Are we seeing the Republicans re-define family values?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
King incites furor with abortion, rape and incest remarks

King made the remarks while speaking to the Westside Conservative Club in Urbandale, Iowa, on Wednesday, where he sought to defend anti-abortion legislation with no rape or incest exceptions. “What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled out anyone who was a product of rape or incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?" the lawmaker said.

“Considering all the wars and all the rapes and pillages that happened throughout all these different nations, I know that I can't say that I was not a part of a product of that,” he added.

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party

Some Republicans in the past have complained that their party needs to grow and change with the times.

I’m not so sure.

I say leave the Republicans alone and let them live the way they’ve always lived.

Don’t try to force Republicans to be something they’re not. Just let them grow naturally in their own way.

Steve King is very popular with in the Republican Party. Stop picking on him and let him live by his own definition of “family values“.
Apparently they are products of incest and rapes, most of them anyway. Also you know what they say about victims of incest and rape, they commit incest and rape.
Rep Steve King is a reactionary and a Luddite. The moderates and conservatives have no business allowing this troglodyte to be the “face” of the GOP. Even more problematic are the constituents who keep him in office.
Deep relaxing sighhhhh. Dropping my party affiliation has made things so much easier and clearer.
King incites furor with abortion, rape and incest remarks

King made the remarks while speaking to the Westside Conservative Club in Urbandale, Iowa, on Wednesday, where he sought to defend anti-abortion legislation with no rape or incest exceptions. “What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled out anyone who was a product of rape or incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?" the lawmaker said.

“Considering all the wars and all the rapes and pillages that happened throughout all these different nations, I know that I can't say that I was not a part of a product of that,” he added.

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party

Some Republicans in the past have complained that their party needs to grow and change with the times.

I’m not so sure.

I say leave the Republicans alone and let them live the way they’ve always lived.

Don’t try to force Republicans to be something they’re not. Just let them grow naturally in their own way.

Steve King is very popular with in the Republican Party. Stop picking on him and let him live by his own definition of “family values“.
He has a diverse view,, SO WHAT.. why are you so against people different then you?
You democrats have always been against diverse views
So McCarthy said he is the face of the ABE' s party, he is not the ABE's party, he is the party of not paying for "forcible rape". Rape is rape, but in McCarthy's mind its not.

He is as bad as King.
Democrats are the party of drugs and free love.
Republicans are the party of family values.
View attachment 274480 You democrats have always been against diverse views

Get off of it, you are fully aware the party of the republicans are like the old days, South and pro slavery, yet they spread thought-out the USA in mostly rural areas. But their home, remains the south.
Democrats owned slave plantations back then, and today’s urban slave plantations.. cries of racial oppression came from democrat run towns back then,, and today’s cries are from towns run by Democrats..


You are the racist
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Apparently they are products of incest and rapes, most of them anyway. Also you know what they say about victims of incest and rape, they commit incest and rape.
Are you an expert in these matters? Are you married to your mothers son?

Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother
Immediately after being elected to her current seat in 2016, Omar faced allegations -- soon backed by a remarkable amount of evidence -- that she had married her own brother in 2009, and was still legally his wife. They officially divorced in December 2017.
People who think men with tits should be a little girls bathroom and competing with high school girl athletes trying to tell the rest of US , that they (liberals) have the moral high ground. Lets ask Bill(the rapist) and Hillary(the enabler) Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffery Epstein, oops cant do that, because the Clinton machine was hard at work. Just cant get more stupid that a liberal.



Homer simpson.jpg
Democrats are the party of drugs and free love.
Republicans are the party of family values.
Except in Appalachia. The opioid capital of the world. West Virginia alone has less than half the population of Chicago and Baltimore put together and yet four times the amount of deaths between handguns and opioids.

I am white and I have relatives living in Appalachia and I don’t want them to die from opioids. Republicans are white and they seem to be more concerned with black people they don’t know and don’t like who live in inner cities. Why is that?
Democrats are the party of drugs and free love.
Republicans are the party of family values.
Except in Appalachia. The opioid capital of the world. West Virginia alone has less than half the population of Chicago and Baltimore put together and yet four times the amount of deaths between handguns and opioids.

I am white and I have relatives living in Appalachia and I don’t want them to die from opioids. Republicans are white and they seem to be more concerned with black people they don’t know and don’t like who live in inner cities. Why is that?
So you agree we should help Americans and not illegals
while speaking to the Westside Conservative Club in Urbandale, Iowa, on Wednesday,

All we need to know
I wonder how many Conservatives want to admit the amount of rape and incest in their family tree?
Democrats are the party of drugs and free love.
Republicans are the party of family values.
Except in Appalachia. The opioid capital of the world. West Virginia alone has less than half the population of Chicago and Baltimore put together and yet four times the amount of deaths between handguns and opioids.

I am white and I have relatives living in Appalachia and I don’t want them to die from opioids. Republicans are white and they seem to be more concerned with black people they don’t know and don’t like who live in inner cities. Why is that?
So you agree we should help Americans and not illegals
Republicans have a weird definition of illegals.

Nobody wants the illegals, but if there’s people who came here seeking asylum while fleeing danger, then we have a Christian duty to welcome them and help them out. That’s what being a Christian is all about.

Republicans don’t believe in Christianity even in this country. Their Jesus is this bizarre right wing amalgamation of hate and ignorance and pro billionaire. It’s like the opposite of everything Jesus taught.

Just the fact that Republicans believe Vladimir Putin is a great leader and a wonderful president and Kim Jong un is a friend of America tells you everything you need to know about the GOP.

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