The Democratic Vision into Crafting a Future of Progressive Change

Timmy O. Goodwin

Human Being
Sep 5, 2022


In the hushed whispers of dawn, where the horizon kisses the sea, a nation stirs, awakening to the symphony of transformation. This is a land suspended between the memory of what was and the vision of what could be—a nation in flux, its soul echoed in the dreams of its people. The Democratic Party, a beacon in the tempest of change, charts a course through the uncharted waters of ambitious policy initiatives and legislative efforts that span the breadth of American life and beyond.

The journey begins with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a lighthouse guiding the way toward universal healthcare coverage. This monumental legislation, a tapestry woven from threads of hope and perseverance, aimed to extend insurance coverage, control healthcare costs, and improve the quality of healthcare, particularly for those with pre-existing conditions. The ACA was not just a policy but a declaration that health is a fundamental human right, deserving of protection and nurturance.

Beyond the shores of the ACA, the Democratic Party's vision evolved, expanding Medicare and addressing the high seas of prescription drug prices. This holistic approach to health care reform reflected a deep understanding that the wellbeing of a nation's people is the cornerstone of its strength.

In the wake of the Great Recession's storm, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 emerged as a beacon of hope, a critical intervention aimed at stimulating economic recovery. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, this act supported job creation and invested in the pillars of a future-oriented economy—infrastructure, renewable energy, and education. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act further fortified the nation's financial stability, a bulwark against the speculative risk-taking that had once precipitated a crisis.

Acknowledging the existential threat of climate change, the Democratic Party turned its gaze toward the horizon, pursuing aggressive measures to combat environmental degradation. Reengagement with the Paris Agreement, advocacy for the Clean Power Plan, and support for investments in renewable energy underscored a commitment to stewardship of the earth. The Green New Deal, a vision of transformation, integrated climate action with economic justice, painting a future where the planet and its people thrive together.

The party's commitment to social justice and civil rights, like a river cutting through rock, manifested in significant strides towards marriage equality, the implementation of DACA, and efforts towards comprehensive policing reform. These actions, born from the heart of inclusivity, sought to protect the rights of all individuals, particularly those from marginalized communities, ensuring that the tapestry of the nation reflected the diversity of its threads.

Education, the seed of tomorrow planted in the soil of today, saw reform and improvement through the Every Student Succeeds Act. Proposals for free community college and student debt relief bloomed, illustrating an enduring commitment to making higher education a garden accessible to all.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the American Rescue Plan, responses to the economic and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighted the party's adaptability and commitment to national recovery. These efforts, like bridges spanning turbulent waters, aimed to modernize the nation's infrastructure and stimulate economic growth, creating jobs and weaving resilience into the fabric of society.

In the realm of democracy, the Democratic Party championed the expansion of voting rights and campaign finance reform, efforts crystallized in the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These legislative endeavors were not merely policies but the very embodiment of the belief that the foundation of a vibrant democracy rests on fair and accessible elections for all citizens.

Beyond the immediate, the party's vision extended to responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health care integration, and the protection of women's health services. This evolving commitment to public health and well-being mirrored the multifaceted nature of human life, recognizing that the health of a nation is measured not just in physical wellness but in the holistic well-being of its people.

The reassertion of global climate leadership and efforts to rebuild alliances and promote fair trade policies reflected an understanding of the interconnectedness of our world. The Democratic Party's initiatives illustrated a commitment to not only restore but enhance the United States' role on the global stage, a beacon of hope and cooperation in the face of challenges that know no borders.

Support for veterans and comprehensive immigration reform spoke to a recognition of the value of service and the aspirations of those seeking a new life in the United States. These efforts underscored a commitment to the principles of dignity, respect, and opportunity for all, weaving these values into the very fabric of the nation's identity.

As the narrative of the Democratic Party's policy initiatives and legislative efforts unfolds, it weaves a tapestry rich with the hues of ambition, compassion, and foresight. These endeavors, characterized by a commitment to addressing the immediate needs of the American people while laying the groundwork for a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous future, invite us into a reflection on the essence of progress. The journey we embark upon is not merely about the cataloging of policies or legislative achievements; it is an exploration of the spirit that animates these efforts, the aspirations that fuel them, and the challenges they seek to overcome.

