Virginia Dems call for immediate ban on legacy admissions


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
I read a piece in the local paper where dems in the Virginia legislature are trying to get rid of legacy admissions at UVA and other Virginia state schools citing DIE.

Democratic lawmakers are seeking to ban Virginia public colleges and universities’ practice of providing special admission treatment to student applicants related to alumni and donors.

The proposed legacy admissions ban stems from the recent fall of affirmative action on college campuses nationwide. Since the Supreme Court ruled last June that race-conscious admission policies at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina were unconstitutional, schools in Virginia have already taken action to change their admissions policies, which have commonly favored student applicants who are white and are from higher-income families.

Why wouldn't you want legacy admissions as they are the ones that can pay their way and often follow in their parent's footsteps as far as being contributors to our society.

There's a family in my town that has been admitted to UVA since well before the Civil War and all turned out to be professionals and led very productive lives. One of the streets on campus is named for one of them.
I read a piece in the local paper where dems in the Virginia legislature are trying to get rid of legacy admissions at UVA and other Virginia state schools citing DIE.

Democratic lawmakers are seeking to ban Virginia public colleges and universities’ practice of providing special admission treatment to student applicants related to alumni and donors.

The proposed legacy admissions ban stems from the recent fall of affirmative action on college campuses nationwide. Since the Supreme Court ruled last June that race-conscious admission policies at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina were unconstitutional, schools in Virginia have already taken action to change their admissions policies, which have commonly favored student applicants who are white and are from higher-income families.

Why wouldn't you want legacy admissions as they are the ones that can pay their way and often follow in their parent's footsteps as far as being contributors to our society.

There's a family in my town that has been admitted to UVA since well before the Civil War and all turned out to be professionals and led very productive lives. One of the streets on campus is named for one of them.
My cousin played for MSU and my brother is a VP of a Fortune 500. He went to MSU too. You would think our last name would get my nephews in. It does not. Or at least they say it doesn't. They both got in to MSU. I don't know if the last name helps. Is there a place on the form that asks if you are a legacy candidate?

I think kids of alum should get in to their parents alumni. Or it should be considered. If you don't have the grades no but if you do, even if it's on the low end, your parents graduating from that University should matter.
I read a piece in the local paper where dems in the Virginia legislature are trying to get rid of legacy admissions at UVA and other Virginia state schools citing DIE.

Democratic lawmakers are seeking to ban Virginia public colleges and universities’ practice of providing special admission treatment to student applicants related to alumni and donors.

The proposed legacy admissions ban stems from the recent fall of affirmative action on college campuses nationwide. Since the Supreme Court ruled last June that race-conscious admission policies at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina were unconstitutional, schools in Virginia have already taken action to change their admissions policies, which have commonly favored student applicants who are white and are from higher-income families.

Why wouldn't you want legacy admissions as they are the ones that can pay their way and often follow in their parent's footsteps as far as being contributors to our society.

There's a family in my town that has been admitted to UVA since well before the Civil War and all turned out to be professionals and led very productive lives. One of the streets on campus is named for one of them.
Because they want to punish whites by denying their children a college education.

It is flat out anti-white racism.
There is some logic to giving a slight preference to the children of alumni (donations to the school not considered). A parent who has been there, done that, can help a student get through it without incident.

Of course, my comment harkens back to the day when attrition was a Thing. Now, once you get in, you will never be tossed due to academic failure.
I read a piece in the local paper where dems in the Virginia legislature are trying to get rid of legacy admissions at UVA and other Virginia state schools citing DIE.

Democratic lawmakers are seeking to ban Virginia public colleges and universities’ practice of providing special admission treatment to student applicants related to alumni and donors.

The proposed legacy admissions ban stems from the recent fall of affirmative action on college campuses nationwide. Since the Supreme Court ruled last June that race-conscious admission policies at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina were unconstitutional, schools in Virginia have already taken action to change their admissions policies, which have commonly favored student applicants who are white and are from higher-income families.

Why wouldn't you want legacy admissions as they are the ones that can pay their way and often follow in their parent's footsteps as far as being contributors to our society.

