Democracy Creates Jobs

Warren Buffet would agree with this along with many other super wealthy. Consumer driven markets are driven by demand for products. If the majority of consumers don't have the money to purchase products, demand stagnates and the entire economy suffers. Eventually it hits the wealthy also.

Being wealthy doesn't make you a sound economist. the societies with the most scewed distribution of wealth are precisely the ones where the government interferes the most. In other words, the they are ones where liberalism is in full control. Free enterprise created the middle class, not government control and confiscatory taxation.

The UNIONS and their members would like to have a word with YOU...THEY think that THEY created it as did their collusion with Government...Just sayin from what I read here in these pages...
Free enterprise certainly did not create the middle class. Public schools, strong unions, the GI bill and the a progressive tax system created the middle class as we know it.

The reduction in jobs was cause purely by the sub-prime mortgage fiasco, a fiasco wholely owned by the government.

This is pure unadulterated bullshit. Greed and fraud created the sub-prime meltdown. Current profit seeking at the ridiculously dishonest risk rates created the sub-prime meltdown. Unregulated securitization with limitless risk created the sub-prime meltdown. The only part the government owns is it's reluctance to regulate the financial industry.

Guess which side of the fence those reluctant fellows played on?
Free enterprise certainly did not create the middle class. Public schools, strong unions, the GI bill and the a progressive tax system created the middle class as we know it.

The reduction in jobs was cause purely by the sub-prime mortgage fiasco, a fiasco wholely owned by the government.

This is pure unadulterated bullshit. Greed and fraud created the sub-prime meltdown. Current profit seeking at the ridiculously dishonest risk rates created the sub-prime meltdown. Unregulated securitization with limitless risk created the sub-prime meltdown. The only part the government owns is it's reluctance to regulate the financial industry.

Guess which side of the fence those reluctant fellows played on?

"Progressive TAX System"....that penalizes whom? The very ones without JOBS...because those that are without JOBS are set aside by their companies that are being HIT by the TAX System you seem to wave your flag towards...

I think YOU need to think this through a bit more.
Free enterprise certainly did not create the middle class. Public schools, strong unions, the GI bill and the a progressive tax system created the middle class as we know it.

The reduction in jobs was cause purely by the sub-prime mortgage fiasco, a fiasco wholely owned by the government.

This is pure unadulterated bullshit. Greed and fraud created the sub-prime meltdown. Current profit seeking at the ridiculously dishonest risk rates created the sub-prime meltdown. Unregulated securitization with limitless risk created the sub-prime meltdown. The only part the government owns is it's reluctance to regulate the financial industry.

Guess which side of the fence those reluctant fellows played on?

And BY the way WHOM created the Sub-prime Mortgage crises?

None other than GUBMINT and their control...their GREED over others for what? VOTES.

Have you ever heard of someone being layed off to cover taxes?

If so, wouldn't that lower the employer's cost, which would increase her profits and taxes?

Is it "ridiculous to associate taxes with hiring at all(?)"

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout

Plenty of people don't get hired because of taxes. No corporation ever says "we're laying you off to save on our taxes." That would be as unthinkable as a politician telling the truth. The economic effect of government policy are often not directly observable. That's what allows politicians to get away with robbing us all.
"In fact, paying taxes means you are already making money, which means you have already hired the right number of people. Taxes are based on subtracting your costs from your revenue, and if you have profits after you cover your costs, then you might be taxed.

"You don't even calculate your taxes until well after the hiring decision has been made.

"You don;t lay people off to 'cover' your taxes. And even if you did lay people off to 'cover' taxes it would lower your costs and you would have more profit, which means you would have more taxes... except that laying someone off when you had demand would cause you to have less revenue, ... and you see how ridiculous it is to associate taxes with hiring at all!"

Or maybe your ideology won't let you admit it?

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout
"This idea that a few wealthy people -- the 'producers' -- hand everything down to the rest of us -- 'the parasites' -- is fundamentally at odds with the concept of democracy.

"In a democracy we all have an equal voice and an equal stake in how our society and our economy does.

"We do not 'depend' on the good graces of a favored few for our livelihoods.

"We all are supposed to have an equal opportunity, and equal rights. And there are things we are all entitled to -- 'entitlements' -- that we get just because we were born here. But we all share in the responsibility to cover the costs of democracy --"

Rich parasites don't create jobs.
Demand creates jobs.

