What is racist, and what is not?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
These threads are awash with accusations of racism, so it might be helpful to give examples of what is truly a racist statement (or political position) and what is not.


1. Saying that blacks are inherently lazy or less intelligent
2. Wanting to belong to a country club that doesn’t allow blacks as members
3. Not hiring the best qualified person for a job because he is black and going with the 2nd-best because he is white

Not racist:

1. Being opposed to affirmative action because it favors one race above others and thus adjusts standards down for that particular race
2. Pointing out that there is an overcompensation for the false belief of systemic racism, which comes at the detriment of whites, from the overrepresentation of blacks in commercials to the announcement by a company (or the president!) that whites need not apply
3. Saying that blacks stuck in poverty are so for the same reasons as whites - having babies out of wedlock and not completing their education - and it does a disservice to blame racism
I have a simple rule I follow that helps define it for those who seem to only see racism from one side.
Replace some words in a statement and see if that makes it racist in your mind.

If saying black lives matter is fine to you but white lives matter is a racist statement/attitude, you &/or both statements are racist.

If CRT in schools teaching kids whites are inherently racist or bad people because of skin color is OK in your mind, then you better not have a problem if it's reversed & kids are taught this same false philosophy about blacks or hispanics or asians or others.

It's a very simple test & it makes the racist virtue signalers very uncomfortable to consider their own prejudices
I have a simple rule I follow that helps define it for those who seem to only see racism from one side.
Replace some words in a statement and see if that makes it racist in your mind.

If saying black lives matter is fine to you but white lives matter is a racist statement/attitude, you &/or both statements are racist.

If CRT in schools teaching kids whites are inherently racist or bad people because of skin color is OK in your mind, then you better not have a problem if it's reversed & kids are taught this same false philosophy about blacks or hispanics or asians or others.

It's a very simple test & it makes the racist virtue signalers very uncomfortable to consider their own prejudices
Yes, I agree, and I’ve done the same thing when questioning whether something is racist. If, for example, the president were to have said that the next SCOTUS justice, or the VP, would be selected only from among white males, that is racist (and sexist). If a company said that there were too many blacks and they were prioritizing whites for hire, that is racist. If, as you say, it is Ok to teach that whites are inherently racist, it should be no problem to teach that blacks are inherently (fill-in-the-blank).
These threads are awash with accusations of racism, so it might be helpful to give examples of what is truly a racist statement (or political position) and what is not.


1. Saying that blacks are inherently lazy or less intelligent
2. Wanting to belong to a country club that doesn’t allow blacks as members
3. Not hiring the best qualified person for a job because he is black and going with the 2nd-best because he is white

Not racist:

1. Being opposed to affirmative action because it favors one race above others and thus adjusts standards down for that particular race
2. Pointing out that there is an overcompensation for the false belief of systemic racism, which comes at the detriment of whites, from the overrepresentation of blacks in commercials to the announcement by a company (or the president!) that whites need not apply
3. Saying that blacks stuck in poverty are so for the same reasons as whites - having babies out of wedlock and not completing their education - and it does a disservice to blame racism
I am an equal opportunity racist, as i hate everyone equally. Progressive whites, blacks, browns, even green, are stupid as shit, and i hate stupid people with a passion, especially the progressive slave.

Harboring hatred for people based upon their race.

Accusing entire races of perfidy.

Advocating the creation of double standards based upon race.

Laying the blame for one's own actions and attitudes upon an entire race.

Obsessing on race to the exclusion of all other political issues

Those are a few.
Long ago I read a statement saying one could only be racist if one had the POWER to negatively affect another person, as in keeping them from getting a job, or limiting where they could live.

But the definition has become so elastic when used by many people that it has become an all-purpose insult. They hurl the word "racist" at every person, idea, or situation they disagree with, or simply dislike.

