What Do You Think George Washington Would Have Thought About Mandates?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Either masks or vaccine related. The reason why I say George Washington is because since he was our very first president and he already knew that America was founded upon liberty and freedom of choice, I wonder what he would think knowing that we have rolled all the way down Mount Rushmore since the day we became a free country. For the record though, I don't think a lot of presidents would be too happy with the way things are today.
Either masks or vaccine related. The reason why I say George Washington is because since he was our very first president and he already knew that America was founded upon liberty and freedom of choice, I wonder what he would think knowing that we have rolled all the way down Mount Rushmore since the day we became a free country. For the record though, I don't think a lot of presidents would be too happy with the way things are today.

I think Washington would be too busy freaking out over the many changes in the world to form a coherent thought about vaccine mandates. ;)
Either masks or vaccine related. The reason why I say George Washington is because since he was our very first president and he already knew that America was founded upon liberty and freedom of choice, I wonder what he would think knowing that we have rolled all the way down Mount Rushmore since the day we became a free country. For the record though, I don't think a lot of presidents would be too happy with the way things are today.

Well, toilet paper. That's what he woulda thunk.
Well, toilet paper. That's what he woulda thunk.

Yeah, as much as I think it should be left a personal choice, it also shouldn't be against the US Constitution either which is exactly what it is when the Biden Harris administration is forcing all of this bullshit on people who don't want to get vaccinated or even masked/muzzled up.
It's clear what Washington thought about mandates.

When nutty King George dished them out he buckled on his sword and went to war.

The few remaining real Americans can learn much from him. If they're not prohibited from hearing about him. Bad enough that part of history is already banned from public indoctrination centers (laughingly called public "schools").
Is this before or after Washington sent a bunch of troops out to western Pennsylvania to beat the crap out of a bunch of farmers for not cowing down to the government?

When did that happen?
Either masks or vaccine related. The reason why I say George Washington is because since he was our very first president and he already knew that America was founded upon liberty and freedom of choice, I wonder what he would think knowing that we have rolled all the way down Mount Rushmore since the day we became a free country. For the record though, I don't think a lot of presidents would be too happy with the way things are today.
George Washington mandated his troops get inoculated for smallpox, you dumb piece of shit.

What Do You Think George Washington Would Have Thought About Mandates?​

George probably would have been for them. He actually died of an untreated medical condition easily treated today as minor---- in his day, a doctor was anyone willing to work on you and most ailments were treated by blood-letting or leeches.
Either masks or vaccine related. The reason why I say George Washington is because since he was our very first president and he already knew that America was founded upon liberty and freedom of choice, I wonder what he would think knowing that we have rolled all the way down Mount Rushmore since the day we became a free country. For the record though, I don't think a lot of presidents would be too happy with the way things are today.
Washington MANDATED that his troops get smallpox vaccinations so...
George probably would have been for them. He actually died of an untreated medical condition easily treated today as minor---- in his day, a doctor was anyone willing to work on you and most ailments were treated by blood-letting or leeches.

Well then I guess due to the fact of being uneducated I could possibly see him being for them.

Washington MANDATED that his troops get smallpox vaccinations so...

Yeah,.. I guess he probably would have been for it then considering the fact that they all had bigger fears of death back then.

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