What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?
1. Spread propaganda about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election
2. Ousted the well-regarded U.S. ambassador to Ukraine
3. Froze military assistance to Ukraine

4. Withheld a White House meeting from Zelensky
In 2019, Trump communicated in various ways to Zelensky that a much-sought-after White House meeting would be conditioned on doing his corrupt dirt-digging on Joe Biden.​

5. Turned Ukraine policy over to Giuliani

Trump was and is Putin's lap dog.
What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?
1. Spread propaganda about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election
2. Ousted the well-regarded U.S. ambassador to Ukraine
3. Froze military assistance to Ukraine

4. Withheld a White House meeting from Zelensky​

In 2019, Trump communicated in various ways to Zelensky that a much-sought-after White House meeting would be conditioned on doing his corrupt dirt-digging on Joe Biden.​

5. Turned Ukraine policy over to Giuliani

Trump was and is Putin's lap dog.
Trump was strongly pro-Putin. I imagine Russia will mount a campaign to re-elect Trump that makes their last round of support for him look like nothing. Trump is the only U.S. candidate with a chance of winning that will dedicate himself to making the world acknowledge Ukraine as property of Russia, and to dropping all sanctions facing Russia.
What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?
1. Spread propaganda about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election
2. Ousted the well-regarded U.S. ambassador to Ukraine
3. Froze military assistance to Ukraine

4. Withheld a White House meeting from Zelensky​

In 2019, Trump communicated in various ways to Zelensky that a much-sought-after White House meeting would be conditioned on doing his corrupt dirt-digging on Joe Biden.​

5. Turned Ukraine policy over to Giuliani

Trump was and is Putin's lap dog.
Actually Trump helped arm the Ukraine as where Obama did not

You can’t have a quid pro quo without the other party being aware there’s a quid and reports indicated the Ukrainian government was unaware that aid was allegedly being withheld to pressure them to dig up dirt on Trump opponent Joe Biden. And the aid wasn’t really aid, but was additional Javelin anti-tank missiles bought and paid for by Ukraine with its own money. But as long as we are on the subject of whether or not President Trump was jeopardizing U.S. national security by withholding military aid for political purposes, consider that almost as soon as Trump took office he had restored lethal aid to Ukraine that the Obama-Biden administration had cut off.

Flash back to 2012 when President Obama promised Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea that after his re-election he would have more "flexibility" to weaken missile defense and otherwise weaken U.S. resistance to Russian ambitions and aggressions,

In March, 2009, Hillary Clinton had presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with that infamous red "reset button" to symbolize improved ties, but the gift drew smiles as the word "reset" was mistranslated into the Russian for "overcharge" Something else was lost in the translation as well, apparently, as Russian, belligerence and intransigence continued.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s seizure of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in early 2014 was the direct result of Obama’s promised flexibility. The Obama-Biden administration effectively did nothing in response. That didn’t jeopardize U.S. national security? As the Washington Examiner reported:

Following Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Putin escalated support to separatists in eastern Ukraine that resided in areas with a majority of ethnic Russians. Reserve officers in the Russian military, who also had ties to the Russian military intelligence agency known as the GRU, commanded the rebels in attacks. By June 2014, the Ukrainian military said that Russia had massed more than 40,000 troops on Ukraine’s border and deployed about 7,000 to 10,000 Russian soldiers inside Ukraine.
Again, the Obama-Biden administration did nothing in response, in fact less than nothing as it denied lethal aid Ukraine was begging for. In 2017, Trump announced plans to reverse the policy of the Obama administration, which stood by silently when Putin’s Russia annexed Crimea and attacked Ukraine, and sell the Ukrainians lethal defensive weaponry, including anti-tank missiles designed to destroy Putin’s Russian tanks in the hands of separatist rebels:

President Donald Trump is expected to announce his approval of a plan to sell anti-tank missiles to the Ukrainian government, a move that would mark a significant escalation in lethal U.S. military support for Ukrainian forces battling Russian-aligned forces in the border region, four State Department sources tell ABC News…
The sale of anti-tank missiles, which could possibly include the U.S.-made Javelin system, provoked a strong reaction from Russia on Saturday, saying it "crossed the line," and could threaten to derail Trump’s calls for better relations with Moscow.
This hardly fit the narrative of a Trump administration in thrall to the Kremlin. If anyone had been “colluding with the Russians,” it was the Obama-Biden-Clinton administration. President Trump, unlike President Obama, was well aware that it was Russian President Vladimir Putin’s expressed the view that the demise of the Soviet Union was one of the greatest disasters of modern times. His actions in Ukraine in conjunction with massive Russian rearmament showed his desire to reassemble the old Soviet Union:

In his annual address to parliament in 2005, old KGB boss emeritus Putin made the grotesque claim that the "demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest political catastrophe of the century," demonstrating a nostalgia for what he considers the good old days.
Again, President Obama did less than nothing, sending only supplies worthy of a Boy Scout Jamboree rather than a sovereign nation resisting Russian aggression. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in 2015 warned Congress that Russian actions in the Ukraine were the start of a new Cold War and that President Obama’s actions were inadequate:

On Thursday, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko gave a 40-minute speech to a rare joint session of Congress alerting lawmakers to the plight of his country under Russia's creeping "Anschluss."
Poroshenko once again pled for meaningful aid, including an affiliation with NATO, and warned that a new Iron Curtain may soon descend as Vladimir Putin tries to reassemble the Soviet Union whose demise he has publicly mourned…
In March, Ukraine asked for arms and ammunition, intelligence support, aviation fuel and night vision goggles. The Pentagon agreed only to provide the Ukrainians with supplies of U.S. military rations known as Meals Ready To Eat, or MREs.
This time Ukraine did not get much more than that -- just some peripheral gear such as night-vision goggles and helmets. But once again it received no lethal aid that Poroshenko's country desperately needs, such as requested anti-tank weaponry.
Poroshenko asked for things like anti-tank weaponry and in a bit of perhaps unintended sarcasm during an emotional speech to Congress, Poroshenko said that "blankets, night-vision goggles are also important" but that "one cannot win the war with blankets."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said it is grounds for impeachment that Trump jeopardized U.S. national security interests in Ukraine buy has some serious questions to answer. As Randy DeSoto writes The Western Journal:

Concerning the aid itself, if Pelosi truly believes the president somehow threatened the United States’ national security and failed in his duties as commander in chief by the less-than-two-month delay, how much more did Obama do so by refusing to offer Ukraine any lethal military aid at all after Russia invaded Crimea in 2014?
I don’t recall Pelosi accusing Obama of undermining our nation’s security, his oath of office and the Constitution then.
Trump reversed the Obama administration’s policy during his first year in office, allowing lethal weapons including Javelin anti-tank missiles to be sent to Ukraine.
“Col. Andrii Ordynovych, Ukraine’s military attache in Washington, said that when Ukraine’s military began using U.S.-provided Javelin anti-tank weapons, Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers that once operated with devastating impunity had backed off,” Defense News reported.
The question of who was willing to jeopardize U.S. national security interests in the Ukraine and for what is now open for discussion.
What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?
1. Spread propaganda about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election
2. Ousted the well-regarded U.S. ambassador to Ukraine
3. Froze military assistance to Ukraine

4. Withheld a White House meeting from Zelensky​

In 2019, Trump communicated in various ways to Zelensky that a much-sought-after White House meeting would be conditioned on doing his corrupt dirt-digging on Joe Biden.​

5. Turned Ukraine policy over to Giuliani

Trump was and is Putin's lap dog.
An American president is supposed to do things to help this country. Trump did just that.
What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?
1. Spread propaganda about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election
2. Ousted the well-regarded U.S. ambassador to Ukraine
3. Froze military assistance to Ukraine

4. Withheld a White House meeting from Zelensky​

In 2019, Trump communicated in various ways to Zelensky that a much-sought-after White House meeting would be conditioned on doing his corrupt dirt-digging on Joe Biden.​

5. Turned Ukraine policy over to Giuliani

Trump was and is Putin's lap dog.

What's wrong with Trump asking his good friend Zelenskyy to work to clean up his country when there were American thugs corrupting them?

BTW, Trump didn't allow Ukraine to be attacked during his reign. Brandon is in charge.

Its sort of ironic that Zelenskyy's own decision to actively support Biden led to his nation being attacked, no?
Trump was strongly pro-Putin. I imagine Russia will mount a campaign to re-elect Trump that makes their last round of support for him look like nothing. Trump is the only U.S. candidate with a chance of winning that will dedicate himself to making the world acknowledge Ukraine as property of Russia, and to dropping all sanctions facing Russia.
The problem is you believe you are the good guys.
Actually Trump helped arm the Ukraine as where Obama did not

You can’t have a quid pro quo without the other party being aware there’s a quid and reports indicated the Ukrainian government was unaware that aid was allegedly being withheld to pressure them to dig up dirt on Trump opponent Joe Biden. And the aid wasn’t really aid, but was additional Javelin anti-tank missiles bought and paid for by Ukraine with its own money. But as long as we are on the subject of whether or not President Trump was jeopardizing U.S. national security by withholding military aid for political purposes, consider that almost as soon as Trump took office he had restored lethal aid to Ukraine that the Obama-Biden administration had cut off.