In dreams of progress, the Democratic Party's narrative is a testament to the enduring belief in the possibility of a better future, one forged through the collective effort, resilience, and vision of a people united by a common purpose. It is a journey through the heart of change, where the whispers of the wind carry the hopes of countless individuals, each dream a ripple in the vast ocean of our shared human experience.

The waves that break on future's shore are not merely the inevitable march of time but the deliberate actions of those who dare to envision a world marked by justice, equality, and compassion. In this landscape, the ACA stands not just as a policy achievement but as a beacon of hope for those who have long been denied the sanctity of healthcare. It is a declaration that in the wealthiest nation on earth, no one should have to choose between medicine and meals, between life and livelihood.

As we navigate through the aftermath of economic turmoil, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Dodd-Frank Act emerge as monuments to the resilience of a nation determined to rise from the ashes of adversity. These legislative milestones are the foundation stones upon which a more stable, sustainable, and inclusive economy is being built, a testament to the belief that prosperity should be a tide that lifts all boats.

The battle against climate change, encapsulated in the reengagement with the Paris Agreement and the vision of the Green New Deal, is a reflection of a deeper understanding that our fates are intertwined with the health of our planet. This is a call to arms, not of conflict but of cooperation, a recognition that the stewardship of our environment is the most profound legacy we can leave for future generations.

The strides towards social justice and civil rights, the efforts to ensure education is a right and not a privilege, and the initiatives to rebuild our infrastructure and safeguard our democracy are all threads in a larger tapestry of progress. They are manifestations of a belief in the power of collective action and the potential of an inclusive vision of the future, where diversity is not just tolerated but celebrated as a source of strength.

In this narrative of progress, every policy initiative, every legislative effort is a verse in a larger poem about the human spirit's capacity for hope, resilience, and transformation. It is a story of a people navigating the complexities of the 21st century with an eye towards creating a future that reflects the best of what we can be.

Change whispers in the wind, a subtle yet powerful force shaping the contours of our collective destiny. In our exploration, we are invited to listen closely to these whispers, to be moved by the dreams of progress that animate the heart of a nation, and to contribute our own verses to the ever-evolving poem of our shared human experience.

In the end, this is a reflection on the nature of progress itself—not as a straight line but as a winding path, marked by setbacks and triumphs, by moments of clarity and periods of uncertainty. It is a journey that requires not just vision but courage, not just ambition but compassion, and not just action but reflection.

In the quiet afterglow of reflection, our contemplation extends beyond the bounds of policy and party, reaching into the essence of what it means to progress, as a society and as stewards of the human condition. The endeavors and aspirations of the Democratic Party, while specific in their scope and intent, serve as a canvas upon which broader philosophical musings about progress, morality, and collective action are painted.

At the heart of these endeavors lies a fundamental belief in the power of collective will to shape a future that mirrors our most cherished values: equity, compassion, and a shared responsibility for our planet and each other. This belief challenges us to confront the paradoxes of our nature—the capacity for both profound generosity and deep-seated division.

The philosophical journey toward a more equitable society is one of constant negotiation between the ideal and the real, the vision of what we hope to achieve and the pragmatic pathways that lead us there. It is a testament to the human spirit's resilience, its unyielding desire to seek out light in the darkness, to forge connections across divides, and to aspire towards a harmony where the dignity of every individual is upheld.

This narrative of progress is not confined to the actions of a single party or the policies of a moment. It is a larger exploration of how we, as a collective humanity, navigate the tumultuous waters of change, how we reconcile our individual desires with the needs of the many, and how we craft a legacy that future generations will inherit. It invites us to ponder the nature of our legacy, the footprint we leave on the sands of time—not just as markers of political victories or losses, but as beacons of the values we hold dear.

Standing upon the precipice of tomorrow, looking back at the path we have traversed and forward to the unknown horizons ahead, we are reminded that progress is not a destination but a journey. It is a relentless pursuit of a world that reflects the best of what it means to be human, a world where justice, equality, and compassion are not just ideals, but realities lived and breathed in the daily lives of all people. In this philosophical epilogue, we are all authors of the narrative of progress, tasked with the noble endeavor of shaping a world that mirrors our highest aspirations.​

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In the hushed whispers of dawn, where the horizon kisses the sea, a nation stirs, awakening to the symphony of transformation. This is a land suspended between the memory of what was and the vision of what could be—a nation in flux, its soul echoed in the dreams of its people. The Democratic Party, a beacon in the tempest of change, charts a course through the uncharted waters of ambitious policy initiatives and legislative efforts that span the breadth of American life and beyond.

