We have never fought a war where we know how to defeat the enemy and we are not doing it


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
We have never fought a war where we know how to defeat the enemy and we are not doing it
COVID threatens lives and our economy. There is not room for a 1000 opinions. Unless we come together and support the proven tactics to defeat the virus, the virus will defeat us. Those who spread unproven assertions, basic lies are helping the virus defeat us.
There are very few threats to the USA that have a proven way to control and mitigate the threat. It is not the opinion of one person. It is the aggregate conclusion of 10,000's of doctors and scientists throughout the world. A small number of outlier scientists and a large number clueless crack pots are bringing us all down.

We have never fought a war where we know how to defeat the enemy and we are not doing it
COVID threatens lives and our economy. There is not room for a 1000 opinions. Unless we come together and support the proven tactics to defeat the virus, the virus will defeat us. Those who spread unproven assertions, basic lies are helping the virus defeat us.
There are very few threats to the USA that have a proven way to control and mitigate the threat. It is not the opinion of one person. It is the aggregate conclusion of 10,000's of doctors and scientists throughout the world. A small number of outlier scientists and a large number clueless crack pots are bringing us all down.

This is true, but how to convince a couple of million trump supporters that the vaccine will keep them out of the hospital?

The trump supporters think it's a QAnon plot or something.
support the proven tactics to defeat the virus
What are those, exactly? If there are some (as if) someone needs to tell the top doctor in the country because that inconsistent hack changes his tune every other day.
What are those, exactly? If there are some (as if) someone needs to tell the top doctor in the country because that inconsistent hack changes his tune every other day.
Forget the top scientist in the USA. Forget any doctor or scientist in the USA. Go throughout the world. Every nation's aggregate science data shows vaccines and masks will control the virus. It will do so in a shortened timeframe, compared to herd immunity, saving countless lives and reduce the chance of more variants that can be more contagious and more deadly.
We have never fought a war where we know how to defeat the enemy and we are not doing it
COVID threatens lives and our economy. There is not room for a 1000 opinions. Unless we come together and support the proven tactics to defeat the virus, the virus will defeat us. Those who spread unproven assertions, basic lies are helping the virus defeat us.
There are very few threats to the USA that have a proven way to control and mitigate the threat. It is not the opinion of one person. It is the aggregate conclusion of 10,000's of doctors and scientists throughout the world. A small number of outlier scientists and a large number clueless crack pots are bringing us all down.

Keep an eye on the sky, Chicken Little . . .
Forget the top scientist in the USA. Forget any doctor or scientist in the USA. Go throughout the world. Every nation's aggregate science data shows vaccines and masks will control the virus. It will do so in a shortened timeframe, compared to herd immunity, saving countless lives and reduce the chance of more variants that can be more contagious and more deadly.

Troll much? Windows up, A/C off, gloved and masked behind the wheel? Got a bio-negative pressure plastic wrap tunnel set up from your front door to car door? You go, Bubble Boy . . .
Troll much? Windows up, A/C off, gloved and masked behind the wheel? Got a bio-negative pressure plastic wrap tunnel set up from your front door to car door? You go, Bubble Boy . . .
Talk about a panty ass, woos. You think getting a couple of shots and having to wear a mask on occasion is like Windows up, A/C off, gloved and masked behind the wheel? Got a bio-negative pressure plastic wrap tunnel set up from your front door to car door?
I am guessing you were on the checkers team in high school instead of the football team. If you went to high school.
This is true, but how to convince a couple of million trump supporters that the vaccine will keep them out of the hospital?

The trump supporters think it's a QAnon plot or something.
We would have lost WWII if we would have had to depend on Trump supporters to fight the Nazi's. Trump supporters are whiny cowards. They are scared of everything; shots, masks, people who are not their same color, the government unless Trump supports them. They are scared of education. They do not trust people who have all their teeth or who live in houses instead of a single wide.
They cannot deal with truth and the real world so they make stuff up, conspiracies, lies about everything they cannot handle.
99+% survivability with or without the vaccine says it not a war at all. More idiotic fearmongering is not the way forward.
99+% survivability with or without the vaccine says it not a war at all. More idiotic fearmongering is not the way forward.
3,300,000 dead. The longer it sticks around the greater the chance of a variant that could have a death rate much higher than 1%.
How many people who do not die have long term effects.
It has already cost our economy billions and that will continue to grow and get worse if we do not control the virus.

You are a very dumb person. Everybody wishes you advised their enemies.
3,300,000 dead. The longer it sticks around the greater the chance of a variant that could have a death rate much higher than 1%.
How many people who do not die have long term effects.
It has already cost our economy billions and that will continue to grow and get worse if we do not control the virus.

You are a very dumb person. Everybody wishes you advised their enemies.
Not over 3 millions dead in America you fearmongering dumbass. It's not going anywhere whether I take that experimental treatment or not. You think every drug company is looking to make boosters and pills because they think it's going away? Don't drown in the Kool Aid stupid.

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