
  1. deanrd

    Is marital infidelity even a political issue anymore?

    President Trump Tweets About Mark Sanford's 'Flaming Dancer' Affair We have also accepted the complete collapse of shame as a social force, and Donald Trump, American president is once again a shining example. You might remember that the president has very publicly cheated on every wife he's...
  2. deanrd

    The GOP is the party of the rich. How come the ten poorest counties are in Ruby Red States?

    As I've linked to before, five of the ten poorest counties are in Kentucky and West Virginia, two states even more white than the Republican Party. So much for Republicans insisting that poverty is because black people live in their states. Remember, Republicans give tax cuts to billionaires...
  3. deanrd

    Remember when the American president was the leader of the free world?

    Remember when the American president was the leader of the free world? Can you still say that?
  4. deanrd

    White Republicans always talk about inner cities, but never talk about Appalachia. Why?

    White Republicans always talk about inner cities, but never talk about Appalachia. Why? White Republicans insist that theyā€™re very concerned for African-Americans in inner-city communities. At the same time, if you point out the poverty in Appalachia, theyā€™ll say thatā€™s because thereā€™s...
  5. deanrd

    What will the Republican Party be like in the next 20 to 30 years?

    We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white...
  6. deanrd

    Trump attacking soybean farmers was bad enough. Now heā€™s attacking corn farmers.

    Trump attacking soybean farmers was bad enough. Now heā€™s attacking corn farmers. Ethanol producer blames Indiana plant closure on Trump's EPA CLOVERDALE, Ind. (AP) ā€” The owner of a western Indiana ethanol plant is blaming its shut down on the Trump administration allowing some refineries to...
  7. deanrd

    If you were born outside the country, should you still be allowed to claim American citizenship?

    Trump officials say children of some service members overseas will not get automatic citizenship The policy guidance issued Wednesday stated that USCIS ā€œno longer considers children of U.S. government employees and U.S. armed forces members residing outside the United States as ā€˜residing in the...
  8. deanrd

    How come most of the money going to political candidates from opioid makers goes to Republicans?

    Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, under scrutiny for role in opioid crisis, are big political spenders The company also employed the Purdue Pharma PAC to contribute to federal candidates, almost solely Republican ones. Some family members mostly favor Republicans, while others support...
  9. deanrd

    If GOP takes the House, keeps the Senate and Presidency, Trump will cut middle class income Tax

    Trump says he will approve 'major middle income tax cut' if GOP wins House, Senate in 2020 "If Republicans take back the House, and keep the Senate and Presidency, one of our first acts will be to approve a major middle income Tax Cut!" Trump tweeted Saturday morning. ā€œIā€™m not looking at a tax...
  10. deanrd

    This could be a wave and change election but not in the way you would think.

    This could be a wave and change election but not in the way you would think. I think whatā€™s going on in both parties id youā€™re starting to see the youth vote taking an interest in American politics. The Republican Party is known to be old and white. But the leader ship in the Democratic...
  11. deanrd

    DOJ acknowledged it sent link to a white nationalist blog to immigration employees

    DOJ condemns white nationalist content sent to immigration court employees The link, which directed users to the website VDare, contained negative and anti-Semitic comments about sitting immigration judges. The link came as part of the EOIR's Monday news briefing, which is sent to all...
  12. deanrd

    Which is better? Pocahontas? Or the ā€œCHOSEN ONEā€?

    Which is better? Pocahontas? Or the ā€œchosen oneā€? You know the next election is going to have ā€œking of Israelā€œ and ā€œthe chosen oneā€œ everywhere. Trump is the one that loves to make up names, crooked Hillary, sleepy Joe, he hasnā€™t really made up one for Obama. Of course, two of the three...
  13. deanrd

    How many ways does Trump/Republicans wanna trash the American Constitution?

    How many ways does Trump/Republicans wanna trash the American Constitution? First, they want to get rid of automatic citizenship for people born in this country. And theyā€™re talking about policing the Internet so they can stop discussion of trumps lies and criminality. Trump wants to...
  14. deanrd

    The GOPā€™s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

    The GOPā€™s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs. Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good? All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing...
  15. deanrd

    Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks? Anyone?

    Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks? I have my own theories.
  16. deanrd

    First time in 10 years FEWER foreign students attending American colleges

    First time in 10 years FEWER foreign students attending American colleges New international student enrollments continue to decline at U.S. universities New enrollments of international students fell by 6.6 percent at American universities in academic year 2017-18 compared to the year before...
  17. deanrd

    manufacturing sector shrunk by 1.9 percent in the first quarter of the year

    Manufacturing shrinks, raising questions for Trump The manufacturing sector shrunk by 1.9 percent in the first quarter of the year, and another 1.2 percent in the second quarter. In July, it is estimated that it contracted 0.4 percent. A recession occurs when an economy contracts in two...
  18. deanrd

    Are Republicans about to call the police traitors and anti-American?

    LAPD chief among nation's top cops who ask Congress to ban assault weapons Police chiefs call for assault weapons ban Republicans never bothered to ask the police if they want to face assault weapons.
  19. deanrd

    Are we seeing the Republicans re-define family values?

    King incites furor with abortion, rape and incest remarks King made the remarks while speaking to the Westside Conservative Club in Urbandale, Iowa, on Wednesday, where he sought to defend anti-abortion legislation with no rape or incest exceptions. ā€œWhat if we went back through all the family...
  20. deanrd

    7 million truckers horribly screwed over by Donald Trump

    Truckers used to have something called Per diem that was tax-deductible. That was the money that they spent on food and daily expenses while they were driving. Gone. So the owners of the truck company got huge tax breaks, but the average trucker salary went up $8000 or more. And they got rid...
  21. TheProgressivePatriot

    Amnesty International Issues U.S. Travel Warning: Avoid Churches, Malls, Schools

    Amnesty International Issues U.S. Travel Warning: Avoid Churches, Malls, Schools I want to personally thank and congratulate Mr. Trump, Mr. McConnel, Congressional Republicans, the NRA and all those who have steadfastly fought common sense gun control measures. You have succeeded beyond your...
  22. deanrd

    Donald Trump was banned from the USMB during the Florida Rally

    So I was watching the Trump rally in Florida and I was posting what Donald Trump was saying and was banned. Banned for posting Donald Trump's direct quotes. Here is a live stream of the rally and some of the direct quotes. Don't believe me. Watch for yourself. This is Trump at his base...
  23. deanrd

    Can the US win in the Middle East attacking Iran?

    Can the US win in the Middle East attacking Iran? Remember, George W Bush was able to convince dozens and dozens of countries to join the US in attacking Iraq. Plus he had the support of NATO after 911. Trump has basically...
  24. deanrd

    Why Joe Biden wonā€™t be the Democratic nominee

    Biden: Dems may as well 'go home' if they can't work with Republicans to find 'compromise' Former Vice President Joe Biden defended bipartisanship with Republican lawmakers, saying if a Democratic president can't find compromise might as well "go home" and start a "real physical revolution."...
  25. deanrd

    Iā€™m sure everyone has seen that Trump is getting back into healthcare promises before the election.

    What are you thinking about that? Does anybody believe Republicans have a healthcare plan for the majority of Americans? What would that plan look like? And who are those people Republicans feel shouldnā€™t be bothered with having health care.
  26. deanrd

    Sadly, itā€™s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP

    Sadly, itā€™s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP We all know Iā€™ve posted the facts on Appalachian many times. That there are white people living in Appalachia who have no running water and no electricity and who get their heat in the winter by chopping down trees...
  27. deanrd

    Which states have the worst credit scores in the nation?

    Which states have the worst credit scores in the nation? 10 States With the Best and Worst Credit Scores What is a good credit score? Credit score ranges are typically between 300 and 850, and the 10 states with the best credit scores all have credit scores of 690 or above, comfortably in the...
  28. deanrd

    These Democratic debates will be something the country has never seen before in American history

    Some of the candidates will be twice the age of other candidates. Black women. Multiple women. An out gay man. Hispanics. For the first time, a debate stage for president will look like America. And theyā€™ll be a candidate we wonā€™t even see. An unindicted co-conspirator in...
  29. deanrd

    Why truck drivers across the board will no longer vote GOP.

