Why is the USA defending UKRAINE?

Why, specifically, would France care that Austria was annexed? What business is it of theirs?

It probably shouldn't seeing as how Austria isn't even a NATO member.
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France would care
Are you sure that "France" now cares about at least something?

I really do think Biden’s nefarious connection to Ukraine is partly the reason for the US intervening.
During the Obama era, there was a big business selling children and filming child pornography. Maybe Biden is interested in this aspect?
Why would France care if Poland were invaded? None of their business, right?
This administration is shaky and there are many behind the scenes pulling the strings. Putin sees them as weak. War when started, as we have experienced are difficult to end. And the potential opponent has NBC warfare capabilities in a prolonged and/or a losing side confrontation.
Ukraine is not NATO.

Why is the US meddling in the business of other soverign nations?

Why, specifically, is this good for US citizens?
They are an independent democratic state being attacked by a fascist dictatorship
Why is the fact that we promised to defend the Ukraine if they got rid of the 3000+ nukes they had, reason enough?

Shouldn't the US keep its word? Or is it fine to promise something and then decide not to honor that when the time comes?
Yea we used to be freedom fighters. Then Obama supported the insurrection and overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine.

Besides, these days we are busy arresting business owners for being open and letting violent criminals on the streets.

Our Dear Leader called up Justin Casteau and told him to use the full force of the federal government against completely peaceful protesters.

I’m sure all those things are a Republican’s fault. Somehow, some way, it was all a Republican’s fault.
that guy was putin's dog for one thing... totally corrupt. try and focus. putin is a scumbag and i bet you wanted martial law at certain times during trump. you are functional authoritarians....... try reality and change the damn channel. the rest is baloney

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