In the hands of these people the words, "racist" and "racism" have become like mush. They have lost any firm definition. And, because they are so over-used by many people, the terms have lost virtually all of the negative power they once had, as insults.
Long ago I read a statement saying one could only be racist if one had the POWER to negatively affect another person, as in keeping them from getting a job, or limiting where they could live.

But the definition has become so elastic when used by many people that it has become an all-purpose insult. They hurl the word "racist" at every person, idea, or situation they disagree with, or simply dislike.

In the hands of these people the words, "racist" and "racism" have become like mush. They have lost any firm definition. And, because they are so over-used by many people, the terms have lost virtually all of the negative power they once had, as insults.
Absolutely. It used to be that being called a racist was a despicable insult, but leftists have thrown it around at anyone who won’t defer to their agenda that it has lost all meaning.

It’s just another form of abuse that leftists heap on people who disagree.

What is racist, and what is not?​

We could also ask, what is racist, and what is personal preference.

For instance, all through school, I saw people self-segregate. In the groups they hung out with, at parties (usually not mixed at all), and very visibly, in the cafeterias. Nothing was ever thought about it, one way or another.

I played in musical groups for years. Most band members were black, next were hispanics, few were white. I did most of the hiring. We traveled a bit, played colleges, clubs, and after hour joints.

We played jazz, blues, funk, rock, and anything else we wanted to play. We had some good musicians and they loved what they were doing.

And we played for audiences of all kinds, preferring mixed crowds, as they were the hippest and most fun. Our last group was together for a few years and would draw "standing room only" crowds.

And, even in these settings - where the guys became close and spent tons of time together - people would usually self-segregate. This included band members during most breaks, and audience members, even when the crowds were mixed, racially.

I've seen this behavior for many decades, even though many of the people became close friends.

Racism and "preference" can easily be mistaken and misunderstood. The subject can be mind boggling in its complexity.

And anyone who doesn't agree, is a freaking wacist.
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Mah Racism is just a social construct.
Racism, is just a social construct, just like murderer, deplorable or deviant. They are social judgments. The reason everyone has their own opinion on what is and isn't racism is because it is just an opinion. It's like calling someone an asshole. What gives these opinions weight is when they are agreed upon by a majority of society and are reflected in culture and law. It doesn't really matter if you don't think you're a racist if society sees you as a racist and treats you as a racist and finds racists to be deplorable.
Racism, is just a social construct, just like murderer, deplorable or deviant. They are social judgments. The reason everyone has their own opinion on what is and isn't racism is because it is just an opinion. It's like calling someone an asshole. What gives these opinions weight is when they are agreed upon by a majority of society and are reflected in culture and law. It doesn't really matter if you don't think you're a racist if society sees you as a racist and treats you as a racist and finds racists to be deplorable.
No. That’s what you leftists WANT. You want to force you opinion on everyone else and make it fact.

For example, some leftists in California are proposing giving higher grades for black students whose work is equivalent to white students. Let’s say a white and a black each get a 78 on a test. The white gets a C for that and a black gets a B.

That is racist. You are changing standards based on skin color and nothing else.

Now let’s say the white’s mother objects, saying that if a black gets a B for a 78, then her kid deserves the same B. Leftists can scream and yell “raaaascist!” at the mother all they want in an effort to get her to yield, but she is not racist.
No. That’s what you leftists WANT. You want to force you opinion on everyone else and make it fact.
Of course I want to force my opinion on you, that's what political and social power is for.
For example, some leftists in California are proposing giving higher grades for black students whose work is equivalent to white students. Let’s say a white and a black each get a 78 on a test. The white gets a C for that and a black gets a B.

That is racist. You are changing standards based on skin color and nothing else.
No, that's not what racism is typically understood to be. It may be stupid policy, it may be totally made up by you, it may be misguided, but unless it it's intention is to harm a group of people out of animosity for their race then society by and large will not see that as racist.
Now let’s say the white’s mother objects, saying that if a black gets a B for a 78, then her kid deserves the same B. Leftists can scream and yell “raaaascist!” at the mother all they want in an effort to get her to yield, but she is not racist.
It depends on how she objects. If she comes to the school with a Confederate flag decal on her car we absolutely can. 😁
Part of the problem is that the definition of racism.
In my opinion it is a subjective. What you and I think is racist may not necessarily be to other people.

