America Needs to Provide More Weapon Systems To Ukraine!

Zelenky has said many times he won't negotiate with Russia.
The CIA won't let him.
And unless the talks involved their pulling back to the borders set in the 1997 Russian-Ukrainian Friendship treaty, there is really nothing to talk about.

Just as a reminder:
Zelenky has said many times he won't negotiate with Russia.
And it seems there are those Zoolinsky supporters who are unaware of the Minsk agreements and who it was that broke those agreements. Also, considering the dispute is (according to Western official blabbery) between Ukraine and Russia then I wonder how any sort of negotiations can be carried out if Russia isn't included?:nocknockHT: Duh! Does Zoolinsky think the Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk are situated somewhere between New Hampshire and Vermont?
And unless the talks involved their pulling back to the borders set in the 1997 Russian-Ukrainian Friendship treaty, there is really nothing to talk about. Oh, and add in a UN peacekeeping force in a DMZ to prevent any more incursions from either side.
Of course these borders won't be restored. Ukraine will be lucky if it preserves the Ukrainian state in any meaningful form.
The only logical explanation for the fact that society all over the world is absolutely not afraid of nuclear war is degradation, obscurantism and slumbering stupidity....
The only logical explanation for the fact that society all over the world is absolutely not afraid of nuclear war is degradation, obscurantism and slumbering stupidity....

Maybe if you actually studied MAD and the human response to stress, you might actually understand it.

To put it simply, there are three stages in dealing with stress. Alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. And to be honest, most of the planet has simply move on to the exhaustion phase. We have a lot of tin-pot dictators now either with nukes or trying to get nukes, and all seem to believe it is some kind of magic wand they can wave in order to get what they want. And most of the world is simply tired of playing their little game. And the more they scream they are going to use their magic wands, the more bored we get.

And notice, who are the ones threatening to use them? Is it the US? NATO? Is the UK or France threatening to nuke anybody that does not bow down to their demands? Is Israel threatening to nuke Palestine if they do not stop fighting?

No, it is always the despotic authoritarian dictators like China, North Korea, and Russia that are making such threats. And they stopped frightening us a long time ago, now they simply bore us.

Maybe you should direct your anger at the nations that are actually threatening to use their nukes. Like Russia.
The United States has lifted the ban on the transfer of American weapons to the nationalist battalion “Azov”.
Some Nazis are helping other Nazis.
You'd think this hasn't happened before. Who is this circus for?
The United States has lifted the ban on the transfer of American weapons to the nationalist battalion “Azov”.
Some Nazis are helping other Nazis.
You'd think this hasn't happened before. Who is this circus for?
I think maybe Vlado should punish us (indivually) for supporting the Ukraini circus. So far my country has "only" supplied armorment to be used domestically but the modern day Swedish politcal buffoonery has its collective nose so far up Washington's arse that I am expecting to see our products flying over the Ukraini-Ruskie frontier any day now. If there's anyone here reading this who's from an anti-war nation please send me a list of available property.
BAD NEWS 🇷🇺🐷🇸🇦IVAN ? NOBODY Buys your 🇸🇦 🐷 🇷🇺 Mongol crap anymore ?
these 2 news´d go together👍


Russian warship visits Cuba, bringing missiles within 30 miles of US​

Russia's Nuclear Warships ARRIVE in Cuba, U.S. in STRIKING distance | Redacted w Clayton Morris

It´s not the Ukrainian state that has declared war on me.

Russian warship visits Cuba, bringing missiles within 30 miles of US​

Russia's Nuclear Warships ARRIVE in Cuba, U.S. in STRIKING distance | Redacted w Clayton Morris

any comment on this ?


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