On Ukraine/Israel Funding Bill Immigration Policy Should Be Included!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Senate was unable this week to get a war aid bill passed for the countries of Ukraine and Israel, the Senate Republicans blocked the bill by voting against it on a procedural vote. Overall, both the Democrats and the Republicans are acting extremely irresponsible about this bill by not seeing the other party's legitimate point of view. The Democrats are behaving irresponsible by not seeing the Republican's point of view in saying the Federal government is all worried about the violation of Ukraine's border treating it like a five-alarm fire but where is the same concern about the violation of America's Southern borders with hundreds if not thousands of people illegally crossing this border a day. The Republicans are behaving irresponsibly because they are not seeing the Democrats perspective which is okay Republicans the southern border is broken and so you want to improve or fix it okay Republicans understand that you are now talking about the illegal or undocumented immigration problem this problem that has been plaguing America for the last thirty-five years this mega-problem Republicans is a one where you Republicans have wants and we Democrats have wants so if you want to pass legislation addressing and improving this problem you need to compromise on the terms, that is, if you want some of your terms you got give us some of our terms, it is unreasonable that you treat Ukraine funding as this magic wand where if you agree to such then you get to advance your side of the immigration issue and forget our side of the issue!

The ground rules here that the Republicans need to accept is that the immigration problem is so gargantuan that you're not going to solve it with this current legislation effort the best that these negotiations can likely produce is too bring the flow of people illegally immigrating into American back from the present crisis level! From what has been reported in the media the Senate negotiators are largely in agreement that the eligibility standard for people applying for the asylum program from a practical standpoint is a joke most people seeking to enter America through this program are just seeking a better life they are not in some unique danger of being subject to violence and the media reports the negotiators have agreed to some policies that will ameliorate this subversion of the amnesty program. The media reports that the state of negotiations for other issues on the immigration problem is at a logjam! The following is some fair policy proposals.

Okay, the Federal government is not going to be able to hold all immigrants applying to enter the country through the asylum program there is just too many it would be too costly and there is a Court settlement that happened many years ago where the federal government agreed to not hold families longer than twenty days which is not long enough for asylum seekers because their case won't he heard that quickly. There has been floated by the Republican side to hold asylum seekers at army bases; that is an idea that provides a genesis for some good policy on the issue. How about requiring holding "individual" adult asylum seekers at these bases and having enough asylum application hearing officers holding hearings at "these bases" so that applications can be heard within three months from when the asylum seeker enters the facility. For those individual asylum seekers that number more than the slots open at all these facilities the federal government gets to continue the current process where they give the immigrant a subpoena to appear at a hearing in the future to adjudicate his or her application and just release him or her into a community. So that these people at these facilities don't become victims of Federal government dysfunctional bureaucracy make the policy that if an immigrant at one of these facilities does not have his or her asylum hearing concluded by seven months from when that person enters the facility that person must be released from that facility, that is, treated like the no space asylum seekers be given a subpoena to appear at a future hearing and released. And so that pro-illegal immigration forces in our society and government don't deliberately malfunction this holding system that process asylum applicants to cause people to be released on this time condition policy Congress should make part of the policy that once the number of immigrants released from these facilities numbers over fifty people, nationally, for three months the Federal Government is restricted in the number of asylum applications it can permit to be pursued it is restricted for each month to the number of asylum application processed across the system the prior month so if the system is in this failing mode let us say there was twenty-five thousand asylum applications processed last month that is the hearing officers across the system heard the case and disposed of it or the applicant withdrew his or her application and went back to their home country well for the current month for immigrants appearing at the border seeking to apply for asylum the federal authorities would only be allowed to allow twenty-five thousand of such people make such an application after that such immigrants would have to be deported immediately because no asylum application is allowed for them.

