A Letter to Liberals


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
A free, small booklet by Robert F. Kennedy Jr:


I am an FDR/Kennedy liberal, but my choice to openly question government policies for managing the pandemic—under both Presidents Biden and Trump—has made me pariah, primarily in liberal circles. Many traditional liberals—reacting to the orchestrated fear and propaganda—have embraced “Lockdown Liberalism,” an ideology that departs dramatically from the tenets of traditional liberalism. Like Galileo’s colleagues, so many of today’s “Lockdown Liberals” refuse to read or debate the science that they believe supports the government’s COVID countermeasures. Instead, they place their faith in the official orthodoxies of famously corrupt pharmaceutical companies and their notoriously captive federal agencies and expect others to do the same. This blind obedience is itself a kind of novel virus that now infects the entire upper deck of the Democratic Party.
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Here's my message to bed wetter libturds....


Neutralize your carbon footprint today and Allah shall reward you with all the fornication in hell.

Closed the link as soon as I read it was RFK that authored the book...not the famous one, the fucking stark raving, foaming at the mouth, batshit crazy one. :auiqs.jpg:
Another excerpt from heroic RFK Jr booklet:

Unable to defend the scientific underpinnings of their ideology in debate, liberals rely on book bans and an arsenal of coercive muzzling strategies including deplatforming, delicensing, doxxing, gaslighting, defunding,
retracting, marginalizing, and vilifying scientists, physicians, journalists, and vaccine-injured Americans who complied but now refuse to toe the official line. The hallmark of Lockdown Liberalism is a bullying form of censorship called “cancel culture,” which disappears not just the heretical language, but also the heretic who uttered it.
RFK is a bullshit artist. He is a rabid anti-vaxxer who's already been shown to be a stark, raving loon.

Your pyramid notwithstanding, you believe a bullshit artist who bases his "data" on dubious sources. Sad what you righties have come to.
Maybe a step or two up, but you definitely lack any substance or proof to your allegations.

For the most part? You are still using name calling, and lobbing unsubstantiated accusations about the authority of the author and his sources.

You deserve nothing but the same, to be ignored and ridiculed yourself.
RFK is a bullshit artist. He is a rabid anti-vaxxer who's already been shown to be a stark, raving loon.

Your pyramid notwithstanding, you believe a bullshit artist who bases his "data" on dubious sources. Sad what you righties have come to.

Your refusal to read, much less think about the booklet is the telling fact. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Maybe a step or two up, but you definitely lack any substance or proof to your allegations.

For the most part? You are still using name calling, and lobbing unsubstantiated accusations about the authority of the author and his sources.

You deserve nothing but the same, to be ignored and ridiculed yourself.
I call them as I see them. Can't help it if you want to believe. The guy has NO credibility whatsoever.
And this is nothing new. Again, he's a bullshit artist. Always has been.
Sorry you are offended by the truth. RFK Jr is to be dismissed.

The guy has NO credibility whatsoever.
I have seen enough data from other sources to not care about your AD Hom attack regardless.

You know who else has no credibility?

Big pharmaceutical companies.

I guess there is enough guilt to go around.

Your refusal to read, much less think about the booklet is the telling fact. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Are you suggesting that imbecile has a "mind" that isn't actually a malfunctioning bile sphincter?

For those of us who grew up during polio, vaccines were heaven sent. And those who served in the military and went overseas, they lined us up and shot us in both arms. No one whined like the children of today. And another example, our granddaughter was pre-mature and she too got lots of shots and she is one brilliant HS'er today. So wake up folks, superstition can cause you to howl at the moon and the moon it don't care.

A free, small booklet by Robert F. Kennedy Jr:


I am an FDR/Kennedy liberal, but my choice to openly question government policies for managing the pandemic—under both Presidents Biden and Trump—has made me pariah, primarily in liberal circles. Many traditional liberals—reacting to the orchestrated fear and propaganda—have embraced “Lockdown Liberalism,” an ideology that departs dramatically from the tenets of traditional liberalism. Like Galileo’s colleagues, so many of today’s “Lockdown Liberals” refuse to read or debate the science that they believe supports the government’s COVID countermeasures. Instead, they place their faith in the official orthodoxies of famously corrupt pharmaceutical companies and their notoriously captive federal agencies and expect others to do the same. This blind obedience is itself a kind of novel virus that now infects the entire upper deck of the Democratic Party.
So we have letter from RFK, about Censorship and Covid :cuckoo:

Are you suggesting that imbecile has a "mind" that isn't actually a malfunctioning bile sphincter?