"If you ask around you will find that every business tries to employ the right number of people to meet the demand. Any business owner or manager will tell you that they hire based on need, not on how much they have in the bank...

"Taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation."

Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do | Truthout


Demand met by investment which produces "supply" creates jobs.

The main reason big companies get bigger is through "acquisition". They aren't "creating" jobs, they are absorbing the jobs someone else created. Many times, it was someone who wasn't "rich" but took out "bank loans". This right wing claim that "rich people make jobs" hasn't been substantiated with any "data". And of course, it won't be.

Well rdean, your big government sure as hell doesn't create jobs.
FDR's version of big government created millions of jobs.

"The WPA was a national program that originated its own projects (in cooperation with state and local governments) and sometimes took over state and local relief programs that had originated in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) or FERA programs.

"Headed by Harry Hopkins, the WPA provided jobs and income to the unemployed during the Great Depression in the United States. Between 1935 and 1943, the WPA provided almost eight million jobs.[3] It never managed to come anywhere close to full demand for employment.[4]

"Liquidated on June 30, 1943 as a result of high employment due to the industry boom of World War Two, the WPA had provided millions of Americans with jobs for 8 years.[5] Most people who needed a job were eligible for at least some of its positions.[6] Hourly wages were typically set to the prevailing wages in each area.[7] However workers could not be paid more than 30 hours a week..."

Works Progress Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some Democrat who used to own a business made the claim "taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation."

Care to refute it?
Lived it.
Here in FL our UECI premiums tripled and payroll taxes almost doubled.
About that time our esteemed idiots at the Capitol decided to pass Obamacare.
All these factors piling up on our small businesses caused lay-offs, terminations and a freeze on any new hires.

Florida employers face tax surge - Sun Sentinel
Democracy Creates Jobs

Then why are so many jobs being created in China?

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

The China Job Drain - 2001 to 2008 | Alliance for American Manufacturing

Oh, that's right.

I forgot.

Let that be a lesson, Lefty.

Those god-less capitalists take no stock in any damn entitlements like human rights or safe drinking water.

Lead, follow or learn to speak Mandarin.

Often erect paper tigers?
Some Democrat who used to own a business made the claim "taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation."

Care to refute it?
Lived it.
Here in FL our UECI premiums tripled and payroll taxes almost doubled.
About that time our esteemed idiots at the Capitol decided to pass Obamacare.
All these factors piling up on our small businesses caused lay-offs, terminations and a freeze on any new hires.

Florida employers face tax surge - Sun Sentinel
"But delaying the inevitable won't improve business conditions, said Bill Kent, owner of Fort Lauderdale swimming pool manufacturer HornerXpress, which has 300 employees. 'We're not hiring people because the economy isn't going to get better any time soon,' he said."

Florida employers face tax surge - Sun Sentinel

I heard on the radio today that long-term unemployment has gone off the charts since 2007. If long term unemployment is now a structural component of the US economy, that's partially due to thirty years of outsourcing exacerbated by bursting housing and credit bubbles.

The article in my link by Dave Johnson doesn't mention unemployment insurance taxes. I'm pretty sure Johnson would agree an increase from $8.40 per employee to $100.30 per employee would play a huge part in the hiring equation.
Let that be a lesson, Lefty.

Those god-less capitalists take no stock in any damn entitlements like human rights or safe drinking water.

Lead, follow or learn to speak Mandarin.

Safe drinking water is not an "entitlement." And so-called "human rights" are bogus because they include things like "a right to a job" and "a right to an education" which aren't rights at all. rights care an intrinsic part of your being. They exist wherever you exist. They don't require other people to provide them.
FDR's version of big government created millions of jobs.

"The WPA was a national program that originated its own projects (in cooperation with state and local governments) and sometimes took over state and local relief programs that had originated in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) or FERA programs.

"Headed by Harry Hopkins, the WPA provided jobs and income to the unemployed during the Great Depression in the United States. Between 1935 and 1943, the WPA provided almost eight million jobs.[3] It never managed to come anywhere close to full demand for employment.[4]

"Liquidated on June 30, 1943 as a result of high employment due to the industry boom of World War Two, the WPA had provided millions of Americans with jobs for 8 years.[5] Most people who needed a job were eligible for at least some of its positions.[6] Hourly wages were typically set to the prevailing wages in each area.[7] However workers could not be paid more than 30 hours a week..."