There's a family in my town that has been admitted to UVA since well before the Civil War and all turned out to be professionals and led very productive lives. One of the streets on campus is named for one of them.
I don’t think this will pass the SCOTUS. The Universities are allowed to make business decisions as to which students will bring in more donations with them (via their parents). It’s different than making race-based decisions.
I read a piece in the local paper where dems in the Virginia legislature are trying to get rid of legacy admissions at UVA and other Virginia state schools citing DIE.

Democratic lawmakers are seeking to ban Virginia public colleges and universities’ practice of providing special admission treatment to student applicants related to alumni and donors.

The proposed legacy admissions ban stems from the recent fall of affirmative action on college campuses nationwide. Since the Supreme Court ruled last June that race-conscious admission policies at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina were unconstitutional, schools in Virginia have already taken action to change their admissions policies, which have commonly favored student applicants who are white and are from higher-income families.

Why wouldn't you want legacy admissions as they are the ones that can pay their way and often follow in their parent's footsteps
Legacy Leeches Were the Original Affirmative Action Admissions

As the ruling class's agents provocateurs, Preppy Progressives want to make those who opposes Birth-Class Supremacy look like Neo-Communist nasties.
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I read a piece in the local paper where dems in the Virginia legislature are trying to get rid of legacy admissions at UVA and other Virginia state schools citing DIE.

Democratic lawmakers are seeking to ban Virginia public colleges and universities’ practice of providing special admission treatment to student applicants related to alumni and donors.

The proposed legacy admissions ban stems from the recent fall of affirmative action on college campuses nationwide. Since the Supreme Court ruled last June that race-conscious admission policies at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina were unconstitutional, schools in Virginia have already taken action to change their admissions policies, which have commonly favored student applicants who are white and are from higher-income families.

Why wouldn't you want legacy admissions as they are the ones that can pay their way and often follow in their parent's footsteps as far as being contributors to our society.

There's a family in my town that has been admitted to UVA since well before the Civil War and all turned out to be professionals and led very productive lives. One of the streets on campus is named for one of them.
Admissions should be based solely on academic and/or athletic merit
Admissions should be based solely on academic and/or athletic merit
Jock-Free Zones

All schools should divest themselves of sports, just like the Little League is a privatization substitute for grade-school baseball. Giving a place in the classroom to an athlete is as stupid as giving a place on the football team to a National Merit scholar.
Jock-Free Zones

All schools should divest themselves of sports, just like the Little League is a privatization substitute for grade-school baseball. Giving a place in the classroom to an athlete is as stupid as giving a place on the football team to a National Merit scholar.
As if a member of the football team couldn't be a member of the National Honor Society? Now we know two things you stink at.
I read a piece in the local paper where dems in the Virginia legislature are trying to get rid of legacy admissions at UVA and other Virginia state schools citing DIE.

Democratic lawmakers are seeking to ban Virginia public colleges and universities’ practice of providing special admission treatment to student applicants related to alumni and donors.

The proposed legacy admissions ban stems from the recent fall of affirmative action on college campuses nationwide. Since the Supreme Court ruled last June that race-conscious admission policies at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina were unconstitutional, schools in Virginia have already taken action to change their admissions policies, which have commonly favored student applicants who are white and are from higher-income families.

Why wouldn't you want legacy admissions as they are the ones that can pay their way and often follow in their parent's footsteps as far as being contributors to our society.

There's a family in my town that has been admitted to UVA since well before the Civil War and all turned out to be professionals and led very productive lives. One of the streets on campus is named for one of them.
I support that idea

The best should be first in line for admissions
I support that idea

The best should be first in line for admissions
The problem with that is financial. Without the contributions of the wealthy parents, tuition will go even higher. Then the only people who can afford to go will be the kids of the wealthy parents anyway.
The problem with that is financial. Without the contributions of the wealthy parents, tuition will go even higher. Then the only people who can afford to go will be the kids of the wealthy parents anyway.
Yep, and all schools, public or private, have to look after their financial wellbeing.

I'd say in UVA's case even more so because they are, in part, a state funded university. It's not wise to piss away money on DIE.

The fact of the matter is they don't make money, nor even maintain, with full ride "diversity" students, they are a net loss to the university.

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