White Adolescents Stops Raging Cop Before He Brutalized Black Friend

Your meme cracks me up!!!
When I was young and dumb I was an asshole to cops,and they were assholes to me. Gee what a surprise!!!!
Then I grew up and stopped acting like an idiot towards cops realizing they are just doing their job and resisting only made matters far worse.

Another meme.......
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree.

This thread would not exist if that "peace" officer had not got violent with those teens.

I think we are done here.

The kid was resisting and we dont know what happened before the incident occurred.

Love how you take a moment in time at face value without knowing the facts.

A quote from the mom of one of the white kids;

"This all happened because grown adults were calling the girl names at a gas station. The kids left and started walking. Of course the kids were running there mouth back but the other "adults" called the police on them. As they were walking down the street a cop pulls up to talk to the kids. The cop had no right to put hands on reggie but he did. Speaking as a parent of the "white teen" he did not feel what the cop was doing to reggie was not right so he spoke up. He was taught to stand for what he believes but he also knows not to pit hands on someone. Both kids were charged with an assault on an officer and were taken to jail. It's a sad world out here. Right wrong or in different the children are the ones who suffered the abuse from every angle. And u wonder why there isnt repect for authority!!!"

True Friends: White Teens Defend Black Teen Getting Choke By Florida Police! | Video

Your knee jerk defense of authority is the problem with this nation. The video clearly shows, at the beginning, that the kid was not being aggressive, he probably just said something mouthy that the cop didn't like. It is obviously clear that the cop was the one that initiated the assault.

I'm given to understand this is pretty typical in S. Florida.

‘Quit F**king With Me, Boy’: Florida Deputy Under Investigation After Grabbing Black Dad’s Neck in Video

Again we get one side of the story.
Your meme cracks me up!!!
When I was young and dumb I was an asshole to cops,and they were assholes to me. Gee what a surprise!!!!
Then I grew up and stopped acting like an idiot towards cops realizing they are just doing their job and resisting only made matters far worse.

Another meme.......
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree.

This thread would not exist if that "peace" officer had not got violent with those teens.

I think we are done here.

The kid was resisting and we dont know what happened before the incident occurred.

Love how you take a moment in time at face value without knowing the facts.

A quote from the mom of one of the white kids;

"This all happened because grown adults were calling the girl names at a gas station. The kids left and started walking. Of course the kids were running there mouth back but the other "adults" called the police on them. As they were walking down the street a cop pulls up to talk to the kids. The cop had no right to put hands on reggie but he did. Speaking as a parent of the "white teen" he did not feel what the cop was doing to reggie was not right so he spoke up. He was taught to stand for what he believes but he also knows not to pit hands on someone. Both kids were charged with an assault on an officer and were taken to jail. It's a sad world out here. Right wrong or in different the children are the ones who suffered the abuse from every angle. And u wonder why there isnt repect for authority!!!"

True Friends: White Teens Defend Black Teen Getting Choke By Florida Police! | Video

Your knee jerk defense of authority is the problem with this nation. The video clearly shows, at the beginning, that the kid was not being aggressive, he probably just said something mouthy that the cop didn't like. It is obviously clear that the cop was the one that initiated the assault.

I'm given to understand this is pretty typical in S. Florida.

‘Quit F**king With Me, Boy’: Florida Deputy Under Investigation After Grabbing Black Dad’s Neck in Video
Your knee-jerk defense of black people is the problem with this nation.

You act like the knockout gangs weren’t a thing. You act like BLM doesn’t support aggression against good cops.
The most sad part was the pathetic impotent screaming and whimpering of the white kids. Too much soy in their diets.

Never seen anyone stand up to The Man before, Bruce?

I have. Pretty much every time a black person has an interaction with the poeleece the black dude gets all indignant and offended even over something minor because that's what he was taught to do.

Whereas your posts.............
The most sad part was the pathetic impotent screaming and whimpering of the white kids. Too much soy in their diets.

Never seen anyone stand up to The Man before, Bruce?

^^ The sound of an authoritarian sycophant jumping when The Man says "jump".

Golly Gee Mister Authority Figure, yes sir!"
If a cop ever stopped me and was belligerent about it I would do a lot more than scream like a little girl.

Authoritarianism is only good when I and people I trust are in charge.

Another meme.......
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree.

This thread would not exist if that "peace" officer had not got violent with those teens.

I think we are done here.

The kid was resisting and we dont know what happened before the incident occurred.

Love how you take a moment in time at face value without knowing the facts.

