Zone1 Would the GOP and America be better off if Trump does not run in 2024?

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Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
I'm gonna say yeah, I think he carries too much emotional baggage that distracts from the issues that are important. If he runs then it becomes a popularity contest, who loves him vs who hates him and frankly I think he loses that contest. The 2024 presidential election ought not to be how you feel about DJT, but if he runs then I think that's what we wind up with.

Full disclosure: I don't like him at all, but I also think he would be a better president than any of the democrats just based on policy. Which BTW, is what I think should matter most. So, I will not vote for him in my state's primary, but I will vote for whoever the GOP nominee is in the general election, even if it is him. Cuz I truly believe the democratic party agenda is a major catastrophe waiting to happen.
I'm gonna say yeah, I think he carries too much emotional baggage that distracts from the issues that are important. If he runs then it becomes a popularity contest, who loves him vs who hates him and frankly I think he loses that contest. The 2024 presidential election ought not to be how you feel about DJT, but if he runs then I think that's what we wind up with.

Full disclosure: I don't like him at all, but I also think he would be a better president than any of the democrats just based on policy. Which BTW, is what I think should matter most. So, I will not vote for him in my state's primary, but I will vote for whoever the GOP nominee is in the general election, even if it is him. Cuz I truly believe the democratic party agenda is a major catastrophe waiting to happen.
considering how bad the dems and repubes have Messed things up I dont see how he can be worse,, and dont forget he didnt start new wars and tried getting manufacturing back here,,

what do you want your feelings or prosperity,,

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It is either, TRY TO make this nation GREAT AGAIN, OR, Business as usual and that means THEY PROSPER AND WE DON'T.

I AM Sticking with President Trump because he is the ONLY ONE that will do right by the American People.

DID YOU EVER stop to think that there is a good Reason why the left elites and the right elites hate him and want him destroyed? Think about it.
I'm gonna say yeah, I think he carries too much emotional baggage that distracts from the issues that are important. If he runs then it becomes a popularity contest, who loves him vs who hates him and frankly I think he loses that contest. The 2024 presidential election ought not to be how you feel about DJT, but if he runs then I think that's what we wind up with.

Full disclosure: I don't like him at all, but I also think he would be a better president than any of the democrats just based on policy. Which BTW, is what I think should matter most. So, I will not vote for him in my state's primary, but I will vote for whoever the GOP nominee is in the general election, even if it is him. Cuz I truly believe the democratic party agenda is a major catastrophe waiting to happen.
Seems to be a huge push to dump Trump.
I suspect it's organized by both sides.
I'm gonna say yeah, I think he carries too much emotional baggage that distracts from the issues that are important. If he runs then it becomes a popularity contest, who loves him vs who hates him and frankly I think he loses that contest. The 2024 presidential election ought not to be how you feel about DJT, but if he runs then I think that's what we wind up with.

Full disclosure: I don't like him at all, but I also think he would be a better president than any of the democrats just based on policy. Which BTW, is what I think should matter most. So, I will not vote for him in my state's primary, but I will vote for whoever the GOP nominee is in the general election, even if it is him. Cuz I truly believe the democratic party agenda is a major catastrophe waiting to happen.
DJT gets a positive from me for previous overall performance. The problem with DJT is his age like the guy is 76 years ancient! In two more years DJT will be 78 yrs old plus four more years as POTUS would make him 82 years old if he survives a full term? We already have a senile geriatric alzheimer vegetable jjjjumpin' JJJJoe as POTUS like we don't need another one. I say DeSantis @ 44 years of age is the hot ticket for the GOP. I would back a pres. Trump/vp DeSantis ticket just for the twelve year in office span of time. If DJT hit the canvas DeSantis would be there to carry the ball.
DJT gets a positive from me for previous overall performance. The problem with DJT is his age like the guy is 76 years ancient! In two more years DJT will be 78 yrs old plus four more years as POTUS would make him 82 years old if he survives a full term? We already have a senile geriatric alzheimer vegetable jjjjumpin' JJJJoe as POTUS like we don't need another one. I say DeSantis @ 44 years of age is the hot ticket for the GOP. I would back a pres. Trump/vp DeSantis ticket just for the twelve year in office span of time. If DJT hit the canvas DeSantis would be there to carry the ball.
You think they could make nicey nice after the De-Sanctimonious speech? Unlike Ted Cruz, I think DeSantis actually has a spine and isn't a kiss ass.
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