10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

If renewables are so great, why is Germany going back to coal? Oh yeah, because coal is better than renewables. Still want to play this game?

He predicted European coal generation will average 15 gigawatts in 2022, up from 11GW in 2021 and 8 GW in 2020. Germany’s coal fleet, which has largely operated as a backup source of power in recent years, is now likely to run more frequently.

Coal’s on a comeback in energy-desperate Europe

View attachment 881372
It's in the title of the article itself you fool. They are DESPERATE because of what Russia is doing , not that they want to do it. They are forced to at this time. People care about the future but not if it causes undo hardship in the present. Only so much people can do. Obviously the EU and NATO need to work out a shared electrical grid in Europe. The kinks will be worked out.
Why is Biden out producing trump on oil now, not that he wants to but because he has to. Same scenario, plus other factors. The problems of switching over systems exaggerated by human stupidity ( not Biden's ). He's thinking way ahead of the game, people will be shocked when we run out of oil but by then it will be welcomed because of the increasing amount of energy put into the Earth's atmosphere from fossil fuels creating even more unnatural natural disasters. At least we won't be caught with our pants down. And we'll have averted even more disastrous events.
you really are a fool, first and foremost, I never said coal plants produce no CO2.
And I never accused you of saying any such thing. But you have repeatedly stated that wind turbines are responsible for more CO2 than fossil fuels.
I simply stated that wind and solar emit 400,000 tons of co2 everyday.
Oddly, that value started out as 100,000 tons, then it became 200,000 tons and now I guess you're claiming it is 400,000 tons. And the links to support any of those numbers have been awfully slow in coming.
Now you and stann (you must be stann, you arguing the stann argument) have taken that and turned it into a contest of who produces the most.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone so quickly forget what they've been arguing and for weeks now.
Yes, Solar and Wind are the largest source of new CO2 emitted into the atmosphere and it is a huge number.
What does that mean? What is "new CO2"? Given that wind and solar still only produce 12.2%* of the world's electricity, I just don't see your math doing anything but failing miserably. Let's see how much CO2 the other 87.8% of the world's capacity produces. My search shows me that fossil fuel electrical production generates 34 billion tonnes annually**. That would be 93,150,685 tons daily or 233 / 466 / 931 times as much as your variable claim for wind and solar output. So where do you get off claiming "solar and wind are the largest source of new CO2 emitted"? They produce less than a fraction of 1 percent of fossil fuel's CO2, even using your unreferenced numbers.

* - Wind & Solar Share in Electricity Production Data | Enerdata
** - Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Electricity - World Nuclear Association.
400,000 tons daily (stann says I should be using the new monster turbines).
I provided a range of turbines, listing their outputs. See post #489.
which wind turbine are talking about?
Using the table I posted in #489, I calculated the 17-fold advantage from the turbine that produced the most CO2 during manufacture and the 345-fold disadvantage from the turbine that produced the least.
which coal plant are you talking about?
where is your link, you must link, your rule, I followed it, link
Post #489.
co2, food for life, crick wants to eliminate!
Now don't go lying about what I've said. That'll make me irate.
And I never accused you of saying any such thing. But you have repeatedly stated that wind turbines are responsible for more CO2 than fossil fuels.

Oddly, that value started out as 100,000 tons, then it became 200,000 tons and now I guess you're claiming it is 400,000 tons. And the links to support any of those numbers have been awfully slow in coming.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone so quickly forget what they've been arguing and for weeks now.

What does that mean? What is "new CO2"? Given that wind and solar still only produce 12.2%* of the world's electricity, I just don't see your math doing anything but failing miserably. Let's see how much CO2 the other 87.8% of the world's capacity produces. My search shows me that fossil fuel electrical production generates 34 billion tonnes annually**. That would be 93,150,685 tons daily or 233 / 466 / 931 times as much as your variable claim for wind and solar output. So where do you get off claiming "solar and wind are the largest source of new CO2 emitted"? They produce less than a fraction of 1 percent of fossil fuel's CO2, even using your unreferenced numbers.

* - Wind & Solar Share in Electricity Production Data | Enerdata
** - Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Electricity - World Nuclear Association.

I provided a range of turbines, listing their outputs. See post #489.

Using the table I posted in #489, I calculated the 17-fold advantage from the turbine that produced the most CO2 during manufacture and the 345-fold disadvantage from the turbine that produced the least.

Post #489.

Now don't go lying about what I've said. That'll make me irate.
crick you are an idiot, you have no idea what gwh, meant, after years of reading these OP's

Wind turbines, if I calculate for the new 900 ft tall, Wind Turbines, it is 400,000 tons of CO2 per day. And with all that CO2, we get that at night, when solar and wind are producing no electricity.

