Women Priests in the Catholic Church

I agree more or less but some people use such arguments to dismiss Catholicism, which they should not do bc the Catholic Church was the first Church and of course is always the Original, regardless of the sin of its members.

The Catholic Church was corrupted by Vatican II that began teaching all religions save! What a big heresy! Jesus said No one can come to the Father except through HIM

so True Catholicism is not available anymore except through the Society of St Pius X and even there, you have problems, just not heresy.

So in my view, borne of much experience, the Catholic Church is lacking something and Protestant communities are also lacking (what the Catholic Church has --or had).

It's a sorry situation for all those who seek Truth (God's truth) but even though Jesus promised th gates of Hell would not prevail against His Church.. well, He never promised that it would not definitely LOOK like that happened.. and feel like it.
one bible, a thousand churches...something smells
one bible, a thousand churches...something smells
it's only complicated until you figure out what is most important.

If you know that the Catholic Church is the one established by Christ as some of us know, things fall into place.. History begins to make more sense, etc...

As Fulton Sheen said.. Oh, wait.. not sure it was him.. but anyway, someone said that to be deep in history is to cease being Protestant.

Read books by Scott Hahn, erstwhile Catholicism-hater turned Catholic convert after much erudition on the subject of the Bible and Church history, e tc

too bad I don't have the resources to write a book. i think it would be a very interesting one, as I have had experiences most do not seem to have had.. in the Catholic Church and just wherever..

Anyway... The devil attacks the Catholic Church because he knows it is the real one.. He knows where his chief adversaries are at.. "You will be hated by all" Jesus said.. Mt 19 and Mk 1313. Satan turns people against Catholics..
It can never happen. That is the 100% fact.

A certain member keeps saying it can and it might. He is totally wrong, and here are the two reasons why:

FIRST: In the last 300 years there are known to be three infallible teaching made from the Chair of Peter: The teaching that Mary was bodily assumed into heaven, the teaching about the Immaculate Conception, and Pope Saint John Paul IIs statement on women priests. That third one is lesser known but true.

In the apostolic letter: ORDINATIO SACERDOTALIS the pope states:
". . . Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful."

If any of you know how to read Church documents, that was an infallible teaching from the Chair of Peter. So that is the END of that discussion.

SECOND: As an additional matter, in Catholicism, sacramental theology states that for a sacrament to be valid it must be celebrated with proper form and proper matter.
For example, in Baptism proper matter would be water. If you used Pepsi or apple juice or something else, the sacrament would be invalid and no baptism would have taken place.

A female is not proper matter therefore the sacrament by which ordinations take place would not be valid. Jesus used men and we must use men.

Now to you non-Catholics some of this might seem like a bunch of gobbldeygook and I understand that. But trust me when I tell you it is extremely serious to the Church, and it is all true, and women will never - NEVER - be priests.

100% fact

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