
  1. deanrd

    Can you guess which states where you could be fired from your job simply for being gay?

    Hereā€™s Everywhere In The U.S. You Can Still Get Fired For Being Gay Or Trans Check out the key. These are the important ones: No statewide protections Some protections for public employees only Prevents passage or enforcement of local LGBT nondiscrimination laws Wow, I didn't even know there...
  2. deanrd

    Pete Buttigieg calls Pence 'at best complicit' with resurgence of white nationalism

    Buttigieg said the vice president has been ā€œconsistently horribleā€ and said Americans face a danger of the continued radicalization with ā€œwhat seems at best to be a level of negligence, if not encouragement, coming from the highest office in the land.ā€ Pete Buttigieg calls Pence 'at best...
  3. deanrd

    Three scientists share Turing Award for artificial intelligence.

    Three scientists share Turing Award for artificial intelligence. Turing Award Won by 3 Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence The Turing Award, which was introduced in 1966, is often called the Nobel Prize of computing, and it includes a $1 million prize, which the three scientists will share...
  4. deanrd

    Cuts to special Olympics?

    Obamaā€™s chief of staff apologizes for ā€œretardedā€ remark ā€“ The Denver Post Remember that? Republicans felt that special needs children had been terribly maligned and insulted. Trump administration proposes to end all government funding for the Special Olympics, arguing that private philanthropy...
  5. deanrd

    How is an actual written letter not collusion nor obstruction?

    How is an actual written letter not collusion nor obstruction? We all know that Donald Trump Senior wrote a letter for Donald Trump Junior to explain the Russian meeting at Trump Tower. They said it was about Russian adoption when we know from emails it was about getting dirt on Hillary...
  6. deanrd

    Trump's 30 biggest broken promises

    This video is horrible. Simply because it's true. How do we know? Evidence and statistics. Did he miss any big ones?
  7. deanrd

    Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) quoted Adolf Hitlerā€™s Mein Kampf on House Floor

    Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) quoted Adolf Hitlerā€™s Mein Kampf on House Floor Congressman Quotes Anti-Semitic Hitler Passage In House To Attack Democrats Brooks added before reading a section from Mein Kampf, which he failed to mention was written by Hitler about Jews. ā€œQuote: ā€˜In the big lie...
  8. deanrd

    Will Democrats use the Republicanā€™s Supremacist connections in the next election?

    Will Democrats use the Republicanā€™s Supremacist connections in the next election? Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified. Trump says he's not a racist. That's not how white nationalists see it - CNNPolitics Neo-Nazis...
  9. deanrd

    Watching press conference with Lindsey Graham insisting we should investigate the Clintons.

    Watching press conference with Lindsey Graham insisting we should investigate the Clintons. Ironic is that Bill Clinton started the Automated Records Management System (ARMS) Based on a 1978 law that White House emails should be preserved. And then Bush ended the automated record management...
  10. deanrd

    Russian planes carrying Russian troops land in Venezuela

    The Trump administration has levied crippling sanctions on the OPEC nation's oil industry in efforts to push Maduro from power and has called on Venezuelan military leaders to abandon him. Maduro has denounced the sanctions as U.S. interventionism and has won diplomatic backing from Russia and...
  11. deanrd

    Women who are raped repeatedly and forced to give birth.

    Women who are raped repeatedly and forced to give birth. hBrides held until they give birth Seng Moon was moved to another house, where she was tied up and locked in a room. Her new "husband" would bring her meals, after which he would rape her. The abuse and the rape continued, and...
  12. deanrd

    Trump wants to put an actual real life clown on the Federal Reserve Board.

    Everyone knows Stephen Moore. A real life clown. Here's how Trump decided to nominate Stephen Moore to the Fed ā€“ and what it means for Jerome Powell Trump Nominates Famous Idiot Stephen Moore to Federal Reserve Board He is capable of writing entire columns that contain no true facts at all...
  13. deanrd

    Republicans, you were warned about Trump, and you made him president anyway.

