What has been the material affect on election workers from threats of violence?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Threats against election workers driving exodus of veteran staff, experts say

WASHINGTON — Physical and cyber threats against election workers are driving people away from the industry, potentially endangering the ability of states to conduct off-year elections like those on Tuesday, and the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

“It’s not hard to understand why election workers are leaving their posts and resigning, their families have faced horrific threats,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., chair of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, said at a recent hearing on election worker safety.

“We don’t feel safe in our work because of the harassment and threats that are based on lies,” Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes testified at the Nov. 1 hearing. “It almost defies common sense that we have people who want to get into these jobs, but for the fact that these are the jobs that preserve our democracy,” he added.


A tide of election worker resignations raises alarms ahead of 2024

A wave of departures by election officials in key states risks adding new stress to the nation’s election system ahead of next year’s presidential contest, voting rights groups and several state election chiefs warn.

The growing alarm over the resignations and retirements comes as officials say election workers continue to face a barrage of threats and harassment and partisan interference in their duties, first ignited by false claims of a stolen White House election in 2020.

In one region alone – across 11 Western states – more than 160 top local election officials have left their positions since November 2020, according to a regional case study by Issue One, a nonprofit watchdog group tracking the departures. In the counties with new election chiefs in those states, the typical level of experience has dropped from about eight years to one, the analysis found.

Posters like myself often refer to Trump's threat to democracy without being specific about what form the threat takes. This post makes one aspect of it clear. It is because free and fair elections, and their perceived credibility, are essential to sustaining a democracy that Trump spends so much time trying to induce Americans to lose confidence in them.

The goal of Trumpery being to weaken faith in all the facets of our democratic system in order to pave the way for its replacement. Him.
These threats are attempts by MAGAs at political intimidation. These MAGAs just don‘t threaten Democratic election workers but Republicans as well. These MAGA fear a free and open election. What better way for MAGAs to pave the way for their election fraud then to intimidate honest election workers. These MAGAs need to be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Another example of how the rubes believe the big lie, and then decide any response is justified.

Once again, the world has seen this before.
Trump has created an ideal, protective construct around what he hopes to accomplish. The Trumpian response to observations of the erosion our systems of elections has suffered at the hands of the orange god is......."they are corrupt."

A completely fabricated construct designed to allow The Following to believe he won an election he lost. But more importantly, to give them license to regard all elections as having dubious credibility. He wants to make people feel there is no certainty unless he says it is certain.

What has been the material affect on election workers from threats of violence?​

what’s the affect of progressive libs? I say “zombie like”
In the battleground state of Arizona – which became a hotbed for election falsehoods after Joe Biden flipped the traditional GOP stronghold by a little more than 10,000 votes – 12 of the state’s 15 county election chiefs have departed since the 2020 election, including one whose dogs were poisoned as a “means of intimidation,” said Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a Democrat elected last year.

MAGAists cheer how well intimidation is working.
Trump has created an ideal, protective construct around what he hopes to accomplish. The Trumpian response to observations of the erosion our systems of elections has suffered at the hands of the orange god is......."they are corrupt."

A completely fabricated construct designed to allow The Following to believe he won an election he lost. But more importantly, to give them license to regard all elections as having dubious credibility. He wants to make people feel there is no certainty unless he says it is certain.
We know what goes on in the inner cities. To many times mysterious votes have come out of them in many elections. If a couple of them were caught in Prog areas over the last several years, it is widespread. No one has the grapevine like African American areas.
Trump has created an ideal, protective construct around what he hopes to accomplish. The Trumpian response to observations of the erosion our systems of elections has suffered at the hands of the orange god is......."they are corrupt."

A completely fabricated construct designed to allow The Following to believe he won an election he lost. But more importantly, to give them license to regard all elections as having dubious credibility. He wants to make people feel there is no certainty unless he says it is certain.
It doesn’t help your case that progressive Democrats were the ones eroding trust in the election process with decades of cheating.
These threats are attempts by MAGAs at political intimidation. These MAGAs just don‘t threaten Democratic election workers but Republicans as well. These MAGA fear a free and open election. What better way for MAGAs to pave the way for their election fraud then to intimidate honest election workers. These MAGAs need to be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Thanks for sharing, Mika.
In the battleground state of Arizona – which became a hotbed for election falsehoods after Joe Biden flipped the traditional GOP stronghold by a little more than 10,000 votes – 12 of the state’s 15 county election chiefs have departed since the 2020 election, including one whose dogs were poisoned as a “means of intimidation,” said Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a Democrat elected last year.

MAGAists cheer how well intimidation is working.
Liberal progressives always accuse others of what they’re doing.
In the era of Trumpery, the brown shirts hide behind anonymity to carry out the goal of tearing it all down brick by brick. In this example by getting experienced election officials to quit. Leaving openings for MAGAists.

Heeding Steve Bannon’s Call, Election Deniers Organize to Seize Control of the GOP — and Reshape America’s Elections​

It doesn’t help your case that progressive Democrats were the ones eroding trust in the election process with decades of cheating.
Thanks for helping prove my point. You're the best.

But more importantly, to give them license to regard all elections as having dubious credibility. He wants to make people feel there is no certainty unless he says it is certain.
In the battleground state of Arizona – which became a hotbed for election falsehoods after Joe Biden flipped the traditional GOP stronghold by a little more than 10,000 votes – 12 of the state’s 15 county election chiefs have departed since the 2020 election, including one whose dogs were poisoned as a “means of intimidation,” said Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a Democrat elected last year.

MAGAists cheer how well intimidation is working.
We know what goes on in the inner cities.
These are the myths Trump is counting on you believing. He wants to create the belief by The Following that the only acceptable elections are ones he wins. All others are to be disregarded.
Thanks for helping prove my point. You're the best.

But more importantly, to give them license to regard all elections as having dubious credibility. He wants to make people feel there is no certainty unless he says it is certain.
By highlighting their "affect "?

transitive verb

: to put on a false appearance of (something) : to pretend to feel, have, or do (something)

I think what you're doing here is an "affect".....

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