I am asking Trump supporters to engage in an intellectual exercise.

Once again, you use weasel words to defend the lying criminal rapist and fraud artist.

Trump admits to raping women. He has NEVER denied raping women. He has never said "I would never rape a woman.". He has denied raping specific women, because they're "not his type".

Why do YOU deny his own words.
Buzz off Canadian Troll.

Havent you got some old people to beat there today
He said that what's he "likes to do". He never named one woman he did that with.

Trump is blowhard. In a private conversation he does what blowhard men do.....get all tough and stupid.

Not a surprize at all.

Little did he know this would come back to bite him in the ass the way it has.

He still has not learned to shut up.
So presidential.
Yea, it;'s pretty stunning the "logic" employed by the average Trump supporter.
Deplorables have no problems with deplorable behavior.
More than one of them has suggested it’s pretty common in their experiences. Another said they have been accuse of sexual misconduct by over 100 women.
The evidence in that particular case consisted of one woman's long belated accusation, by which she hoped to profit.

That is the sum total of the evidence that Trump "raped" anyone. If a jury bought that, it says much more about the jury than about Trump.
The penalty Trump has to pay because he doesn’t have the self control to shut his mouth says far more about him than Carroll.
The essential facts underlying the question I'm asking are as follows. The jury in the Carroll case found that Trump had committed sexual abuse, which Carroll had accused him of committing. In NY state, only penetration by a penis constitutes rape. But as the judge pointed out, a less technical, more commonplace understanding of rape includes cramming a finger inside a non-consenting person, which was the jury's finding.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.

Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.


As Trumpists always do, most of you have chosen to assign bias as the motivating factor behind the verdict........because you must. The only alternative being to acknowledge the jury's finding of sexual abuse for finger cramming in a civil case makes the inveterately lying orange sack of shyte a man who raped a woman.

So, finally, the question I'd like you to think about is.......................

If a woman who is important in your life had a man force his stubby digit inside her, against her will (the jury's finding), would you vote for that man in a presidential election?

Oh my, Mr BERGURe is off the rails, speculating to make his case. He has shown he is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial.

Wasn't the DA almost always against Perry Mason named BERGURe?

These internet lawyers are a hoot, lol. Just listen to the most prolific internet lawyer on this site; Mr Incompetent BERGURe.

If ANYONE believes this guy/gal, then stop posting and re-evaluate your sources. His credibility is somewhere below a pi** ant, and worse than that when they are forced to raise their multiple legs to squirt, lololol!
I'm so glad you framed it in that way - because it's so often the excuse libs use to write off their abuse of government, their abuse of the minority. Let me state it clearly - the right to vote doesn't protect your interests at all when you are in the minority. For that we rely on Constitutional limits to state power, limits to what can be forced on us by the majority. When those fail us, when they are removed by those who want government to have ever more power, the minority rightfully feels powerless - and they become less and less interested in playing along. And more susceptible to populists who promise to "fight back".
Republicans are often in the minority because their ideas aren’t as widely appealing as the Dems. You don’t “fight back” because you’re losing. You do better by having better ideas that are more appealing to more people. Conservatives are just too inflexible to do that though.
Republicans are often in the minority because their ideas aren’t as widely appealing as the Dems. You don’t “fight back” because you’re losing. You do better by having better ideas that are more appealing to more people. Conservatives are just too inflexible to do that though.
I'm not a Republican. Anyway, you have successfully dodged my point! 🥇
Republicans are often in the minority because their ideas aren’t as widely appealing as the Dems. You don’t “fight back” because you’re losing. You do better by having better ideas that are more appealing to more people. Conservatives are just too inflexible to do that though.

A finger fuck most definitely is sexual abuse

And yes he was convicted
A finger fuck would qualify as sexual abuse. But it doesn’t qualify as “rape.” You catching on yet, Letch?

And no. It wasn’t a criminal case. So of course he has not ever been convicted.

Repeating your stupid and erroneous (ignorant) claim doesn’t support the original stupid and erroneous (ignorant) claim.
A finger fuck would qualify as sexual abuse. But it doesn’t qualify as “rape.” You catching on yet, Letch?

And no. It wasn’t a criminal case. So of course he has not ever been convicted.

Repeating your stupid and erroneous (ignorant) claim doesn’t support the original stupid and erroneous (ignorant) claim.
I dare you to get finger banged up the ass against your will and tell me it wasn’t rape
Deplorables have no problems with deplorable behavior.
More than one of them has suggested it’s pretty common in their experiences. Another said they have been accuse of sexual misconduct by over 100 women.

Check out the statistics on black men in crime.

Blacks are over 90% democratic.....

Of course there was, a finding of liability, and a 83 million fine, and an appeal that will be quicklost

No there wasn't. It was strictly a statement made as an article of faith from whole cloth.

The judge says it was so......only her say so. It was a quarter centery after the fact.

The outcome does not justify the argument.
Probably not. Although I am not all that concerned with a politician's personal life, unless it points to a lack of character.

This accusation, trial, and judgment, were cooked up by a cadre of Leftist lawyers, then presented in a venue that had the most likely prospect of a judgment against Trump, regardless of the facts.

The accuser, you may recall, could not even pinpoint THE YEAR in which the episode supposedly took place. This is a critical matter (well-known to the aforesaid lawyers), because it is widely known that Trump keeps detailed records of his activities and whereabouts, and if a specific date were mentioned, Trump could easily pull out his records and prove (to any reasonable person) that he was not even in the State when the alleged assault took place.

The judge's later claim that this was "essentially rape" was totally gratuitous and was contrary to all logic and to the jury's findings. To rational humans, "rape" means one thing and one thing only - the old in&out. Clearly this never happened, and IT COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES DESCRIBED. In a department store fitting room? Gimmeafukkinbreak.

Even today it is abundantly clear that Trump can be bent, folded, and mutilated by the NYC court system. It is the American equivalent of a Third World Dictatorship, where the Powers identify the victim, then go about finding a crime for which to convict him. It is certain that Comrade Putin is looking on and laughing his ass off - as he should be.
lol you’re such a faux intellectual

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