What Punishment for PROMISE Program leaders ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There are a few names involved with the creation of the PROMISE Program in south Florida, that got 17 people killed recently. Robert Runcie, Mickey Pope, Sheriff Israel, and a few others have their hands very dirty in this thing. Ohers involved should be determined by a thorough investigation. There is one going on now by the MSDHS Public Safety Commission, and I hope it will result in some real punishment for those who put the welfare of criminal minority students, over the safety of everyone in the Broward schools.

One parent of the killed kids, has resigned from this Commission, and is pursuing another investigation independent of this one, which right now, seems to be heavily influenced by the Broward school district (fox guarding henhouse).

Here's a direct quote (from video) from Broward County School Supt. Robert Runcie >> "I'm going to do everything (my emphasis) in my power, everything we can bring to the table, all the resources and support we can muster together, to ensure that you're going to be successful." Well, isn't that great for the minority criminal kids being enabled to commit crimes, without criminal record accountability. What it does NOT ensure, is that all in the schools are SAFE.

Here's a dandy one from Ms Hope, Principal PROMISE Program >> "This an opportunity to not have a criminal background, and that's what we want to keep you from." Of course, she didn't mention that it also keeps GUN SELLERS from knowing about your criminal background (ex. Nicholas Cruz)

Next up: Chief Adderly, Ft. Lauderdale Police >> "You're not going to have to explain to a future employer that yes, I was arrested as a kid, and I have to tell this story over and over again, how I have learned from my mistakes." Problem there, is that some criminal kids DON'T learn from their mistakes, and now that employer and his employees are being put AT RISK, because of this PROMISE Program.

Mr. Nieves, Director of Diversity, Cultural Outreach & Prevention, Broward County Public Schools >> "We have a group of teachers, family counselors, and other staff members who really are concerned about you, and really want to help you on your way to being successful both at school and in life."

Notice what all these comments have in common ? They are all focusing on the criminal kids, and what is good for THEM. But there's not a single word about what is good for the SAFETY of ALL the kids, and the adults too. Safety appears to have been completely overlooked by these people. And that overlooking has produced 17 dead bodies, and this horrendous program still exists, and amazingly, is actually being DEFENDED by some of the leaders of it.

At a meeting of the MSDHS Public Safety commission, June 7, Broward County schools administrator Michaelle (Mickey) Pope and Mark Greenwald, the director of research for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, actually defended the PROMISE Program, and right to the faces of some of the parents of the kids who were killed. That's is how detatched from reality these people are.

Mickey Pope spoke at this meeting for a incredibly long time, not only defending the PP, but pretty much just engaging in a CYA session, trying to absolve herself and Robert Runcie, whose letter she read, of blame for the Parkland massacre. Few times have I ever watched and witnessed such shameless audacity, and unhinged behavior.

Well, by speaking right up and trying to defend the PP, Pope, Greenwald, et al, have put themselves right in the sights of prosecutors who should pounce on them like panthers. I believe that lawsuits have been filed by some of the parents of the killed students, and these CYA raps should prove to be prime ammunition for those prosecutors.
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There are a few names involved with the creation of the PROMISE Program in south Florida, that got 17 people killed recently. Robert Runcie, Mickey Pope, Sheriff Israel, and a few other have their hands very dirty in this thing. Ohers involve should be determined by a thorough investigation. There is one going on now by the MSDHS Public Safety Commission, and I hope it will result in some real punishment for those who put the welfare of criminal minority students over the safety of everyone in the Broward schools.

One parent of the killed kids, has resigned from this Commission, and is pursuing another investigation independent of this one, which right now, seems to be heavily influenced by the Broward school district (fox guarding henhouse).

Here's a direct quote (from video) from Broward County School Supt. Robert Runcie >> "I'm going to do everything (my emphasis) in my power, everything we can bring to the table, all the resources and support we can muster together, to ensure that you're going to be successful." Well, isn't that great for the minority criminal kids being enabled to commit crimes, without criminal record accountability. What it does NOT ensure, is that all in the school are SAFE.

Here's a dandy one from Ms Hope, Principal PROMISE Program >> "This an opportunity to not have a criminal background, and that's what we want to keep you from." Of course, she didn't mention that it also keeps GUN SELLERS from knowing about your criminal background (ex. Nicholas Cruz)

Next up: Chief Adderly, Ft. Lauderdale Police >> "You're not going to have to explain to a future employer that yes, I was arrested as a kid, and I have to tell this story over and over again, how I have learned from my mistakes." Problem there, is that some criminal kids DON'T learn from their mistakes, and now that employer and his employees are being put AT RISK, because of this PROMISE Program.

