Why Are The Media More Interest In Trump Tweets Than Epstein Facts?

Was Epstein's death connected to protecting Bill Clinton?

  • Obviously, yes. More investigation is needed.

    Votes: 11 64.7%
  • No. Just one more fringe kook theory.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I don't Know

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • The Russians did it to protect Trump.

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Could care less. Just bury the guy and walk away.

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The fact that Jeffrey Epstein was a close ally to Bill Clinton is not in dispute. Epstein was a criminal who ran an Orgy Island and Lolita Express of underage girls, sex and drugs and Bill Clinton is logged going there at least 24 times.

Add to that the fact that Bill Clinton is a convicted sexual predator with an affinity for young women.

Now add to that the fact that no less than 29 people directly connected to and close to Bill Clinton who had potentially damning evidence on the Clintons and were either conducting an investigation, about to release the results or about to go public with it to an interested party ALL turned up suddenly dead by other hands, a plane crash, an out of control car or an apparent suicide, all with one thing in common:

THERE WERE SUSPICIOUS OR CONFLICTING DETAILS OF THEIR DEATH that didn't add up, were never explained, never investigated and were then quickly swept under the rug.

Now we have a friend of Bill Clinton's who could easily tie many important people no less Clinton himself to the illegal drug and sex traffic ring (with Bill Clinton already tied to illegal drug traffic in the past) who despite being a valuable witness who could have plea bargained heavily for what he knew and being on a suicide watch from a previous failed attempt, is LEFT ALONE IN HIS CELL JUST LONG ENOUGH to turn up dead the following day, and what are the media interested in asking and reporting on?

THAT DONALD TRUMP TWEETED the obvious questions, rather than actually investigate the questions for themselves!

And to boot, half the media are calling it an unfounded fringe theory despite there being obvious connections and a lack of research to prove either way while the other half are intent on emphasizing Trump's long distant , old once friendship with the guy while putting Bill Clinton's much stronger and recent connections in the background!

Democrats blast Donald Trump over Epstein/Clinton conspiracy theory

The famous connections of Jeffrey Epstein, the elite wealth manager who died in jail while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges

Just how long will it take to get answers to why Epstein was left unsupervised, who made the decision, who was responsible, what he used, why it was left in his cell, much less open a deep investigation into all of Epstein's files and records at his home for connections to Clinton, various Hollywood people, Epstein's girlfriend, and various other public figures and foreign notorieties?

I fear none of these questions will ever be answered and the file on Epstein will quickly be closed and buried and questions concerning the Clintons remain unanswered.

Jeff Epstein: the THIRTIETH (30th) person with connections to the Clintons with known or potential knowledge and/or efforts to disclose damning evidence against the Clintons who was either killed or died / committed suicide all under strange and bizarre conditions.
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Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.
So sez the progressive troll.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.
if you look at the laws, it is RAPE if the person is in a position of power
I would say the POTUS is a position of power !!!!
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....

Because Monica Lewinsky was old? You’re so deranged it’s laughable. What an evil witch you are.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
The fact that Jeffrey Epstein was a close ally to Bill Clinton is not in dispute. Epstein was a criminal who ran an Orgy Island and Lolita Express of underage girls, sex and drugs and Bill Clinton is logged going there at least 24 times.

Add to that the fact that Bill Clinton is a convicted sexual predator with an affinity for young women.

Now add to that the fact that no less than 29 people directly connected to and close to Bill Clinton who had potentially damning evidence on the Clintons and were either conducting an investigation, about to release the results or about to go public with it to an interested party ALL turned up suddenly dead by other hands, a plane crash, an out of control car or an apparent suicide, all with one thing in common:

THERE WERE SUSPICIOUS OR CONFLICTING DETAILS OF THEIR DEATH that didn't add up, were never explained, never investigated and were then quickly swept under the rug.

