5 Most underrated Presidents



  1. Clintons for being elected on Bill's boyish charm never realizing what electing a sex and drug playboy and his power-mad wife willing to trade military secrets what harm they could do to the nation.
  2. Bush for exposing what the quintessential old school RINO types were really about in leading the war machine to destroy nations in order to make a few weapons companies rich.
  3. Obumma for telling us he would fundamentally change the country to a marxist, foreign-controlled regime and our electing him anyway because he gave out phones.
  4. Biden for being the supreme weapon lurking to utterly destroy America as a sovereign first world country and going completely below the GOP's radar.
  5. Obumma again for letting him set himself up for an unofficial third term being the backroom guy instructing Biden on what to do next.


  1. Clintons for being elected on Bill's boyish charm never realizing what electing a sex and drug playboy and his power-mad wife willing to trade military secrets what harm they could do to the nation.
  2. Bush for exposing what the quintessential old school RINO types were really about in leading the war machine to destroy nations in order to make a few weapons companies rich.
  3. Obumma for telling us he would fundamentally change the country to a marxist, foreign-controlled regime and our electing him anyway because he gave out phones.
  4. Biden for being the supreme weapon lurking to utterly destroy America as a sovereign first world country and going completely below the GOP's radar.
  5. Obumma again for letting him set himself up for an unofficial third term being the backroom guy instructing Biden on what to do next.
you guys are slow learners. nixon taught us all that 50 years ago.

my under rated guy is jimmy carter. . he set the frazzled economy towards stability and planned to reduce energy when that was used as a weapon.

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