Flash back to 2012 when President Obama promised Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea that after his re-election he would have more "flexibility" to weaken missile defense and otherwise weaken U.S. resistance to Russian ambitions and aggressions,

In March, 2009, Hillary Clinton had presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with that infamous red "reset button" to symbolize improved ties, but the gift drew smiles as the word "reset" was mistranslated into the Russian for "overcharge" Something else was lost in the translation as well, apparently, as Russian, belligerence and intransigence continued.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s seizure of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in early 2014 was the direct result of Obama’s promised flexibility. The Obama-Biden administration effectively did nothing in response. That didn’t jeopardize U.S. national security? As the Washington Examiner reported:

Again, the Obama-Biden administration did nothing in response, in fact less than nothing as it denied lethal aid Ukraine was begging for. In 2017, Trump announced plans to reverse the policy of the Obama administration, which stood by silently when Putin’s Russia annexed Crimea and attacked Ukraine, and sell the Ukrainians lethal defensive weaponry, including anti-tank missiles designed to destroy Putin’s Russian tanks in the hands of separatist rebels:

This hardly fit the narrative of a Trump administration in thrall to the Kremlin. If anyone had been “colluding with the Russians,” it was the Obama-Biden-Clinton administration. President Trump, unlike President Obama, was well aware that it was Russian President Vladimir Putin’s expressed the view that the demise of the Soviet Union was one of the greatest disasters of modern times. His actions in Ukraine in conjunction with massive Russian rearmament showed his desire to reassemble the old Soviet Union:

Again, President Obama did less than nothing, sending only supplies worthy of a Boy Scout Jamboree rather than a sovereign nation resisting Russian aggression. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in 2015 warned Congress that Russian actions in the Ukraine were the start of a new Cold War and that President Obama’s actions were inadequate:

Poroshenko asked for things like anti-tank weaponry and in a bit of perhaps unintended sarcasm during an emotional speech to Congress, Poroshenko said that "blankets, night-vision goggles are also important" but that "one cannot win the war with blankets."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said it is grounds for impeachment that Trump jeopardized U.S. national security interests in Ukraine buy has some serious questions to answer. As Randy DeSoto writes The Western Journal:

The question of who was willing to jeopardize U.S. national security interests in the Ukraine and for what is now open for discussion.
In the aftermath of Donald Trump's loss in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, the American Thinker promoted a variety of false conspiracy theories and claims of election fraud as part of the Republican Party's attempt to overturn the election result.[7] Faced with a lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems, Lifson acknowledged that the site had relied upon "discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories".[8] The American Thinker likewise admitted that its election claims were "completely false and have no basis in fact" and that "it was wrong for us to publish these false statements."[9]
In the aftermath of Donald Trump's loss in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, the American Thinker promoted a variety of false conspiracy theories and claims of election fraud as part of the Republican Party's attempt to overturn the election result.[7] Faced with a lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems, Lifson acknowledged that the site had relied upon "discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories".[8] The American Thinker likewise admitted that its election claims were "completely false and have no basis in fact" and that "it was wrong for us to publish these false statements."[9]
And? Half the country knows the election was stolen and more and more are coming to believe so. Nothing you can do to stop it. You or the "American Thinker".
What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?
1. Spread propaganda about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election
2. Ousted the well-regarded U.S. ambassador to Ukraine
3. Froze military assistance to Ukraine

4. Withheld a White House meeting from Zelensky​

In 2019, Trump communicated in various ways to Zelensky that a much-sought-after White House meeting would be conditioned on doing his corrupt dirt-digging on Joe Biden.​

5. Turned Ukraine policy over to Giuliani

Trump was and is Putin's lap dog.

Kept Putin from invading. Biden invited him to do it.
What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?
1. Spread propaganda about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election
2. Ousted the well-regarded U.S. ambassador to Ukraine
3. Froze military assistance to Ukraine

4. Withheld a White House meeting from Zelensky​

In 2019, Trump communicated in various ways to Zelensky that a much-sought-after White House meeting would be conditioned on doing his corrupt dirt-digging on Joe Biden.​

5. Turned Ukraine policy over to Giuliani

Trump was and is Putin's lap dog.
I remember he tried to extort them and was impeached for it.
Trump was strongly pro-Putin.
Are progs ever going to stop spouting this obvious lie? What is the evidence that Trump is pro Putin?

I imagine Russia will mount a campaign to re-elect Trump that makes their last round of support for him look like nothing. Trump is the only U.S. candidate with a chance of winning that will dedicate himself to making the world acknowledge Ukraine as property of Russia, and to dropping all sanctions facing Russia.

Do you have even a smidgeon of evidence for this fantasy?

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