    Clearing Up The Confusion Over Trucker Per Diem And Tax Reform - Per Diem Plus Do you see that list? Thatā€™s a list of things that used to be deductible for truck drivers. But theyā€™re no longer deductible under the Republicans ā€œtax cuts for needy billionairesā€. I was watching a group of truck...
  30. deanrd

    Do people under 30 hate the republican party?

    The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse The generation gap is even more powerful when it comes to Republicans. To put it bluntly, young adults hate them. In 2018, voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67 percent to 32 percent. A 2018 Pew survey found...
  31. deanrd

    Steve Bannon's brand SPANKING new Nazi Academy In Italy Was Just Shut Down

    Italy is evicting Steve Bannon from the medieval monastery he planned to turn into a far-right training academy But earlier this month, Italian newspaper Repubblica reported that a letter used to guarantee the lease was forged. The letter had the signature of an employee of Danish bank Jyske...
  32. deanrd

    Todayā€™s Supreme Court abortion ruling is a real head scratcher.

    Supreme Court leaves intact block on one Indiana abortion restriction, but allows fetal burial to go into effect The Supreme Court overturned this part: a state may prohibit abortions motivated solely by race, sex or disability. Republicans want to force women to have retarded babies or...
  33. deanrd

    You thought 2018 was the year of the woman? Wait until 2020.

    A First: Women Take The Majority In Nevada Legislature And Colorado House Just like the country, the body is slightly more than half women. "It's been a long, hard fight. I'm starting to see some of the fruits of not just my labor, but the labor of so many other people whose names I don't...
  34. deanrd

    Black, Hispanic, Women, Gays, Jews, Muslim, Native American..........why would you vote GOP?

    By now, Republicans must realize they are a nearly all white party. African American Hispanics Women Gays Muslims Jews Native Americans If you belong to one of these groups, why would you ever vote GOP? Would you feel welcome in the GOP knowing they are nearly all white? So if you would...
  35. deanrd

    Trump is right! There is a coup happening and itā€™s not over yet!

    I totally agree with Trump. Perhaps not in the way he states it, but I totally believe there is a slow motion coup continuing even today. Remember, there are three branches of government, the judicial, the executive, and the legislative. The judicial are the courts. The executive is the...
  36. deanrd

    Trump transition staffer, J. W. Verret, said he read Mueller report, and now calls for impeachment.

    Trump transition staffer explains why Mueller report convinced him to favor impeachment Verret, who has worked on GOP presidential transition teams for the past 10 years, served as deputy director of economic policy on the Trump presidential transition team. He wrote in The Atlantic on Tuesday...
  37. deanrd

    Look at the chemical spill in Houston, do you believe eating the fish is dangerous.

    Cleanup continuing in Houston Ship Channel after vessels collide and spill gas product Barges involved in Houston Ship Channel collision are removed Two barges involved in a collision with a tanker were removed from the Houston Ship Channel Wednesday after officials determined it would be...
  38. deanrd

    The last two republican presidents the worst in American history. Pitiful, just pitiful.

    Remember when everyone became so angry at George Bush once they discovered we had been lied into Iraq? Then he let bin Laden go and shut down the CIA division that was tasked with finding bin Laden. Then Bush and the Republicans led the country and the world into the worst economic collapse...
  39. deanrd

    Clearly, Donald Trump has re-defined what it means to be a Republican.

    No ifā€™s andā€™s or butts, Donald Trump has redefined what it means to be a Republican. First, what exactly does that mean? How do trump Republicans differ from the old style Republicans? And second, what does that mean for the country going forward?
  40. deanrd

    If you were a foreign country, would you trust any negotiated deal trump signed?

    If you were a foreign country, would you trust any negotiated deal trump signed? Seriously people. You know Trump stiffed his own workers. He ruined many peoples lives and destroyed companies when he refused to pay them for work done. If you were a foreign country would you sign a deal...

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