Wikileaks reveals WMDs

Holy shit..........this thread has grown X 10 in about 2 hours!!!

The lefty internet k00ks always fall all over themselves trying to discredit this stuff...............when the irony is........the whole damn world and everyones brother has always known WMD's were there in Iraq. Deep down, these people know they are mental cases and they know shit like this exposes them like shitforbrains standing in the middle of Siberia yelling "FIRE!!!".

One will always note that threads like this become epic threads in a matter of hours.

The clear.

Yep, a real WMD capability there.

ONE well placed Sarin device can kill 25,000+, is that capability enough for you?

West bro...........the dumbass lives in fcukking Bumfook, USA!!! Never has to spend one day of his life worried about a WMD!! Unless we are to think the terror bad guys will target the local cornfield!!!:fu:
most of the people we trained became the northern alliance, and we did NOT work with Bin Laden at all

This is demonstrably false. Do you really wanna open yourself up to that? The evidence that bin Laden was a CIA asset is glacier like. If you could avoid the vitriol for once, I'd be happy to engage you in that debate.

Ready? If not, retract your statement please.
no, it isnt
short of nutter conspiracy sites

So, as usual, you just run your mouth as assert an easily crushed premise as fact, and refuse to agree to a direct challenge.

White flag accepted, coward.
This is demonstrably false. Do you really wanna open yourself up to that? The evidence that bin Laden was a CIA asset is glacier like. If you could avoid the vitriol for once, I'd be happy to engage you in that debate.

Ready? If not, retract your statement please.
no, it isnt
short of nutter conspiracy sites

So, as usual, you just run your mouth as assert an easily crushed premise as fact, and refuse to agree to a direct challenge.

White flag accepted, coward.
still waiting for your proof from reliable sources
no, it isnt
short of nutter conspiracy sites

So, as usual, you just run your mouth as assert an easily crushed premise as fact, and refuse to agree to a direct challenge.

White flag accepted, coward.
still waiting for your proof from reliable sources

Finally you accept. If you just said so in the first place, rather than duck it, you unrivaled tool.

Michael Powelson of the Russian journal Demokratizatsiya:

It is difficult to believe that the United States played no role in the operations of the son of one of the wealthiest men in Saudi Arabia. Indeed, it is much more likely that the United States knew full-well of bin Laden's operation and gave it all the support they could.

BBC article: "Al-Qaeda's origins and links":

During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighters received American and Saudi funding. Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA.​

the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2006:

Bin Laden apparently received training from the CIA, which was backing the Afghan holy warriors – the mujahedeen – who were tying down Soviet forces in Afghanistan.​

Larry King interview with Prince Bandar:

Bandar bin Sultan: This is ironic. In the mid-'80s, if you remember, we and the United - Saudi Arabia and the United States were supporting the Mujahideen to liberate Afghanistan from the Soviets. He [Osama bin Laden] came to thank me for my efforts to bring the Americans, our friends, to help us against the atheists, he said the communists. Isn't it ironic?

Larry King: How ironic. In other words, he came to thank you for helping bring America to help him.

Bandar bin Sultan: Right.​

So please STFU. ... You routinely show you have no idea what you're ever talking about.

If you like, I got plenty more.
So, as usual, you just run your mouth as assert an easily crushed premise as fact, and refuse to agree to a direct challenge.

White flag accepted, coward.
still waiting for your proof from reliable sources

Finally you accept. If you just said so in the first place, rather than duck it, you unrivaled tool.

Michael Powelson of the Russian journal Demokratizatsiya:

It is difficult to believe that the United States played no role in the operations of the son of one of the wealthiest men in Saudi Arabia. Indeed, it is much more likely that the United States knew full-well of bin Laden's operation and gave it all the support they could.

BBC article: "Al-Qaeda's origins and links":

During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighters received American and Saudi funding. Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA.​

the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2006:

Bin Laden apparently received training from the CIA, which was backing the Afghan holy warriors – the mujahedeen – who were tying down Soviet forces in Afghanistan.​

Larry King interview with Prince Bandar:

Bandar bin Sultan: This is ironic. In the mid-'80s, if you remember, we and the United - Saudi Arabia and the United States were supporting the Mujahideen to liberate Afghanistan from the Soviets. He [Osama bin Laden] came to thank me for my efforts to bring the Americans, our friends, to help us against the atheists, he said the communists. Isn't it ironic?

