White Adolescents Stops Raging Cop Before He Brutalized Black Friend


Your meme cracks me up!!!
When I was young and dumb I was an asshole to cops,and they were assholes to me. Gee what a surprise!!!!
Then I grew up and stopped acting like an idiot towards cops realizing they are just doing their job and resisting only made matters far worse.

Another meme.......
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree.

This thread would not exist if that "peace" officer had not got violent with those teens.

I think we are done here.

The kid was resisting and we dont know what happened before the incident occurred.

Love how you take a moment in time at face value without knowing the facts.
My question is, what should happen to that white cop for doing this?

What up op
their are bad cops out there . AGREED
When it comes to the militarization of the police believe me OP im on your side... or if they're just retards havin a bad day ...it happens also ...that ya cant do much about .
Any way ITS an issue ...
I totally encourage you to keep an eye on da man!
I didn't watch your video so ill refrain from judging the cop in it ....if the white kids stood up for the right reasons good for them ...if not not good.

op have ya been going to bad cop no donut ? cop block?

youll be shocked to shit as to whats really going on . im telling ya its not really about race anymore

these days its not a black white thing ...TO some degree well in a way it still is ...are some white cops hesitant around black guys?....they can be aggressive? OF course! are some racist? probably YES ! do some wind up statistics around black people ? ALSO YES we all know what goes on when you hit a poor black hood and who fault its is !

Lyndon Johnsons :badgrin:

ITs the militarization of the police thats been going on for to long .

Theirs no more "come out peacefully with your hands up "...they just flash bang an swat ya at 5 am ....no ringing the doorbell "please come with us you have a date with a judge you can call your lawyer down at the station "

DOnt get me wrong their are many many many god cops out there .

and like i said They're a little more aggressive around blacks .today look at black on black crime
you may find a reason why there

you want something to sink that brain into ? instead of YA"LL wacist ?
heres a guy who did a video
hes reading an article he wrote

Some of the right wingers may give me hell over it also.... but 2nd amendment defenders WATCH IT !! WATCH IT LISTEN first!! cause you'll already understand where he is coming from .

or tell a cop i dare you to give me that speeding ticket i so friggin deserve

don t be stupid LIke BLM supporters and left wing activists ...WE're civilized ...at least for the time being

I thought id just throw that in cause today people are INSANE ...especially lefttards!

the totalitarian conformists with half a brain should watch.

blind sheepish right wing uniparty cucks GO SCREW YOURSELVES! cause they're the ones we will get screaming conniption fits from .

Rebels you keep on keepin on and be those johnny rebs you are! you guys will get it instantly

He already had a visit from the feds over it which he states in the video . The state doesn't like when you question their authority ..OH goodness no
And you tube hasn't yanked it anyway ! its been up for quite a while mods use your own judgment if ya wanna yank it i wont protest ......but listen to it first
He talks about your rights and liberties
its disturbing to hear like he says BUT the points he makes and issues he raises are worthy of honest discussion ...OH IT so fits op racists threads . especially this one

NOW of course

in a shit hits the fan civil war situation all bets are off anyway. most cops are going to take off their badges.even when they logically think about it Hummmmmm SHOULD i be a "nazi for the state ?"they know they're out gunned and out numbered ...most guys wearing a badge will be with US. Some sheriffs have been happily stating THEY rather go to jail then enforce draconian gun laws ...i give them a salute and god bless the Leos who go out there and truly put it all on the line everyday ..after donuts and coffee.....
and those who are just as respectful back to us when they pulled us over for speeding .....thanks fer lettin me slide Sir ...word! and god bless


civil war 2 they know patriots are batshit crazy!! in a good way .
we'll be turning out killdozers and god only knows what else .
anyway most people cringe on the title alone

carry on and go back to being angry at the white man
im going out shortly so if anyones starts going wah wah wah im not gonna see that shit

Your meme cracks me up!!!
When I was young and dumb I was an asshole to cops,and they were assholes to me. Gee what a surprise!!!!
Then I grew up and stopped acting like an idiot towards cops realizing they are just doing their job and resisting only made matters far worse.

Another meme.......
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree.

This thread would not exist if that "peace" officer had not got violent with those teens.

I think we are done here.

The kid was resisting and we dont know what happened before the incident occurred.

