Not a bad idea to leave America for sometime- we have one of the worst political and social atmospheres in our countries history

(1) Here in the Greater Los Angeles area, one nice mall has had so much trouble with mobs of "youths" that it is now announcing this policy:

a. After 3 p.m., no one under 18 may enter without a chaperone who is at least 21.
b. The youth and chaperone must stay together at all times.

(2) No doubt some civil liberties groups will be crying over discrimination against sweet delicate children.

(3) Here in Los Angeles, a prominent basketball player opened a movie theater back in the 20th century. I do not know if it is still open. He announced that no nonsense would be tolerated inside. Some neighborhood groups complained about his being too strict. It seems, however, that he had no illusions about a certain group, so he was laying down the law.

It's ok, guys! The FBI has figured out who's committing this organized retail theft, and they're on the case!

I’m old enough to remember when this nation was clean, safe, and orderly. Now it’s a fucking mess and the people responsible for all this failure, continue to run the country and face no consequences for their treason.
Have you left yet?
I'm not concerned...if things go to shit I'll just build a wall...

The Leftists have destroyed this once great country.

We are becoming a shithole because of Leftest greed and stupidity.

The only problem was the US was the last hope for Liberty and now it is gone. There are places you can go and live OK if you have the money but forget about the American Dream.

"We are becoming a shithole because of the Leftest greed and stupidity."

Don't forget, ENVY.

There is a record number of passport applications in America. Americans are tired of left-wing radicalism ie self hatred of America…..and men playing in women’s sports, men going into women’s bathrooms.. The neo-conservatives giving our money away to foreign countries for their wars. The poverty, the graffiti the filth all over the streets of America.

I’m happier than perhaps I’ve ever been in my life living in Cambodia. You get the feeling when you’re in a different country of how bad things are in America. It’s an embarrassment. America is an embarrassment to the world today. Left-wing radical blm feminist policies are self-destructive and poisonous. They disgrace the old school traditional black and white Americans, who built our country.

We need to respect American history, and we must reject racism and self hatred of America from the radical left-wing. We have got to bring back American traditions to save our country.

There has been an increasing trend in the number of Americans seeking dual citizenship.

There are several reasons for the increasing trend in the number of Americans seeking dual citizenship. One reason is the globalization of the world economy, which has led to an increase in international travel, business opportunities, and cultural exchange. As a result, many Americans may seek dual citizenship in order to take advantage of these opportunities and maintain strong connections to their ancestral homeland.

Another reason for the increase in dual citizenship applications is the desire for greater freedom and flexibility in terms of travel, work, and living arrangements. Dual citizenship can provide individuals with the ability to live and work in multiple countries, access to social services and healthcare in both countries, and the ability to vote in elections in both countries.

Additionally, some Americans may seek dual citizenship as a way to maintain strong ties to their family and cultural heritage. Having dual citizenship can allow individuals to retain a connection to their ancestral homeland and participate in cultural and social activities in both countries.

Dual citizenship can provide individuals with a sense of security and stability, particularly in times of political or economic unrest in one country.

If you are really unhappy with anything in America, holding dual citizenship could be a good choice. lol. :)

There is a record number of passport applications in America. Americans are tired of left-wing radicalism ie self hatred of America…..and men playing in women’s sports, men going into women’s bathrooms.. The neo-conservatives giving our money away to foreign countries for their wars. The poverty, the graffiti the filth all over the streets of America.

I’m happier than perhaps I’ve ever been in my life living in Cambodia. You get the feeling when you’re in a different country of how bad things are in America. It’s an embarrassment. America is an embarrassment to the world today. Left-wing radical blm feminist policies are self-destructive and poisonous. They disgrace the old school traditional black and white Americans, who built our country.

We need to respect American history, and we must reject racism and self hatred of America from the radical left-wing. We have got to bring back American traditions to save our country.

Typical brand-new expat intoxication.
I remember going to work the day after Jimmy Carter's election and a fellow computer programmer who was a staunch Republican showing up wearing a black armband. He and the rest of us quietly went about our business and all were civil that day.

I blame folks from both sides putting too much trust in so-called political pundits for the change in attitude. And perhaps those "participation" awards our generation gave out may deserve a bit of the blame.
Sadly probably the most who leave America will be the ones who shouldn't leave, the ones who love the country but can't take anymore of the direction it's going in.

The ones helping the destruction of what America is won't go anywhere. They either can't afford to, lack the discipline and ambition to leave, or simply love to wallow in misery will stay.

I don't have the means to make that big of a change, but I don't want to leave because I love my home and country. I want to see it get better, I want a return to a time even just 40 years ago. I was born here, I was raised here, I'd seen America serve my family very well for generations, I fought for my country and I don't want to see it fail.
We're not going back 40 years, 50 years, or 100 years. Time goes in one direction. Instead of wasting time pining for a past that wasn't what you want to believe it was anyway, let's focus on making tomorrow better. As long as we remain true to our founding principles, we can continue to make a more perfect union.

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