Works Progress Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You mean it went away when all the people in the program were drafted. All the jobs went away when the program ended. It didn't create a single permanent job.

FDR's fascist agenda turned a sharp but short recession into the Great Depression which lasted 8 more years. Only the terminally naive believe it "created jobs."
It depends on who's running the oligarchy. An enlightened dictatorship is often better than democracy. Take Chile under Pinochet, for example.
Is it "enlightened" to "stand idly by and watch a country go Communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people(?)"

Do you think its enlightening to assassinate a duly elected president?

He wasn't assassinated. he committed suicide, and he was a Marxist thug. I would have put a bullet in him myself if I had the opportunity. There's no vermin more despicable than a traitor who sells his country out to its enemies.

"In Santiago on September 11, 1973 I watched as Chilean air force jets flew overhead. Moments later I heard explosions and saw fireballs of smoke fill the sky as the presidential palace went up in flames. Salvador Allende, the elected Socialist president of Chile died in the palace.

Roger Burbach: The Condor Model

Allende committed suicide, he wasn't killed by bombs. He also attempted to become a dictator, and the Chilean parliament used force to remove him.

simply.the-truth: The truth about Chilean Revolution - by José Piñera

The Truth About the Chilean Revolution
by José Piñera

(updated march 15th, 2000)

It is true that Salvador Allende was elected President of Chile in 1970 by means of a democratic election (although with only 36.6% of the vote). Nevertheless, it is equally true that his government lost its democratic character by repeatedly violating the Constitution. The Economist said it clearly at the time: " The temporary death of democracy in Chile will be regrettable, but the blame lies clearly with Dr. Allende and those of his followers who persistently overrode the Constitution" (September 15, 1973).

In effect, President Allende became a tyrant when he broke his solemn oath to respect the Constitution and the Chilean laws. There are numerous evidences to that effect (including a clear statement of the Supreme Court), but the most important one--and widely unknown outside of Chile--is the momentous Agreement of 23 August 1973 of the Chamber of Deputies (the Lower House of the Chilean Congress), which I have translated and posted as "The Declaration of Breakdown of Chilean Democracy".

In this Agreement, it is presented a list of the legal and constitutional violations of President Allende's government, and it is agreed to "make representations" of this "grave breach of the legal and constitutional order of the Republic" to, among other authorities, "the Armed Forces". At the same time it agrees to "make representations to them that, by virtue of their function, of their oath to remain faithful to the Constitution and the law, ... it is up to them to put immediate end to all the situations referred to above, which infringe the Constitution and the law".

So, since no feasible mechanism existed in the Chilean Constitution to remove a President who had lost his democratic nature, the House of Deputies, in a two third vote that included all the representatives of the Christian Democratic Party (the party of former President Eduardo Frei Montalva), made "representations" to the Armed Forces that it was up to them to "put immediate end" to these constitutional violations. It must be agreed that this was, in fact, an unequivocal call to remove by force the President who had initiated the use of force with the purpose of imposing a communist dictatorship.

The Armed Forces, led by the person who was then the Commander in Chief of the Army, General Augusto Pinochet, and claiming to be following theAgreement of the House of Deputies, removed Allende (who committed suicide -My note: it is changed. Read here) and took power eighteen days later, on 11 September 1973, vowing to restore democratic rule once the circumstances allowed it.

Therefore, the origin of the Pinochet government is that of any revolutionary one, in which only the use of force was left in order to remove a tyrant. And, as Benjamin Franklin, one of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence of the United States, once said, "rebellion against a tyrant is obedience to God".
Last edited:

Demand met by investment which produces "supply" creates jobs.

The main reason big companies get bigger is through "acquisition". They aren't "creating" jobs, they are absorbing the jobs someone else created. Many times, it was someone who wasn't "rich" but took out "bank loans". This right wing claim that "rich people make jobs" hasn't been substantiated with any "data". And of course, it won't be.

Well rdean, your big government sure as hell doesn't create jobs.
FDR's version of big government created millions of jobs.

"The WPA was a national program that originated its own projects (in cooperation with state and local governments) and sometimes took over state and local relief programs that had originated in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) or FERA programs.

