Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Those are the kinds of black people you actually fear. You may not even know it, but it's true. You seriously want millions of high IQ black men and women in the employment line in front of you and your children? I don't think so. That goes against nature.
I would welcome that, as would most of America. We need the black community to strive for education and emphasize the importance of this. I know most black Americans are honest, hard working people, same as most white Americans.

I do not mind when high IQ black men and high IQ black women are ahead of me in the employment line. I doubt there are millions of them. What I resent is when affirmative action places millions of low IQ blacks in the employment line ahead of me.
We've been through this. White affirmative action is the precedent, not black affirmative action.
I would welcome that, as would most of America. We need the black community to strive for education and emphasize the importance of this. I know most black Americans are honest, hard working people, same as most white Americans.

Nah man. That's probably why Europeans slaughtered each other for centuries. All vying over who was the most supreme white supremacist. When Japan pulled themselves up by the bootstraps, the first thing we did was try and smack them back down, imposing tariffs, etc. Look at Germany: The jews dominated industry, so the low IQ Germans had to come up with some excuse to get rid of them, and secure the market, again. With limited time and resources, it is a zero sum game. Someone has to lose and someone has to win. Capitalism collapses if you don't have a bottom tier to hold it up. As human beings, a white gu would much rather his race be on the top than on the bottom. Negroes are no different, which is why I often roll my eyes at excessive victimhood. No sooner did the Germans leave france, did the French start colonizing Africa and Asia. No sooner did the French leave Africa, and negroes started stealing, killing, and enslaving their own people.
We've been through this. White affirmative action is the precedent, not black affirmative action.
Discriminating against Negroes in the past does not justify discriminating against whites in the present. The only criteria for success should be merit, qualifications, and excellence.
Facts cannot be racist. I look at data.
Here are some data for you to look at.


2006 College & University
Guidance, Scholarships, Money and Info Gateways
(For Students, Parents, College Advisors, Mentors,
and Cultural Groups)

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity: 2003

In recent years the noted pattern of test scores has reflected similar numbers--
Editor, 2005

SAT Ethnic Group Scores (Math/Verbal+total)

• American Indian---482/480 (962)
• Asian American-----575/508 (1083)
• African American-----426/431 (857)
• Puerto Rican----457/448 (905)

Other Hispanic----464/457 (921)

• White-----534/529 (1063)
• Other ----513/501 (1014)


Average ACT Composite Score by Race/Ethnicity, 2003

• African American ----16.9
• American Indian---18.7
• Caucasian---- 21.7
• Mexican American----18.3
• Asian American---- 21.8
• Hispanic----19.0
• Other ----19.3
• Multiracial-----20.9
• Prefer Not to Respond -----21.8
• No Response-----20.1


SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

RACE, INTELLIGENCE, AND THE BRAIN: THE ERRORS ANDOMISSIONS OF THE 'REVISED' EDITION OF S. J. GOULD'STHE MISMEASURE OF MAN (1996)J. Philippe RushtonDepartment of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada(Received 8 October 1996)

Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of socialstratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486youths (3022 of whom were African-American), which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacksas well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those withlow IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency. The average IQ for African-Americans wasfound to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115,respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictiveand are biased in favor of North Europeans.

If only you were apprehensive about double negatives.

If you could somehow prove that less than .01% of whites were racist, you'd have a field day with that percent, and cite the statistic over and over as a win in the culture war. Yet, somehow, I'm supposed to have black guilt over 0.01% of the blacks who do the murders? I don't think so. And like 90% of these murders are black gang members killing other gang members, not you or even myself.

Most whites are racist and it has nothing to do with crime. I don't care what you think or do-that's yo bidnezz. If you can do it then you can do it lol. It's no different than the Europeans yoinking the Americas from the Natives, or Hong Kong from the Chinese. My focus is not about white validation, but bettering the race so that we can punish you when you do exhibit racist behavior, in the same way that Israel can retaliate after a terrorist attack from the Palestinians. You misunderstand: I don't want to assimilate; I want to dominate. That's the core issue I have with contemporary wokeness in black spaces. All of their solutions revolve around non blacks choosing to treat us fairly. You'll be waiting a long time, if not, for eternity. I'd much rather force them. I posit Woke Conservatism as the only real paradigm for Black people today. It is equal parts Racial realism as it is Personal responsibility.

Those are the kinds of black people you actually fear. You may not even know it, but it's true. You seriously want millions of high IQ black men and women in the employment line in front of you and your children? I don't think so. That goes against nature.
Flawed perspective my friend

In the first place, the European and the African both engaged in wars of conquest throughout history. You’re acting like only the European did that.
Here are some data for you to look at.