Mr. Nieves, Director of Diversity, Cultural Outreach & Prevention, Broward County Public Schools >> "We have a group of teachers, family counselors, and other staff members who really are concerned about you, and really want to help you on your way to being successful both at school and in life."

Notice what all these comments have in common ? They are all focusing on the criminal kids, and what is good for THEM. But there's not a single word about what is good for the SAFETY of ALL the kids and the adults too. Safety appears to have been completely overlooked by these people. And that overlooking has produced 17 dead bodies, and this horrendous program still exists, and amazingly, is actually being DEFENDED by some of the leaders of it.

At a meeting of the MSDHS Public Safety commission, Broward County schools administrator Michaelle (Mickey) Pope and Mark Greenwald, the director of research for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, actually defended the PROMISE Program, and right to the faces of some of the parents of the kids who were killed. That's is how detatched from reality these people are.

Mickey Pope spoke at this meeting for a incredibly long time, not only defending the PP, but pretty much just engaging in a CYA session, trying to absolve herself and Robert Runcie, whose letter she read, of blame for the Parkland massacre. Few times have I ever watched and witnessed such shameless audacity, and unhinged behavior.

Well, by speaking right up and trying to defend the PP, Pope, Greenwald, et al, have put themselves right in the sights of prosecutors who should pounce on them like panthers. I believe that lawsuits have been filed by some of the parents of the killed students, and these CYA raps should prove to be prime ammunition for those prosecutors.
/----/ Libtards think their good intentions shield them from prosecution for the disasters they create. The loss of life is just collateral damage.
/----/ Libtards think their good intentions shield them from prosecution for the disasters they create. The loss of life is just collateral damage.
Maybe this will be the straw that broke the liberals' backs. If it isn't, I don't know what will be. I haven't seen so much smug, audacious irresponsibility in government since the Vietnam War.
Link to the Commission resignation >>

Father of Parkland school shooting victim resigns from public safety commission

Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack, killed in the Parkland massacre, wrote a letter and submitted it at the Public Safety Commission hearing, which stated >> "It is my intention to make sure that all of the individuals and agencies that are responsible for this massacre be held legally accountable," Pollack wrote.
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Anything to distract from the blood cult.
The "blood cult" is those who bear the responsibility of 17 deaths in Parkland, Florida. And nobody is more in that category than the PROMISE Program screwballs. They caused a lot of blood.
There are a few names involved with the creation of the PROMISE Program in south Florida, that got 17 people killed recently. Robert Runcie, Mickey Pope, Sheriff Israel, and a few others have their hands very dirty in this thing. Ohers involved should be determined by a thorough investigation. There is one going on now by the MSDHS Public Safety Commission, and I hope it will result in some real punishment for those who put the welfare of criminal minority students, over the safety of everyone in the Broward schools.

One parent of the killed kids, has resigned from this Commission, and is pursuing another investigation independent of this one, which right now, seems to be heavily influenced by the Broward school district (fox guarding henhouse).

Here's a direct quote (from video) from Broward County School Supt. Robert Runcie >> "I'm going to do everything (my emphasis) in my power, everything we can bring to the table, all the resources and support we can muster together, to ensure that you're going to be successful." Well, isn't that great for the minority criminal kids being enabled to commit crimes, without criminal record accountability. What it does NOT ensure, is that all in the schools are SAFE.

Here's a dandy one from Ms Hope, Principal PROMISE Program >> "This an opportunity to not have a criminal background, and that's what we want to keep you from." Of course, she didn't mention that it also keeps GUN SELLERS from knowing about your criminal background (ex. Nicholas Cruz)

Next up: Chief Adderly, Ft. Lauderdale Police >> "You're not going to have to explain to a future employer that yes, I was arrested as a kid, and I have to tell this story over and over again, how I have learned from my mistakes." Problem there, is that some criminal kids DON'T learn from their mistakes, and now that employer and his employees are being put AT RISK, because of this PROMISE Program.

Mr. Nieves, Director of Diversity, Cultural Outreach & Prevention, Broward County Public Schools >> "We have a group of teachers, family counselors, and other staff members who really are concerned about you, and really want to help you on your way to being successful both at school and in life."

Notice what all these comments have in common ? They are all focusing on the criminal kids, and what is good for THEM. But there's not a single word about what is good for the SAFETY of ALL the kids, and the adults too. Safety appears to have been completely overlooked by these people. And that overlooking has produced 17 dead bodies, and this horrendous program still exists, and amazingly, is actually being DEFENDED by some of the leaders of it.

At a meeting of the MSDHS Public Safety commission, June 7, Broward County schools administrator Michaelle (Mickey) Pope and Mark Greenwald, the director of research for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, actually defended the PROMISE Program, and right to the faces of some of the parents of the kids who were killed. That's is how detatched from reality these people are.