"Headed by Harry Hopkins, the WPA provided jobs and income to the unemployed during the Great Depression in the United States. Between 1935 and 1943, the WPA provided almost eight million jobs.[3] It never managed to come anywhere close to full demand for employment.[4]

"Liquidated on June 30, 1943 as a result of high employment due to the industry boom of World War Two, the WPA had provided millions of Americans with jobs for 8 years.[5] Most people who needed a job were eligible for at least some of its positions.[6] Hourly wages were typically set to the prevailing wages in each area.[7] However workers could not be paid more than 30 hours a week..."

Works Progress Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh please. Government paying people to stop unemployment is unsustainable and you know it.
FDR's version of big government created millions of jobs.

"The WPA was a national program that originated its own projects (in cooperation with state and local governments) and sometimes took over state and local relief programs that had originated in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) or FERA programs.

"Headed by Harry Hopkins, the WPA provided jobs and income to the unemployed during the Great Depression in the United States. Between 1935 and 1943, the WPA provided almost eight million jobs.[3] It never managed to come anywhere close to full demand for employment.[4]

"Liquidated on June 30, 1943 as a result of high employment due to the industry boom of World War Two, the WPA had provided millions of Americans with jobs for 8 years.[5] Most people who needed a job were eligible for at least some of its positions.[6] Hourly wages were typically set to the prevailing wages in each area.[7] However workers could not be paid more than 30 hours a week..."

Works Progress Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You mean it went away when all the people in the program were drafted. All the jobs went away when the program ended. It didn't create a single permanent job.

FDR's fascist agenda turned a sharp but short recession into the Great Depression which lasted 8 more years. Only the terminally naive believe it "created jobs."

It only created Political horseshit largess...that only the terminally stupid BUY into 60+ years out...
Some Democrat who used to own a business made the claim "taxes make absolutely no difference in the hiring equation."

Care to refute it?
Lived it.
Here in FL our UECI premiums tripled and payroll taxes almost doubled.
About that time our esteemed idiots at the Capitol decided to pass Obamacare.
All these factors piling up on our small businesses caused lay-offs, terminations and a freeze on any new hires.

Florida employers face tax surge - Sun Sentinel
"But delaying the inevitable won't improve business conditions, said Bill Kent, owner of Fort Lauderdale swimming pool manufacturer HornerXpress, which has 300 employees. 'We're not hiring people because the economy isn't going to get better any time soon,' he said."

Florida employers face tax surge - Sun Sentinel

I heard on the radio today that long-term unemployment has gone off the charts since 2007. If long term unemployment is now a structural component of the US economy, that's partially due to thirty years of outsourcing exacerbated by bursting housing and credit bubbles.

The article in my link by Dave Johnson doesn't mention unemployment insurance taxes. I'm pretty sure Johnson would agree an increase from $8.40 per employee to $100.30 per employee would play a huge part in the hiring equation.

Those goal posts were heavy, but you did good
Let's think about this......

Democracy = Majority

The Majority of Americans want a good job.

Nope....... doesn't work that way, sorry
Do you think the majority of Americans see how ridiculous it is to associate taxes with hiring?

"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."


"See you in 2016!!"
Lived it.
Here in FL our UECI premiums tripled and payroll taxes almost doubled.
About that time our esteemed idiots at the Capitol decided to pass Obamacare.
All these factors piling up on our small businesses caused lay-offs, terminations and a freeze on any new hires.

Florida employers face tax surge - Sun Sentinel
"But delaying the inevitable won't improve business conditions, said Bill Kent, owner of Fort Lauderdale swimming pool manufacturer HornerXpress, which has 300 employees. 'We're not hiring people because the economy isn't going to get better any time soon,' he said."

Florida employers face tax surge - Sun Sentinel

I heard on the radio today that long-term unemployment has gone off the charts since 2007. If long term unemployment is now a structural component of the US economy, that's partially due to thirty years of outsourcing exacerbated by bursting housing and credit bubbles.

The article in my link by Dave Johnson doesn't mention unemployment insurance taxes. I'm pretty sure Johnson would agree an increase from $8.40 per employee to $100.30 per employee would play a huge part in the hiring equation.

Those goal posts were heavy, but you did good

And moved them downfield...

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