A quote from the mom of one of the white kids;

"This all happened because grown adults were calling the girl names at a gas station. The kids left and started walking. Of course the kids were running there mouth back but the other "adults" called the police on them. As they were walking down the street a cop pulls up to talk to the kids. The cop had no right to put hands on reggie but he did. Speaking as a parent of the "white teen" he did not feel what the cop was doing to reggie was not right so he spoke up. He was taught to stand for what he believes but he also knows not to pit hands on someone. Both kids were charged with an assault on an officer and were taken to jail. It's a sad world out here. Right wrong or in different the children are the ones who suffered the abuse from every angle. And u wonder why there isnt repect for authority!!!"

True Friends: White Teens Defend Black Teen Getting Choke By Florida Police! | Video

Your knee jerk defense of authority is the problem with this nation. The video clearly shows, at the beginning, that the kid was not being aggressive, he probably just said something mouthy that the cop didn't like. It is obviously clear that the cop was the one that initiated the assault.

I'm given to understand this is pretty typical in S. Florida.

‘Quit F**king With Me, Boy’: Florida Deputy Under Investigation After Grabbing Black Dad’s Neck in Video

Again we get one side of the story.
After watching the Mueller investigation, I am sure you a familiar with the government's side of the story. Here, let me give it to you. . .


Another meme.......
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree.

This thread would not exist if that "peace" officer had not got violent with those teens.

I think we are done here.

The kid was resisting and we dont know what happened before the incident occurred.

Love how you take a moment in time at face value without knowing the facts.

A quote from the mom of one of the white kids;

"This all happened because grown adults were calling the girl names at a gas station. The kids left and started walking. Of course the kids were running there mouth back but the other "adults" called the police on them. As they were walking down the street a cop pulls up to talk to the kids. The cop had no right to put hands on reggie but he did. Speaking as a parent of the "white teen" he did not feel what the cop was doing to reggie was not right so he spoke up. He was taught to stand for what he believes but he also knows not to pit hands on someone. Both kids were charged with an assault on an officer and were taken to jail. It's a sad world out here. Right wrong or in different the children are the ones who suffered the abuse from every angle. And u wonder why there isnt repect for authority!!!"

True Friends: White Teens Defend Black Teen Getting Choke By Florida Police! | Video

Your knee jerk defense of authority is the problem with this nation. The video clearly shows, at the beginning, that the kid was not being aggressive, he probably just said something mouthy that the cop didn't like. It is obviously clear that the cop was the one that initiated the assault.

I'm given to understand this is pretty typical in S. Florida.

‘Quit F**king With Me, Boy’: Florida Deputy Under Investigation After Grabbing Black Dad’s Neck in Video
Your knee-jerk defense of black people is the problem with this nation.

You act like the knockout gangs weren’t a thing. You act like BLM doesn’t support aggression against good cops.

Good cops? Sure. BUT IT IS CLEAR, that one is a dirty and corrupt as hell one. WHAT ARE YOU, FUCKING BLIND?

AND THAT, is complete and utter bullshit.

SEE post #9 http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/22270415/

For me, it has nothing to do with race.

As far as the "knock out gangs" you can't really prove that is was a thing. I never saw it around here. Where did you see it, did you see it with your own eyes? Or was it something that was sold to you on your TEE VEE? :20: For all I know, greedy blacks were paid by producers to MAKE such videos as the ones you saw.

NOTHING ON TEE VEE IS REAL. STOP BEING A RUBE. For all we know, this thing we are arguing about is staged. :dunno:

Sorry I don't buy into race divide and conquer bullshit like you do. I am above all that. It is an illusion that your puppet masters WANT you to obsess over. Every time you are in an area of the country that you do not know, and you see someone that is different, they WANT you to fear, just so their politicians can focus on non-issues instead of REAL issues that are tearing this nation apart.

If it weren't so sad how dumb you are, it would be hilarious. This is the same tactic that these folks have been using since the time of the Roman empire.

Even when you have video evidence of their enforces treating folks that have more in common with you than with the billionaires, it doesn't matter, your cognitive dissonance REFUSES to acknowledge reality, b/c it is to painful to name your own slavery.

I don't think there is any more to say at this point. If you need to lie about who I am, or the very fact that I have consistently been on your side and stood up for YOUR civil rights and civil liberties, BUT refuse to roll over and say, "hey, that innocent black kid must have deserved that beat down just b/c the white guy wore the badge of the STATE?"


I am neither a racist nor a Statist. I believe in the principles of our founding. It is clear, YOU DO NOT.
Another meme.......
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree.

This thread would not exist if that "peace" officer had not got violent with those teens.

I think we are done here.

The kid was resisting and we dont know what happened before the incident occurred.

Love how you take a moment in time at face value without knowing the facts.

A quote from the mom of one of the white kids;

"This all happened because grown adults were calling the girl names at a gas station. The kids left and started walking. Of course the kids were running there mouth back but the other "adults" called the police on them. As they were walking down the street a cop pulls up to talk to the kids. The cop had no right to put hands on reggie but he did. Speaking as a parent of the "white teen" he did not feel what the cop was doing to reggie was not right so he spoke up. He was taught to stand for what he believes but he also knows not to pit hands on someone. Both kids were charged with an assault on an officer and were taken to jail. It's a sad world out here. Right wrong or in different the children are the ones who suffered the abuse from every angle. And u wonder why there isnt repect for authority!!!"