The journey begins with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a lighthouse guiding the way toward universal healthcare coverage. This monumental legislation, a tapestry woven from threads of hope and perseverance, aimed to extend insurance coverage, control healthcare costs, and improve the quality of healthcare, particularly for those with pre-existing conditions. The ACA was not just a policy but a declaration that health is a fundamental human right, deserving of protection and nurturance.

Beyond the shores of the ACA, the Democratic Party's vision evolved, expanding Medicare and addressing the high seas of prescription drug prices. This holistic approach to health care reform reflected a deep understanding that the wellbeing of a nation's people is the cornerstone of its strength.

In the wake of the Great Recession's storm, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 emerged as a beacon of hope, a critical intervention aimed at stimulating economic recovery. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, this act supported job creation and invested in the pillars of a future-oriented economy—infrastructure, renewable energy, and education. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act further fortified the nation's financial stability, a bulwark against the speculative risk-taking that had once precipitated a crisis.

Acknowledging the existential threat of climate change, the Democratic Party turned its gaze toward the horizon, pursuing aggressive measures to combat environmental degradation. Reengagement with the Paris Agreement, advocacy for the Clean Power Plan, and support for investments in renewable energy underscored a commitment to stewardship of the earth. The Green New Deal, a vision of transformation, integrated climate action with economic justice, painting a future where the planet and its people thrive together.

The party's commitment to social justice and civil rights, like a river cutting through rock, manifested in significant strides towards marriage equality, the implementation of DACA, and efforts towards comprehensive policing reform. These actions, born from the heart of inclusivity, sought to protect the rights of all individuals, particularly those from marginalized communities, ensuring that the tapestry of the nation reflected the diversity of its threads.

Education, the seed of tomorrow planted in the soil of today, saw reform and improvement through the Every Student Succeeds Act. Proposals for free community college and student debt relief bloomed, illustrating an enduring commitment to making higher education a garden accessible to all.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the American Rescue Plan, responses to the economic and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighted the party's adaptability and commitment to national recovery. These efforts, like bridges spanning turbulent waters, aimed to modernize the nation's infrastructure and stimulate economic growth, creating jobs and weaving resilience into the fabric of society.

In the realm of democracy, the Democratic Party championed the expansion of voting rights and campaign finance reform, efforts crystallized in the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These legislative endeavors were not merely policies but the very embodiment of the belief that the foundation of a vibrant democracy rests on fair and accessible elections for all citizens.

Beyond the immediate, the party's vision extended to responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health care integration, and the protection of women's health services. This evolving commitment to public health and well-being mirrored the multifaceted nature of human life, recognizing that the health of a nation is measured not just in physical wellness but in the holistic well-being of its people.

The reassertion of global climate leadership and efforts to rebuild alliances and promote fair trade policies reflected an understanding of the interconnectedness of our world. The Democratic Party's initiatives illustrated a commitment to not only restore but enhance the United States' role on the global stage, a beacon of hope and cooperation in the face of challenges that know no borders.

Support for veterans and comprehensive immigration reform spoke to a recognition of the value of service and the aspirations of those seeking a new life in the United States. These efforts underscored a commitment to the principles of dignity, respect, and opportunity for all, weaving these values into the very fabric of the nation's identity.

As the narrative of the Democratic Party's policy initiatives and legislative efforts unfolds, it weaves a tapestry rich with the hues of ambition, compassion, and foresight. These endeavors, characterized by a commitment to addressing the immediate needs of the American people while laying the groundwork for a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous future, invite us into a reflection on the essence of progress. The journey we embark upon is not merely about the cataloging of policies or legislative achievements; it is an exploration of the spirit that animates these efforts, the aspirations that fuel them, and the challenges they seek to overcome.

In dreams of progress, the Democratic Party's narrative is a testament to the enduring belief in the possibility of a better future, one forged through the collective effort, resilience, and vision of a people united by a common purpose. It is a journey through the heart of change, where the whispers of the wind carry the hopes of countless individuals, each dream a ripple in the vast ocean of our shared human experience.

