Despite Democrat Lawfare and entire media/social media/entertainment/DEI/Wall Street institutions trying to destroy him, Trump leads in Swing States

Put them all together and you have a useless poll. Swing states decide these things one by one. Yes it is largely a dead-heat leaning Trump but given how handedly Biden beat him last time, not looking good for team donkey. I have a working theory that the GOP is trying to slide under the radar ginning up their base using local and state issues this time around to take Trump out of the calculus---make it an us vs. them election.
Who will be the swing states this election cycle? Will they be Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? Or, will it boil down to just Michigan, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin?
Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt"
-Saul Alinsky,

Either you're ignorant, or you're manipulative and dishonest.

Which is it
You are wrong, for I am not doing it, so you are gaslighting, which is manipulative and dishonest of you.
Much better than a month ago, and now going the right way, and Trump pending conviction by Friday.

If you say so.

I'm no longer convinced the conviction is going to be a bullseye for the Biden folks. There seems to be very little integrity anymore among the American people.
Per Cook Political Report
Arizona: Trump 41 Biden 37
Georgia: Trump 42 Biden 38
Michigan: Trump 43 Biden 40
Nevada: Trump 43 Biden 35
North Carolina: Trump 44 Biden 36
Pennsylvania: Trump 43 Biden 40
Wisconsin: Trump 41 Biden 41

General Election: Trump 44 Biden 39

Of course this is early, the true push hasn't begun yet. I expect the media to begin trying to severely fear-monger and lie about Trump non-stop with headline news.. I expect social media and internet globalists to attempt to censor and press down Trump's message as well as Biden's flaws. I expect a bunch of celebrities to try to use their influence, I expect tons of college professors to convince their students to vote against Trump.. It's possible the media establishment could "steal" another election as they provably did in 2020.. but I don't think the idea of Biden is as sellable as the reality of Biden. People on the fence have seen both guys and what has happened.

I think Trump would beat Biden, which is why I think the Democrats HAVE to take him out by whatever means necessary and put in someone else. I'd hope they put in Kamala Harris because she's much like Hillary Clinton.. very unlikeable as far as polling even in her party. I think their best move strategically would be to put in Gavin Newsome. Newsome brings all the things they lamented about Trump.. being gruff, tough, and bullying his political opponents with constant lies. But they'd gladly soak up those lies as they need them to attain power. He'd be one they could truly rally around and save this 2024 Presidential election IMO. As a Conservative, I'd be most "shook" if they torpedo'd Biden and installed Newsome.. but it'd be fun to watch the Democrats explain placing a white man ahead of Kamala, a black woman.
Polls showing a race between only Trump and Biden cannot be accurate because the race is between Trump, Biden, West, Stein, RFK, and the Libertarian what's his name. Translation: Trump does even better when you figure in all of the candidates.
Polls showing a race between only Trump and Biden cannot be accurate because the race is between Trump, Biden, West, Stein, RFK, and the Libertarian what's his name. Translation: Trump does even better when you figure in all of the candidates.
Actually the polls included all candidates, I only listed Trump and Biden. The polls were on RCP

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