When LIE and GOP Became Synonymous

You did a nice job of demonstrating how the GOP lies all the time, and how your Demonicrats don't.
Saying the same thing over and over and expecting a difference response is a clear sign of MAGADUMIA
you suffer from MAGADUMIA?

That explains a lot.
Everyone suffers from MAGADIMIAITIS
Unfortunately the vaccine is not legal so we have to endure your sickness.
Trump lied to the country and his base voters still believe him about his so called conditional withdrawal. He did order troop levels to 2,500 by Jan 15th 2021, but only after he Flip-Flopped on his order to completely abandon our Afghan Army allied by that same date didn't he? I think the Generals all threaten to resign over that order but all they said in their testimony was 'After further discussions....." Obama didn't start any new wars, nor did he launch a Bush style invasion or occupation of any country. He did increase the troops in Afghanistan for his failed surge, however.

You prove the OP's thesis.

You don’t call bombing a country’s government out of existence starting a new war?

He also funded radical Islamic terrorists to overthrow another government that never attacked us.
No, we're not talking about the good old political truth stretching.
This is about blatant lying. Bald faced lying.

Lying has become the primary political tool of the GOP. The party will lie blatantly, lie in the face of provable fact, and lies constantly about EVERYTHING.

Yes, democrats lie to but it's the old fashioned "his mouth is open" lying. Far different from what we see in the GOP.

Personally I place the period when lying became a foundation part of the GOP as 2002-2003 during Bush' runup to his war in Iraq. Specifically, Bush's 2003 SOTU and Colin Powell's perjurious testimony on Iraq's WMD to the UN.

9/11 taught the GOP one thing. Fear is the most powerful electoral motivator and nothing motivates fear like lies.

So they
Pinned 9/11 on Iraq so the fear and anger could be transferred from the politically ineffective effort in Afghanistan to a hatred of Iraq.
Accused Iraq of having WMD when all reason and logic said they didn't.

From there the "slippery slope" into Trumpism became a gentle glide that will leave the party doomed to the trash heap of history.

Sorry Douchebag, the left is the fear monger. Whether its supporting the Taliban, Hamas, or ISIS or whether it's calling everything racist or saying if queers can't access children and groom them they will off themselves, its ALL about fear. Take your projection and shove it up your ass.

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