What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil.

You cock suckers have no right to silence me. So piss off.

******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******,
funny you should ask... I still mutter under my breath "fuckin' ******" no matter the skin tone of the inconsiderate asshole driving the offending car...

Well...crude...but fair I suppose.

eta: sometimes I simply mutter "fuckin' asshole" in such situations..

What? No "cracker"? No "honkey"? No "snowfucker"? No "albino"? No "palerider"? No "paleface"? No "creamsauce"? No "milk toast"?

Awwwww! BB...you disappoint me! I thought you were more creative than that!
funny you should ask... I still mutter under my breath "fuckin' ******" no matter the skin tone of the inconsiderate asshole driving the offending car...

Well...crude...but fair I suppose.

eta: sometimes I simply mutter "fuckin' asshole" in such situations..

What? No "cracker"? No "honkey"? No "snowfucker"? No "albino"? No "palerider"? No "paleface"? No "creamsauce"? No "milk toast"?

Awwwww! BB...you disappoint me! I thought you were more creative than that!

it's hard to be creative when the asshole at a stoplight next to you is rattling your windows with his cranked-up sub-woofers...
it's hard to be creative when the asshole at a stoplight next to you is rattling your windows with his cranked-up sub-woofers...

Well...I can't actually disagree with that. It's quite annoying.


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Deen's issues are kind of irrelevant to me in this story.

The bigger story is the list of companies that have so quickly dumped her, and how absolutely intimidated they are by the PC Police. The companies knew the shit storm was coming their way if they didn't do as expected, so they did as expected.

Watch every damn word you say, be damn careful with whom you associate, or we'll get you. After all, this is America.

So...it's come back to haunt her. Deal!

I'm obviously talking to someone who never had a life and when I was partying down at the Whiskey was still in their diapers if born at all.

eenie meeny miny moe

catch a ****** by the toe

if he hollers

let him go

eenie meeny miny moe

I used to skip double dutch to this as did millions of little girls. All shades of color.

Are we racist?

I don't think so.

Should a woman have her financial empire crumble for saying ****** in the 60's?

I don't think so.

Psssst! Yeah, I remember singing that tune when I was younger...but we sang it as "catch a piggy by the toe"...you know...as in "piggy toes"?

And yeah...I grew up in the North, not the South. Maybe that makes a difference.

Well if you are a yankee that explains everything.


Deen's issues are kind of irrelevant to me in this story.

The bigger story is the list of companies that have so quickly dumped her, and how absolutely intimidated they are by the PC Police. The companies knew the shit storm was coming their way if they didn't do as expected, so they did as expected.

Watch every damn word you say, be damn careful with whom you associate, or we'll get you. After all, this is America.


We have become a fascist nation like China, Cuba, North Korea, and Egypt. Time to stand tall and speak LOUD!
Only a fucking ignorant yankee would interpret an "antebellum" style wedding as a "slave party".


lolololololol!!!!! Hilarious! "Antebellum style" IS slavery!!!

Buy a fuckin' clue!

:lol: Only a Paula Deen style hick would call it Antebellum style instead of what it is. Paula is ignorant. It isn't because she's 66, from the South or whatever her excuse. She's a racist old coot. She needs to retire.

Sometimes you really piss me off with your ignorance Sarah. I try not to insult you.
But you force my hand now.

This is one of those times you fool. You hick. You yankee. There is a wedding industry built around antebellum.

funny you should ask... I still mutter under my breath "fuckin' ******" no matter the skin tone of the inconsiderate asshole driving the offending car...

Well...crude...but fair I suppose.

eta: sometimes I simply mutter "fuckin' asshole" in such situations..

What? No "cracker"? No "honkey"? No "snowfucker"? No "albino"? No "palerider"? No "paleface"? No "creamsauce"? No "milk toast"?

Awwwww! BB...you disappoint me! I thought you were more creative than that!

it's hard to be creative when the asshole at a stoplight next to you is rattling your windows with his cranked-up sub-woofers...

I love you to death darlin. Have I told you lately?

Whenever you enter politics you add a new dimension dearheart.


Deen's issues are kind of irrelevant to me in this story.

The bigger story is the list of companies that have so quickly dumped her, and how absolutely intimidated they are by the PC Police. The companies knew the shit storm was coming their way if they didn't do as expected, so they did as expected.

Watch every damn word you say, be damn careful with whom you associate, or we'll get you. After all, this is America.


But it turns on them.

Mac I always like your input because you seem to me over these years to be a true "business man on the street" and you give it from the gut when you post on this board.

Now granted I'm retired from music now, but all my years in the business taught me to be savvy or I would not have been as successful as I was.

The knee jerk reactions from all these companies have me floored.

Now that's ok.

Paula's books are going thru the roof on Amazon and maybe these company heads that dumped her really need to learn the lesson. The political assholes driving them to give up Deen aren't buying their stuff anyway.

