlement is the
claim that the tariffs are going to hurt me----the little
guy, by making dollar store crap very expensive and
somehow, magically, make Trump and HIS perverted
friends much richer. I am willing to give up dollar store
can openers that BEND out of shape----TO HELP MY
yeah----that part I know------my befuddlement is the
claim that the tariffs are going to hurt me----the little
guy, by making dollar store crap very expensive and
somehow, magically, make Trump and HIS perverted
friends much richer. I am willing to give up dollar store
can openers that BEND out of shape----TO HELP MY
Generally firms CANNOT raise prices, no matter what. Their prices are set at their highest levels they can be. To go any higher, triggers sales reductions and income LOSSES.

A few prices might go up, by business owners who don't know what the hell they're doing. When their sales drop, then they'll know, and the prices will come back down again.

Think of it like going to the dentist. It hurts at first (the lidocaine needle), but soon you feel nothing, and afterwards, you are glad you went. :biggrin:
yeah----that part I know------my befuddlement is the
claim that the tariffs are going to hurt me----the little
guy, by making dollar store crap very expensive and
somehow, magically, make Trump and HIS perverted
friends much richer. I am willing to give up dollar store
can openers that BEND out of shape----TO HELP MY
Generally firms CANNOT raise prices, no matter what. Their prices are set at their highest levels they can be. To go any higher, triggers sales reductions and income LOSSES.

A few prices might go up, by business owners who don't know what the hell they're doing. When their sales drop, then they'll know, and the prices will come back down again.

Think of it like going to the dentist. It hurts at first (the lidocaine needle), but soon you feel nothing, and afterwards, you are glad you went. :biggrin:

no long term effects on DA WORLD ECONOMY for the
little guy-----only a POSTIVE ADJUSTMENT FOR USA????
<inshallah> ???

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