Now we have a friend of Bill Clinton's who could easily tie many important people no less Clinton himself to the illegal drug and sex traffic ring (with Bill Clinton already tied to illegal drug traffic in the past) who despite being a valuable witness who could have plea bargained heavily for what he knew and being on a suicide watch from a previous failed attempt, is LEFT ALONE IN HIS CELL JUST LONG ENOUGH to turn up dead the following day, and what are the media interested in asking and reporting on?

THAT DONALD TRUMP TWEETED the obvious questions, rather than actually investigate the questions for themselves!

And to boot, half the media are calling it an unfounded fringe theory despite there being obvious connections and a lack of research to prove either way while the other half are intent on emphasizing Trump's long distant , old once friendship with the guy while putting Bill Clinton's much stronger and recent connections in the background!

Democrats blast Donald Trump over Epstein/Clinton conspiracy theory

The famous connections of Jeffrey Epstein, the elite wealth manager who died in jail while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges

Just how long will it take to get answers to why Epstein was left unsupervised, who made the decision, who was responsible, what he used, why it was left in his cell, much less open a deep investigation into all of Epstein's files and records at his home for connections to Clinton, various Hollywood people, Epstein's girlfriend, and various other public figures and foreign notorieties?

I fear none of these questions will ever be answered and the file on Epstein will quickly be closed and buried and questions concerning the Clintons remain unanswered.

Jeff Epstein: the THIRTIETH (30th) person with connections to the Clintons with known or potential knowledge and/or efforts to disclose damning evidence against the Clintons who was either killed or died / committed suicide all under strange and bizarre conditions.
All of those questions about how he died are being investigated by Barr. He's seriously pissed. We will know, but if Epstein's death was not by his own hand and Barr finds the froggy and is about to indict, it might be a little while before we hear about it.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.

Was she not 19? And I never said rape. The poster said “likes em”. Can you even read?
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.
hahahahahh--you fked up!!!!
you did not read my post----and/or carefully
it is NOT consensual--position of power/authority
Legal Role of Consent | RAINN
When Consent to Sexual Activities Is Not Valid
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.

Was she not 19? And I never said rape. The poster said “likes em”. Can you even read?
Go back and read those posts a little more slowly, fella. I wasn't even replying to you or ..apparently....your post.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.

Was she not 19? And I never said rape. The poster said “likes em”. Can you even read?
Go back and read those posts a little more slowly, fella. I wasn't even replying to you or ..apparently....your post.

Except I was in it so you were.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.
hahahahahh--you fked up!!!!
you did not read my post----and/or carefully
it is NOT consensual--position of power/authority
Legal Role of Consent | RAINN
When Consent to Sexual Activities Is Not Valid
My god you're confused.
Go ask any cop if you can have your 22 year old sister's older boss arrested for having an affair with her.
Go ahead.
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.
True, and laws governing sexual harassment in the work place? A married man twice her age and POTUS abusing an intern in a hallway off the oval office in the United States White House? Why didn't Dem's the champions of women's rights tar and feather the creep?
& slick willy never has shown that he likes 'em young................ at all.

donny on the other hand has a history.

just sayin'....
Clinton RAPED Lewinsky--per the laws
There are no laws in this country against consensual sex with a 22 year old.

Was she not 19? And I never said rape. The poster said “likes em”. Can you even read?
Go back and read those posts a little more slowly, fella. I wasn't even replying to you or ..apparently....your post.

Except I was in it so you were.
You're admitting to being Harmonica's sock?
Hold on, don't move. I'll go get Will.
Wow, you are so misinformed it has to be deliberate.

For starters Bill Clinton in not a "convicted sexual predator". That's a lie as well as a legally meaningless phrase.

The rest just goes downhill from there.

Right. OK then. Let's get a CEO of a company to cajole a junior staff assistant into his office behind closed doors through the corrupt use of his position of power to get blow jobs off of her and other things and see if the man isn't forced to resign and charged with sexual assault.

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