Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.
Change the channel and get informed, psycho.
TDS still runs rampant among looney liberals on this board. ... :cuckoo:
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.
Get better soon.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.
this is easy--he screwed over people like you that have TDS
There are millions of Trump supporters in this country with varying degrees of enthusiasm. It is dumb to act as if all of them are equally as guilty as those few who did actually particulate in the capitol riot. The democrats and the media are playing with fire in their attempt to cast such a huge swathe of the US population as villains.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.
this is easy--he screwed over people like you that have TDS
Trump is no longer President. I love it. I watch society increasingly treating Trump supporters as toxic. I love it.
Good wins and evil loses. Evil like you will continue to lose. I love it.
There are millions of Trump supporters in this country with varying degrees of enthusiasm. It is dumb to act as if all of them are equally as guilty as those few who did actually particulate in the capitol riot. The democrats and the media are playing with fire in their attempt to cast such a huge swathe of the US population as villains.
The higher degree of support for Trump the man, the more toxic they are looked upon by society.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.
this is easy--he screwed over people like you that have TDS
Trump is no longer President. I love it. I watch society increasingly treating Trump supporters as toxic. I love it.
Good wins and evil loses. Evil like you will continue to lose. I love it.
..you proved it!!!!!!!!ADMITTED it!!!!!
you made the Freudian Slip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you ADMIT anti-Trumpers/Dems like you act just like nazis
you fkd up--you prove you are a dumbass
There are millions of Trump supporters in this country with varying degrees of enthusiasm. It is dumb to act as if all of them are equally as guilty as those few who did actually particulate in the capitol riot. The democrats and the media are playing with fire in their attempt to cast such a huge swathe of the US population as villains.
This entire event beginning with the breach of the capitol is put-on.
Dems are recreating the suspected allowance of the Pearl Harbor attack to generate hatred of the Japanese and motivation of the American people to enlist. This is a real replay of that theory.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.
this is easy--he screwed over people like you that have TDS
Trump is no longer President. I love it. I watch society increasingly treating Trump supporters as toxic. I love it.
Good wins and evil loses. Evil like you will continue to lose. I love it.
you get your own thread on this--THANK YOU!
There are millions of Trump supporters in this country with varying degrees of enthusiasm. It is dumb to act as if all of them are equally as guilty as those few who did actually particulate in the capitol riot. The democrats and the media are playing with fire in their attempt to cast such a huge swathe of the US population as villains.
The higher degree of support for Trump the man, the more toxic they are looked upon by society.
No, the more they are disparaged by Pravda and its democrat dupes like you.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.
What a crock of shit. God bless America and President Trump.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.

Trump screwed his supporters. They are now stuck with claiming fraudulent election with no actual proof or conviction of voter fraud to the level that it cost him the election.

But they are use to claiming conspiracies so now there will be a cult following .

The fact remains Trump has been impeached twice. The capitol was invaded by Trump supporters. Many who are facing court appearances are using the defense that Trump urged them to invade. Trump was acquitted but then again so was OJ.

Trumps claim of election fraud based on affidavits from his supports and his low level lawyers has not panned out for him. He has yet to apologize and will never do it.

Still he lost the election and that is a fact. It is something that will annoy him for the rest of his life. He does not like to lose and claiming fraud is a convenient way to avoid the Truth.

So know we are in another round of conspiracies that have never been proven conclusively. it's only life is in the thoughts and writings of those who cannot accept any other alternative.

He came to power when the economy was moving upward prior to him being in office. The oil boom with advancements in fracking and horizontal drilling playing a big part of it.

All he had to do was not mess it up. Unfortunately the COVID 19 came into the picture and his leadership in this area was flawed.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.

Trump screwed his supporters. They are now stuck with claiming fraudulent election with no actual proof or conviction of voter fraud to the level that it cost him the election.

But they are use to claiming conspiracies so now there will be a cult following .

The fact remains Trump has been impeached twice. The capitol was invaded by Trump supporters. Many who are facing court appearances are using the defense that Trump urged them to invade. Trump was acquitted but then again so was OJ.

Trumps claim of election fraud based on affidavits from his supports and his low level lawyers has not panned out for him. He has yet to apologize and will never do it.

Still he lost the election and that is a fact. It is something that will annoy him for the rest of his life. He does not like to lose and claiming fraud is a convenient way to avoid the Truth.

So know we are in another round of conspiracies that have never been proven conclusively. it's only life is in the thoughts and writings of those who cannot accept any other alternative.

He came to power when the economy was moving upward prior to him being in office. The oil boom with advancements in fracking and horizontal drilling playing a big part of it.

All he had to do was not mess it up. Unfortunately the COVID 19 came into the picture and his leadership in this area was flawed.
B-a-a-a-ah! B-a-a-a-ah!
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.

Enjoy the ride. Biden will screw you like you've never been screwed before...dumbass.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.

Trump screwed his supporters. They are now stuck with claiming fraudulent election with no actual proof or conviction of voter fraud to the level that it cost him the election.

But they are use to claiming conspiracies so now there will be a cult following .

The fact remains Trump has been impeached twice. The capitol was invaded by Trump supporters. Many who are facing court appearances are using the defense that Trump urged them to invade. Trump was acquitted but then again so was OJ.

Trumps claim of election fraud based on affidavits from his supports and his low level lawyers has not panned out for him. He has yet to apologize and will never do it.

Still he lost the election and that is a fact. It is something that will annoy him for the rest of his life. He does not like to lose and claiming fraud is a convenient way to avoid the Truth.

So know we are in another round of conspiracies that have never been proven conclusively. it's only life is in the thoughts and writings of those who cannot accept any other alternative.

He came to power when the economy was moving upward prior to him being in office. The oil boom with advancements in fracking and horizontal drilling playing a big part of it.

All he had to do was not mess it up. Unfortunately the COVID 19 came into the picture and his leadership in this area was flawed.
And President Trump can run for President again. You should be afraid.
Who did Trump screw over more, his detractors or his supporters?
Trump detractors have been vocal about the many actions of Trump that adversly affected them and the USA. They did everything possible to resist his actions and ultimately voted him out of office.

But I contend those who followed Trump have been screwed the most by Trump. Led by his strongest supporters, who over took the Capitol on 1/6. Trump said on the day of the riots "we love you, you’re very special" to the seditionists. As their actions played out those special people have been arrested and jailed. Trump's impeachment defense has called the Trump supporters horrible people who deserve to be prosecuted and feel the full force of the law. They are being thrown under the bus by the leader they gave their all for.
Those who support Trumpism are losing their jobs and opportunity in our society. They have become toxic in our society.

Trump supporters are the biggest losers. They have gone down with Trump.

Enjoy the ride. Biden will screw you like you've never been screwed before...dumbass.
The moron will be told it’s trump’s fault so he’ll be OK with it.

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