View attachment 950893
2006 College & University
Guidance, Scholarships, Money and Info Gateways
(For Students, Parents, College Advisors, Mentors,
and Cultural Groups)

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity: 2003

In recent years the noted pattern of test scores has reflected similar numbers--
Editor, 2005

SAT Ethnic Group Scores (Math/Verbal+total)

• American Indian---482/480 (962)
• Asian American-----575/508 (1083)
• African American-----426/431 (857)
• Puerto Rican----457/448 (905)

Other Hispanic----464/457 (921)

• White-----534/529 (1063)
• Other ----513/501 (1014)


Average ACT Composite Score by Race/Ethnicity, 2003

• African American ----16.9
• American Indian---18.7
• Caucasian---- 21.7
• Mexican American----18.3
• Asian American---- 21.8
• Hispanic----19.0
• Other ----19.3
• Multiracial-----20.9
• Prefer Not to Respond -----21.8
• No Response-----20.1


SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

RACE, INTELLIGENCE, AND THE BRAIN: THE ERRORS ANDOMISSIONS OF THE 'REVISED' EDITION OF S. J. GOULD'STHE MISMEASURE OF MAN (1996)J. Philippe RushtonDepartment of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada(Received 8 October 1996)

Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of socialstratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486youths (3022 of whom were African-American), which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacksas well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those withlow IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency. The average IQ for African-Americans wasfound to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115,respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictiveand are biased in favor of North Europeans.

The way that iq graph is set up is intentionally misleading. Way more blacks are at the end of the curve than that.
Flawed perspective my friend

In the first place, the European and the African both engaged in wars of conquest throughout history. You’re acting like only the European did that.
Exactly. Human beings are animals at the end of the day. You cannot trust them to be fair and just, you must conquer them.
you mean like the facts that blacks in the US are the most violent race and account for a hell of a lot more crime than any other group? Or are those facts not true?
Ah, yes, less than0.01 percent are violent. Its not the pwn you think it is. In fact, whites had a higher rate not long ago. I want blacks to be violet against whites and dominate whites.
Ah, yes, less than0.01 percent are violent. Its not the pwn you think it is. In fact, whites had a higher rate not long ago. I want blacks to be violet against whites and dominate whites.
Blacks will never dominate whites unless we let them because of dysfunctional altruism.
I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?
Only mostly in an abstract way. Years ago my insurance adjuster husband was sent out on storm duty following severe hail, tornado, hurricane damage in large areas. As an adjuster and eventually catastrophe manager in such occasions, he was sent to mostly black East St. Louis to work severe storm damage there. The local government advised the mostly white adjusters that they would not be entirely safe there during that era with black street gangs being a danger to people, especially white people. They hired the Black Panthers to accompany and serve as body guards for the adjusters so they could take care of the insurance claims. But it was pretty nerve wracking for all.

My husband grew up in a mostly black neighborhood in West Texas and never before had feared black people in any way. So that was a new experience for him.

And Jesse Jackson once caught a lot of political hell when he honestly quipped: “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

A personal anecdote I once drove into one of those do-it-yourself car washes that was kind of out by itself with mostly vacant lots around it. I admit to being nervous when a car full of young black men--dread locks, tattoos, chains, the whole 'gang' scene--pulled into the other end of the car wash. And I was almost done when they all started over to my stall and I mentally struggled with what was I going to do. I was genuinely afraid. And then ashamed as they greeted me with a cheery good morning and chamoised off my car for me. But had they been white I would have been just as uncomfortable in that situation so I'm not sure that would count.
This is it.

I once was alone in a bad neighborhood, around 11 p.m., waiting at a bus stop. I shuddered when I saw a group of five black youth walking toward me, because I knew that the odds of them assaulting me, raping me, robbing me, were greater than if it had been a group of five white youths.

As it turned out, my fears were justified. A cop turned the corner just as they surrounded me, closing in, and halted it. (Gd was on my side.)
Oh, I'm so glad those policemen were there to save you, Lisa. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No, it's not because of the color of your skin.

It's because the 6% of the population (who just happen to have your skin color) commit HALF of most crime.

Not all blacks are like this, but such a high percentage are, that the decent ones need to prove themselves to most of us.
Do the decent Whites need to prove themselves to Blacks?
Exactly. Human beings are animals at the end of the day. You cannot trust them to be fair and just, you must conquer them.
In many cases the so-called conquerors made life better for the natives. This was certainly the case with the Roman Empire. Where people of African and Arab origin rose to the top positions of power, such as emperor. It’s not always the case, but it was in numerous examples of history including The USA
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