If you overturn Roe, how do you plan to enforce an abortion ban?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Since we are all talking stuff (as VP Biden would say) about Abortion, here's the question I'd like to hear the people who scream "baby killer" answer.

If you got Roe v. Wade overturned, and got a lot of states to ban abortion, however are you going to enforce this law?

Are you going to throw the women who have them in prison? give them the death penalty?

One idiot yesterday actually suggested forcible sterilization.

But this is your chance, social engineers. Tell me how your ideal society with no abortion is going to work.
Simple really, Matt.

Basically they want to go back to the time when wealthy girls in trouble disappeared for a brief visit to their "aunt", while poor girls spawned unwanted children, or they put their lives into the hands of unlicenced abortionists.

So all These good ol boys want to return to those golden days of yore, understand?
Simple really, Matt.

Basically they want to go back to the time when wealthy girls in trouble disappeared for a brief visit to their "aunt", while poor girls spawned unwanted children, or they put their lives into the hands of unlicenced abortionists.

So all These good ol boys want to return to those golden days of yore, understand?

when you take away women's right to control over their own body, you take away their economic and personal independence, as well.

and that is ultimately why 80% of anti-choice activists are men.
Simple really, Matt.

Basically they want to go back to the time when wealthy girls in trouble disappeared for a brief visit to their "aunt", while poor girls spawned unwanted children, or they put their lives into the hands of unlicenced abortionists.

So all These good ol boys want to return to those golden days of yore, understand?

Basically, you are right. Deal with it. You get into a mess, then deal with it. Don't get everyone involved with your mess.
Simple really, Matt.

Basically they want to go back to the time when wealthy girls in trouble disappeared for a brief visit to their "aunt", while poor girls spawned unwanted children, or they put their lives into the hands of unlicenced abortionists.

So all These good ol boys want to return to those golden days of yore, understand?

Basically, you are right. Deal with it. You get into a mess, then deal with it. Don't get everyone involved with your mess.

how about you stay out of other people's liives?


and, more importantly, do you really think government should be enforcing your warped morality?
how about you stay out of other people's liives?


and, more importantly, do you really think government should be enforcing your warped morality?

What morality? I am offering none and don't want someone else's personal business get into mine. I want to stay out of other people's lives but they keep on making their silly lives mine.
how about you stay out of other people's liives?


and, more importantly, do you really think government should be enforcing your warped morality?

What morality? I am offering none and don't want someone else's personal business get into mine. I want to stay out of other people's lives but they keep on making their silly lives mine.

you're offering none?

that's a lie...

what you're offering is "punish the harlots".

my suggestion to you is you govern your own actions and life and stay out of others... and, again, don't ask government to enforce *your* choice.

and how does someone having an abortion make their "silly" life yours?

be specific... and at all times justify the governmental intrusion.
I'd just give it back to the states. No ban.

that's a lie... and if something is constitutional, it has to be constitutional for all 50 states.

the BS that it is a "state" issue is only to deny women access...

unless, of course, they're wealthy.

Correct, fundamental Equal Protection doctrine; one doesn’t lose his right to privacy as a consequence of his state of residence.

To the OP, you’ll likely not get an honest response from the ‘baby killing’ demagogues. As correctly noted in other threads, the last thing they want is abortion banned, as they would lose an important wedge issue used to keep The Base engaged.
I'd just give it back to the states. No ban.

that's a lie... and if something is constitutional, it has to be constitutional for all 50 states.

the BS that it is a "state" issue is only to deny women access...

unless, of course, they're wealthy.

Correct, fundamental Equal Protection doctrine; one doesn’t lose his right to privacy as a consequence of his state of residence.

To the OP, you’ll likely not get an honest response from the ‘baby killing’ demagogues. As correctly noted in other threads, the last thing they want is abortion banned, as they would lose an important wedge issue used to keep The Base engaged.

yes as to the bold. but more than equal protection, the supremacy of the federal law over state law prevents them from giving fewer rights than the federal governemtn does.

and THAT is why they want it to go to the states. it would be like sending segregation back to the states...
I'd just give it back to the states. No ban.

that's a lie... and if something is constitutional, it has to be constitutional for all 50 states.

the BS that it is a "state" issue is only to deny women access...

unless, of course, they're wealthy.

