“Who we are and What we are about”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
“Who we are and What we are about”

Famous Left wing rhetoric thrown into the face of Americans to excuse amnesty. And they don’t know what it mean or how it applies to amnesty. Who knows better then our creator what is best for us, who we are and what we are about? In the first book of the bible, Genesis, God set forth rules, regulations and laws we need to live by. Including immigration, aliens, sanctuary cities, enforcement, border security, etc. all we need to know concerning immigration. We are a nation of laws and has been since the beginning of creation. Leaving religion, distortion or the bible, out of your live has been the cause of the mess we have made of our lives so far and will continue to do. There can be no separation of state and church but who standing has the right to make that choice. We are not about letting anyone who wants to come to this country. All who came to Ellis Island were not allowed to enter, no matter how far they came and how long it took them to get here. They were given free passage back home.
Welcome to Immigration

Amnesty for 11 million people who entered the country illegally is not “who we are and what we are about.” Crimes left unpunished are invitations to repeat. And paying fines the will never be a reality, paying back taxes what is impossible to rate, learning English which they should know before they come here and required to go to the back of an imaginary line, is not a punishment.
It is an insult to American’s intelligence to throw Comp. Immg. Reform in their faces and they believe it will be anything other than Amnesty.
We love to delay solving complicated issues, whether it's the national deficit or gun control or illegal immigration. It's what we do best. I seem to remember we went through this immigration thing back in 86’, when a paltry 3 million illegal aliens were the issue. WOW. Giving amnesty back then resulted in 11 million illegal aliens now and has become a cottage industry of folks capitalizing on illegals. I am not too proud of our collective political system right now because of this sad unresolved issue.
2.9 million is the number of illegals who actually took Reagan's offer - the number of closed cases.

The actual number of illegals who benefited from reduced interest in the issue - who obtained functional amnesty - is at least eight million and may well be higher.

So, on a functional level or at street level, what actually happened is that by undermining law and custom Reagan took the heat off millions more NOT TO MENTION directly caused the flow of illegals into the US to increase. By the 1990s one had to speak Portugese to get one's bed made in many hotels in New England.

Reagan has a lot to answer for but most nutballs are too clueless to find out how closely his legend matches his actual deeds. It tickles me that a nutball-frontman like Reagan tripled the national debt in peacetime, endorsed the S&L bailout, raised taxes and fees any number of times and in the spirit of the New Dealer he was at heart, signed the biggest pay raises for government workers up to that time in history.

If those breaches of reason ever penetrate the nutball mind, we'll see tanks tearing down Reagan statues all over.
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It’s a sad fact that Republicans have done more to advance the cause of illegal immigration than liberal democrats. Contrary to popular opinion. Most Latinos vote on cultural racial lines and vote Democrat. I find that …ironic as hell.
“Who we are and What we are about”

Famous Left wing rhetoric thrown into the face of Americans to excuse amnesty. And they don’t know what it mean or how it applies to amnesty. Who knows better then our creator what is best for us, who we are and what we are about? In the first book of the bible, Genesis, God set forth rules, regulations and laws we need to live by. Including immigration, aliens, sanctuary cities, enforcement, border security, etc. all we need to know concerning immigration. We are a nation of laws and has been since the beginning of creation. Leaving religion, distortion or the bible, out of your live has been the cause of the mess we have made of our lives so far and will continue to do. There can be no separation of state and church but who standing has the right to make that choice. ..

You need to get one of those pill boxes with the days of the week labeled on it so you won't skip a day like this.
“Who we are and What we are about”

Famous Left wing rhetoric thrown into the face of Americans to excuse amnesty. And they don’t know what it mean or how it applies to amnesty. Who knows better then our creator what is best for us, who we are and what we are about? In the first book of the bible, Genesis, God set forth rules, regulations and laws we need to live by. Including immigration, aliens, sanctuary cities, enforcement, border security, etc. all we need to know concerning immigration. We are a nation of laws and has been since the beginning of creation. Leaving religion, distortion or the bible, out of your live has been the cause of the mess we have made of our lives so far and will continue to do. There can be no separation of state and church but who standing has the right to make that choice. ..

You need to get one of those pill boxes with the days of the week labeled on it so you won't skip a day like this.

I take 12 different medication daily and never miss a pill. You need to take your chill out pills and stop stalking me. Dust your bible and read it. I am just the messenger. :eusa_whistle:
“Who we are and What we are about”

Famous Left wing rhetoric thrown into the face of Americans to excuse amnesty. And they don’t know what it mean or how it applies to amnesty. Who knows better then our creator what is best for us, who we are and what we are about? In the first book of the bible, Genesis, God set forth rules, regulations and laws we need to live by. Including immigration, aliens, sanctuary cities, enforcement, border security, etc. all we need to know concerning immigration. We are a nation of laws and has been since the beginning of creation. Leaving religion, distortion or the bible, out of your live has been the cause of the mess we have made of our lives so far and will continue to do. There can be no separation of state and church but who standing has the right to make that choice. ..

You need to get one of those pill boxes with the days of the week labeled on it so you won't skip a day like this.

I take 12 different medication daily and never miss a pill. You need to take your chill out pills and stop stalking me. Dust your bible and read it. I am just the messenger. :eusa_whistle:

You missed a day or took too many when you posted that mess, ya looney old broad.

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