True Friends: White Teens Defend Black Teen Getting Choke By Florida Police! | Video

Your knee jerk defense of authority is the problem with this nation. The video clearly shows, at the beginning, that the kid was not being aggressive, he probably just said something mouthy that the cop didn't like. It is obviously clear that the cop was the one that initiated the assault.

I'm given to understand this is pretty typical in S. Florida.

‘Quit F**king With Me, Boy’: Florida Deputy Under Investigation After Grabbing Black Dad’s Neck in Video
Your knee-jerk defense of black people is the problem with this nation.

You act like the knockout gangs weren’t a thing. You act like BLM doesn’t support aggression against good cops.

Good cops? Sure. BUT IT IS CLEAR, that one is a dirty and corrupt as hell one. WHAT ARE YOU, FUCKING BLIND?

AND THAT, is complete and utter bullshit.

SEE post #9 http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/22270415/

For me, it has nothing to do with race.

As far as the "knock out gangs" you can't really prove that is was a thing. I never saw it around here. Where did you see it, did you see it with your own eyes? Or was it something that was sold to you on your TEE VEE? :20: For all I know, greedy blacks were paid by producers to MAKE such videos as the ones you saw.

NOTHING ON TEE VEE IS REAL. STOP BEING A RUBE. For all we know, this thing we are arguing about is staged. :dunno:

Sorry I don't buy into race divide and conquer bullshit like you do. I am above all that. It is an illusion that your puppet masters WANT you to obsess over. Every time you are in an area of the country that you do not know, and you see someone that is different, they WANT you to fear, just so their politicians can focus on non-issues instead of REAL issues that are tearing this nation apart.

If it weren't so sad how dumb you are, it would be hilarious. This is the same tactic that these folks have been using since the time of the Roman empire.

Even when you have video evidence of their enforces treating folks that have more in common with you than with the billionaires, it doesn't matter, your cognitive dissonance REFUSES to acknowledge reality, b/c it is to painful to name your own slavery.

I don't think there is any more to say at this point. If you need to lie about who I am, or the very fact that I have consistently been on your side and stood up for YOUR civil rights and civil liberties, BUT refuse to roll over and say, "hey, that innocent black kid must have deserved that beat down just b/c the white guy wore the badge of the STATE?"


I am neither a racist nor a Statist. I believe in the principles of our founding. It is clear, YOU DO NOT.
The founders would easily be considered racists today.
...it is a propaganda vehicle for the police to get positive coverage.

It's a television show created to draw viewers and make money.

Whether or not you think it is propaganda, the fact still remains that the chief of police in those departments is only going to send their best and brightest to represent them on television. So, in short, the police depicted on those shows are the best police officers that their respective departments can offer. OF COURSE they aren't going to use excessive force, especially when the cameras are rolling.
You know, when I was a member of the Security Force (basically base police for the Navy), we were told exactly how to act, and what to do when faced with confrontation.

If ANY of us had gotten out of line, used excessive force, or shot someone without sufficient justification, we would have been removed from the Security Force and sent to either NJP (Non Judicial Punishment aka Captain's Mast), or if it was serious enough, to a courts martial.

Why can't we hold the police to the same standards the military has?
1. Republicans

b. White supremacy

Which are kinda related.


What a pathetic victim you are.
Now there's some tremendous Irony...bigly Irony....:71:
Honestly ? I don't like the whole missisipi burning thing. That is whites coming n saving black friend bullshit.

Black ppl have no friends.

I've never had a white friend in my life. Nor do I want one.

The thing is you don't get points for doing something you should b doing.

I mean - Is the bar that low for white ppl ? That they should get a cookie for doing something they do ?

He should b stopping the police from being violent to his blk friend.

U get no points from me for that.
You are too racist to have white people in your life.
Typical of the OP.
Entire thread comes off as...
View attachment 258041
And whitey too.
So you're comfortable w/what that out-of-control cop did then?
You lost any control of an actual serious issue the second you put out the white supremacy crap with a big fat broadbrush.
From there the entire thread degenerated.

If anyone does something wrong, whether a citizen or representative of a governing body they absolutely should be held accountable for their actions regardless of any racial grouping.

Problem with that?

You just can't take the truth. Racism is a macro level problem. Trying to limit it to a few individuals denies this reality. Whites built this nation on racial grouping. Whites still carry out policy based on race. Race was just fine when whites weren't being held accountable. Funny how the people who sowed racism don't like the harvest they are reaping.
The people who sowed racism are dead.

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