Mickey Pope spoke at this meeting for a incredibly long time, not only defending the PP, but pretty much just engaging in a CYA session, trying to absolve herself and Robert Runcie, whose letter she read, of blame for the Parkland massacre. Few times have I ever watched and witnessed such shameless audacity, and unhinged behavior.

Well, by speaking right up and trying to defend the PP, Pope, Greenwald, et al, have put themselves right in the sights of prosecutors who should pounce on them like panthers. I believe that lawsuits have been filed by some of the parents of the killed students, and these CYA raps should prove to be prime ammunition for those prosecutors.

The Parkland shooting wasn’t carried out by a “criminal minority student”. It was carried out by s white kid who screamed out loud “I’m going to shoot up my school!!” And nobody did anything to stop him.
There are a few names involved with the creation of the PROMISE Program in south Florida, that got 17 people killed recently. Robert Runcie, Mickey Pope, Sheriff Israel, and a few others have their hands very dirty in this thing. Ohers involved should be determined by a thorough investigation. There is one going on now by the MSDHS Public Safety Commission, and I hope it will result in some real punishment for those who put the welfare of criminal minority students, over the safety of everyone in the Broward schools.

One parent of the killed kids, has resigned from this Commission, and is pursuing another investigation independent of this one, which right now, seems to be heavily influenced by the Broward school district (fox guarding henhouse).

Here's a direct quote (from video) from Broward County School Supt. Robert Runcie >> "I'm going to do everything (my emphasis) in my power, everything we can bring to the table, all the resources and support we can muster together, to ensure that you're going to be successful." Well, isn't that great for the minority criminal kids being enabled to commit crimes, without criminal record accountability. What it does NOT ensure, is that all in the schools are SAFE.

Here's a dandy one from Ms Hope, Principal PROMISE Program >> "This an opportunity to not have a criminal background, and that's what we want to keep you from." Of course, she didn't mention that it also keeps GUN SELLERS from knowing about your criminal background (ex. Nicholas Cruz)

Next up: Chief Adderly, Ft. Lauderdale Police >> "You're not going to have to explain to a future employer that yes, I was arrested as a kid, and I have to tell this story over and over again, how I have learned from my mistakes." Problem there, is that some criminal kids DON'T learn from their mistakes, and now that employer and his employees are being put AT RISK, because of this PROMISE Program.

Mr. Nieves, Director of Diversity, Cultural Outreach & Prevention, Broward County Public Schools >> "We have a group of teachers, family counselors, and other staff members who really are concerned about you, and really want to help you on your way to being successful both at school and in life."

Notice what all these comments have in common ? They are all focusing on the criminal kids, and what is good for THEM. But there's not a single word about what is good for the SAFETY of ALL the kids, and the adults too. Safety appears to have been completely overlooked by these people. And that overlooking has produced 17 dead bodies, and this horrendous program still exists, and amazingly, is actually being DEFENDED by some of the leaders of it.

At a meeting of the MSDHS Public Safety commission, June 7, Broward County schools administrator Michaelle (Mickey) Pope and Mark Greenwald, the director of research for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, actually defended the PROMISE Program, and right to the faces of some of the parents of the kids who were killed. That's is how detatched from reality these people are.

Mickey Pope spoke at this meeting for a incredibly long time, not only defending the PP, but pretty much just engaging in a CYA session, trying to absolve herself and Robert Runcie, whose letter she read, of blame for the Parkland massacre. Few times have I ever watched and witnessed such shameless audacity, and unhinged behavior.

Well, by speaking right up and trying to defend the PP, Pope, Greenwald, et al, have put themselves right in the sights of prosecutors who should pounce on them like panthers. I believe that lawsuits have been filed by some of the parents of the killed students, and these CYA raps should prove to be prime ammunition for those prosecutors.

The Parkland shooting wasn’t carried out by a “criminal minority student”. It was carried out by s white kid who screamed out loud “I’m going to shoot up my school!!” And nobody did anything to stop him.
An admirer of the INCEL terrorist movement.
The Parkland shooting wasn’t carried out by a “criminal minority student”. It was carried out by s white kid who screamed out loud “I’m going to shoot up my school!!” And nobody did anything to stop him.
FALSE! Cruz was considered Hispanic, and thus was in the PROMISE Program, and thus had his criminal record concealed, and thus, the gun seller was unable to know he had a long, bad track record, and thus 17 people died.
An admirer of the INCEL terrorist movement.

There are a few names involved with the creation of the PROMISE Program in south Florida, that got 17 people killed recently. Robert Runcie, Mickey Pope, Sheriff Israel, and a few others have their hands very dirty in this thing. Ohers involved should be determined by a thorough investigation. There is one going on now by the MSDHS Public Safety Commission, and I hope it will result in some real punishment for those who put the welfare of criminal minority students, over the safety of everyone in the Broward schools.