Republicans need to stop demanding in the negotiations that immigrants appearing at our border seeking asylum having applied for asylum in other stable countries they passed through to get to America's border; this is just a dumb worthless idea because in these other countries the Republican Congresspeople want the immigrant to apply for asylum at these countries could not possibly grant asylum to this group of people because the numbers are just two large we have at least one million appearing at our border annually seeking to emigrate to America, these countries cannot absorb such numbers of people into their economy. What both the Republicans and the Democrats need to agree with is that the country of Mexico is a problem here they are not acting like a good neighboring country here allowing the numbers of people to pass through their country and seek to illegally emigrate into the United States; Congress and the President need to get serious with the government of Mexico over this matter and lay down some tough consequences these pass through numbers either go way down or Mexico is going to face extremely painful economic consequences, the compromise here should give the President power to enact tariffs on Mexico exports to get compliance here and on the flip side the compromise should give yearly for the indefinite future the President a significant size fund for the American government to pay a sizable portion of the tab like around a third that the Mexico government has to incur to largely stop and deal with this illegal immigration flow coming up from south of Mexico. The Mexican government should not bear any concern that in shutting down their southern border to illegal emigration they are blocking immigrants from exercising legitimate asylum claims because people from other countries don't have to appear at America's border to exercise an asylum claim they can contact the Secretary of Homeland Security and ask for immigration parole based on humanitarian grounds, there is a clear program for legitimate asylum seekers. One last thing with the Mexican government they need to be persuaded that they have to grow a conscience on this issue if they are going to allow a hundred plus thousand people a year pass through their country and appear at America's border claiming a legitimate case for asylum they are going to have to help America process such claims in so far as housing a lot of these applicants. The compromise should require the country of Mexico to house a large portion of the asylum seekers seeking asylum in America these applicants need to be made to wait in Mexico for their adjudication hearing as opposed to having them released into America where they don't show up for their hearing and just become an illegal immigrant in America; again, the American government has to pick-up a large portion of the tab that the Mexican government would occur with implementing this policy.

The Democrats should acknowledge that the Biden Administration has abused the immigration parole system. Grants of large scale immigration parole for particular nations has historically been reserved for things like nation's at war where the nation's population has a credible fear of being killed in the violence or from natural disasters where the natural disaster has caused such destruction that a large portion of the nation's population has their life or health in real danger from the occurrence.
The example that embodies this Biden abuse is the policy of granting immigration parole to thirty-thousand people per month from four specific countries; Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. What is going on here is just an end run around the essence of America's immigration system which is that you have to get a visa to come to America and if you don't there is a few exceptions but otherwise you get deported. The Biden Administration's large scale grant of immigration parole here is just a mechanism to spare the vast majority of people from these four countries in this program from facing America's deportation system which they would experience without this program. The compromise should shut down this program and ban any program like it for five year; for the people already granted parole through this program allow them to renew their parole for a total of six years then they must leave America unless they qualify for another immigration program.

These Republicans that are complaining about America granting legal status to Ukrainian refugees are a disgrace; these people are fleeing a war where the aggressor, Vladimir Putin and his army, has made it crystal clear through aerial bombardment that he is trying to terrorize the Ukrainian civilian population so they will sue for peace and allow him to steal Ukrainian land his army now occupies! Long held American values call for helping such refugees! If the compromise bans large scale national immigration parole for five years all such Ukrainians and Afghanis allowed into the country through such programs should be provided legal status going forward through the Temporary Protected Status program that is the historical program used to give legal status to war refugees.

If all of the aforementioned proposals are adopted in the compromise, the Democrats would be going a long way in compromising on this overall subject of the Immigration Problem in America. The Republicans should reciprocate and give the Democrats one of their big wants on this issue; what's called for is giving them their DACA want. DACA stands for Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals it refers to children who were brought to America illegally by their parents who came here illegally and such children are now adults and do not have legal status and are unfamiliar with their birth countries some don't speak their native language and the equities overwhelmingly call for not deporting them back to their birth countries. The Republicans should agree to give anyone approved into the existing DACA program a green card where they can immediately apply for citizenship if they wish. This is a just policy move and one most Americans agree with!