The waves that break on future's shore are not merely the inevitable march of time but the deliberate actions of those who dare to envision a world marked by justice, equality, and compassion. In this landscape, the ACA stands not just as a policy achievement but as a beacon of hope for those who have long been denied the sanctity of healthcare. It is a declaration that in the wealthiest nation on earth, no one should have to choose between medicine and meals, between life and livelihood.

As we navigate through the aftermath of economic turmoil, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Dodd-Frank Act emerge as monuments to the resilience of a nation determined to rise from the ashes of adversity. These legislative milestones are the foundation stones upon which a more stable, sustainable, and inclusive economy is being built, a testament to the belief that prosperity should be a tide that lifts all boats.

The battle against climate change, encapsulated in the reengagement with the Paris Agreement and the vision of the Green New Deal, is a reflection of a deeper understanding that our fates are intertwined with the health of our planet. This is a call to arms, not of conflict but of cooperation, a recognition that the stewardship of our environment is the most profound legacy we can leave for future generations.

The strides towards social justice and civil rights, the efforts to ensure education is a right and not a privilege, and the initiatives to rebuild our infrastructure and safeguard our democracy are all threads in a larger tapestry of progress. They are manifestations of a belief in the power of collective action and the potential of an inclusive vision of the future, where diversity is not just tolerated but celebrated as a source of strength.

In this narrative of progress, every policy initiative, every legislative effort is a verse in a larger poem about the human spirit's capacity for hope, resilience, and transformation. It is a story of a people navigating the complexities of the 21st century with an eye towards creating a future that reflects the best of what we can be.

Change whispers in the wind, a subtle yet powerful force shaping the contours of our collective destiny. In our exploration, we are invited to listen closely to these whispers, to be moved by the dreams of progress that animate the heart of a nation, and to contribute our own verses to the ever-evolving poem of our shared human experience.

In the end, this is a reflection on the nature of progress itself—not as a straight line but as a winding path, marked by setbacks and triumphs, by moments of clarity and periods of uncertainty. It is a journey that requires not just vision but courage, not just ambition but compassion, and not just action but reflection.

In the quiet afterglow of reflection, our contemplation extends beyond the bounds of policy and party, reaching into the essence of what it means to progress, as a society and as stewards of the human condition. The endeavors and aspirations of the Democratic Party, while specific in their scope and intent, serve as a canvas upon which broader philosophical musings about progress, morality, and collective action are painted.

At the heart of these endeavors lies a fundamental belief in the power of collective will to shape a future that mirrors our most cherished values: equity, compassion, and a shared responsibility for our planet and each other. This belief challenges us to confront the paradoxes of our nature—the capacity for both profound generosity and deep-seated division.

The philosophical journey toward a more equitable society is one of constant negotiation between the ideal and the real, the vision of what we hope to achieve and the pragmatic pathways that lead us there. It is a testament to the human spirit's resilience, its unyielding desire to seek out light in the darkness, to forge connections across divides, and to aspire towards a harmony where the dignity of every individual is upheld.

This narrative of progress is not confined to the actions of a single party or the policies of a moment. It is a larger exploration of how we, as a collective humanity, navigate the tumultuous waters of change, how we reconcile our individual desires with the needs of the many, and how we craft a legacy that future generations will inherit. It invites us to ponder the nature of our legacy, the footprint we leave on the sands of time—not just as markers of political victories or losses, but as beacons of the values we hold dear.

Standing upon the precipice of tomorrow, looking back at the path we have traversed and forward to the unknown horizons ahead, we are reminded that progress is not a destination but a journey. It is a relentless pursuit of a world that reflects the best of what it means to be human, a world where justice, equality, and compassion are not just ideals, but realities lived and breathed in the daily lives of all people. In this philosophical epilogue, we are all authors of the narrative of progress, tasked with the noble endeavor of shaping a world that mirrors our highest aspirations.​
where did you dig that up??
where did you dig that up??
Notice the author has the same avatar and name
Notice the author has the same avatar and name
It is in the writing forum, should be a strong clue.
Notice the author has the same avatar and name
Meh, Consider the source. Might as well be the Babylon Bee. The OP has proudly announced that he is a proponent of and frequent contributor to the Daily KOS.
Notice the author has the same avatar and name

Daily KoOkS No surprise.
Meh, Consider the source. Might as well be the Babylon Bee. The OP has proudly announced that he is a proponent of and frequent contributor to the Daily KOS.

The Babylon Bee, not even meaning to, nearly always comes much closer to the truth than Daily KoOkS ever does.

