Wait -- Obamacare isn't an issue anymore?

People are paying their Insurance rates, And most people like a lot of whats in ACA.
Like usual the right blows their loads early on because they dont wait things out to see if it works or not. They have the attention span of a fruit fly.

What would that be? Higher premiums? Higher deductibles? Less doctors? Less hospitals?
Longer travel time?
Oh, your talking about what the subsidized are saying, huh? Well, YEAH!!!!!!
Now get your feet back on the ground because if you are looking at the polls on the subject, you know your looking pretty foolish.

And how have you suffered personally from the ACA?
Hey, you got your government insurance now go stand in line for your handout
So many issues the Republicans can use against Democrats in November.
7 trillion in new debt
Lack of accountable for.
DOJ targeting reporters.
N.S.A overreach
Syria debacle
Ukraine debacle
And of course now the VA.

You left out the birthers.

And the Hillary brain truthers...

Hillary's brain is incapable of truth.

Obamacare is a massive failure. Premiums are up, deductibles are up, people have lost policies that they liked, they cannot use their same doctors, the number of uninsured has not been reduced, doctors are leaving medicine, hospitals are closing. It is a terrible piece of legislation that was passed in the most corrupt way.

The American people are not as stupid as you libtards think they are-------the dems will be punished for obama and ACA this november and in 2016.

Enjoy dems--------obama has destroyed your party. :lol:
So many issues the Republicans can use against Democrats in November.
7 trillion in new debt
Lack of accountable for.
DOJ targeting reporters.
N.S.A overreach
Syria debacle
Ukraine debacle
And of course now the VA.

This doesn’t make any sense, the mid-terms are this year, not a GE.

For example, the DOJ has nothing to do with Congress or Congressional elections, the same is true of the other phony ‘scandals’ contrived by the right, such as ‘IRS’ and ‘Benghazi.’

None of the above have anything to do with mid-term elections, it’s just more of the same GOP ‘gloom and doom,’ throw everything against the wall to see what will stick.

And if the right wants to play the guilt by association game, most of those ‘issues’ occurred while republicans controlled the House, by rightwing ‘logic,’ therefore, House republicans are just as responsible and should suffer the same consequences.
So many issues the Republicans can use against Democrats in November.
7 trillion in new debt
Lack of accountable for.
DOJ targeting reporters.
N.S.A overreach
Syria debacle
Ukraine debacle
And of course now the VA.

This doesn’t make any sense, the mid-terms are this year, not a GE.

For example, the DOJ has nothing to do with Congress or Congressional elections, the same is true of the other phony ‘scandals’ contrived by the right, such as ‘IRS’ and ‘Benghazi.’

None of the above have anything to do with mid-term elections, it’s just more of the same GOP ‘gloom and doom,’ throw everything against the wall to see what will stick.

And if the right wants to play the guilt by association game, most of those ‘issues’ occurred while republicans controlled the House, by rightwing ‘logic,’ therefore, House republicans are just as responsible and should suffer the same consequences.

Americans being killed in Benghazi due to govt incompetence and the IRS spying on americans for political purposes are not phony scandals--------they are real and will not go away. The truth will destroy the dem party for decades.

I do agree with you on one point-------everyone in congress shares some of the blame for the mess the country is in. They should all be kicked out and we must find a way to pass a term limits law.
Republicans will continue to run around trying to keep all their ‘issues’ plates in the air, focusing on what seems to be getting the most traction, having nothing to do with the merits of the ‘issue.’

Meanwhile, republicans offer nothing of substance, no comprehensive plans designed to address the real issues; they seek only to obstruct, attack, and divide the American people to promote a failed and partisan agenda.
Republicans will continue to run around trying to keep all their ‘issues’ plates in the air, focusing on what seems to be getting the most traction, having nothing to do with the merits of the ‘issue.’

Meanwhile, republicans offer nothing of substance, no comprehensive plans designed to address the real issues; they seek only to obstruct, attack, and divide the American people to promote a failed and partisan agenda.

More lies. The GOP controlled house has passed dozens of bills that would help the economy, but that asshole Reid has not let a single one come to the floor of the senate. The party with no plans is the demoshit party. Sorry, they do have a plan-------higher taxes on working people and free stuff for everyone else.
People are paying their Insurance rates, And most people like a lot of whats in ACA.
Like usual the right blows their loads early on because they dont wait things out to see if it works or not. They have the attention span of a fruit fly.

What would that be? Higher premiums? Higher deductibles? Less doctors? Less hospitals?
Longer travel time?
Oh, your talking about what the subsidized are saying, huh? Well, YEAH!!!!!!
Now get your feet back on the ground because if you are looking at the polls on the subject, you know your looking pretty foolish.

And how have you suffered personally from the ACA?

I've lost two doctors because of it, Carb.....two good Doctors, glad you asked. :eusa_whistle:
Hey, you got your government insurance now go stand in line for your handout

aren't you the one who lives on gubmint money, steffie? i'm sure not. *shrug*

jilly, get a grip. for sure you're back but you don't look intelligent anymore with this nonsense

you just look insane, shrill nothing more than a lying troll
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So many issues the Republicans can use against Democrats in November.
7 trillion in new debt
Lack of accountable for.
DOJ targeting reporters.
N.S.A overreach
Syria debacle
Ukraine debacle
And of course now the VA.

You forgot fast and furious.

Sorry hard to remember them all.
Yeah, it blows the mind. We can also add leaking CIA station chiefs' name as well.
Republicans will continue to run around trying to keep all their ‘issues’ plates in the air, focusing on what seems to be getting the most traction, having nothing to do with the merits of the ‘issue.’

Meanwhile, republicans offer nothing of substance, no comprehensive plans designed to address the real issues; they seek only to obstruct, attack, and divide the American people to promote a failed and partisan agenda.

More lies. The GOP controlled house has passed dozens of bills that would help the economy, but that asshole Reid has not let a single one come to the floor of the senate. The party with no plans is the demoshit party. Sorry, they do have a plan-------higher taxes on working people and free stuff for everyone else.

Instituting the New Slavery.
Republicans everywhere should encourage democrats to run on the winning issue of obamacare. Really hammer it. Every democratic candidate should remind their constituents how they voted for and supported obamacare.
Republicans everywhere should encourage democrats to run on the winning issue of obamacare. Really hammer it. Every democratic candidate should remind their constituents how they voted for and supported obamacare.

Most people weren't meaningfully affected by Obamacare and the number who were positively affected is many time the number who were negatively impacted.
Republicans everywhere should encourage democrats to run on the winning issue of obamacare. Really hammer it. Every democratic candidate should remind their constituents how they voted for and supported obamacare.

How many of them will LIE and say they didn't have anything to do with it and try to sluff it off on Republicans for it not working?

Republicans have come up with different plans to repeal and replace it...but that jerk Dingy Harry Reid just added it to the plethora of legislation from the House he NEVER acted upon.

The Democrats have NO ESCASPE from this. NONE. They will avoid talking about it. Their constituents should confront them on every townhall meeting or stump speech these assholes make and force them to talk about it. Embarrass the HELL out of all of them.

I'm sure the media won't report it though and thus that's a hurdle that must be overcome as well...
Republicans everywhere should encourage democrats to run on the winning issue of obamacare. Really hammer it. Every democratic candidate should remind their constituents how they voted for and supported obamacare.

Republicans should run on....I'm going to take your insurance away

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