Student Officially Changes His Personal Pronoun to 'His Majesty'


Aren't you a fucking senior citizen, Jim?

In a similar story, I went to high school at a school that had a large Asian and Eastern European population. At the beginning of each semester, the teacher would pass out either a sheet or those fucking Delany cards, and they'd ask everyone to write their name, and what they'd like to go by - there were a lot of people with names like Xichiun or Yevgeny who went by "Jane" or "Eugene". I have a very "western" name (which I'm not going to share), but I would always write "Lord <my-last-name>" on that line.

Only had one teacher who actually called me that, though.
What's the big deal? People call me "Queen" all the time.

I still want to change my name to T REX



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