One final point, in the public discussion on immigration it is often spoken about members of Congress who are for Open Borders like that is a defensible or legitimate policy position. It isn't a defensible or legitimate policy, people that hold such policy views are egregiously short in patriotism and unequivocally don't deserve to be a member of Congress, hold a seat on the Supreme Court, hold the office of President or any significant political leadership role in America. Open Borders means death to the ethnic and cultural melting pot character of America and the abundant fruit that brings America and Open Borders mean a significant degradation of the quality of life for ordinary Americans as the significantly higher population that such policy brings impedes and impairs movement by Americans and taxes its resources just to mention some of the reasons why an Open Borders is the most extreme betrayal policy!
The Senate was unable this week to get a war aid bill passed for the countries of Ukraine and Israel, the Senate Republicans blocked the bill by voting against it on a procedural vote. Overall, both the Democrats and the Republicans are acting extremely irresponsible about this bill by not seeing the other party's legitimate point of view. The Democrats are behaving irresponsible by not seeing the Republican's point of view in saying the Federal government is all worried about the violation of Ukraine's border treating it like a five-alarm fire but where is the same concern about the violation of America's Southern borders with hundreds if not thousands of people illegally crossing this border a day. The Republicans are behaving irresponsibly because they are not seeing the Democrats perspective which is okay Republicans the southern border is broken and so you want to improve or fix it okay Republicans understand that you are now talking about the illegal or undocumented immigration problem this problem that has been plaguing America for the last thirty-five years this mega-problem Republicans is a one where you Republicans have wants and we Democrats have wants so if you want to pass legislation addressing and improving this problem you need to compromise on the terms, that is, if you want some of your terms you got give us some of our terms, it is unreasonable that you treat Ukraine funding as this magic wand where if you agree to such then you get to advance your side of the immigration issue and forget our side of the issue!

The ground rules here that the Republicans need to accept is that the immigration problem is so gargantuan that you're not going to solve it with this current legislation effort the best that these negotiations can likely produce is too bring the flow of people illegally immigrating into American back from the present crisis level! From what has been reported in the media the Senate negotiators are largely in agreement that the eligibility standard for people applying for the asylum program from a practical standpoint is a joke most people seeking to enter America through this program are just seeking a better life they are not in some unique danger of being subject to violence and the media reports the negotiators have agreed to some policies that will ameliorate this subversion of the amnesty program. The media reports that the state of negotiations for other issues on the immigration problem is at a logjam! The following is some fair policy proposals.

Okay, the Federal government is not going to be able to hold all immigrants applying to enter the country through the asylum program there is just too many it would be too costly and there is a Court settlement that happened many years ago where the federal government agreed to not hold families longer than twenty days which is not long enough for asylum seekers because their case won't he heard that quickly. There has been floated by the Republican side to hold asylum seekers at army bases; that is an idea that provides a genesis for some good policy on the issue. How about requiring holding "individual" adult asylum seekers at these bases and having enough asylum application hearing officers holding hearings at "these bases" so that applications can be heard within three months from when the asylum seeker enters the facility. For those individual asylum seekers that number more than the slots open at all these facilities the federal government gets to continue the current process where they give the immigrant a subpoena to appear at a hearing in the future to adjudicate his or her application and just release him or her into a community. So that these people at these facilities don't become victims of Federal government dysfunctional bureaucracy make the policy that if an immigrant at one of these facilities does not have his or her asylum hearing concluded by seven months from when that person enters the facility that person must be released from that facility, that is, treated like the no space asylum seekers be given a subpoena to appear at a future hearing and released. And so that pro-illegal immigration forces in our society and government don't deliberately malfunction this holding system that process asylum applicants to cause people to be released on this time condition policy Congress should make part of the policy that once the number of immigrants released from these facilities numbers over fifty people, nationally, for three months the Federal Government is restricted in the number of asylum applications it can permit to be pursued it is restricted for each month to the number of asylum application processed across the system the prior month so if the system is in this failing mode let us say there was twenty-five thousand asylum applications processed last month that is the hearing officers across the system heard the case and disposed of it or the applicant withdrew his or her application and went back to their home country well for the current month for immigrants appearing at the border seeking to apply for asylum the federal authorities would only be allowed to allow twenty-five thousand of such people make such an application after that such immigrants would have to be deported immediately because no asylum application is allowed for them.