What Republican men want is limited access so that only a select few can get to an abortion clinic. A teen in Idaho would not be one of those select few who could afford access.

They are not going to win with this type of archaic policy, no matter how much Romney lies about his stance.

Bill of Reproductive Rights | Draw the Line
Since we are all talking stuff (as VP Biden would say) about Abortion, here's the question I'd like to hear the people who scream "baby killer" answer.

If you got Roe v. Wade overturned, and got a lot of states to ban abortion, however are you going to enforce this law?

Are you going to throw the women who have them in prison? give them the death penalty?

One idiot yesterday actually suggested forcible sterilization.

But this is your chance, social engineers. Tell me how your ideal society with no abortion is going to work.

Of all the things going on in the country why is the abortion issue being pushed by the liberal left? That is a better question. Are all of the liberal left nothing more then three card monte dealers. Trying to be the masters of deception? No one it going to overturn Roe vs Wade. If SCOTUS does then it will then be rightfully up to the states to decide if they even want to enforce a ban on abortion and how, it should have never been a federal issue in the first place. First it must be decided IF then the HOW but for now let's concentrate on what really is happening not some pretend issue to distract us.


While I'm pro-choice, the lefties are often less than intellectually honest on this issue. They play their standard word games, "women's health" and "women's bodies", when they know quite well the pro-life stance is about the unborn baby. In other words, it's not about the mother, it's about the child, the one who doesn't have a "choice" in the matter. It's difficult to have an honest conversation while games are being played.

My feeling is that society needs to make tough macro decisions, and that the "safe and rare" policy should be followed. And I'd frankly love to see both ends of this argument pool their considerable energy, resources and efforts into dealing with demand and adoption.



While I'm pro-choice, the lefties are often less than intellectually honest on this issue. They play their standard word games, "women's health" and "women's bodies", when they know quite well the pro-life stance is about the unborn baby. In other words, it's not about the mother, it's about the child, the one who doesn't have a "choice" in the matter. It's difficult to have an honest conversation while games are being played.

My feeling is that society needs to make tough macro decisions, and that the "safe and rare" policy should be followed. And I'd frankly love to see both ends of this argument pool their considerable energy, resources and efforts into dealing with demand and adoption.


the anti-choice stance isn't about the life of a fetus...it's about control. and every time you scratch one of the anti-choicers, they end up saying "well, they shouldn't have had sex" or their "choice" was before they 'did it'...

see the comments about 'responsibility'... it has nothing to do with 'iife' or they'd care about what happens to the life after... they don't.


While I'm pro-choice, the lefties are often less than intellectually honest on this issue. They play their standard word games, "women's health" and "women's bodies", when they know quite well the pro-life stance is about the unborn baby. In other words, it's not about the mother, it's about the child, the one who doesn't have a "choice" in the matter. It's difficult to have an honest conversation while games are being played.

My feeling is that society needs to make tough macro decisions, and that the "safe and rare" policy should be followed. And I'd frankly love to see both ends of this argument pool their considerable energy, resources and efforts into dealing with demand and adoption.


the anti-choice stance isn't about the life of a fetus...it's about control. and every time you scratch one of the anti-choicers, they end up saying "well, they shouldn't have had sex" or their "choice" was before they 'did it'...

see the comments about 'responsibility'... it has nothing to do with 'iife' or they'd care about what happens to the life after... they don't.

I agree with most of that. I also think that there are many "conservatives" who, in their heart of hearts, are much more open to it than they let on, but just play the game because they feel ideologically obligated. Politics.

But my comments were about the way the Left deals with this issue. They've decided to play word games (an ongoing strategy for a variety of issues) rather than take the issue on directly and honestly.