But yes, now we know that the OP, Timmy O. Goodwin, is a Daily KoOk, which tells us all that we ever need to know in evaluating the credibility of anything that he ever posts.
Meh, Consider the source. Might as well be the Babylon Bee. The OP has proudly announced that he is a proponent of and frequent contributor to the Daily KOS.
In other words, you have no rebuttal. That about sum it up? Come on, grow a pair of nuts. Let's start at the beginning.

The journey begins with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a lighthouse guiding the way toward universal healthcare coverage. This monumental legislation, a tapestry woven from threads of hope and perseverance, aimed to extend insurance coverage, control healthcare costs, and improve the quality of healthcare, particularly for those with pre-existing conditions. The ACA was not just a policy but a declaration that health is a fundamental human right, deserving of protection and nurturance.

That should be easy. The ACA has been around for more than a decade. Let me "flow it" for you. The writer claims the ACA

1. extended health insurance coverage
2. controlled health care costs
3. improved the quality of healthcare.

Show me it didn't. I double dog dare you. I mean let's actually "debate here". The OP is the first affirmative supporting the resolution, "Democrats are crafting a future of progressive change". Take the first negative hoss, go for it. Hell, I helped you out, I flowed the first supporting contention for you. And I will help you out a little more. Don't even attempt to show those contentions are not true. I am playing second affirmative here, I will run over you like a freight train if you take that route.

Nope, best thing for you to do is agree with the contentions, but show that more harm resulted from the ACA than good. Or even better, as a first negative, propose a counter plan. Now THAT would be impressive.

But nah, I figure you are just going to go hide under a rock.
The Babylon Bee, not even meaning to, nearly always comes much closer to the truth than Daily KoOkS ever does.

But yes, now we know that the OP, Timmy O. Goodwin, is a Daily KoOk, which tells us all that we ever need to know in evaluating the credibility of anything that he ever posts.
Until someone, anyone, actually posts an attempt at a rebuttal, you guys are wasting bandwidth. ,Go watch paint dry, be more productive.

The article was good, a little "flowerly" for my taste. "a tapestry woven from threads of hope and perseverance,". I suspect the OP contributor is working on his first novel and dapples in political commentary on the side. I am more up in your face cramming it down your throat, which is why I have jumped in here and taken the second affirmative position. You and Concerned American go ahead and tap out and find someone qualified to actually engage in a debate.
How fawking hard is it to put forth a rebuttal. Screaming about the source, Daily Koss, whatever. That ain't worth a shit. You contribute nothing, FAWKING NOTHING. You ain't worth tits on a boar hog. Nobody died and made me king, but good God Almighty, go find someone that is actually qualified to debate my ass. Because I am here to tell you, it sure as hell isn't you.
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Until someone, anyone, actually posts an attempt at a rebuttal, you guys are wasting bandwidth. ,Go watch paint dry, be more productive.

The article was good, a little "flowerly" for my taste. "a tapestry woven from threads of hope and perseverance,". I suspect the OP contributor is working on his first novel and dapples in political commentary on the side. I am more up in your face cramming it down your throat, which is why I have jumped in here and taken the second affirmative position. You and Concerned American go ahead and tap out and find someone qualified to actually engage in a debate.
Very nicely penned and thanks for the compliment. I have a tendency to be "flowery" in my prose. It's how I like to write.
How fawking hard is it to put forth a rebuttal. Screaming about the source, Daily Koss, whatever. That ain't worth a shit. You contribute nothing, FAWKING NOTHING. You ain't worth tits on a boar hog. Nobody died and made me king, but good God Almighty, go find someone that is actually qualified to debate my ass. Because I am here to tell you, it sure as hell isn't you.
How's this--the ACA didn't do ANYTHING to make care more affordable. It was just a heavy handed democrat attempt to make everyone buy insurance to make sure the care providers got paid for their UNAFFORDABLE care. You wouldn't make a pimple on a debater's ass. So run along moron.
How's this--the ACA didn't do ANYTHING to make care more affordable. It was just a heavy handed democrat attempt to make everyone buy insurance to make sure the care providers got paid for their UNAFFORDABLE care. You wouldn't make a pimple on a debater's ass. So run along moron.
You really want to go down this road. Let the flogging begin