Republicans need to stop demanding in the negotiations that immigrants appearing at our border seeking asylum having applied for asylum in other stable countries they passed through to get to America's border; this is just a dumb worthless idea because in these other countries the Republican Congresspeople want the immigrant to apply for asylum at these countries could not possibly grant asylum to this group of people because the numbers are just two large we have at least one million appearing at our border annually seeking to emigrate to America, these countries cannot absorb such numbers of people into their economy. What both the Republicans and the Democrats need to agree with is that the country of Mexico is a problem here they are not acting like a good neighboring country here allowing the numbers of people to pass through their country and seek to illegally emigrate into the United States; Congress and the President need to get serious with the government of Mexico over this matter and lay down some tough consequences these pass through numbers either go way down or Mexico is going to face extremely painful economic consequences, the compromise here should give the President power to enact tariffs on Mexico exports to get compliance here and on the flip side the compromise should give yearly for the indefinite future the President a significant size fund for the American government to pay a sizable portion of the tab like around a third that the Mexico government has to incur to largely stop and deal with this illegal immigration flow coming up from south of Mexico. The Mexican government should not bear any concern that in shutting down their southern border to illegal emigration they are blocking immigrants from exercising legitimate asylum claims because people from other countries don't have to appear at America's border to exercise an asylum claim they can contact the Secretary of Homeland Security and ask for immigration parole based on humanitarian grounds, there is a clear program for legitimate asylum seekers. One last thing with the Mexican government they need to be persuaded that they have to grow a conscience on this issue if they are going to allow a hundred plus thousand people a year pass through their country and appear at America's border claiming a legitimate case for asylum they are going to have to help America process such claims in so far as housing a lot of these applicants. The compromise should require the country of Mexico to house a large portion of the asylum seekers seeking asylum in America these applicants need to be made to wait in Mexico for their adjudication hearing as opposed to having them released into America where they don't show up for their hearing and just become an illegal immigrant in America; again, the American government has to pick-up a large portion of the tab that the Mexican government would occur with implementing this policy.

The Democrats should acknowledge that the Biden Administration has abused the immigration parole system. Grants of large scale immigration parole for particular nations has historically been reserved for things like nation's at war where the nation's population has a credible fear of being killed in the violence or from natural disasters where the natural disaster has caused such destruction that a large portion of the nation's population has their life or health in real danger from the occurrence.
The example that embodies this Biden abuse is the policy of granting immigration parole to thirty-thousand people per month from four specific countries; Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. What is going on here is just an end run around the essence of America's immigration system which is that you have to get a visa to come to America and if you don't there is a few exceptions but otherwise you get deported. The Biden Administration's large scale grant of immigration parole here is just a mechanism to spare the vast majority of people from these four countries in this program from facing America's deportation system which they would experience without this program. The compromise should shut down this program and ban any program like it for five year; for the people already granted parole through this program allow them to renew their parole for a total of six years then they must leave America unless they qualify for another immigration program.

These Republicans that are complaining about America granting legal status to Ukrainian refugees are a disgrace; these people are fleeing a war where the aggressor, Vladimir Putin and his army, has made it crystal clear through aerial bombardment that he is trying to terrorize the Ukrainian civilian population so they will sue for peace and allow him to steal Ukrainian land his army now occupies! Long held American values call for helping such refugees! If the compromise bans large scale national immigration parole for five years all such Ukrainians and Afghanis allowed into the country through such programs should be provided legal status going forward through the Temporary Protected Status program that is the historical program used to give legal status to war refugees.