Aint that funny, crick wants to claim how great wind turbines and solar panels are, when they dont work.

It really is a shame that people like crick dont have to live in the world they imagine.

400,000 tons of CO2 solar and wind, Green Energy emits into the air everyday, and people like crick believes that prevents CO2 being emitted?

Well, we must all thank God that CO2 is life. I can not imagine anything more dumb, than stating we must get rid of all the CO2 like crick advocates.
It's in the title of the article itself you fool. They are DESPERATE because of what Russia is doing , not that they want to do it. They are forced to at this time. People care about the future but not if it causes undo hardship in the present. Only so much people can do. Obviously the EU and NATO need to work out a shared electrical grid in Europe. The kinks will be worked out.
Why is Biden out producing trump on oil now, not that he wants to but because he has to. Same scenario, plus other factors. The problems of switching over systems exaggerated by human stupidity ( not Biden's ). He's thinking way ahead of the game, people will be shocked when we run out of oil but by then it will be welcomed because of the increasing amount of energy put into the Earth's atmosphere from fossil fuels creating even more unnatural natural disasters. At least we won't be caught with our pants down. And we'll have averted even more disastrous events.
Germany went full bore Green New Deal, then realized when it got really cold , that they needed a reliable source of energy. Coal. Burns bright and there is lots of it...Unlike in the winter time when the sun barely shines and the windmills freeze up when it gets cold. Why do you have people so much?
crick you are an idiot, you have no idea what gwh, meant, after years of reading these OP's
Okay. Why don't you explain what it is?
Wind turbines, if I calculate for the new 900 ft tall, Wind Turbines
, it is 400,000 tons of CO2 per day
. And with all that CO2, we get that at night, when solar and wind are producing no electricity.
The wind blows at night. And even with 400,000 tons per day, fossil fuel plants produce over 200 TIMES as much CO2
Aint that funny, crick wants to claim how great wind turbines and solar panels are, when they dont work.
They are currently producing over 12% of the world's electricity. How do you figure "they don't work"?
It really is a shame that people like crick dont have to live in the world they imagine.
It really is a shame that your life left you as ignorant as fucking rock.
400,000 tons of CO2 solar and wind, Green Energy emits into the air everyday, and people like crick believes that prevents CO2 being emitted?
You are the stupidest motherfucker on god's green earth.
Well, we must all thank God that CO2 is life. I can not imagine anything more dumb, than stating we must get rid of all the CO2 like crick advocates.
I have never advocated any such thing you goddamned stupid LYING motherfucker.
Germany went full bore Green New Deal, then realized when it got really cold , that they needed a reliable source of energy. Coal. Burns bright and there is lots of it...Unlike in the winter time when the sun barely shines and the windmills freeze up when it gets cold. Why do you have people so much?
When did it get very cold?

And define all in.


The wind blows at night. And even with 400,000 tons per day, fossil fuel plants produce over 200 TIMES as much CO2
Links? Those who demand links, typically never give them themselves and are ignorant.

The wind hardly blows at night, outside of storms and alone high/low pressure systems.

CO2 is life, without it we die. Why do you want us all to die?
When did it get very cold?

And define all in.
all in, germany shut down all it's coal plants and nuclear power plants. Germany at the same time, installed solar and wind, most likely more than any nation? Australia may have more?

But either way, Germany spent as much of the public money as possible going green.

Now, electricity is so expensive german industry is collapsing, moving, or simply going bankrupt
If Biden is out producing Trump, on oil, why is oil more expensive now, then when Trump was in office?
Because the oil price is determined by the world price and Saudis have cut Production and EU not using Russian oil.

you FU***** Idiot.
You don't even know basic world news/economics.

Why does no one speak to the esthetic blight of solar panels?

They should be outlawed as Lady Bird 🐦 did with junkyards and other brights visible from highways.

I see landscapes destroyed, neighborhoods destroyed, pleasant Sunday drives crucified.
Plus they are simply not a good invesrment in large parts of the country.
Yet whenever someone gets one they run to Facebook to claim they are the greatest thing since hot dogs. 🌭

Why does no one speak to the esthetic blight of solar panels?

They should be outlawed as Lady Bird 🐦 did with junkyards and other brights visible from highways.

I see landscapes destroyed, neighborhoods destroyed, pleasant Sunday drives crucified.
Plus they are simply not a good invesrment in large parts of the country.
Yet whenever someone gets one they run to Facebook to claim they are the greatest thing since hot dogs. 🌭

I suppose your pleasant Sunday drive would be less crucified by drill rigs, pumpjacks, refineries, smog, diesel stench and a world dead from global warming.