    Republicans, you were warned about Trump, and you made him president anyway. Farmers who are losing their farms because of his bad trade deals. You were warned. All those people paying more taxes, you were warned. To the millions losing their healthcare. You were warned. You know he...
  14. deanrd

    What does Trump mean by ā€œmake America great againā€?

    What does trump mean by ā€œmake America great againā€? How did America get great in the first place? Itā€™s true that America was about the only country in the world that wasnā€™t devastated by the aftermath of World War II. America also developed brand new methods of manufacturing and...
  15. deanrd

    What is the single best thing that Donald Trump has done for the country?

    What is the single best thing that Donald Trump has done for the country? I believe the single best thing President Porn Star has done with the country is to expose the Republican Party. With the election of President porn star, Republicans, after having put a criminal into office, can no...
  16. deanrd

    Parents whose children have died are being attacked on social media

    Parents whose children have died are being attacked on social media. Her son died. And then anti-vaxers attacked her Grieving and frightened, just days after her son's death she checked her Facebook page hoping to read messages of comfort from family and friends. Instead, she found dozens of...
  17. deanrd

    Do Republicans understand why Congress has oversight?

    The country had just walked away from a repressive king. And Americans were tired of it. For all the crimes Reagan committed and for all the crimes Bush committed, and all the crimes Nixon committed, they still respected the country. Enough to let Congress do their job, Without massive...
  18. deanrd

    Never said Democrats didn't have narcissists too! Don't forget, you can't defeat a liar with a liar

    We all know Trump is both a great liar and a narcissist. I can't call him a terrible liar because it's the one thing he best at. But Democrats need to not make the same mistakes Republicans have. Biden was chosen by Obama because he stayed in the background and was rarely interviewed. And...
  19. J

    Delegation of legislative power and the National Emergencies Act

    . Keep in mind when reading the following, we are talking about The National Emergencies Act, and specifically 10 U.S. Code Section 2808 and 33 U.S. Code Section 2293. which delegate certain powers to the President under a declared emergency. The rule is, a legislature may not delegate to...
  20. deanrd

    Do Republicans support the parents who cheated to get their kids into colleges?

    Not only did the parents of those kids who were cheating to get their kids into college pay to get those kids into those colleges, but I suspect we paid for that too. If those parents gave Colleges money and then claim the tax deduction and then were able to get their kids into that college...
  21. deanrd

    GOP Spreadsheet of raped pre teens, tracking length of pregnancy to stop them from an abortion.

    Just saw this as breaking news on Rachel Maddow. It won't be anywhere else because it's breaking news. So girls, from 12 to 17, most had been raped and came here seeking an abortion. So Scott Lloyd, who works for the Trump Administration, keeps a very long and detailed spreadsheet on these...
  22. deanrd

    When did ā€œpro middle classā€ become extreme far left?

    When did ā€œpro middle classā€ become extreme far left? We know what Republicans believe. Remember when mitt Romney said corporations are people my friend? Republicans see corporations as the only people. To me, thatā€™s extreme far right. Look at what Democrats are for. Healthcare, narrowing...
  23. deanrd

    Remember the last time Flynn was in court? The judge was asking if he committed "TREASON"?

    Remember this? Judge asks if Flynn's conduct is "treasonous activity" ā€œAll along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you...
  24. deanrd

    Why poor white Americans are dying of despair

    Why poor white Americans are dying of despair The increase in white deaths is entirely concentrated among people with a high school degree or less, a good proxy for poverty. Meanwhile, mortality rates have continued to decline among whites with any college attendance. What's behind the...
  25. TheProgressivePatriot

    Senate Confirms Dangerous Religious Extremist Allison Rushing As Federal Judge

    There is something seriously amiss in the Republican Party. It is one thing to appoint Judges who share a political ideology but to unanimously confirm someone who is as extreme as Allison Rushing is a slap in the face of the American people and a step towards tearing up the Constitution. She...
  26. deanrd

    It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children.