If all of the aforementioned proposals are adopted in the compromise, the Democrats would be going a long way in compromising on this overall subject of the Immigration Problem in America. The Republicans should reciprocate and give the Democrats one of their big wants on this issue; what's called for is giving them their DACA want. DACA stands for Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals it refers to children who were brought to America illegally by their parents who came here illegally and such children are now adults and do not have legal status and are unfamiliar with their birth countries some don't speak their native language and the equities overwhelmingly call for not deporting them back to their birth countries. The Republicans should agree to give anyone approved into the existing DACA program a green card where they can immediately apply for citizenship if they wish. This is a just policy move and one most Americans agree with!

One final point, in the public discussion on immigration it is often spoken about members of Congress who are for Open Borders like that is a defensible or legitimate policy position. It isn't a defensible or legitimate policy, people that hold such policy views are egregiously short in patriotism and unequivocally don't deserve to be a member of Congress, hold a seat on the Supreme Court, hold the office of President or any significant political leadership role in America. Open Borders means death to the ethnic and cultural melting pot character of America and the abundant fruit that brings America and Open Borders mean a significant degradation of the quality of life for ordinary Americans as the significantly higher population that such policy brings impedes and impairs movement by Americans and taxes its resources just to mention some of the reasons why an Open Borders is the most extreme betrayal policy!
Let's see, you want funding for Ukraine, funding for Israel AND funding for immigration...not seeing much, if any, compromise. Sounds more like typical Democrat BS.
We had a TV prog over here titled Pie in the Sky .

That did not last either .
The Senate was unable this week to get a war aid bill passed for the countries of Ukraine and Israel, the Senate Republicans blocked the bill by voting against it on a procedural vote. Overall, both the Democrats and the Republicans are acting extremely irresponsible



Republicans said they will continue the Ukrainian aid boondoggle if Democrats protect our own border.

That's it.

And most Americans want that.

In poll after poll after poll.

It's an overwhelming consensus.

And it ain't complicated.

Dems don't want to protect our own country, with record breaking amounts of foreign aliens illegally pouring in from all over the globe.

DC Dems are despicable, traitorous scum beholden to China and the WEF.

And they can't take yes for an answer on Ukraine, if it means we dare help out American for once.

And that's it.
The Senate was unable this week to get a war aid bill passed for the countries of Ukraine and Israel, the Senate Republicans blocked the bill by voting against it on a procedural vote. Overall, both the Democrats and the Republicans are acting extremely irresponsible about this bill by not seeing the other party's legitimate point of view. The Democrats are behaving irresponsible by not seeing the Republican's point of view in saying the Federal government is all worried about the violation of Ukraine's border treating it like a five-alarm fire but where is the same concern about the violation of America's Southern borders with hundreds if not thousands of people illegally crossing this border a day. The Republicans are behaving irresponsibly because they are not seeing the Democrats perspective which is okay Republicans the southern border is broken and so you want to improve or fix it okay Republicans understand that you are now talking about the illegal or undocumented immigration problem this problem that has been plaguing America for the last thirty-five years this mega-problem Republicans is a one where you Republicans have wants and we Democrats have wants so if you want to pass legislation addressing and improving this problem you need to compromise on the terms, that is, if you want some of your terms you got give us some of our terms, it is unreasonable that you treat Ukraine funding as this magic wand where if you agree to such then you get to advance your side of the immigration issue and forget our side of the issue!

The ground rules here that the Republicans need to accept is that the immigration problem is so gargantuan that you're not going to solve it with this current legislation effort the best that these negotiations can likely produce is too bring the flow of people illegally immigrating into American back from the present crisis level! From what has been reported in the media the Senate negotiators are largely in agreement that the eligibility standard for people applying for the asylum program from a practical standpoint is a joke most people seeking to enter America through this program are just seeking a better life they are not in some unique danger of being subject to violence and the media reports the negotiators have agreed to some policies that will ameliorate this subversion of the amnesty program. The media reports that the state of negotiations for other issues on the immigration problem is at a logjam! The following is some fair policy proposals.

