Why are people so damn unhappy and miserable lately?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, and his failures.

But, half of America won't admit it.

Hope and Change is now Hope it Changes.

Yes We Can is replaced with No You Didn't.

The only people who benefitted from Obama were stockholders that sold high under Bush and bought low under Obama.

We've become a very impatient and narcissistic society, expecting more and more and more.

When expectations aren't met, we become frustrated and lash out.

Those who live a more humble lifestyle suffer from this less.

I decided decades ago that humble but paid for was the way to go.
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

Lotta contributing factors but my personal hypothesis is that over a dozen years of pointless war and increasing amounts of sexual repression are mostly to blame.
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

Lotta contributing factors but my personal hypothesis is that over a dozen years of pointless war and increasing amounts of sexual repression are mostly to blame.
And a lack of weed...
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.

We've become a very impatient and narcissistic society, expecting more and more and more.

When expectations aren't met, we become frustrated and lash out.

Those who live a more humble lifestyle suffer from this less.

I decided decades ago that humble but paid for was the way to go.
I tell this story all the time - I'm a financial advisor, and the funniest part of my job is when an older couple is sitting in my office, with a nice, big fat nest egg to invest for retirement income. So often, they'll look at the numbers and say something like:

"Well, you know, we've never had to had expensive cars and we have always tried to be frugal", etc etc etc...

I swear, they're damn near apologetic about this excellent retirement they've set up for themselves by just being humble in their lives.

It really isn't magic, and I'll bet you they're much more content than the people who are chasing happiness by spending money.

It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.

Ya, religion worked wonders for that lesbian who murdered her daughter because her lesbian lover convinced her the kid was possessed by demons.

Good job God.
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

Lotta contributing factors but my personal hypothesis is that over a dozen years of pointless war and increasing amounts of sexual repression are mostly to blame.
What increasing sexual repression?

That is absurd.
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.
Oh my, what did we do before sewing machines?
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

Probably 24 hour news. Too many bad things happening in the world that I should probably be ignoring.
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

Never underestimate the seduction of a potential Jerry Springer episode.
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, and his failures.

But, half of America won't admit it.

Hope and Change is now Hope it Changes.

Yes We Can is replaced with No You Didn't.

The only people who benefitted from Obama were stockholders that sold high under Bush and bought low under Obama.

In a way, you're correct.

There's a large segment of our society that will not take responsibility for their own lives. They need someone to blame and, even though President Obama has actually been a damn good president, the low info types don't think for themselves and he's a convenient target.

Anyone who doubts that should read the threads about Fox/O'Reilly lies.
I swear, they're damn near apologetic about this excellent retirement they've set up for themselves by just being humble in their lives.

It really isn't magic, and I'll bet you they're much more content than the people who are chasing happiness by spending money.

You obviously just don't get it. Today's youth would rather be caught in 50 years with no retirement than be caught dead today without the latest iPhone in their hand.
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Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.
Are you in an alternate universe?
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.

Ridiculous. Religion causes terrible unhappiness, insecurity, anger, fear, hate. Religion drives a wedge between people.

Read the threads here. Its always the "christians" who whine and complain the most. Its the "christians" who hate their fellow man, hate their planet, hate their government and their society.

I've asked this before but no one has answered - WHY is that? Why doesn't faith give people serenity and peace and security? Why are they here, madly posting their hatred and fear?

The "christians" are even angry and fearful of each other. Read the threads in religion - They're nothing but pissing contests to see who can copy/paste the most bible and therefore, who is the best "christian".

Pretty sad stuff.

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