Love how you take a moment in time at face value without knowing the facts.
He clearly wasn't "resisting" shit, because he wasnt under arrest. If he had been, the arrest would have continued.

This kid was being man handled and bullied. That cop let his anger get the best of him.

We can be pretty sure those teens were mouthy, arrogant and . .... . failed to . . .


The cop was pissed and let his anger get the best of him when a bunch of stoned or drunk teens mouthed off at him.

The cop was a piece of shit, and the kids were punks.

But you know what? WHO IS THE ADULT?

WHO IS BEING PAID BY TAX PAYERS, to uphold civil liberties and civil rights?

What if it were your child or grand child?



I can't even believe we are having this conversation.
This is why people resist dialogues on race, because of assholes like you!
You need to be condemning the HELL out of your POTUS, for every. single. time. he "race baits" and otherwise says incendiary and inflammatory things about race.

I have no power. Meanwhile, the most powerful man on the earth is able to go out there and stoke the most racist flames possible, and not a peep from you.

All because he's on your side.

You have the nerve to make that statement to me?

Go kill yourself.
Why don’t you have power?
We have to disagree on this. It’s not about punishment. It’s about education and training.
Of course the the cop is racist. Most Republicans are and the cop is probably a Republican. I don’t know that, I just assume it because the cop was clearly a racist and was attacking a black child.
And the GOP is clearly the party of white.

But even racists can be trained to not show racism on the job.
You can't train that out of them, it has to be beaten out of them.
Violence is the ultimate problem solver; eh? I wonder why negro communities are so violent, and crime ridden... JK... I really dont. So... when’s your scheduled beating? You know? To stomp out racism?
We have to disagree on this. It’s not about punishment. It’s about education and training.
Of course the the cop is racist. Most Republicans are and the cop is probably a Republican. I don’t know that, I just assume it because the cop was clearly a racist and was attacking a black child.
And the GOP is clearly the party of white.

But even racists can be trained to not show racism on the job.
You can't train that out of them, it has to be beaten out of them.
Fighting back doesn't always lead to a beating.

Although I'm not opposed to force where necessary.

Republicans are damaging this country. They want Trump to be an autocrat.

The next election will tell the tale.
There are bad cops just like there are bad people. I support prosecuting anyone who breaks the law.

I've simply noticed that your outrage only seems to extend to white people doing bad things to black people.
Currently, these bastard cops get away w/absolutely too much.

All under the bogus excuse of "I was afraid for my life!"

More need to be punished, and punished HARSHLY!!!
We have to disagree on this. It’s not about punishment. It’s about education and training.
Of course the the cop is racist. Most Republicans are and the cop is probably a Republican. I don’t know that, I just assume it because the cop was clearly a racist and was attacking a black child.
And the GOP is clearly the party of white.

But even racists can be trained to not show racism on the job.
Most Republicans are anything but racists, Dean. And you well know it too, don't you.
Your meme cracks me up!!!
When I was young and dumb I was an asshole to cops,and they were assholes to me. Gee what a surprise!!!!
Then I grew up and stopped acting like an idiot towards cops realizing they are just doing their job and resisting only made matters far worse.

Another meme.......
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree.

This thread would not exist if that "peace" officer had not got violent with those teens.

I think we are done here.

The kid was resisting and we dont know what happened before the incident occurred.

Love how you take a moment in time at face value without knowing the facts.
He clearly wasn't "resisting" shit, because he wasnt under arrest. If he had been, the arrest would have continued.

This kid was being man handled and bullied. That cop let his anger get the best of him.

We can be pretty sure those teens were mouthy, arrogant and . .... . failed to . . .


The cop was pissed and let his anger get the best of him when a bunch of stoned or drunk teens mouthed off at him.

The cop was a piece of shit, and the kids were punks.

But you know what? WHO IS THE ADULT?

WHO IS BEING PAID BY TAX PAYERS, to uphold civil liberties and civil rights?

What if it were your child or grand child?



I can't even believe we are having this conversation.

If it were my kid I would have asked him what he did wrong.
Oh....those kids aren't paying shit.
We have to disagree on this. It’s not about punishment. It’s about education and training.
Of course the the cop is racist. Most Republicans are and the cop is probably a Republican. I don’t know that, I just assume it because the cop was clearly a racist and was attacking a black child.
And the GOP is clearly the party of white.