Okay, the Federal government is not going to be able to hold all immigrants applying to enter the country through the asylum program there is just too many it would be too costly and there is a Court settlement that happened many years ago where the federal government agreed to not hold families longer than twenty days which is not long enough for asylum seekers because their case won't he heard that quickly. There has been floated by the Republican side to hold asylum seekers at army bases; that is an idea that provides a genesis for some good policy on the issue. How about requiring holding "individual" adult asylum seekers at these bases and having enough asylum application hearing officers holding hearings at "these bases" so that applications can be heard within three months from when the asylum seeker enters the facility. For those individual asylum seekers that number more than the slots open at all these facilities the federal government gets to continue the current process where they give the immigrant a subpoena to appear at a hearing in the future to adjudicate his or her application and just release him or her into a community. So that these people at these facilities don't become victims of Federal government dysfunctional bureaucracy make the policy that if an immigrant at one of these facilities does not have his or her asylum hearing concluded by seven months from when that person enters the facility that person must be released from that facility, that is, treated like the no space asylum seekers be given a subpoena to appear at a future hearing and released. And so that pro-illegal immigration forces in our society and government don't deliberately malfunction this holding system that process asylum applicants to cause people to be released on this time condition policy Congress should make part of the policy that once the number of immigrants released from these facilities numbers over fifty people, nationally, for three months the Federal Government is restricted in the number of asylum applications it can permit to be pursued it is restricted for each month to the number of asylum application processed across the system the prior month so if the system is in this failing mode let us say there was twenty-five thousand asylum applications processed last month that is the hearing officers across the system heard the case and disposed of it or the applicant withdrew his or her application and went back to their home country well for the current month for immigrants appearing at the border seeking to apply for asylum the federal authorities would only be allowed to allow twenty-five thousand of such people make such an application after that such immigrants would have to be deported immediately because no asylum application is allowed for them.

Republicans need to stop demanding in the negotiations that immigrants appearing at our border seeking asylum having applied for asylum in other stable countries they passed through to get to America's border; this is just a dumb worthless idea because in these other countries the Republican Congresspeople want the immigrant to apply for asylum at these countries could not possibly grant asylum to this group of people because the numbers are just two large we have at least one million appearing at our border annually seeking to emigrate to America, these countries cannot absorb such numbers of people into their economy. What both the Republicans and the Democrats need to agree with is that the country of Mexico is a problem here they are not acting like a good neighboring country here allowing the numbers of people to pass through their country and seek to illegally emigrate into the United States; Congress and the President need to get serious with the government of Mexico over this matter and lay down some tough consequences these pass through numbers either go way down or Mexico is going to face extremely painful economic consequences, the compromise here should give the President power to enact tariffs on Mexico exports to get compliance here and on the flip side the compromise should give yearly for the indefinite future the President a significant size fund for the American government to pay a sizable portion of the tab like around a third that the Mexico government has to incur to largely stop and deal with this illegal immigration flow coming up from south of Mexico. The Mexican government should not bear any concern that in shutting down their southern border to illegal emigration they are blocking immigrants from exercising legitimate asylum claims because people from other countries don't have to appear at America's border to exercise an asylum claim they can contact the Secretary of Homeland Security and ask for immigration parole based on humanitarian grounds, there is a clear program for legitimate asylum seekers. One last thing with the Mexican government they need to be persuaded that they have to grow a conscience on this issue if they are going to allow a hundred plus thousand people a year pass through their country and appear at America's border claiming a legitimate case for asylum they are going to have to help America process such claims in so far as housing a lot of these applicants. The compromise should require the country of Mexico to house a large portion of the asylum seekers seeking asylum in America these applicants need to be made to wait in Mexico for their adjudication hearing as opposed to having them released into America where they don't show up for their hearing and just become an illegal immigrant in America; again, the American government has to pick-up a large portion of the tab that the Mexican government would occur with implementing this policy.