While I'm pro-choice, the lefties are often less than intellectually honest on this issue. They play their standard word games, "women's health" and "women's bodies", when they know quite well the pro-life stance is about the unborn baby. In other words, it's not about the mother, it's about the child, the one who doesn't have a "choice" in the matter. It's difficult to have an honest conversation while games are being played.

My feeling is that society needs to make tough macro decisions, and that the "safe and rare" policy should be followed. And I'd frankly love to see both ends of this argument pool their considerable energy, resources and efforts into dealing with demand and adoption.


the anti-choice stance isn't about the life of a fetus...it's about control. and every time you scratch one of the anti-choicers, they end up saying "well, they shouldn't have had sex" or their "choice" was before they 'did it'...

see the comments about 'responsibility'... it has nothing to do with 'iife' or they'd care about what happens to the life after... they don't.

I agree with most of that. I also think that there are many "conservatives" who, in their heart of hearts, are much more open to it than they let on, but just play the game because they feel ideologically obligated. Politics.

But my comments were about the way the Left deals with this issue. They've decided to play word games (an ongoing strategy for a variety of issues) rather than take the issue on directly and honestly.


Republicans are going after Planned Parenthood and every form or contraception. Where are you hearing dishonesty? They're pretty open about it and women are calling them out on it directly.
the anti-choice stance isn't about the life of a fetus...it's about control. and every time you scratch one of the anti-choicers, they end up saying "well, they shouldn't have had sex" or their "choice" was before they 'did it'...

see the comments about 'responsibility'... it has nothing to do with 'iife' or they'd care about what happens to the life after... they don't.

I agree with most of that. I also think that there are many "conservatives" who, in their heart of hearts, are much more open to it than they let on, but just play the game because they feel ideologically obligated. Politics.

But my comments were about the way the Left deals with this issue. They've decided to play word games (an ongoing strategy for a variety of issues) rather than take the issue on directly and honestly.


Republicans are going after Planned Parenthood and every form or contraception. Where are you hearing dishonesty? They're pretty open about it and women are calling them out on it directly.

I described it directly in my original post.

Y'all gettin' all worked up into a tizzy over nothing. You're allowing yourselves to be emotionally manipulated by both political parties.

Here's the facts: Roe v. Wade isn't going to be overturned.

In the first place, I'd like see a bill crafted in such a manner that an abortion ban would be Constitutional. That oughta make some interesting reading.

In the second place, the Democrats will not even try as a huge portion of their constituency is pro-abortion. Not only that, but they have not promised to....ever.

Thirdly, the GOP won't try to overturn it either. They had 6 years of uncontested control of the federal government, from 2000-2006, and offered up not one, single, solitary bill to address the Constitutional issues raised by the Court in RvW. Not one. Even the GOP is not stupid enough to attempt that.

So....y'all are just jousting at windmills, wasting bandwidth and gettin' all worked up over nothing.


While I'm pro-choice, the lefties are often less than intellectually honest on this issue. They play their standard word games, "women's health" and "women's bodies", when they know quite well the pro-life stance is about the unborn baby. In other words, it's not about the mother, it's about the child, the one who doesn't have a "choice" in the matter. It's difficult to have an honest conversation while games are being played.

My feeling is that society needs to make tough macro decisions, and that the "safe and rare" policy should be followed. And I'd frankly love to see both ends of this argument pool their considerable energy, resources and efforts into dealing with demand and adoption.


the anti-choice stance isn't about the life of a fetus...it's about control. and every time you scratch one of the anti-choicers, they end up saying "well, they shouldn't have had sex" or their "choice" was before they 'did it'...

see the comments about 'responsibility'... it has nothing to do with 'iife' or they'd care about what happens to the life after... they don't.

I agree with most of that. I also think that there are many "conservatives" who, in their heart of hearts, are much more open to it than they let on, but just play the game because they feel ideologically obligated. Politics.

But my comments were about the way the Left deals with this issue. They've decided to play word games (an ongoing strategy for a variety of issues) rather than take the issue on directly and honestly.


You agree with the liberal story line that those who respect all life are doing so just to control women? Really? That is the made up story line of those who do not think the most innocent of our world needs protection.

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