Wait -- Obamacare isn't an issue anymore?

aren't you the one who lives on gubmint money, steffie? i'm sure not. *shrug*

jilly, get a grip. for sure you're back but you don't look intelligent anymore with this nonsense

you just look insane, shrill nothing more than a lying troll

Your job is not public sector?
Thats what I thought too. Steph?

Republicans everywhere should encourage democrats to run on the winning issue of obamacare. Really hammer it. Every democratic candidate should remind their constituents how they voted for and supported obamacare.

Most people weren't meaningfully affected by Obamacare and the number who were positively affected is many time the number who were negatively impacted.

yep, Repub-voters here were never told by their one tv channel that 90+% of people in this great nation ALREADY HAD HEALTH INSURANCE :shock:
They are really hoping OScamCare is no longer a problem for their party

but, midterm elections coming and I hope they beat Democrats over the head with it and every other scandal, laws he's broken, EO where he's bypassed you the peoples REPRESNTIONS IN CONGRESS and then President elections in two years
Republicans everywhere should encourage democrats to run on the winning issue of obamacare. Really hammer it. Every democratic candidate should remind their constituents how they voted for and supported obamacare.

Republicans should run on....I'm going to take your insurance away

And the Democrats are running away from the truth...and that means YOU TOO dumbass.:eusa_hand:
So many issues the Republicans can use against Democrats in November.
7 trillion in new debt
Lack of accountable for.
DOJ targeting reporters.
N.S.A overreach
Syria debacle
Ukraine debacle
And of course now the VA.

This doesn’t make any sense, the mid-terms are this year, not a GE.

For example, the DOJ has nothing to do with Congress or Congressional elections, the same is true of the other phony ‘scandals’ contrived by the right, such as ‘IRS’ and ‘Benghazi.’

None of the above have anything to do with mid-term elections, it’s just more of the same GOP ‘gloom and doom,’ throw everything against the wall to see what will stick.

And if the right wants to play the guilt by association game, most of those ‘issues’ occurred while republicans controlled the House, by rightwing ‘logic,’ therefore, House republicans are just as responsible and should suffer the same consequences.

Really I guess you have already forgot that is exactly how the Democrats took control of Congress in the 2006 midterms doom and gloom and guilt by association with Bush. Nancy Pelosi told us the Democrats were going to drain the swamp and end the culture of corruption well the swamp is overflowing and the culture is as corrupt as ever interesting how in 2014 and likely in 2016 the Democrats are having the same tactics they used in 2006 and 2008 used against them.
They are really hoping OScamCare is no longer a problem for their party

but, midterm elections coming and I hope they beat Democrats over the head with it and every other scandal, laws he's broken, EO where he's bypassed you the peoples REPRESNTIONS IN CONGRESS and then President elections in two years

ummm..... you failed to answer the question: do you work in the public sector?
Republicans everywhere should encourage democrats to run on the winning issue of obamacare. Really hammer it. Every democratic candidate should remind their constituents how they voted for and supported obamacare.

Most people weren't meaningfully affected by Obamacare and the number who were positively affected is many time the number who were negatively impacted.

You have any proof of that or is it just wishful thinking?
Republicans everywhere should encourage democrats to run on the winning issue of obamacare. Really hammer it. Every democratic candidate should remind their constituents how they voted for and supported obamacare.

Most people weren't meaningfully affected by Obamacare and the number who were positively affected is many time the number who were negatively impacted.

You have any proof of that or is it just wishful thinking?
Cabonated refuses to recognize the millions that had good plans only to be kicked off...and are paying more. But thern Carbonated defends failure. Liars are like that.
Most people weren't meaningfully affected by Obamacare and the number who were positively affected is many time the number who were negatively impacted.

You have any proof of that or is it just wishful thinking?
Cabonated refuses to recognize the millions that had good plans only to be kicked off...and are paying more. But thern Carbonated defends failure. Liars are like that.

they don't care about any of that...they get theirs free probably
You have any proof of that or is it just wishful thinking?
Cabonated refuses to recognize the millions that had good plans only to be kicked off...and are paying more. But thern Carbonated defends failure. Liars are like that.

they don't care about any of that...they get theirs free probably

Free to them...but payed for by the sweat equity of another. And these idiots talk of fairness. What's fair of being forced to pay for someone else you don't know?
Liberal idiots promoting obamacare in the light of the VA scandal....yes they don't get dumber than that.
Republicans everywhere should encourage democrats to run on the winning issue of obamacare. Really hammer it. Every democratic candidate should remind their constituents how they voted for and supported obamacare.

Republicans should run on....I'm going to take your insurance away

ya mean like Obamacare did to millions....thats your platform...try to keep up
Yeah it is. Just wait until single payer kicks in and everyone starts dying. Then we can revisit the discussion.

When is that going to happen? Got a timeline?

Is it a disease? Do all politically motivated, yet intellectually limited people have a compulsion to issue predictions that have absolutely no basis in reality?

Do you even understand that Medicare is single payer health care? How many people are dying as a result of having Medicare?

Everyone in politics are intellectually limited morons motivated only by money and votes. So yeah they are all a disease.
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Liberal idiots promoting obamacare in the light of the VA scandal....yes they don't get dumber than that.

The two are unrelated. One is single payer, government run healthcare. The other is private, for profit health insurance.


Obamacare will become single payer......there is no doubt about that. Even Obama and Kusinich wouldn't argue that point.
Some misinterpret the suggestion of shifting health care politics as equivalent to claiming the law’s approval is rising or that it is becoming a winner for Dems. But that isn’t the argument. Straight approval/disapproval on the law has essentially remained unchanged for years — with some fluctuations around the botched rollout — and it remains a net negative for Dems that must be treated gingerly in red states. Those of us who argue the politics of the law are changing don’t mean to suggest otherwise.

Rather, the point is that the fading of negative headlines — combined with mounting enrollment — are shifting the ways candidates in both parties are talking about the law, potentially allowing Dems to mitigate the damage they might otherwise have sustained from it and to fight it out on other issues.

There’s new evidence that this may be what’s happening.

Yes the politics of Obamacare are shifting. Here' s how.
Obamacare is still a mainstay in campaign ads, and conservatives unhappy about President Obama's signature health-care law won't let the issue rest anytime between now and Nov. 4 (or even after).

But as electoral wedge issues go, it's certainly lost its luster.

Case in point: A new George Washington University "Battleground" pollshows that, on the list of things that people think are wrong with this country, Obamacare actually ranks pretty low. As in behind-"other" low.

The poll shows seven in 10 likely voters think the country is off on the wrong track. But unlike other pollsters, it then asked a follow-up question about why people were unhappy.

Of the 70 percent who said the country was off on the wrong track, just 5 percent offered a reason having to do with Obamacare. In other words, only about 3.5 percent of all Americans think Obamacare is the bane of American existence right now.

Obamacare Voters are kind of over it. - The Washington Post
Hack article by CNN. 39% of Americans approve of Obamacare. Of course this issue is a winner for the GOP. I haven't seen one candidate run on the merits of obamacare.
Learn to read, dummy:

The latest CNN poll from early May found that 38% of people wanted to either replace the law or get rid of it. The results are similar to a CBS poll which found 35% of respondents said the law needs to be repealed, which is a far better billing than the 43% who felt the same way in November.​

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