The Democrats should acknowledge that the Biden Administration has abused the immigration parole system. Grants of large scale immigration parole for particular nations has historically been reserved for things like nation's at war where the nation's population has a credible fear of being killed in the violence or from natural disasters where the natural disaster has caused such destruction that a large portion of the nation's population has their life or health in real danger from the occurrence.
The example that embodies this Biden abuse is the policy of granting immigration parole to thirty-thousand people per month from four specific countries; Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. What is going on here is just an end run around the essence of America's immigration system which is that you have to get a visa to come to America and if you don't there is a few exceptions but otherwise you get deported. The Biden Administration's large scale grant of immigration parole here is just a mechanism to spare the vast majority of people from these four countries in this program from facing America's deportation system which they would experience without this program. The compromise should shut down this program and ban any program like it for five year; for the people already granted parole through this program allow them to renew their parole for a total of six years then they must leave America unless they qualify for another immigration program.

These Republicans that are complaining about America granting legal status to Ukrainian refugees are a disgrace; these people are fleeing a war where the aggressor, Vladimir Putin and his army, has made it crystal clear through aerial bombardment that he is trying to terrorize the Ukrainian civilian population so they will sue for peace and allow him to steal Ukrainian land his army now occupies! Long held American values call for helping such refugees! If the compromise bans large scale national immigration parole for five years all such Ukrainians and Afghanis allowed into the country through such programs should be provided legal status going forward through the Temporary Protected Status program that is the historical program used to give legal status to war refugees.

If all of the aforementioned proposals are adopted in the compromise, the Democrats would be going a long way in compromising on this overall subject of the Immigration Problem in America. The Republicans should reciprocate and give the Democrats one of their big wants on this issue; what's called for is giving them their DACA want. DACA stands for Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals it refers to children who were brought to America illegally by their parents who came here illegally and such children are now adults and do not have legal status and are unfamiliar with their birth countries some don't speak their native language and the equities overwhelmingly call for not deporting them back to their birth countries. The Republicans should agree to give anyone approved into the existing DACA program a green card where they can immediately apply for citizenship if they wish. This is a just policy move and one most Americans agree with!

One final point, in the public discussion on immigration it is often spoken about members of Congress who are for Open Borders like that is a defensible or legitimate policy position. It isn't a defensible or legitimate policy, people that hold such policy views are egregiously short in patriotism and unequivocally don't deserve to be a member of Congress, hold a seat on the Supreme Court, hold the office of President or any significant political leadership role in America. Open Borders means death to the ethnic and cultural melting pot character of America and the abundant fruit that brings America and Open Borders mean a significant degradation of the quality of life for ordinary Americans as the significantly higher population that such policy brings impedes and impairs movement by Americans and taxes its resources just to mention some of the reasons why an Open Borders is the most extreme betrayal policy!

On Ukraine/Israel Funding Bill Immigration Policy Should Be Included!​

Wrong....There should be NO MORE funding of the meat grinder in Ukraine at all...No bargaining, they get nothing.

Shut down the U.S. borders as a stand-alone.
If all of the aforementioned proposals are adopted in the compromise, the Democrats would be going a long way in compromising on this overall subject of the Immigration Problem in America. The Republicans should reciprocate and give the Democrats one of their big wants on this issue; what's called for is giving them their DACA want. DACA stands for Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals it refers to children who were brought to America illegally by their parents who came here illegally and such children are now adults and do not have legal status and are unfamiliar with their birth countries some don't speak their native language and the equities overwhelmingly call for not deporting them back to their birth countries. The Republicans should agree to give anyone approved into the existing DACA program a green card where they can immediately apply for citizenship if they wish. This is a just policy move and one most Americans agree with!
DACA is a red herring by the Democrats. Do you really think they would agree to a secured border wall in return for it?
No money until AFTER the border is sealed AND the CBP has orders to keep it closed.