But even racists can be trained to not show racism on the job.
You can't train that out of them, it has to be beaten out of them.
Fighting back doesn't always lead to a beating.

Although I'm not opposed to force where necessary.

Republicans are damaging this country. They want Trump to be an autocrat.

The next election will tell the tale.
You said: Republicans are damaging this country.​

We're not the ones going around framing people who are innocent, sir. How dare you.
Typical of the OP.
Entire thread comes off as...
View attachment 258041
And whitey too.
So you're comfortable w/what that out-of-control cop did then?
You lost any control of an actual serious issue the second you put out the white supremacy crap with a big fat broadbrush.
From there the entire thread degenerated.

If anyone does something wrong, whether a citizen or representative of a governing body they absolutely should be held accountable for their actions regardless of any racial grouping.

Problem with that?
There are bad cops just like there are bad people. I support prosecuting anyone who breaks the law.

I've simply noticed that your outrage only seems to extend to white people doing bad things to black people.
Currently, these bastard cops get away w/absolutely too much.

All under the bogus excuse of "I was afraid for my life!"

More need to be punished, and punished HARSHLY!!!
We have to disagree on this. It’s not about punishment. It’s about education and training.
Of course the the cop is racist. Most Republicans are and the cop is probably a Republican. I don’t know that, I just assume it because the cop was clearly a racist and was attacking a black child.
And the GOP is clearly the party of white.

But even racists can be trained to not show racism on the job.
Most Republicans are anything but racists, Dean. And you well know it too, don't you.

Typical of the OP.
Entire thread comes off as...
View attachment 258041
And whitey too.
So you're comfortable w/what that out-of-control cop did then?
You lost any control of an actual serious issue the second you put out the white supremacy crap with a big fat broadbrush.
From there the entire thread degenerated.

If anyone does something wrong, whether a citizen or representative of a governing body they absolutely should be held accountable for their actions regardless of any racial grouping.

Problem with that?

You just can't take the truth. Racism is a macro level problem. Trying to limit it to a few individuals denies this reality. Whites built this nation on racial grouping. Whites still carry out policy based on race. Race was just fine when whites weren't being held accountable. Funny how the people who sowed racism don't like the harvest they are reaping.
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Typical of the OP.
Entire thread comes off as...
View attachment 258041
And whitey too.
So you're comfortable w/what that out-of-control cop did then?

If the perps obey the cops don't get out of control and no one gets hurt.

Watch Live PD, it's on now, A&E
Love that show.
Shows idiots of all races disobeying simple instructions.
Typical of the OP.
Entire thread comes off as...
View attachment 258041
And whitey too.
So you're comfortable w/what that out-of-control cop did then?
You lost any control of an actual serious issue the second you put out the white supremacy crap with a big fat broadbrush.
From there the entire thread degenerated.

If anyone does something wrong, whether a citizen or representative of a governing body they absolutely should be held accountable for their actions regardless of any racial grouping.

Problem with that?

You just can't take the truth. Racism is a macro level problem. Trying to limit it to a few individuals denies this reality. Whites built this nation on racial grouping. Whites still carry out policy
You just get a :cuckoo:.

Not even worthy of a thought out reply.:eusa_snooty:
Really admirable what those boys did, though. Grown men generally just stand around and watch it happen. Or whine about what color the jerkoff causing trouble was after the fact.
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There are bad cops just like there are bad people. I support prosecuting anyone who breaks the law.

I've simply noticed that your outrage only seems to extend to white people doing bad things to black people.
Currently, these bastard cops get away w/absolutely too much.

All under the bogus excuse of "I was afraid for my life!"

More need to be punished, and punished HARSHLY!!!
We have to disagree on this. It’s not about punishment. It’s about education and training.
Of course the the cop is racist. Most Republicans are and the cop is probably a Republican. I don’t know that, I just assume it because the cop was clearly a racist and was attacking a black child.
And the GOP is clearly the party of white.

But even racists can be trained to not show racism on the job.
Most Republicans are anything but racists, Dean. And you well know it too, don't you.
Not true.

Most Republicans are racist. If you follow a racist and vote for a racist and agree with racist policies, then yes, you are a racist. It's just that simple.

What makes you think otherwise?

The Trump Administration's Record of Racism — Democracy in Color

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