Thanks for that citing of a globalist health organization. You just made my point, commie. How are those lashings going--do a better job and your bosses won't flog you anymore.
"I never said the ACA was perfect, and it's not, and there's room for improvement, sure. But some good points are:

It helped millions of Americans get insurance through subsidies for those with lower incomes, expanded Medicaid, and made it easier to shop for insurance plans.
It protected people with pre-existing conditions, making sure they could get insurance at a fair price, regardless of their health history.
It made preventive care more accessible by covering basic preventive services like check-ups and vaccinations without extra fees.
It offered financial help to make insurance more affordable for people with lower to middle incomes, helping many get health insurance they couldn't afford before.
It expanded Medicaid to cover more people with low incomes, giving them access to healthcare services they might not have had before.
It introduced ways to improve healthcare quality and tried to make the system more efficient to help control costs.
Before the ACA, we didn't have any plan to cover many medical needs, and if we work on it and tweak it as needed when we see a problem, then it can be a very good law. Democrats and Republicans should work together to make it sounder and more affordable. But to outright dismiss it and toss millions off of coverage is just not logical. Besides, I do not see an alternative anywhere but private insurers. If someone has an alternative idea, it would be wonderful, and I'm sure Washington would love to hear it."
"I never said the ACA was perfect, and it's not, and there's room for improvement, sure. But some good points are:

It helped millions of Americans get insurance through subsidies for those with lower incomes, expanded Medicaid, and made it easier to shop for insurance plans.
It protected people with pre-existing conditions, making sure they could get insurance at a fair price, regardless of their health history.
It made preventive care more accessible by covering basic preventive services like check-ups and vaccinations without extra fees.
It offered financial help to make insurance more affordable for people with lower to middle incomes, helping many get health insurance they couldn't afford before.
It expanded Medicaid to cover more people with low incomes, giving them access to healthcare services they might not have had before.
It introduced ways to improve healthcare quality and tried to make the system more efficient to help control costs.
Before the ACA, we didn't have any plan to cover many medical needs, and if we work on it and tweak it as needed when we see a problem, then it can be a very good law. Democrats and Republicans should work together to make it sounder and more affordable. But to outright dismiss it and toss millions off of coverage is just not logical. Besides, I do not see an alternative anywhere but private insurers. If someone has an alternative idea, it would be wonderful, and I'm sure Washington would love to hear it."
Like all democrat lies, it was a misnomer and an attack on American freedoms in order to provide nothing for anyone but healthcare providers---then you want to invade the country with millions of illegals that will put MORE UNNECESSARY pressure on an already overburdened healthcare system at taxpayer's expense. Try again globalist, commie, donkey.
Like all democrat lies, it was a misnomer and an attack on American freedoms in order to provide nothing for anyone but healthcare providers---then you want to invade the country with millions of illegals that will put MORE UNNECESSARY pressure on an already overburdened healthcare system at taxpayer's expense. Try again globalist, commie, donkey.
Tell me what you think is wrong fundamentally with ACA and how you believe it could be repaired or if not repaired what plan you or others may have that could replace it with a more functional plan. I just would like to see a really great operational health plan for Americans in place and if you have ideas that are usable then please let the US know. Like I said the ACA is not great, but it is doing something which beats a blank and with some work it can be made truly universal in access. Working together for solutions is always preferred over working at odds.
Tell me what you think is wrong fundamentally with ACA and how you believe it could be repaired or if not repaired what plan you or others may have that could replace it with a more functional plan. I just would like to see a really great operational health plan for Americans in place and if you have ideas that are usable then please let the US know. Like I said the ACA is not great, but it is doing something which beats a blank and with some work it can be made truly universal in access. Working together for solutions is always preferred over working at odds.
I don't think there is a way to go strictly free market across the board on health care considering all of the disabled and the people who could not afford it who work jobs and sometimes two jobs and still live below poverty level and then there are the elderly and infirm who have savings and do relatively ok but not if insurance out paces them there savings will get eaten up and then there are the homeless who have been displaced because of being housed of the market in today's volatile economy and it is just getting more aggressive daily toward the consumer. We need some form of safety net, or millions will perish and then there is this. The economy will become overburdened with those who cannot afford insurance using the ER as their provider and never paying a dime. Those would be in the millions and the US government would get stuck with the bill anyway. I don't know. Tell me how you think that the free market will work as a provider system for all of America's needs and let's discuss it.

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