Shut down everything until after the border is sealed.
So should my car payment. Fuck overseas wars. Tired of paying for them and killing brown people.
No money until AFTER the border is sealed AND the CBP has orders to keep it closed.

Shut down everything until after the border is sealed.
Why not just shut everything down until Great Wall of America is done and abortion is outlawed?

Oh that’s right, because Republicans will get knocked the fuck out of power.

Those that strongly support Ukraine, many of whom are Republicans, clearly see who in American government is playing hostage games with broadly popular policy while Ukrainians are dying on the front lines.
Why not just shut everything down until Great Wall of America is done and abortion is outlawed?
Oh that’s right, because Republicans will get knocked the fuck out of power.

Those that strongly support Ukraine, many of whom are Republicans, clearly see who in American government is playing hostage games with broadly popular policy while Ukrainians are dying on the front lines.
1. Abortion is a state issue.
2. Biden is a traitor and his open border policy is letting in thousands of potential terrorists.
3. The US is broke. We owe $34T, that is $100,000 for every American,
4. We need to protect our border first. Let the EU pony up some cash for Ukraine.
5. The end game in Ukraine is to let them in NATO, their border is where it is now, otherwise we're just burning cash.
1. Abortion is a state issue.
2. Biden is a traitor and his open border policy is letting in thousands of potential terrorists.
3. The US is broke. We owe $34T, that is $100,000 for every American,
4. We need to protect our border first. Let the EU pony up some cash for Ukraine.
5. The end game in Ukraine is to let them in NATO, their border is where it is now, otherwise we're just burning cash.

BS, where were you with your "broke" songs when Bush and Trump were passing trillions and trillions worth of tax cuts and how come you don't think we are too "broke" to afford the Great Wall of America?

Republicans pulling the rug from under Ukranians weakens America's standing and would be a win for Putin's yet another imperialist invasion that will GUARANTEE more invasions, instability and YES, SPENDING.

You want peace and stability? Then you show that these sort of land grabs don't end well for invaders, that world's developed countries will not stand for it.
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BS, where were you with your "broke" songs when Bush and Trump were passing trillions and trillions worth of tax cuts and how come you don't think we are too "broke" to afford the Great Wall of America?

Republicans pulling the rug from under Ukrainians weakens America's standing and would be a win for Putin's yet another imperialist invasion that will GUARANTEE more invasions, instability and YES, SPENDING.

You want peace and stability? Then you show that these sort of land grabs don't end well for invaders, that world's developed countries will not stand for it.
1. Both parties ran up the $34T in Debt. Now we can't afford to pay the interest on that debt. We need to cut spending.

2. The wall is cheap, a few $billion. Ron Desantis agrees that we need to add a new Remittance Tax on money sent out of the US. That would pay for the wall and CBP.

3. What part of let Ukraine into NATO did you not understand? Burning cash we don't have is a stupid option, there is no end to burning cash. Let the EU catch up to us in spending on Ukraine until we can get them into NATO. The justification for the NATO option is the Budapest Memorandum when NATO members guaranteed Ukraine's security if they gave up their nukes.

This war is basically over. Politicians want it to go on as long as the checks get cashed
Zelensky better negotiate a peace or russia will own the whole country.... But Z has his billions invested in the west, so why should he care
1. Both parties ran up the $34T in Debt. Now we can't afford to pay the interest on that debt. We need to cut spending.

We can afford interest, don't know where you get your info from.
2. The wall is cheap, a few $billion. Ron Desantis agrees that we need to add a new Remittance Tax on money sent out of the US. That would pay for the wall and CBP.

It's not a few billion, you don't know what you are saying.

And what does any of that have to do with Ukraine funding except to hold it hostage?
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We can afford interest, don't know where you get your info from.
You type words with no proof. The graphs below prove you are wrong.



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