One parent of the killed kids, has resigned from this Commission, and is pursuing another investigation independent of this one, which right now, seems to be heavily influenced by the Broward school district (fox guarding henhouse).

Here's a direct quote (from video) from Broward County School Supt. Robert Runcie >> "I'm going to do everything (my emphasis) in my power, everything we can bring to the table, all the resources and support we can muster together, to ensure that you're going to be successful." Well, isn't that great for the minority criminal kids being enabled to commit crimes, without criminal record accountability. What it does NOT ensure, is that all in the schools are SAFE.

Here's a dandy one from Ms Hope, Principal PROMISE Program >> "This an opportunity to not have a criminal background, and that's what we want to keep you from." Of course, she didn't mention that it also keeps GUN SELLERS from knowing about your criminal background (ex. Nicholas Cruz)

Next up: Chief Adderly, Ft. Lauderdale Police >> "You're not going to have to explain to a future employer that yes, I was arrested as a kid, and I have to tell this story over and over again, how I have learned from my mistakes." Problem there, is that some criminal kids DON'T learn from their mistakes, and now that employer and his employees are being put AT RISK, because of this PROMISE Program.

Mr. Nieves, Director of Diversity, Cultural Outreach & Prevention, Broward County Public Schools >> "We have a group of teachers, family counselors, and other staff members who really are concerned about you, and really want to help you on your way to being successful both at school and in life."

Notice what all these comments have in common ? They are all focusing on the criminal kids, and what is good for THEM. But there's not a single word about what is good for the SAFETY of ALL the kids, and the adults too. Safety appears to have been completely overlooked by these people. And that overlooking has produced 17 dead bodies, and this horrendous program still exists, and amazingly, is actually being DEFENDED by some of the leaders of it.

At a meeting of the MSDHS Public Safety commission, June 7, Broward County schools administrator Michaelle (Mickey) Pope and Mark Greenwald, the director of research for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, actually defended the PROMISE Program, and right to the faces of some of the parents of the kids who were killed. That's is how detatched from reality these people are.

Mickey Pope spoke at this meeting for a incredibly long time, not only defending the PP, but pretty much just engaging in a CYA session, trying to absolve herself and Robert Runcie, whose letter she read, of blame for the Parkland massacre. Few times have I ever watched and witnessed such shameless audacity, and unhinged behavior.

Well, by speaking right up and trying to defend the PP, Pope, Greenwald, et al, have put themselves right in the sights of prosecutors who should pounce on them like panthers. I believe that lawsuits have been filed by some of the parents of the killed students, and these CYA raps should prove to be prime ammunition for those prosecutors.

The Parkland shooting wasn’t carried out by a “criminal minority student”. It was carried out by s white kid who screamed out loud “I’m going to shoot up my school!!” And nobody did anything to stop him.
An admirer of the INCEL terrorist movement.

Another social misfit: a white guy who hates women, but being an avowed heterosexual, feels entitled to have women satisfy his sexual needs on demand. And he’s angry that other people are having sex and he’s not.

Maybe we should deport these idiots to a deserted island and let them vent their rage on each other.
Another social misfit: a white guy who hates women, but being an avowed heterosexual, feels entitled to have women satisfy his sexual needs on demand. And he’s angry that other people are having sex and he’s not.

Maybe we should deport these idiots to a deserted island and let them vent their rage on each other.
Stay ON TOPIC or get out of the thread. This is too important a subject to allow derailing. Any more deflection BS, and I start reporting.
Should the PROMISE Program culprits be punished CRIMINALLY (or just by civil law) ? That would depend on Florida law, and how these idiots fit to it, right ?

People DO get indicted for negligence (extreme stupidity) even when criminal intent is lacking, and there have been damages done. I'd say 17 dead people is pretty damaging.

Any Florida lawyers out there ?
The Parkland shooting wasn’t carried out by a “criminal minority student”. It was carried out by s white kid who screamed out loud “I’m going to shoot up my school!!” And nobody did anything to stop him.
FALSE! Cruz was considered Hispanic, and thus was in the PROMISE Program, and thus had his criminal record concealed, and thus, the gun seller was unable to know he had a long, bad track record, and thus 17 people died.
do you have any proof his criminal record was concealed?
then there will be physical evidence of these so call ''concealed criminal records''.... find them, AND THEN let's make judgement...!!!
You haven't heard that the police wet to his home 37 times ? And that he vandalized a bathroom in the school ? (Marjorie Stoneman Douglas) We don't need to "find". They are found.

Why do you think there's such a fuss about the PROMISE Program ? And that the Commission spent half of their time in the June 7 hearing on just THAT ?

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