Harrison Butker’s ‘extreme’ political views has made him extremely popular…the number one selling jersey. Are we watching a political movement happen?

Translation: My idea of America is everyone looks, thinks and acts like me. Conformity over individualism.
While I know ‘conformity‘ is scary for you unconventionals it’s actually quite natural, essential and necessary in all safe, productive, clean and united communities, cities, states and nations.
“Individualism…until I want my free shit….then….COLLECTIVISM!”
Nope…purple hair personifies today’s circus side-show that is the Democrat Party and Democrats.
What kind of a human being votes for a wack-job like this? What kind of a human being can take someone who looks like this seriously?
Answer: Leftist Democrats and Harpy Eagle …..NOBODY ELSE.
”It’s just hair” ain’t that right Harps?
View attachment 950373

I would have to know what the motivation was, to be honest, I could see color in support of a cause, or something like that.
Otherwise -
Our social contract does not include intolerance.

Really, it's ok if people act and look different then you.
This nation and all legit nations were built on “intolerance” and bigotry.
Without bigotry a nation can have no standards or expectations. We are exceptional because we set the bar high, because we expect standards to be met, because we are intolerant bigots.
While I know ‘conformity‘ is scary for you unconventionals it’s actually quite natural, essential and necessary in all safe, productive, clean and united communities, cities, states and nations.
“Individualism…until I want my free shit….then….COLLECTIVISM!”
Hilarious. You trying to make conformity a positive attribute.

The below is not an accusation, it's a warning.

"This was part of the process of Nazifying German society. The aim of this process was to dismantle existing social structures and traditions. The Nazi youth groups were about imposing conformity. Youth throughout Germany wore the same uniforms, sang the same Nazi songs, and participated in similar activities."
In real America we teach the value of conducting oneself professionally, in speaking professionally and in the importance of a professional appearance.

What is a "professional appearance"? Who decides what is a professional appearance?

Once anything less than a 3 piece suit with a tie would have been seen as unprofessional.

Now days that has changed. I wear Hawaiian style shirts about 90% of the time I am meeting with clients or in the office. Is that a professional appearance?
Cityboys Stumbling Along on Roy Rogers's Horse

Your straw man, just like commie goon MLK's "color of the skin," consists in making up a stupid reason for the stand of people you disagree with. Just like Janey's bro Petey in Easy Rider claiming that the only reason normal citizens didn't like his degenerate lifestyle was because of his "long hair."

It is your fellow Trump worshipers that is hung up on the color of someone's hair, it is all he can talk about today, and he brings it up almost daily now.

Do you even bother to read what your tribe members post on here?
This nation and all legit nations were built on “intolerance” and bigotry.
Without bigotry a nation can have no standards or expectations. We are exceptional because we set the bar high, because we expect standards to be met, because we are intolerant bigots.

If any further proof was needed as to what a completely un-American fucking clown this loser ^^^^^ is...
What is a "professional appearance"? Who decides what is a professional appearance?

Once anything less than a 3 piece suit with a tie would have been seen as unprofessional.

Now days that has changed. I wear Hawaiian style shirts about 90% of the time I am meeting with clients or in the office. Is that a professional appearance?
hahaha…You are becoming more predictable by the day…That’s typical leftist play right there. Pretend to be confused, pretend there is no distinction to be made between professional and unprofessional.
Pretend this ’it’ should be taken seriously while among serious human beings.
What is a "professional appearance"? Who decides what is a professional appearance?

Once anything less than a 3 piece suit with a tie would have been seen as unprofessional.

Now days that has changed. I wear Hawaiian style shirts about 90% of the time I am meeting with clients or in the office. Is that a professional appearance?
Absolutely not, unless the clients are looking to hire carnival workers.
hahaha…You are becoming more predictable by the day…That’s typical leftist play right there. Pretend to be confused, pretend there is no distinction to be made between professional and unprofessional.

Yet, you cannot answer the question.

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