Larry King: How ironic. In other words, he came to thank you for helping bring America to help him.

Bandar bin Sultan: Right.​

So please STFU. ... You routinely show you have no idea what you're ever talking about.

If you like, I got plenty more.
i said "reliable sources"
Yep, a real WMD capability there.

ONE well placed Sarin device can kill 25,000+, is that capability enough for you?

Yep, we were forever worried about it in West Germany in the Fulda Gap. However, that was the commies, and you are talking about the guy who had dismantled his system. The question is not if he had it, but how our intelligence system failed, and the neo-cons used that to invade a 3rd-world military power. Another question is the role that Cheney played in that failure. The failed leftist neo-cons ideologues never should have been advising Bush.
Yep, a real WMD capability there.

ONE well placed Sarin device can kill 25,000+, is that capability enough for you?

Yep, we were forever worried about it in West Germany in the Fulda Gap. However, that was the commies, and you are talking about the guy who had dismantled his system. The question is not if he had it, but how our intelligence system failed, and the neo-cons used that to invade a 3rd-world military power. Another question is the role that Cheney played in that failure. The failed leftist neo-cons ideologues never should have been advising Bush.

I guess you forget the Japanese Sarin attack huh...

Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway

Or the fact that a complex plan was carried out that resulted in a 75% hit rate of airliners into high value targets some time back in 2001.

Or the fact that 500 tons of low grade uranium (which can be made into high grade uranium) was taken from Iraq after the fact?

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says - CNN

The fact remains that WMDs and material to make them WERE found in Iraq. No amount of sniveling or blaming "neo-cons" for the invasion, or whining about it will change the fact that they were there. Maybe not in the amount that would impress a biased person like you, but enough that if it had been used the results would (please note I don't use the term "could") have been catastrophic, far more deadly than 9/11.

You should hope that no one, technically inclined or not, gets their hands on a WMD and uses it properly.

The Jordanians almost got to find out what would have happened, estimates run to 55,000 casualties would have resulted.

Jordan says major al Qaeda plot disrupted - CNN

So go ahead and bury your head in the sand, it seems to like it there.
West, very weak red herrings. The question is whether tthe Iraqis had it at the time we invaded. They did not. That's the point. The point is why our military intelligence failed. And if you are the type of quality defending the failed administration, then you have lost this argument in your first post.
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West, very weak red herrings. The question is whether tthe Iraqis had it at the time we invaded. They did not. That's the point. The point is why our military intelligence failed. And if you are the type of quality defending the failed administration, then you have lost this argument in your first post.

They certainly had no weapons ready. However there have been at least 50 chemical shells found for the G-6 155 howitzers they had. They also clearly had the ability to fill those shells. So yes they did have WMDs available. We are just fortunate that they chose not to use them. Also the fact that 500 tons of uranium that was sent to Canada also disproves the contention that they had none...or are you saying the uranium showed up after Saddam was deposed?

And I am most certainly not defending Bush. His administration was very poor, but Obama's is proving to be even worse.

They certainly had no weapons ready. However there have been at least 50 chemical shells found for the G-6 155 howitzers they had. They also clearly had the ability to fill those shells. So yes they did have WMDs available. His administration was very poor, but Obama's is proving to be even worse.

1) so where were the WMDs
2) Even if they did have them, how were they an 'immediate threat' to the US? ie, how was the means of delivery?
3) Did Sadman even give a shit about the US or wish to do it harm.
4) The bold part - bullshit. History will show Dumbya was one of the worst - if not the worst - president in US history.
5) Obama is doing Ok...not brilliant, but ok...10 times better than the moron he took over from...
Gawd you guys are dumb.

If there were these WMD's, Bush would have been crowing from the roof of the White House. He didn't. What does that tell you?

Give it up. We were all tricked by Bush and the Republicans.


The economy

the Katrina aftermath

Ignoring Enron


No bid contracts

The energy policy

The drugs for votes bill

Moving jobs to China

Bush and the Republicans squat on this country and especially the Middle Class. That's the REAL story.
Yes, The President of the United States has the power to order business to move jobs to another country....Now, who is being stupid?

