America Needs to Provide More Weapon Systems To Ukraine!

any comment on this ?

You are hereby informed about Russia´s conditions for peace talks:

"Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin said on Friday that in order to start peace talks with Russia, Ukrainian troops must withdraw from the entire territory of four Ukrainian regions, and Kyiv must declare that there are no plans to join NATO.

This was announced by Putin on 14 June at a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry, European Pravda reports.

He delivered his speech on the eve of the Peace Summit in Switzerland, which Russia is trying to blow up.

Putin said he was putting forward a "real peace proposal," but if the West and Kyiv refused, it would be "their business." The head of the Russian Federation threatened that in the future the conditions for negotiations put forward by the Russian Federation will be different, since the situation on the battlefield, as he believes, will change "not in favor of Kyiv."

As soon as Kyiv agrees to the course of events proposed today, agrees to the complete withdrawal of troops from the DPR and LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, and really begins this process, we are ready to start negotiations without postponing them," Putin said.

The head of the Kremlin said that the condition for negotiations is the recognition of "new territorial realities – the status of Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk and Luhansk 'people's republics', Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions as subjects of the Russian Federation."

At the same time, Putin said that we are talking about the boundaries of those administrative borders that existed at the time of the entry of the four regions into the Ukraine.

He also demands that Kyiv formally announce the abandonment of plans to join NATO.

"Our principled position is the neutral, non-aligned, non-nuclear status of Ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification. Moreover, everyone generally agreed with these parameters during the Istanbul talks in 2022," the head of the Kremlin said.

Putin also demands that the rights of Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine be "fully ensured" and that all Western sanctions against Russia be lifted.

On June 15-16, Switzerland will host a Peace Summit, where Russia was not invited, and which the Russian Federation does not recognize as a real peace initiative.

On the eve of the summit in Switzerland, the problematic provisions of the final document of the meeting, which could have undesirable consequences for Ukraine, were corrected - the text of the decision has been changed in recent days.

After that, several states that planned to take part in the meeting refused to travel to Switzerland."

You are hereby informed about Russia´s conditions for peace talks:

🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 ivan, if you want peace - LEAVE UKRAINE , BELARUS , GEORGIA , MOLDOVA !

Zelenskyy: We have signed the strongest agreement between Ukraine and the USA since our independence.

Biden: US air defense support will focus on Ukraine.

🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 ivan, if you want peace - LEAVE UKRAINE , BELARUS , GEORGIA , MOLDOVA !

Zelenskyy: We have signed the strongest agreement between Ukraine and the USA since our independence.

Biden: US air defense support will focus on Ukraine.

I read about your "strong" agreement, it is another piece of toilet paper that includes not a single guarantee for Ukraine.
Isn't that the definition of a war of aggression?

🇸🇦 🇷🇺 ivan, you have lost the war (Jihad) . just accept it . pootler knows it, you know it and I know it.

No, it is still the conditions for peace talks. And for the territory, Russia didn´t steal it, but the residents there seceded from Ukraine because of the ongoing state terrorism of pseudo-police forces like Azov and Tornado Regiments. The Ukrainian leaderships bear the sole responsibility for the loss of these territories.
Western politicians are lying pieces of shit, they should be burned in the next coal plant or swim in the holding basin. They are enemies of their own peoples and of Russia but foremost of Ukraine which they use against Russia until complete depletion of the economy and people.
Russia did not start a war, but intervened in an ongoing conflict fueled by these very same western politicians.
it is still the conditions for peace talks.
YOU are not in position to force upon us your "conditions " , 🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 you pig -dog rapists HAVE LOST THE WAR . ANY Kharkiv´s updates ?

Imagine the next mASKAL PIG-
DOG soldier arriving to this place?

Go home maskal , don't die for him.
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YOU are not in position to force upon us your "conditions " , you pig -dog rapists HAVE LOST THE WAR . ANY Kharkiv´s updates ?

Imagine the next mASKAL PIG-
DOG soldier arriving to this place?
View attachment 962256
Go home maskal , don't die for him.
View attachment 962257
Shortly before the Red Army entered German territory, Stalin made a broadminded peace offer which Hitler rejected in wrath. The result is commonly known.
Red Army entered German territory
dream on ivan 🐷 🇸🇦 🇷🇺


the reality :


Moscow horde´s war record :-1856 defeated by Britain and France1905 defeated by Japan1917 defeated by Germany1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland1969 defeated by China1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by UkraineWW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-a) Hungary 1956b) Czechoslovakia 1968c) Moldova 1992d) Georgia 2008
Does some poor guy walk on the sidewalk smoking?

“We call for turning the tragic page of history and gradually restoring relations with Ukraine & Europe.”
- czar putin
WITH OTHER WORDS, Mongol - Moscow 🇷🇺ulus as a 13c. Mongol project IS DONE ! The only way to go :
ps cry ivan, you are a my personal 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 bitch from now on.
Well, another gay applicant. Others are besieging me for years now. They put hand-picked homos in my house that force themselves on me but fail to succeed with me. In the result they start to terrorize. Will you also terrorize me because I am heterosexual like the genocidal homo-regime does?
Well, another gay applicant. Others are besieging me for years now. They put hand-picked homos in my house that force themselves on me but fail to succeed with me. In the result they start to terrorize. Will you also terrorize me because I am heterosexual like the genocidal homo-regime does?
you are the worst 🇷🇺pederast our there, and THE LOSER

FACT CHECK FOR YOU 🇸🇦 🐷 🇷🇺 Mongoloids
The regions—Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia—are internationally recognized as Ukrainian. Only North Korea and Syria see the Russian annexation as legitimate. Referring to these as contested misleads readers into thinking there is a legitimate sovereignty…

meanwhile , we do , what have to be done , ivan

you are the worst 🇷🇺pederast our there, and THE LOSER

FACT CHECK FOR YOU 🇸🇦 🐷 🇷🇺 Mongoloids
The regions—Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia—are internationally recognized as Ukrainian. Only North Korea and Syria see the Russian annexation as legitimate. Referring to these as contested misleads readers into thinking there is a legitimate sovereignty…

meanwhile , we do , what have to be done , ivan

It is not very nice to call people such things. And not allowed on USMB.

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