The number of people who go bankrupt every year because of...

Not many tears being shed over this fella.

This little tribute was left at the scene a few hours ago

Yet if it were a D corrupt piece of shit politician that was gunned down, you guys would be spouting your bullshit rhetoric that nothing justifies violence and murder, and how all of those on the right caused this awful travesty to happen. So take your bullshit and shove it up your ass. 🤡
Medical bills...
  1. Norway - 0
  2. UK - 0
  3. France - 0
  4. Spain - 0
  5. Portugal - 0
  6. Denmark - 0
  7. Australia - 0
  8. Iceland - 0
  9. Italy - 0
  10. Finland - 0
  11. Ireland - 0
  12. Germany - 0
  13. Netherlands - 0
  14. Sweden - 0
  15. Japan - 0
  16. Canada - 0
  17. United States - 643k+
Related Source:

This is why nobody feels bad about that schmuck who got popped in NYC and many people are even cheering about it.

I think I like this new populist directions Americans are taking, finally.
/——/ Stop sending billions to Ukraine and help people with medical bills. I guess that makes me a Nazi.
The ratio should be 100:0. Article has been posted how quick the grifters got around those numbers which was known would happen as soon as they passed it.

The grifters wrote the ACA.
No one could do 100%. There are always administrative costs.
No one could do 100%. There are always administrative costs.

People get paid. No one is arguing they shouldn't. Corporate profits should be 0%. Hedge funds should not be involved in health care. Guys who resort to insider trading because of their massive greed should not be involved in health care.
And they were brought there by illegals.

By the way, I was active duty for 20+ years and I currently work in the defense field for our military, police, and all the militaries and police of our allies.

So you continue to fail to impress me.

So you support open borders for cheap slave labor to pick your food? Yep, sounds like a democrat. 🤡
People get paid. No one is arguing they shouldn't. Corporate profits should be 0%. Hedge funds should not be involved in health care. Guys who resort to insider trading because of their massive greed should not be involved in health care.
I don’t think you know what MLR means.
Part of the problem is these countries get the US to foot the bill for their defense and then they use that money they saved for programs to help their citizens. Smart for them, dumb for us.

Bingo, they're subsidized by the American tax payer, like a lot of the rest of the word. How much healthcare could have been bought with what has been sent to Zelensky and company, most of which is used to launder to send back to wealthy Americans and their bought and paid for corrupt, piece of shit politicians? When are people going to wake up to the amount of money our government spends to enrich each other and those that buy favors from them?
No person in this nation should ever have to go into medical debt. Ever. We are the wealthiest nation in the world.
One of the reasons we are the wealthiest nation is we have traditionally not tasked the government with taking care of us from cradle to grave, but in healthcare, we have so distorted the picture that it's becoming increasingly difficult to not do that. There are ways the government can effectively provide a level of healthcare without trying to give everyone everything, and those are in the arena of diagnostic and preventative medicine. Exams are relatively low cost and can catch diseases while they are still easier and cheaper to treat. In fact, one of the ways I've often said a family could take care of their healthcare needs without paying out the wazoo for overly expensive insurance is to make a cash deal with a doctor for each family member to have a physical exam every year. You would pay less per person than the doctor usually charges because he doesn't have to hassle with an insurance company and wait to be reimbursed. Then you can buy a cheaper, higher deductible policy to cover catastrophic injury or disease.

The government could provide diagnostic and preventative services without bankrupting the country. It might require that people adopt a healthier lifestyle instead of relying on medicine to keep them healthy and we would have to fight the prevailing thought that I don't need to take care of myself, the doctor will.

Our problem is that we have fallen into the idea that everyone has to have everything. I worked for the company that does all the matching between organ donors and recipients for more than 10 years. While I was working there, a certain multi-millionaire tech guy needed a liver. While the match is totally agnostic as to who the recipients are, he managed to game the system by registering in all of the OPOs nationwide. This was possible to do undetected because the OPOs cannot have knowledge of each other's registrants without an explicit data sharing deal. Then, he just waited until he got a match, flew to the area on his private jet, went to the hospital, got the liver transplanted, bought a house to live in for a month or so as he recuperated, and went back to living. Location is important because livers don't survive very long once they are taken out of the donor's body.

Was that fair, or was it just something he could do because he could afford to travel anywhere in the country at a moment's notice? I'm getting at the idea that everyone has to have everything. Should he have been prevented from registering in all the OPOs?
Yet if it were a D corrupt piece of shit politician that was gunned down, you guys would be spouting your bullshit rhetoric that nothing justifies violence and murder, and how all of those on the right caused this awful travesty to happen. So take your bullshit and shove it up your ass. 🤡
Not many people shooting at Democrats.

Wonder why that is?
Part of the problem is these countries get the US to foot the bill for their defense and then they use that money they saved for programs to help their citizens. Smart for them, dumb for us.
I've often said when socialized medicine advocates point to European nanny states approvingly that if Uncle Sam pulled out and went home, all of a sudden they wouldn't be able to afford them anymore. It wasn't long ago that Europe lived in fear of Germany. How long would it take before Britain and France started ramping up their defense budgets if we weren't there?
Leftists have been screaming this for decades.

Welcome to the right position on this.

Yet at the same time you scream to allow millions of poor and disabled into the country on the back of the American tax payer, along with our own citizens who do nothing all day and collect the government bennies coming in. You idiots apparently think money grows on trees.
We're going to find out who's truly about "America First."

I look forward to discovering this.

'America First' is stopping illegals from coming into this country causing a huge financial burden on the American taxpayer. 'America first' is stopping the unmitigated flow of our money to countries all around the world for needless wars. Yet you don't give a damn about those situations, you actually support them.
'America First' is stopping illegals from coming into this country causing a huge financial burden on the American taxpayer. 'America first' is stopping the unmitigated flow of our money to countries all around the world for needless wars. Yet you don't give a damn about those situations, you actually support them.
Explain how illegals are a financial burden to the American tax payers.

Just a couple of examples of how nearsighted you are.

Posts # 16 and 44 in this thread.

I reported them, but there was a leftist mod on duty, so they got ignored.

Go find a post in which I have insulted a leftist and quote it here. Oh, those posts where I've given you positive reactions today don't count.


There's nothing but leftist mods on here, by design I assume. My theory on why there isn't much traffic here.

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