Draymond Green Suspended Indefinitely

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
and it's about F'ing time. Whether you know me on here or not, let me drop the gloves and go off for a second, pardon my french.

This guy is a complete and total punk-ass.
  • He flails purposefully to hit/injure other players and tries to pretend it was just coincidence.
  • He has gotten away with WAY more than any other player in NBA history as far as the precedent of the era. Guys get technicals for just critiquing refs, while how many times have I seen Draymond Green standing in ref's face, flexing as he yells at them, and nothing.
  • He ripped Charles Barkely because he had rings while Barkley didn't, but failed to address the elephant in the room, which is that Barkley was an alpha NBA MVP while Draymond couldn't carry a team as a leading player to above 20 wins. He simply road Steph, Klay, and KD's coattails as a dynamic role player. Yet, he thinks he's the king sh*t.
  • He's completely fake tough. He flexes and puffs his chest on the court but becomes calm and jokey off the court. He's a total fraud.

He should be suspended for the rest of the season with a TIGHT leash. F this guy, what a punk.

But.. let me tell you how I REALLY feel.. LOL
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It's a real shame, too, because he has one of the best feels for the game among any player in the N.B.A.

He would make a terrific coach someday, if he weren't so volatile.
It means that he understands floor spacing and ball movement better than just about anybody else out there.
That's a stretch. I'm not saying he's not a skilled player, but he's a glorified role player. He doesn't have anything to do with the now-common norm of NBA spacing. All players get it, and Steph/Klay perform it. Green does the offensive-line stuff, sets the picks, rebounds, and is a semi-decent passer and has pretty good court awareness.. but let's not crown him as Bill Walton. He's not. He's a more-offensively-skilled Dennis Rodman who doesn't rebound as well and tries to flex harder. That's it.
That's a stretch. I'm not saying he's not a skilled player, but he's a glorified role player. He doesn't have anything to do with the now-common norm of NBA spacing. All players get it, and Steph/Klay perform it. Green does the offensive-line stuff, sets the picks, rebounds, and is a semi-decent passer and has pretty good court awareness.. but let's not crown him as Bill Walton. He's not. He's a more-offensively-skilled Dennis Rodman who doesn't rebound as well and tries to flex harder. That's it.
I see him as one of the few players that makes everybody around him better.

How many point forwards can you name?
The new generation doesn't want to see violence in sports except for MMA followers etc. He would have been given a technical and maybe a shoving match (or worse) if he had done that in the 1990s. Then again, remember that brawl that went into the crowd and NBA players.were decking fans? I think it was between the Pacers and Pistons or something and at was in the 2010s I be!ieve.
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I see him as one of the few players that makes everybody around him better.

How many point forwards can you name?
Paul George
Scottie Pippen
Larry Bird
Khawi Leanord
Grant Hill
Hedo Turkoglu
Lamar Odom
Chris Webber
Andre Iguadola

I'd take all over Draymond
I didn't say that at all, dude.

I simply think he is a better player than you think he is and that he understands the game.
What NBA player among the top 50% of NBA Players DOESN'T "understand" the game?

Don't go all soft-bigotry on me like Michael Wilbon when he talks so glowingly about how "articulate" and "knowledgeable" a black sports player is for showing average intelligence.

The douche bag didn't even backwards-swing his elbow of the closest arm to the defender.. he literally just turned his body and swung his further arm to punch the defender in the face. He then flopped (like a b*tch) and tried to pretend it was incidental. He's not fooling anybody. If I had to be pushed into a fight with a "pro athlete", I'd be glad if "Draymond Green" was the ticket I drew. He'd probably beg to get out of it knowing his background, but he'd be all for it if there were refs and plenty of players to get in the way after he chested up and flexed. I'm afraid of Draymond Green's "toughness" as much as I am a mosquito
What NBA player among the top 50% of NBA Players DOESN'T "understand" the game?

Don't go all soft-bigotry on me like Michael Wilbon when he talks so glowingly about how "articulate" and "knowledgeable" a black sports player is for showing average intelligence.
Have at it, dude.

I get it that you hate the guy for his on-court behavior and that I triggered you by pointing out that he contributes much more towards winning games than his stats might indicate.
Have at it, dude.
I will, which is why I started the thread about the topic, and didn’t need your blessing to do so. Yet, you decided to enter into it, so… I don’t get your framing here.
I get it that you hate the guy for his on-court behavior
He’s definitely a DB, do you support his on court behavior?
I triggered you
LOL. Draymond and the NBA’s soft treatment of him “triggered” me.

Meanwhile, you merely said vague, undefined things about him that I asked questions about.

Don’t flatter yourself, you’re not that important
by pointing out that he contributes much more towards winning games than his stats might indicate.
That’s actually the first time you’ve said that, so you saying that’s what you pointed out previously is incorrect. But,I agree that he’s at times the shot in the arm for that team.

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