Like some one from Salon is going to shop at Walmart. Watch sales go down.
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#1 on Amazon

The backlash is thankfully tremendous. Everyone is buying her books to show support for her.

She used the word ****** decades ago and you libs have gone crazy trying to decimate her.

One of your own. A good southern Democrat who not only campaigned for the Obamas but gave mega bucks too.

You idiots didn't know she was a dem. All you wanted to do was nuke this woman out of existence.

For speaking the truth about how it was in the south in the 50's and 60's. ****** was part of the vocabulary.

Deal with it you little monsters. It's called history. But no. You ate one of your own thinking she was a republican.

Thanks TD, now we understand exactly how it is supposed to work. Look at his or her party affiliation and decide how to respond. That is really 'ethical'

Hey it's not my problem that all the comments on Think Progress and Salon thought Paula was a conservative southern redneck hillbilly republican

You guys went viral thinking she was a conservative without even knowing who she was or her background story.

I happen to like Deen. Politics aside. Se is a lib after all :eusa_angel:

From the first time I saw her on Oprah telling Winfrey "I ain't your doctor I'm your cook".

I liked her.

Seek and you shall find TD. When you wear blinders it prevents distraction from your partisan view.

Support has come from Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, President Carter, Bill Maher and other liberals and Democrats.

Viewpoint: The Food Network Should Give Paula Deen Back Her Job

People of her generation can neither change the past, nor completely escape their roots in it
By John McWhorter

Read more: Viewpoint: The Food Network Should Give Paula Deen Back Her Job | TIME.com

Thanks TD, now we understand exactly how it is supposed to work. Look at his or her party affiliation and decide how to respond. That is really 'ethical'

Hey it's not my problem that all the comments on Think Progress and Salon thought Paula was a conservative southern redneck hillbilly republican

You guys went viral thinking she was a conservative without even knowing who she was or her background story.

I happen to like Deen. Politics aside. Se is a lib after all :eusa_angel:

From the first time I saw her on Oprah telling Winfrey "I ain't your doctor I'm your cook".

I liked her.

Seek and you shall find TD. When you wear blinders it prevents distraction from your partisan view.

Support has come from Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, President Carter, Bill Maher and other liberals and Democrats.

Viewpoint: The Food Network Should Give Paula Deen Back Her Job

People of her generation can neither change the past, nor completely escape their roots in it
By John McWhorter

Read more: Viewpoint: The Food Network Should Give Paula Deen Back Her Job | TIME.com


Only just now. I'm thrilled by the way. And you should see the hits Jesse is taking on twitchy by other libs wishing he was the one that died instead of MLK on the balcony. No kidding.

And I was the first one on this board that I know of to post Sharpton/Jackson/Anne Rice/Martha Stewart/Bill Maher support for Paula.

Anne Rice really touched my soul because she understood to the bone that Paula was being skewered for telling the truth.

It was the 60's.
So...it's come back to haunt her. Deal!

I'm obviously talking to someone who never had a life and when I was partying down at the Whiskey was still in their diapers if born at all.

eenie meeny miny moe

catch a ****** by the toe

if he hollers

let him go

eenie meeny miny moe

I used to skip double dutch to this as did millions of little girls. All shades of color.

Are we racist?

I don't think so.

Should a woman have her financial empire crumble for saying ****** in the 60's?

I don't think so.

Psssst! Yeah, I remember singing that tune when I was younger...but we sang it as "catch a piggy by the toe"...you know...as in "piggy toes"?

And yeah...I grew up in the North, not the South. Maybe that makes a difference.

We used to say tiger but then again, we're not from the South so we couldn't possibly understand that the n-word isn't really racist.. :cuckoo:
By the way. Partisan view?

I've gone to the mats for Paula not just in here. This is just a wonderous message board I have fun in.

She's a fabulous woman albeit a Dem :) who overcame a horrendous handicap to become what she is today.

All you have to do is go to my posts quoting the bastards from Think Progress who thought she was a republican, conservative, redneck, douchebag hillbilly and thought they had to destroy her.

Don't get at me girl. I've been on this since the beginning begging liberals to let this be and don't destroy her.
I'm obviously talking to someone who never had a life and when I was partying down at the Whiskey was still in their diapers if born at all.

eenie meeny miny moe

catch a ****** by the toe

if he hollers

let him go

eenie meeny miny moe

I used to skip double dutch to this as did millions of little girls. All shades of color.

Are we racist?

I don't think so.

Should a woman have her financial empire crumble for saying ****** in the 60's?

I don't think so.

Psssst! Yeah, I remember singing that tune when I was younger...but we sang it as "catch a piggy by the toe"...you know...as in "piggy toes"?

And yeah...I grew up in the North, not the South. Maybe that makes a difference.

We used to say tiger but then again, we're not from the South so we couldn't possibly understand that the n-word isn't really racist.. :cuckoo:

Different strokes for different folks. I'm from Canada and we sang this song doing double dutch.

But are you trying to call me a racist?

Because as a kid I sang this ditty skipping double dutch?

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