If they give those companies subsidies and tax breaks, then yes, they do.
West, very weak red herrings. The question is whether tthe Iraqis had it at the time we invaded. They did not. That's the point. The point is why our military intelligence failed. And if you are the type of quality defending the failed administration, then you have lost this argument in your first post.

They certainly had no weapons ready. However there have been at least 50 chemical shells found for the G-6 155 howitzers they had. They also clearly had the ability to fill those shells. So yes they did have WMDs available. We are just fortunate that they chose not to use them. Also the fact that 500 tons of uranium that was sent to Canada also disproves the contention that they had none...or are you saying the uranium showed up after Saddam was deposed?

And I am most certainly not defending Bush. His administration was very poor, but Obama's is proving to be even worse.

The verdict on Obama regarding national security is out. There certainly has been nothing remotely like 9-11. If the Iraqis had the capacity to fill the shells, they would have. They did not. We did not have a capacity to deliver them. If the 500 tons of uranium was in Canada, then it was not in Iraq. Your argument is not convincing at all.

They certainly had no weapons ready. However there have been at least 50 chemical shells found for the G-6 155 howitzers they had. They also clearly had the ability to fill those shells. So yes they did have WMDs available. His administration was very poor, but Obama's is proving to be even worse.

1) so where were the WMDs
2) Even if they did have them, how were they an 'immediate threat' to the US? ie, how was the means of delivery?
3) Did Sadman even give a shit about the US or wish to do it harm.
4) The bold part - bullshit. History will show Dumbya was one of the worst - if not the worst - president in US history.
5) Obama is doing Ok...not brilliant, but ok...10 times better than the moron he took over from...

If you would care to rea the wikileaks revelations they were all over the country. they are finding WMD production facilities almost every month.

The means of delivery close range would be the G-6 which can launch a 155 projectile over 45 km. Long range would be the SCUD missile which as was seen in the war was capable of reaching most of the middle east.

Actually yes he did. Or did you forget the launch of the Exocet missiles against the USS Stark by an Iraqi fighter way back in 1987?

Maybe. Like I stated I am no fan of Bush. Senior or Junior. But Obama is certainly giving them a run for their money. I told my wife when he was elected, he would be either one of the very best presidents we would ever have or one of the worst. So far it is looking like the one of the worst.

How do you figure? If you're a lib and want to be taken care of cradle to grave, then yes he is certainly your man. On the other hand if you are an adult and like to think and do for yourself, then no he is awful and making this country into a ghost of its former self.
No, they are not to "If you would care to rea the wikileaks revelations they were all over the country. they are finding WMD production facilities almost every month." You are as mindless at Revere.
West, very weak red herrings. The question is whether tthe Iraqis had it at the time we invaded. They did not. That's the point. The point is why our military intelligence failed. And if you are the type of quality defending the failed administration, then you have lost this argument in your first post.

They certainly had no weapons ready. However there have been at least 50 chemical shells found for the G-6 155 howitzers they had. They also clearly had the ability to fill those shells. So yes they did have WMDs available. We are just fortunate that they chose not to use them. Also the fact that 500 tons of uranium that was sent to Canada also disproves the contention that they had none...or are you saying the uranium showed up after Saddam was deposed?

And I am most certainly not defending Bush. His administration was very poor, but Obama's is proving to be even worse.

The verdict on Obama regarding national security is out. There certainly has been nothing remotely like 9-11. If the Iraqis had the capacity to fill the shells, they would have. They did not. We did not have a capacity to deliver them. If the 500 tons of uranium was in Canada, then it was not in Iraq. Your argument is not convincing at all.

Try reading the CNN article Jake. The 500 tons was shipped from Iraq TO canada. Obama is not responsible for national security any more than Bush was. that is the responsibility of our intel services and the military. It is the administrations job to make sure they have the ability to do their jobs. So far both have been wanting.

The Iraqi's clearly had the ability to fill them. There is no doubt of that. they chose not to do so. Probably because they realised that if they used them on us they, and their families, would have been wiped off the face of the planet.

Your argument is nonexistent as you clearly know nothing of what you are speaking. Read the articles, read the wikileaks releases and then get back to us when you have something to share.

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