Which of these are fraudulent conspiracy theories?

Which of the following are fraudulent/erroneous conspiracy theories?

  • 9-11 attack was done by federal government

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • Moon landing was fake

    Votes: 13 81.3%
  • Republicans blew up dyke to flood New Orleans

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • DOD built interstates so they could more easily suppress revolts

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • Communists were conspiring to take over US

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • the Mafia

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Vast rightwing conspiracy to frame Clinton as adulterer

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • JFK assassination

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Iranians are plotting to destroy Isreal

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Midnight flight of Baltimor Colts to Indianapolis

    Votes: 5 31.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Simple poll;

Which of the following conspiracy theories are erroneous or fraudulent?
The term 'fraudulent conspiracy theory' is usually an oxymoron.

Some times it is redundent.

So would you say the ide athat the Mafia conspires is absurd? There was a time mention of the Mafia was dismissed with scorn as many do today regarding the Bilderbergs.

I think conspiracy exists far more than you care to consider.
The term 'fraudulent conspiracy theory' is usually an oxymoron.

Some times it is redundent.

So would you say the ide athat the Mafia conspires is absurd? There was a time mention of the Mafia was dismissed with scorn as many do today regarding the Bilderbergs.

I think conspiracy exists far more than you care to consider.

So conspiracies are not theoretical? Now I am getting all confused.
By it's very nature a theory can never be fraudulent. It's just a theory.

It could be fraudulent if the person proposing the theory has undisclosed information that the theory is false.

We could go round and round with this thread. "Undisclosed information" is what is and and the theory is not false until the information is disclosed and proved. A theory by it's nature can never be fraudulent while it is still a theory. If the theory has been proven right it becomes fact. If it has been proven wrong it is no longer a theory.
By it's very nature a theory can never be fraudulent. It's just a theory.

It could be fraudulent if the person proposing the theory has undisclosed information that the theory is false.

We could go round and round with this thread. "Undisclosed information" is what is and and the theory is not false until the information is disclosed and proved. A theory by it's nature can never be fraudulent while it is still a theory. If the theory has been proven right it becomes fact. If it has been proven wrong it is no longer a theory.

Bayes' theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term 'fraudulent conspiracy theory' is usually an oxymoron.

Some times it is redundent.

So would you say the ide athat the Mafia conspires is absurd? There was a time mention of the Mafia was dismissed with scorn as many do today regarding the Bilderbergs.

I think conspiracy exists far more than you care to consider.

So conspiracies are not theoretical? Now I am getting all confused.


All a conspiracy is is a group of people who network for a common cause, but that cause is illegal or illicit. Jacees, Elks, Boy Scouts, typical college frats, etc are networks for a cause. Columbian drug cartels, foreign intelligence networks, networks of smugglers safehouses/tunnels/forgers, etc are conspiracies.

Our courts prove criminal conspiracies all the time, so no, not all of them are merely theoretical.

That help you much?
So would you say the ide athat the Mafia conspires is absurd? There was a time mention of the Mafia was dismissed with scorn as many do today regarding the Bilderbergs.

I think conspiracy exists far more than you care to consider.

So conspiracies are not theoretical? Now I am getting all confused.


All a conspiracy is is a group of people who network for a common cause, but that cause is illegal or illicit. Jacees, Elks, Boy Scouts, typical college frats, etc are networks for a cause. Columbian drug cartels, foreign intelligence networks, networks of smugglers safehouses/tunnels/forgers, etc are conspiracies.

Our courts prove criminal conspiracies all the time, so no, not all of them are merely theoretical.

That help you much?

Thought experiment;

You are sitting on the couch watching 'The Weather Channel'. The weatherman says there is a 50% chance of rain today. Then, your wife walks in with a wet umbrella...now what is the probability of rain today?

It can't be 100%, because there are other ways the umbrella could have gotten wet....but it must be more than 50%....
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isnt it a well documented fact that the interstates were built in order to more easily move troops and supplies across the country. However this was during the cold war and was meant for when thhe soviets invaded or whatever. The model for the interstates was the autobahn, which Hitler had built either right before or during WW2 (dont really care to look it up) for the very same purpose. Thats not really much of a conspiracy.
So conspiracies are not theoretical? Now I am getting all confused.