    It seems there are actually people that want to leave a dirty planet to their children. I donā€™t understand it. If you have kids why would you want to leave them a dirty planet? There are people that want to abolish the EPA. They say clean air and clean water cost too much money. If you...
  27. deanrd

    How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

    How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense. Iā€™ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign. You canā€™t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn itā€™ll be spent on just about anything. Even...
  28. deanrd

    How many thousands more auto jobs moving to Mexico and China?

    general motors closing ohio plant GM's plants in Baltimore and Warren, Michigan, are also scheduled to close this year, and the company's last plant in Detroit will close in January 2020. A plant in Canada is also expected to close. In total, the company will reduce its salaried workforce by 15...
  29. deanrd

    Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear

    Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear Can you really win the presidency based on just trying to scare the other side.....again? Democrats want to leave a clean and healthy world to our children and grandchildren. Republicans are calling that socialism...
  30. deanrd

    Trump hits ENORMOUS milestone!!!! 2018 leaves US with biggest Trade Deficit in World History!!!!

    The U.S. Now Has the Largest Trade Deficit In the History of the Country The Commerce Department reported Wednesday the U.S. posted a more than $891 billion merchandise trade deficit last yearā€”the largest in the history of the country. Significantly, the trade deficit with China hit a record...
  31. deanrd

    What are Trumpā€™s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

    What are Trumpā€™s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises? I can think of three. He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie. He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie. He said he was going to make Mexico pay for...
  32. deanrd

    Whatever happened to ā€œAmerica firstā€?

    Thereā€™s reports that Donald Trump will be running a second time, not because he wants to be president, but itā€™s a way to avoid going to prison. For some reason, this is the new order of first in America: Trump family Billionaires Millionaires White Republicans, which is about all...
  33. deanrd

    After Hillary and Obama, can Republicans really claim Trump derangement syndrome?

    After Hillary and Obama, can Republicans really claim Trump derangement syndrome? According to Republicans: Saying Hillary was running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor and Insisting Obama was born born in Kenya Are NOT evidence of Hillary and Obama derangement syndrome. But...
  34. TheProgressivePatriot

    At CPAC, Extremists On Stage And Off

    It is becoming more and more apparent that the Republican Party is irredeemable. They have lost all sense of decency and compassion and are on the wrong side of every issue. As people should be judged by the company they keep, so should be a political party. The past weekends Conservative...
  35. deanrd

    Will former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker end up in prison?

    Will former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker end up in prison? Thereā€™s been reports, even posted right here on the USMB that Whitaker may have lied to Congress when he said he never discussed the Russia case with Donald Trump. And Whitaker is under investigation for fleecing clients...
  36. deanrd

    I'm betting Democrats won't try to impeach Trump beyond the House.

    Remember, Republicans impeached Bill Clinton in the House over lying about getting a BJ. Trump's crimes are actually serious. I suspect he might get impeached in the House, but not in the Senate. No matter how big a criminal Trump is or the crimes he has committed, Republicans will defend...
  37. deanrd

    Is discussing Republican morals and values off limits?

    Forget what people say, we can only go by their actions. How come when you point out Republican actions you are suddenly attacked and called names and slandered and even threatened? Do we need to list with those actions are? Healthcare equality Diversity Womenā€™s rights. Voting rights...
  38. deanrd

    Why have Republicans gone so over the top pro Russia?

    Why have Republicans gone so over the top pro Russia? Trump gave away classified secret material in the oval office after we cleared out Americans. For some reason Republicans donā€™t see anything wrong with that. Because somehow they see the Russians as our friends. Clearly Trump admires...
  39. deanrd

    Is it more like the Clinton impeachment?..............Or more like the Nixon resignation?

    So which is it? Is the Trump criminality more like what led to the Clinton Impeachment or the Nixon resignation? So what was the difference? Crimes that came from the Nixon scandal were burglary, lying and 9 acts of obstruction. Bill Clinton lied about getting a BJ. We know for a fact...
  40. deanrd

    Socialism? What about tax cuts for billionaires?

    Socialism? What about tax cuts for billionaires? Amazon will pay $0 in federal taxes this year ā€” here's how the $793 billion company gets away with it So Iā€™m watching Fox and theyā€™re saying that Democrats are going to destroy the economy. Even though the economy always grows under Democrats...

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