Video Leaks of America-Hating Leftists Preparing to Infiltrate January 6 Protests


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Looks like john Sullivan wasn't the only lefty to lead the crowd in after the police invited the crowd to enter...

Today's dose of alternative reality.
That's the major problem with leftists......they're so brainwashed that even seeing it isn't believing it.
We even showed you guys videos of Biden bragging about bribing the Ukrainian government, and confessing that he is benefiting from the most massive election fraud organization in US history.
If it had been Trump saying either of would have been considered a bonifide admission of guilt. It would have assured that Trump was disqualified to run for POTUS. But you Democrats think you can get away with these constant double-standards.
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Attacking the source is what lefties do when they cannot attack the content
Who is in the video? Where did it come from?
Oh good, another lefty who does not dispute anything in the article.
I’m disputing that they “lead” anything. None of the videos depict such a thing and the article makes no contention. They didn’t enter the Capitol that day.
Why were lefties disguising themselves as Trump supporters?
Attacking the source is what lefties do when they cannot attack the content
Who is in the video? Where did it come from?
Oh good, another lefty who does not dispute anything in the article.
I’m disputing that they “lead” anything. None of the videos depict such a thing and the article makes no contention. They didn’t enter the Capitol that day.
Why were lefties disguising themselves as Trump supporters?
These guys did because that’s how they get them to talk with them. They’re satirists.

But they didn’t lead anything and they didn’t attack the Capitol.

They made videos for TikTok.
I watched the video. "Infiltrating" is nothing but dressing up like a MAGArat.

Show me those people entering the Capitol.

Show me them inciting violence

THEN you'll have said something

And don't give me shit about someone "dressed in black"

The Proud Boys admitted that they were doing that so they would supposedly look like ANTIFA
showed you guys videos of Biden bragging about bribing the Ukrainian government, and confessing that he is benefiting from the most massive election fraud organization in US history.
1). Biden bragging.......taken out of context. Try posting the entire dialog rather than a 10 second clip.
2). That is a massive fraud defense.........again, how about the whole story.

It is sad when all you have is a snippet because you KNOW this is a lie, but it is all you have.
Attacking the source is what lefties do when they cannot attack the content
Who is in the video? Where did it come from?
Oh good, another lefty who does not dispute anything in the article.
I’m disputing that they “lead” anything. None of the videos depict such a thing and the article makes no contention. They didn’t enter the Capitol that day.
Why were lefties disguising themselves as Trump supporters?
These guys did because that’s how they get them to talk with them. They’re satirists.

But they didn’t lead anything and they didn’t attack the Capitol.

They made videos for TikTok.
TikTok is China.
It's a good possibility it's genuine....because the Chinese want to expose the corruption and the criminality of the Democrat Party and the Republican Party. They want us at each other's throats.
But I only saw one TikTok video. The rest were OAN and Twitter cell phone uploads.
I watched the video. "Infiltrating" is nothing but dressing up like a MAGArat.

Show me those people entering the Capitol.

Show me them inciting violence

THEN you'll have said something

And don't give me shit about someone "dressed in black"

The Proud Boys admitted that they were doing that so they would supposedly look like ANTIFA
So now you're saying that because you admit it's happening you don't believe it happened?

That's a very confused and selective rationalization.
hahahaha, if it was really evidence they would taken it to a real judge in a real court of law, not the Kangaroo Court of Public Opinion.
IMVO----there is absolutely NO DOUBT in my mind that the JAN 6
INSURRECTIONISTS were a very very mixed bag------probably only a few
were trumpists
Attacking the source is what lefties do when they cannot attack the content
Who is in the video? Where did it come from?
Oh good, another lefty who does not dispute anything in the article.
I’m disputing that they “lead” anything. None of the videos depict such a thing and the article makes no contention. They didn’t enter the Capitol that day.
Why were lefties disguising themselves as Trump supporters?
These guys did because that’s how they get them to talk with them. They’re satirists.

But they didn’t lead anything and they didn’t attack the Capitol.

They made videos for TikTok.
TikTok is China.
It's a good possibility it's genuine....because the Chinese want to expose the corruption and the criminality of the Democrat Party and the Republican Party. They want us at each other's throats.
But I only saw one TikTok video. The rest were OAN and Twitter cell phone uploads.
Exactly where they upload them isn’t relevant. They’re making videos for the internet.
showed you guys videos of Biden bragging about bribing the Ukrainian government, and confessing that he is benefiting from the most massive election fraud organization in US history.
1). Biden bragging.......taken out of context. Try posting the entire dialog rather than a 10 second clip.
2). That is a massive fraud defense.........again, how about the whole story.

It is sad when all you have is a snippet because you KNOW this is a lie, but it is all you have.
I saw the entire video.
The second snippet cannot be taken any other way than how it appeared.
You seem to think that plain English is subjective.
Words mean what they mean.....despite your party's attempts to redefine the English language whenever it suits you.
Your party seems to think 'go peacefully to the Capital' means commit insurrection.
.because the Chinese want to expose the corruption and the criminality of the Democrat Party and the Republican Party. They want us at each other's throats.
That would be Russia that wants us at each others throats. Why do you think they supported Trumpybear? China has huge investments in America and the American Government and does not want to see it fail or fall into Civil War.
Attacking the source is what lefties do when they cannot attack the content
Who is in the video? Where did it come from?
Oh good, another lefty who does not dispute anything in the article.
I’m disputing that they “lead” anything. None of the videos depict such a thing and the article makes no contention. They didn’t enter the Capitol that day.
Why were lefties disguising themselves as Trump supporters?
These guys did because that’s how they get them to talk with them. They’re satirists.

But they didn’t lead anything and they didn’t attack the Capitol.

They made videos for TikTok.
Holy shit, this is incredible! When Trumpers went to the capitol, the only explanation was violence and insurrection, but when lefties dress up like Trump supporters, they are just making altruistic tik tok videos. You can't even make shit like this up!

Holy shit, this is incredible! When Trumpers went to the capitol, the only explanation was violence and insurrection, but when lefties dress up like Trump supporters, they are just making altruistic tik tok videos. You can't even make shit like this up!
Well, there were a lot of Trump supporters there engaging in violence. The QAnon shaman being one of them.

The two men in the link did not engage in violence. They didn’t lead anyone, as you claimed, and they didn’t even enter into the building.

Your thread is not based on reality.

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