All a conspiracy is is a group of people who network for a common cause, but that cause is illegal or illicit. Jacees, Elks, Boy Scouts, typical college frats, etc are networks for a cause. Columbian drug cartels, foreign intelligence networks, networks of smugglers safehouses/tunnels/forgers, etc are conspiracies.

Our courts prove criminal conspiracies all the time, so no, not all of them are merely theoretical.

That help you much?

Thought experiment;

You are sitting on the couch watching 'The Weather Channel'. The weatherman says there is a 50% chance of rain today. Then, your wife walks in with a wet umbrella...now what is the probability of rain today?

It can't be 100%, because there are other ways the umbrella could have gotten wet....but it must be more than 50%....

I would suspect you could also hear, see and smell the rain, but thats just a guess.

BTW, it isnt all that unusual to have the weatherman telling us it is X% chance of rain while, if he would just look outside the TV studio, he would see it was pouring cats and dogs.

Some conspiracy theories are also dependent on ones perspective regarding the illicitness of the networks goal. The Bilderbergs, Jesuits, Freemasons, etc have long been acused of conspiracy but the pivotal fact lies not so much whether they are networking but instead if their goal is evil or illicit.

If one thinks football is evil then the NFL ican be viewed as a vast conspiracy, lol.
isnt it a well documented fact that the interstates were built in order to more easily move troops and supplies across the country. However this was during the cold war and was meant for when thhe soviets invaded or whatever. The model for the interstates was the autobahn, which Hitler had built either right before or during WW2 (dont really care to look it up) for the very same purpose. Thats not really much of a conspiracy.

True. I put iy in as an example of an obviously fraudulent/irrational conspiracy. I heard that story when I was a kid.
The MAFIA is a perfect example of a conspiracy THEORY that turned out to be a CONSPIRACY FACT.

J, Edgar (Does this dress make me look fat?) Hoover, FBI director, absolutely swore that no such thing as the Cosa Nostra existed.

The discovery of the Apalachin meeting of the Cosa Nostra on November 14, 1957 proved absolutely that that Cosa Nostra conspiracy theory was a conspiracy FACT.

As an interesting aside, I actually briefly met Rosario "Russell" Bufalino (the organizer of the meeting) back in the early 70s.

He was my brother-in-law's Godfather.

By that I mean he was his religious famial Godfather, not his criminal overlording boss. My BiL was not a wise guy.

Bufalino seemed like a nice guy, actually.

He was very self-effacing and quite generous to the churches and charities in the neighborhood in Pittston, Pa.

FWIW there are criminal conspiracies all over the place...from the corridors of power to the steets of the worst slums in this nation,

Most of them have no accompanying theory to expose them.

Conspiracies are common because, if you think about it, it usually takes conspiring to conduct complex or ongoing criminal enterprises.

That is true whether we are talking about street crime or white collar crime, in the private sector or in the government.

Most conspiracies are never uncovered or for that matter even suspected.
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Conspiracy theories often contain a measure of truth, although rarely after all facts are brought to light (if that ever really happens) were they ever really able to be classified as "truth".

Do I believe some people profited from 9/11? Why yes I do.. Was that profit gained from prior knowledge of a conspiratorial plot by our government? I doubt it. Did the government willfully plot and commit murder of thousands of people including rescue workers they themselves sent there? No, thats just a ridiculous concept from start to finish. First they wouldn't need something that drastic to motivate people to support an arms build up or a war in someplace in the middle east. They could just make claims of crimes against humanity either real or imagined and get their war.

But the fact remains some people did manage to make huge profits from the tragedy, and many other things that went on that day point to gross negligence from the presidency on down. Fact is everyone dropped the ball that day and the months prior too. But that does not mean evidence of a conspiracy, it just shows complacency and irresponsibility as well as a lack of communication and understanding in the military, intelligence, and investigative branches and departments especially as well as complete ignorance of real threats by the white house from clinton on to bush jr.

Again an ounce of truth but a pound of speculation..
the term 'fraudulent conspiracy theory' is usually an oxymoron.

Some times it is redundent.

so would you say the ide athat the mafia conspires is absurd? There was a time mention of the mafia was dismissed with scorn as many do today regarding the bilderbergs.

I think conspiracy exists far more than you care to consider.

so conspiracies are not theoretical? Now i am getting all confused.

you get confused easily

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