Prosecution or persecution?

I would say the Repubs make legit prosecution look like persecution.
Trump's primary superpower is that, whether you're friend or foe, go near him and you're soiled.

Biden and the Dems are keeping their mouths shut for the most part on this, but it's still easy to point at them and claim persecution. From the anecdotal evidence I've seen, that has certainly worked to some degree. America loves their anti-heroes.
You won't see a ruling on Hunter till after the election because they don't want to deal with the outcry of lack of fairness.

But then it will be too late because it is all about the election.
The lack of fairness is criminal prosecution in the first place, which you stated is only because the right wing pressured the DoJ to do it.
You won't see a ruling on Hunter till after the election because they don't want to deal with the outcry of lack of fairness.

But then it will be too late because it is all about the election.
Because Joe is not involved, the Hunter Biden verdict should have no bearing on the election.
Just because Trump has been impeached a dozen times and convicted a thousand times and everyone around him in no way means he is being persecuted.

No, he is just the most evil man on the face of the earth as no one can claim the same.
Impeachment and criminal prosecution came as a result of demonstrable criminality and or abuses of authority.
Those are essentially the disparate, binary ways to interpret the legal actions taken against the large, orange fraudster. Even more so now that he has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the MI and AZ fake elector cases.

Giuliani charged in Arizona case; Trump an unindicted co-conspirator

On one side of the argument there are those experiencing cognitive dissonance resulting from their belief, instilled in them by Don's fervent, batshyte crazy plea, that "I did nothing wrong." An all encompassing claim of innocence wiping away in a single sentence 88 detailed criminal indictments.

On the other side there are those who are experiencing the reality of what the judicial system looks like when it is working, when it responds to clear cut violations of law. The more it works, the more it is besieged by accusations of bias, overreach, and as Don would say, being "very, very unfair."

Boiled down to their essence only one of these views can be true. Either you believe, what frankly sounds like paranoid delusion, the notion of a grand conspiracy involving people like random private citizens acting as grand jurors who recommended indictments, or you do not. Either you believe gag orders imposed to stop attacks on members of the judicial system and their families are justified, or you do not. Either you believe virtually our entire system of justice has corrupted itself by fabricating charges against Individual 1 in the pursuit of a political agenda, or you do not.

The difficulty for Trump supporters in rejecting the Capt. Queeg-esque grand conspiracy theory of persecution is how it affects their entire belief system regarding Dear Leader.

Because once they allow for the possibility, not necessarily that Trump is guilty, but that a system made up of individual, unconnected parts is responding appropriately, then something unwanted happens. They are forced to entertain the idea the Wizard of Trumpworld isn't a wizard at all. He's a very flawed man behind a curtain.
Political revenge by the dems and useless establishment GOP types. pure and simple
Political revenge by the dems and useless establishment GOP types. pure and simple
Your assertion ignores the involvement of the grand jury that voted for the indictments based on the evidence. Unless you think they are in on the imagined the grand conspiracy.
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Your assertion ignores the involvement of the grand jury that voted for the indictments based on the evidence. Unless you think they are in on the imagined the grand conspiracy.
It's like the document thingy.

Trump gets crucified for having them even though they all have them, even Joe from his Senate days.

Trouble is, Joe had no business having them being in the Senate, but only Trump is crucified for it?

You morons really showed your arse on this one.


So, go ahead, throw him in jail and see what happens. After all, you Left wing loons don't give a damn about the country anyway so do you worst.

Those are essentially the disparate, binary ways to interpret the legal actions taken against the large, orange fraudster. Even more so now that he has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the MI and AZ fake elector cases.

Why haven't they indicted him?
Why haven't they indicted him?
I say we both sue Trump for rape and collect millions

It's the American way.

Just like with Kav or Clarence Thomas. These loons do it to all their political opponents.
Trump gets crucified for having them even though they all have them
That simplistic characterization belies the divergent facts of the Trump, Pence, and Biden cases.
dante sometimes the democrats make it look like persecution...

There's no substance to Trump. He's dumb as hell.


His emails to his faithful include statements like “They can’t keep me off stage,” and “Trump Tower is mine,” along with cryptic threats such as “The bloodbath is 24 hours away,” along with even more outlandish claims that he’s just hours from being thrown in jail.

But a funny thing happened on the way to Trump’s coronation. In Manhattan, facing nearly three dozen felonies, Donald Trump’s thin veneer of competence is being stripped away by a guy named Pecker and Trump’s increasingly apparent mental decline. He is on a downward spiral caused by dementia, depression and derision.
His sweetheart deal also included prosecution.

He is now being treated worse than normal Americans because of the "public outcry" which is telling that your side is the ones weaponizing justice.
Lawfare is what he's promoting and supporting.

On the bright side, Ghoulyani is about to get his ass handed to him, and that gives me so much joy.

He's not dumb enough to take seriously. Any inference is definitely intentional.
I'll add your name to a long list of MAGAists who disparage the source in info due to an inability to refute what they report.

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