For those of us who grew up during polio, vaccines were heaven sent. And those who served in the military and went overseas, they lined us up and shot us in both arms. No one whined like the children of today. And another example, our granddaughter was pre-mature and she too got lots of shots and she is one brilliant HS'er today. So wake up folks, superstition can cause you to howl at the moon and the moon it don't care.

Opposition to vaccination has existed as long as vaccination itself. Critics of vaccination have taken various positions, including opposition to the smallpox vaccine in England and the United States in the mid to late 1800s, and the resulting anti-vaccination leagues. Some religious leaders have claimed it was against God's word and the few failures of vaccines have been widely circulated.

However, the major problem in vaccination rejection is the fact that healthcare has always been an option. You have an operation so you can see or continue to be blind. Healthcare is there if you want it. It's an option.

Now an epidemic hits and sudden the rules have changed; vaccinations, quarantines, and shutdowns are not an option. Big goverment is telling you that you have to be vaccinated if you want to keep your job, eat in a restaurant, use public transportation, etc. Of course people are going to rebel. They don't see dead bodies in the street. In fact, most people don't know anyone who died. And there are plenty of so called experts willing to support vaccine deniers, with conspiracy theories, claims of government overreach, and lots of misinformation.
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A free, small booklet by Robert F. Kennedy Jr:


I am an FDR/Kennedy liberal, but my choice to openly question government policies for managing the pandemic—under both Presidents Biden and Trump—has made me pariah, primarily in liberal circles. Many traditional liberals—reacting to the orchestrated fear and propaganda—have embraced “Lockdown Liberalism,” an ideology that departs dramatically from the tenets of traditional liberalism. Like Galileo’s colleagues, so many of today’s “Lockdown Liberals” refuse to read or debate the science that they believe supports the government’s COVID countermeasures. Instead, they place their faith in the official orthodoxies of famously corrupt pharmaceutical companies and their notoriously captive federal agencies and expect others to do the same. This blind obedience is itself a kind of novel virus that now infects the entire upper deck of the Democratic Party.
Fear, propaganda, and suspension of laws that protect individual rights have long been the tools of government used to fight epidemics and pandemics. Oliver Wendell Homes said, "Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins.” What if the attack is not a fist but an invisible virus that can be deadly? Does a person have the right to potential spread that virus that can be deadly to others. This and other such arguments have been the subject of debate around the world.

What we did in the US to fight the virus was basically to pass the buck, partially because of our laws and partially because of political expediency. We have no laws that would allow the federal government to enforce quarantines, shutdowns, mask wearing, social distancing, closing down places of mass public gathering or vaccination that would standup in court. So the CDC issued recommendations and the administration passed the buck to the states who have extensive powers in a healthcare emergency. Some states for political expediency did next to nothing and others shut everything down and enacted stiff rules on masks, public gathering, and requirements for vaccination. And others did something in between. Transportation between states with high infections and states with low rates was allowed and new variants of the virus spread from state to state. And the results were exactly as expected. The US lead the world in deaths and cases per capita during the first phase and most deadly phase of the pandemic.

One thing has became perfectly clear. In a pandemic that kills millions of people, we can not allow each individual to ignore health recommendations and do just as they please. If that means suspending some individual right, so be it. This is one time in which the safety of the many must override the rights of individual in regard to healthcare recommendations.
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HS'er today. So wake up folks, superstition can cause you to howl at the moon and the moon it don't care.
There are major difference between the public perception of the vaccine in the polio epidemic and Covid vaccine. The major difference is the attitude of the people in regard to government and large corporations.

In the mid 20th century, if you hated government, you hated your country because country and government were seen as synonymous by most people. An attack on the government was an attack on the country. Today an attack on goverment is considered an act of patriotism by many. In the mid 20th century big corporations were just big businesses. Today they are part of a worldwide cabal intent on controlling all governments and the people.

In the mid 20th century we really did not know much about what went on in government compared to today. Today, laws on transparency and media focus on government has provide insight into the operation of government revealing that people that run the government make some big mistakes, have political aims, and some are crooked which has eroded trust in government. Then people like Alex Jones came alone and saw the problems in government as fuel for conspiracy theories based on half truths and lie. People on Twitter, Facebook and boards like this pickup these lies and conspiracy theories and turn them into facts.

So when the much hated big government provides funding to equally hated Big Pharma, the results are quite predictable. Large segments of the population will denounce the vaccine as ineffective, deadly, a hoax, etc....
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