It’s a Sisyphean task to get people to agree on what is much less what isn’t…
These threads are awash with accusations of racism, so it might be helpful to give examples of what is truly a racist statement (or political position) and what is not.


1. Saying that blacks are inherently lazy or less intelligent
2. Wanting to belong to a country club that doesn’t allow blacks as members
3. Not hiring the best qualified person for a job because he is black and going with the 2nd-best because he is white

Not racist:

1. Being opposed to affirmative action because it favors one race above others and thus adjusts standards down for that particular race
2. Pointing out that there is an overcompensation for the false belief of systemic racism, which comes at the detriment of whites, from the overrepresentation of blacks in commercials to the announcement by a company (or the president!) that whites need not apply
3. Saying that blacks stuck in poverty are so for the same reasons as whites - having babies out of wedlock and not completing their education - and it does a disservice to blame racism
Everything you posted is racist. I gotta laugh when a person such as yourself decides to tell everybody what racist is.
Part of the problem is that the definition of racism.
In my opinion it is a subjective. What you and I think is racist may not necessarily be to other people.

It’s a Sisyphean task to get people to agree on what is much less what isn’t…
The definition of racism is pretty clear.
Everything you posted is racist. I gotta laugh when a person such as yourself decides to tell everybody what racist is.
Nope, and that’s the problem. To YOU, everything is racist.

It is not racist, for example, to be opposed to race-based affirmative action policies. To the contrary, people who advocate for them are the racists.

And I didn’t tell everyone. I opened a discussion. But the anti-white black racists such as yourself would naturally claim that everything is racist. No surprise there.
The definition of racism is pretty clear.
Applying different standards to people based on race Is what is racist, as is eliminating all people of one race from consideration for a job. Biden’s announcement that whites would not be considered for the SCOTUS nomination was role was racist, as is the decision to have lower admissions standards based on race.

Past time to be race-blind.
Applying different standards to people based on race Is what is racist, as is eliminating all people of one race from consideration for a job. Biden’s announcement that whites would not be considered for the SCOTUS nomination was role was racist, as is the decision to have lower admissions standards based on race.

Past time to be race-blind.
Lisa, whites were appointed to the supreme court during trump when more qualified black candidates existed. They were selected because they were white. Admission standards have not been lowered because of race and less qualified white legacy students and unqualified white children of large donors get in all the time. Then we had the cheating scandal that appears to be all white. You aren't going to fix 246 years of damage by faking race blindness. You are purposefully ignorant to the fact that AA applies to Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders and women, including WHITE WOMEN, but you whine all day every day about some kind of favoritism just for blacks that does not exist. So when this country can fix the damage caused by white racism, then we can talk about race blindness.
Nope, and that’s the problem. To YOU, everything is racist.

It is not racist, for example, to be opposed to race-based affirmative action policies. To the contrary, people who advocate for them are the racists.

And I didn’t tell everyone. I opened a discussion. But the anti-white black racists such as yourself would naturally claim that everything is racist. No surprise there.
No, you are a racist. If you oppose AA you are for race-based policies. Before AA the policy was racial exclusion and whites only. I am not anti-white, only white racists here make that claim. You are called a racist based upon your posts. Therefore you are being judged by the content of your character.
If CRT in schools teaching kids whites are inherently racist or bad people because of skin color
Everything I have read about CRT, which has been taught in colleges and universities for quite some time, leads me to believe that the main point of if is this: that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States.

I do not find anywhere that little white kids in K-12 are being taught that they are inherently racist or bad. This is, however, something that has been spread around as another reason to reject something that might actually be helpful if read and digested carefully and with an open rather than a closed mind or heart.

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